The Greek-American

220 N. First Street
Wheeling, IL 60090
Volume 9 Issue 11
November 1, 2013
Inside this issue:
Special Points of Interest/Birthdays
Activity Happenings
Upcoming Events
Senior Spotlights
Rising Star
A Token of Appreciation
A Note From Our Administrator
Moments To Remember
Life Enrichment Calendar
Special Points Of Interest In November
11/2 St.Nectarios Church Outing
11/2 Catholic Service
11/3 St.John’s Church Outing
11/4 Jewish Group
11/4 St.John’s Church Visit
11/5 Creative Coloring
11/6 Bible Study
11/7 Orthodox Service
11/7 Outing to Goodwill
11/7 Greek Coffee w/ St.Haralambos
11/9 Circle Art Craft
11/12 CiCi’s Pizza Outing
11/13 Bible Study
11/13 Waffle Hour
11/14 Orthodox Service
11/14 Greek Coffee w/ Friends
11/15 Life Enrichment Committee
11/15 Crochet Club
11/16 Catholic Service
11/19 Live Entertainment
11/20 Bible Study
11/20 Outing to the Movies
11/20 Grillin’ Up Cheesy Goodies
11/21 Feast Day of Our Chapel
11/21 Orthodox Service
11/21 Greek Coffee w/ St.Demetrios of Elmhurst
11/22 Resident Council Meeting
11/22 Food Service Committee
11/23 Bingo Shopping Cart
11/25 Demetri’s Restaurant Outing
11/26 Make Your Own Teddy Bear Toast
11/27 Bible Study
11/27 Birthday Party
11/28 St.John’s Visit
11/30 Cooking Group
Mary C.
Mary K.
Toula A.
Pete C.
Frieda A.
Sophia P.
Regina S.
Sophia G.
Ourania A.
Catherine K.
Bruce S.
Nov 2
Nov 5
Nov 7
Nov 9
Nov 10
Nov 12
Nov 13
Nov 21
Nov 25
Nov 26
Nov 29
Those born from November 1–21
are Scorpios. Scorpios are curious
investigators and determined
executives. They are passionate and
rarely lose endeavors they set their
heart to. If you were born from
November 22–30, you are a
Sagittarius, the Archer. Archers are
not only confident but also lucky, so
they often find success. Their
enthusiasm is infectious, so
people often help them
achieve their
ambitious and lofty goals.
“Gratitude makes sense of our past,
brings peace for today,
and creates a vision for tomorrow.”
Activity Happenings ...
Welcome to the November issue of the Greek American Times.
In October, we had lots of fall fun in the cooler, crisper weather. We went on several
outings including, an outing to Didier Farms, where we walked through the pumpkin patches
and visited the animal farm. We also went on our monthly outings to the dollar tree for
some bargain shopping and Demetri’s Restaurant in Deerfield for some delicious Greek
cuisine. We also enjoyed an afternoon at Daniel Wright Junior High School for Senior
Citizen’s day. We would like to thank the students and staff at Daniel Wright for their
Outstanding hospitality and the beautiful program they planned for us.
St.Demetrios of Elmhurst invited us to join them on October 20th for their Inclusion
Awareness service. The service was beautiful and the Residents and staff would like to
thank you for all your gracious hospitality and for thinking of us. We look forward to joining
you all again next year.
Our Residents enjoyed a fun “OXI” day celebration party. We shared old stories,
listened to some Greek music and munched on some Greek sweets and spinach and
cheese pies. The day was memorable for our Residents and the importance of this special
day was not forgotten.
In November, we hope the weather stays cool and dry so we can enjoy some
outings to Goodwill for some bargain finds, CiCi’s Pizza Restaurant and our monthly outings
to the movies, and Demetri’s Restaurant.
Make sure to visit our giving tree and get started on some holiday shopping for our
Residents. If you have any questions or would like to schedule a visit please speak with
someone in the life enrichment department.
-The Life Enrichment Department
Senior Spotlight ...
