Newsletter Week 8 Term 1 2015

42 Story Road, COWELL SA 5602 Ph: 8629 2150 Fax: 8629 2486 EMAIL: Website: 18th March 2015 ACTING PRINCIPAL’S NEWS
Dear Parents/Caregivers,
As part of the DECD and Cowell Area School
priority for Higher Standards of Learning
Achievement, each school site is expected to set
specific targets for growth in numeracy and literacy
as part of its improvement cycle, track and monitor
every learner’s growth, and implement changes to
practice that engage and intellectually stretch
Parent/teacher interviews are one way to inform
and involve parents in their child’s learning and to
track progress. These interviews will be held over
the next three weeks until the end of term and it is
anticipated that all student families will make a time
to meet with teachers. We are providing an online
booking system this year. This will be sent home
today with the eldest child and will have your log on
code for access to the system and the website
details. A link has also been created and will be
displayed on the school facebook page. If you have
any problems, please contact the front office.
Parents can also make an appointment by ringing
or sending a note to the front office. If the interview
times are unsuitable, please contact your child’s
teacher directly to arrange a more suitable time.
SAPSASA Softball
Congratulations to the following students who were
selected in the Central Eyre Peninsula team and
are competing against other schools in Adelaide
this week - Eboni Turner, Abbey Mills and Jordan
Lewis. The coach is Tanya Williams and Team
Manager is Jacqui Lewis-Couzner.
Tanya has provided the following update:
Central Eyre Peninsula def Western Eyre
Peninsula 14-6.
Drew with Kangaroo Island 14-14.
Won against Onkaparinga South 17-6.
Currently sitting equal second out of nine teams, so
the girls are doing very well with a couple more
games today and tomorrow, for which we wish
them all the best.
Kind regards,
Jan Burton
16-20/3 - SAPSASA Softball in Adelaide
- Year 8 Immunisations
- Governing Council AGM
- Interschool Sports Day at Wudinna
- Public Holiday
- Public Holiday
- Last Day of Term 1
27th January—10th April
27th April—3rd July
20th July—25th September
12th October—11th December
Student Absences As part of Cowell Area School’s Site Improvement
Plan we are focussing on improving student
attendance at school.
Non-attendance and irregular attendance can be
viewed as early indicators, of the potential for
disengagement from the education programme.
23/3—Liam Frost
24/3—Jai Gregory
26/3—Katrina Parfitt
31/3—Cody Cornelius
20/3—Jamie Smith
21/3—Vanessa Keen
24/3—Tayla Bastiaens
24/3—Ewan Starr
27/3—Rebecca Inglis
31/3—Sean Norsworthy
The absence from school can limit a student’s
achievement of essential knowledge and skills
required for effective participation in work,
relationships and families and active citizenship.
DECD and the school together with other government
agencies and the community share a responsibility to
support young people’s regular attendance at school.
The use of codes is essential to provide information
about the reasons for non-attendance.
The education programme participation data are used
for legal purposes, student welfare and achievement
purposes and school resourcing
Explanation of Codes used for a student’s absence
from school.
Code C: Ill with Certificate: Verified by a doctor’s
letter, doctor’s certificate, dentist’s appointment or
some other health practitioner’s communication
Code E : Exemption - Approved exemption from
school attendance by either the Principal (up to one
calendar month) or the Director, School and Regional
Operations, e.g. overseas travel or family holiday.
Code F: Family/Social/cultural - Absence condoned
by parent/guardian as being for family, social or
cultural reasons (not including family holiday). A
pattern of this code may indicate the need for
Code I: Ill without a certificate- Absence covered by
notes, messages or phone calls from parent/guardian
stating a medical condition or illness preventing the
student’s attendance
Code U: Unexplained- Student who is absent without
explanation by parents/guardian or school or another
authority (e.g. Families SA). This code is used for
students whether they are under or over the age of
compulsion. A pattern of regular use of this code
may indicate a need for intervention.
Bob Combes
Attendance Manager
Would you like to be involved in improving
and enriching our school community?
We are looking for some new members for
the Parents and Friends!
Who we are: We are a group of people committed to
bringing out the best in our school community and doing
what we can to improve it. We understand the importance
of the community involvement in education and our aim is
to work with the school to achieve the best possible educational experience for the students, staff and parents alike.
Our Goals:
• Promote friendship and support within the Cowell
community through social activities.
• Provide a forum for communication amongst members
of the school community.
• Help raise funds to support school programs.
• Support the staff & Governing Council in the pursuit of
improved educational resources, facilities and school
Cowell Area School Parents and Friends AGM will
be held in the Library on Friday the 20th of March
at 9.15am. We’d love to see you there!!
If you feel you would like to help out with any fundraising
we may do or small catering jobs every now and then, you
do not need to be a committee member. Please let Roanna
Frost know and we can put your name down as a helper.
Ph 0429133301
Duke of Edinburgh Award
Cowell Area School Sports Day
Congratulations to the following people who completed the
Duke of Ed Award in 2014: Brooke Curtis, Laura Walker,
Tamlyn Symonds and Alison Turnbull (Bronze Level) and Shae
McFarlane (Silver Level). Certificates and pins have been
posted out.
Thankyou to our community members who
supervised these students while they completed their
community service, physical and skill sections and their
adventurous journeys.
Students 14 years and older are able to enrol in the Duke of Ed
Award in 2015, please see me for a registration form and
details. For more information, refer to the Duke of Ed website
( or talk to me about it.
Last Friday, the Scorpio team won the shield at the Cowell Area
School’s R-12 Sports Day. Final Scores: 1st Scorpio 1345
points; 2nd Aries 1147 points; 3rd Taurus 1093 points.
Colleen Peters
National Youth Science Forum 2016
Are you in year 11 and studying science? Online expressions of
interest to attend the National Youth Science Forum 2016 are
now open.
Who can apply? Any year 11 student who is:
Interested in a career in science, technology and
Planning to do a science, technology or engineering course
at an Australian University.
An Australian Citizen or has permanent residency status.
Achieving good marks in science, but also has other
interests and skills.
Applicants don't need to be at the top of the science class, as
long as they can demonstrate an obvious passion and
commitment to science subjects. It is important that you have a
broad range of interests, both extra-curricular and academic.
Please note: A student's application must be endorsed by a
local Rotary Club as part of the application process.
Brochures are available by emailing or go to learn more.
Alert Cleaning & Maintenance Pty. Ltd., are currently in
URGENT need of a Relief Cleaner for at least until the end of
term—approximately 2-4 hours per week.
As Departmental regulations require employees to hold a
current “Child Related Screening Clearance”, a school volunteer
or SSO could assist us (with no waiting period).
Might this be you?
Cleaning needs for a Relief during this time could be simplified.
Area Manager: Glenette 0417 086 885
Site Supervisor: Peter 0438 819 391
Ice Blocks for Sale
Thursdays lunch times, $1– each
In front of the Year 6 room, proceeds to Year 6 class
Congratulations to Ned Linton (Taurus) for setting a new Junior
Boys 50m record of 7.19 seconds (previous record was held by
Jarrod Curtis, Taurus, 7.36s 1994).
Age group champions and runners up:
Sub Jnr Boy Kaden Magnay 53pts
Mac Cotter 23pts
Sub Jnr Girl Jordan Lewis 40pts
Ruby Linton 35pts