Name: Maria P.
Where were you born? Greece
Former Occupation: housewife
Family: 2 sons
Favorite Activity: cooking
Favorite Food: pastichio
Favorite Music: Greek dance music
Favorite Place Traveled: Florida
What gives you the most pleasure in life? Spending time with my
What is the best advice you can give us? Eat healthy and take
care of yourself!
If I won a million dollars I would: Share it with my family
A Recipe From Food Services ...
Happy November Everyone!!! When most of us think of winter squash we think of pumpkins, but here is
another healthy alternative. Most winter squash are considered a starchy vegetable, however, spaghetti
squash is considered non-starchy. Spaghetti squash has 20-30 calories per half cup and is full of vitamin
C, B vitamins, and fiber per the American Diabetes Association. This vegetable is low in sodium and fat
and has no cholesterol. I have included a great side recipe from the by Rachel Ray to
incorporate to your holiday gatherings.
660 Lake Cook Road
Deerfield, IL
Phone: 847-940-0777
A special thank you to Demetri’s
Restaurant in Deerfield for hosting
monthly lunch outings for our Residents.
1913 Waukegan Road
Glenview, IL
Phone: 847-486-1988
Hours: Mon-Sun 6am– 4pm
Please support this wonderful
establishment with great quality food.
 1 (4 pound) spaghetti squash
 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
 1 cup grated Romano
Salt and lots of coarsely ground black pepper
To microwave squash, cut in half and seed. Place 1/4-inch water in a microwave safe dish. Place squash
in dish, cut sides down -- sides will overlap. Cover with plastic wrap and microwave on high power 13
minutes. Reserve 1/2 cup liquid in a bowl. Shred squash and add the "spaghetti" to bowl with liquid.
To boil squash: cut in half and scrape out seeds. Boil squash until tender, 15 to 20 minutes. Place 1/2 cup
cooking water into a bowl, then drain and shred the squash. Transfer to a bowl with reserved liquid.
Toss squash with reserved liquid and dress with extra-virgin olive oil, lots of cheese, salt to taste, and lots
of black pepper. Serve.
**If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Kellie Curran, Food Service
Director at 847-459-8700 ext 1024 or via email at
Upcoming Events...
A Token Of Appreciation...
To Whom It May Concern:
I have been receiving therapy at the Greek American home since mid-August. I wanted to tell you
what an outstanding experience it has been. My regular therapists, Marina Levit and Sandy Quintell
have taken me from not being able to get out of bed to being able to care for myself. Marina pushed
me everyday and didn’t let me give up. Sandy was encouraging and happy to see me early in the day
when I wanted to do the therapy. The work they have done with me is amazing. Leyla Mofleh, the
speech therapist, figured out a way for me to swallow comfortably while I was wearing my Aspen collar
and my cough got better. Over the time that I have been here, I have worked with most of the
therapists and they are all fantastic in their own way. One of the things that has been wonderful to
watch is the more experienced therapists training the new therapists. They are as patient and
encouraging to the new therapists as they have been with me. I also want to complement the Therapy
Director, Joellyn Schwartz. She always makes time to check on my progress and to consult with the
therapists about my treatment. She has created a wonderful team that provides exceptional care and
attention to every single patient in therapy.
John Secaras
Life Enrichment &
Memory Care
Wish List…
Fashion Jewelry
CD players
Portable DVD player
Handheld vibrating
Toaster oven
Waffle maker
*Please drop off any donations
at the reception area.
Rising Star Of The
We would like to congratulate
Adelaida Reyes-Pimentel from our
housekeeping department for being selected
Rising Star of the month for September!
Thank you for all you do and keep
up the great work!!!
Tips For A Healthier Thanksgiving...
A Note From Our Administrator...
Here are five ways experts recommend you can avoid overdoing it on one of the greatest food days of the year – while
still leaving room for dessert.
November 1, 2013
Dear Friends of the Greek American Rehabilitation & Care Centre,
Stick to healthy portions- Fill up half your plate with vegetables, fruit and a whole wheat roll, a quarter of it with mashed potatoes
or sweet potatoes, and a quarter of it with turkey or ham. And, the more colorful your plate, the better – so get lots of leafy greens,
carrots, bell peppers and beets in your veggie spread.
Eat before you indulge- Don't starve yourself during the early part of Thanksgiving Day, with the idea that you're just "saving
room" for all the food, or that this will make it okay for you to overeat later. It's a recipe for overeating, Sandquist said.
Substitute healthy ingredients for unhealthy ones- There are plenty of ways to make Thanksgiving fare healthier. For mashed
potatoes, mixing in chicken broth, herbs or roasted garlic to perk up the flavor instead of adding in butter.For green bean
casserole, swap out fried onions with toasted almonds for a less-oily alternative, and instead of having cranberry sauce, opt
instead to make a cranberry salad, Sandquist said. And for dips, use Greek yogurt instead of sour cream — the consistency is
similar, but yogurt has less fat and more protein, she said
Drink lots of water and take a walk after eating- By drinking lots of water throughout the day, you'll lower the risk of overeating.
It's also a good idea to take a walk after eating to get your metabolism going instead of laying on the couch, she said.
Avoid snacking throughout the day. Abide by the "out of sight, out of mind" mantra. Once you've filled your plate with food,
cover up the food and put it away.
**If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Nancy Wener, Dietitian
at 847-459-8700 ext 1064 or via email at
The holiday season is right around the corner and plans are well under way for all of the festivities to come.
Included in these plans is our annual holiday party for our employees that will take place on Friday,
December 14th.
Throughout the year, especially during the holidays many families ask if it is acceptable to give gifts to the
employees as a token of appreciation. Our policy prohibits employees from accepting gifts of any kind, however
we established a protocol that would satisfy our policies and procedures and gratify your personal requests. If
you would like to show your appreciation to the employees, we kindly ask that you make a donation that will be
applied towards the expenses of the holiday party (ex: venue, food, entertainment, gifts, etc.).
All donors are listed in the holiday party program book and acknowledged in the January Newsletter. Please
note, as a non-for profit organization your donation is tax deductable.
If you would like to make a donation toward the employee holiday party, please make the check payable to:
Greek American Rehabilitation and Care Centre and write “Employee Holiday Party” on the memo line. Please
drop off or mail the completed bottom portion of this form along with the check to my attention.
As always, we thank you for your support and honor to care for your loved one.
Best regards,
In the spirit of giving, we thought it would be nice to
make sure the holidays are special for each and every
one of our residents.
To participate:
Pick a name from the Giving Tree
Chose one of the three listed gifts to
Return the gift you purchased in a gift bag ( NO
BOXES PLEASE with the enclosed label
Eleni Ifantis
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Name: ___________________________________________
Address: _________________________________________
Phone # _________________________________________
Donation Amounts:
We will be labeling items before they are given to the
residents to make sure nothing gets lost and everyone
receives a gift, so please DO NOT WRAP YOUR GIFT!
We ask that you return all gifts no later than
Our Life Enrichment Department will pass out the gifts at
the Resident Christmas Party. Thank you for your
generosity and have a blessed holiday!
**For further details, please contact Bia Karlos, Life Enrichment
Director at 847-459-7000 ext 1044 or via email at
____ Angel- $1,000
____ Santa Clause- $500
____ Reindeer- $250
____ Snowflakes- $100
____ Ginger Bread- $50
____ Elves- Other (under $50)
To be completed by accounting office:
Date Received: ___________
Amount $___________
Check #___________
Greek American Rehabilitation and Care Centre is an Illinois Not for Profit
Corporation exempt under Section 501(C)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Moments to Remember
Greek American Rehabilitation & Care Centre
November 2013
1FL– 1st FL Activity Room
2FL– 2nd FL Dining Room
3FL– 3rd FL Dining Room
P– Patio
2FLTR– 2nd FL Training Room
2FLT– 2nd FL TV Room
3FLT– 3rd FL TV Room
3FLIC– 3rd FL Internet Café
*Weather Permitting
Birthstone: The Topaz
Flower: Chrysanthemum
Life Enrichment Calendar
Game/Talk Shows
10:00 Fitness w/ Music-2FL&3FL
10:30 The Scoop-2FL &3FL
1:00 Relax and Read-3FLIC
2:15 Crafts-3FL
3:15 Bingo-3FL
Greek TV 10am -3FLT
9:30 St. Nectarios Church Outing
10:00 Movie Classics-2FL&3FL
2:00 Catholic Service-2FLTR
2:00 Bella’s Boutique 2FL&3FL
2:30 Bingo-2FL&3FL
9 Perfect Circle Saturday
9:30 Outing to St. Johns Church
10:00 Morning Stretch-2FL & 3FL
10:15 Bingo-2FL & 3FL
1:00 Relax and Read-3FLIC
2:00 Afternoon at the
Movies– 2FLT
2:00 Greek Movie –3FLT
10:00 Light & Lively-2FL
10:30 Trivia-2FL &3FL
2:00 Jewish Group-3FLTR
2:00 St. Johns Visit-2FL
3:15 Bingo-2FL
3:15 League of Extraordinary
10:00 Morning Fitness– 2FL &3FL
10:15 Oasis Group-2FLT& 3FLT
10:00 Bible Study– CH
10:00 Creative Crafts-2FL
10:15 Game/Talk Shows-2FLT
2:15 Jewelry Making-3FL
3:15 Bingo– 3FL
10:00 Orthodox Service-CH
10:00 Fitness w/ Music-2FL&3FL
10:30 The Scoop-2FL&3FL
1:00 Relax and Read-3FLIC
2:15 Crafts -2FL
3:15 Bingo-2FL
10:00 Movie Classics-2FL&3FL
10:00 Morning Stretch-2FL & 3FL
10:15 Bingo-2FL & 3FL
1:00 Relax and Read-3FLIC
2:00 Afternoon at the
Movies– 2FLT
2:00 Greek Movie –3FLT
10:00 Light & Lively-2FL
10:30 Trivia– 2FL &3FL
1:00 Relax and Read-3FLIC
2:15 Bingo-3FL
3:15 League of Extraordinary
Gentlemen/Ladies Tea-3FL
Dinner time Hang-Man
10:00 Morning Fitness- 2FL&3FL
10:15 Oasis Group-2FLT& 3FLT
10:00 Bible Study– CH
10:00 Card Games -2FL
10:15 Game/Talk Shows-2FLT
2:15 Waffle Hour-3FL
3:15 Bingo– 3FL
Dinner time News Scoop
10:00 Orthodox Service– CH
2:15 Bingo-2FL
3:15 Greek Coffee w/
6:30 Wheel of Fortune- 1FL
7:00 Card Games– 1FL
10:00 Fitness w/ Music -2FL&3FL
10:30 The Scoop– 2FL &3FL
1:30 Life Enrichment
Committee –2FLTR
2:15 Crochet Club-2FLTR
2:15 Crafts-3FL
3:15 Bingo-3FL
Dinner time Trivia
10:00 Movie Classics-2FL&3FL
1:00 Relax and Read-3FLIC
2:00 Catholic Service-2FLTR
2:00 Penny Ante-2FL&3FL
2:30 Bingo– 2FL&3FL
10:30 Trivia-2FL &3FL
1:00 Relax and Read-3FLIC
2:15 Creative Coloring-3FL
3:15 Bingo-3FL
10:30 Trivia– 2FL &3FL
11:00 Cici’s Pizza Outing
2:15 Painting Club-3FL
3:15 Bingo-3FL
Dinner time Music Therapy
10:15 Oasis Group- 2FLT& 3FLT
1:30 Goodwill Outing
2:15 Bingo-2FL
3:15 Greek Coffee w/
St. Haralambos-2FL
6:30 Wheel of Fortune-1FL
7:00 Card Games –1FL
10:15 Oasis Group-2FLT& 3FLT
1:00 Relax and Read-3FLIC
1:45 Circle Art
Craft-2FL &3FL
2:30 Bingo-2FL& 3FL
20 Say “Cheese” Day
21 Feast Day of our Chapel
10:00 Morning Stretch– 2FL & 3FL
10:15 Bingo-2FL & 3FL
1:00 Relax and Read-3FLIC
2:00 Afternoon at the
Movies– 2FLT
2:00 Greek Movie –3FLT
10:00 Light & Lively-2FL
10:30 Trivia-2FL &3FL
1:00 Relax and Read-3FLIC
2:15 Bingo-3FL
3:15 League of Extraordinary
Gentlemen/Ladies Tea-3FL
Dinner time Hang-Man
10:00 Morning Fitness– 2FL &3FL
10:15 Oasis Group-2FLT& 3FLT
10:30 Trivia– 2FL &3FL
1:00 Relax and Read-3FLIC
2:15 Live Entertainment-2FL
3:15 Bingo-2FL
Dinner time Music Therapy
10:00 Bible Study-CH
10:00 Creative Crafts-2FL
10:15 Game/Talk Shows-2FLT
1:00 Outing to Movies
2:15 Grillin’ Up Cheesy Goodies-2FL
3:15 Bingo-2FL
Dinner time Poetry
10:00 Orthodox Service– CH
10:15 Oasis Group-2FLT& 3FLT
10:00 Fitness w/ Music-2FL&3FL
10:30 The Scoop-2FL&3FL
2:15 Resident Council
2:45 Food Service
3:15 Bingo-3FL
Dinner time Trivia
10:00 Movie Classics-2FL&3FL
1:00 Relax and Read-3FLIC
1:30 Dice Games-2FL &3FL
2:00 Bingo Shopping
Cart-2FL &3FL
2:30 Bingo– 2FL&3FL
26 National Homemade
10:00 Morning Stretch-2FL & 3FL
10:15 Bingo-2FL & 3FL
1:00 Relax and Read-3FLIC
2:00 Afternoon at the
Movies– 2FLT
2:00 Greek Movie –3FLT
10:00 Light & Lively –2FL
10:30 Trivia-2FL &3FL
11:00 Demetris Restaurant
2:15 Bingo-3FL
3:15 League of Extraordinary
Gentlemen/Ladies Tea-3FL
Dinner time Hang-Man
10:00 Fitness w/ Music-2FL&3FL
10:30 The Scoop-2FL&3FL
1:00 Relax and Read-3FLIC
2:15 Crafts-3FL
3:15 Bingo-3FL
Dinner time Trivia
10:00 Movie Classics-2FL&3FL
Peanut Butter Day
10:00 Morning Fitness– 2FL &3FL
10:15 Oasis Group-2FLT& 3FLT
10:30 Trivia– 2FL &3FL
2:15 Make your own Teddy
Bear Toast– 3FL
3:15 Bingo-3FL
Dinner time Music Therapy
10:00 Bible Study– CH
10:00 Card Games –2FL
10:15 Game/Talk Shows-2FLT
2:15 Birthday Party-3FL
3:15 Bingo –3FL
Dinner time News Scoop
2:15 Bingo-2FL
3:15 Greek Coffee w/
St. Demetrios of Elmhurst-2FL
6:30 Wheel of Fortune- 1FL
7:00 Card Games– 1FL
10:00 Morning Fitness-2FL &3FL
10:00 St. Johns Visit
10:30 “Give thanks”-2FL &3FL
2:00 Thanksgiving
Day Trivia-2FL &3FL
2:30 Bingo-2FL &3FL
All activities are subject to change. All changes will be posted on the large Life Enrichment Calendar on each floor.
1:00 Relax and Read-3FLIC
1:30 Cooking Group-1FL
1:45 Flip Card Game -2FL
1:45 Matching Card
2:30 Bingo– 2FL&3FL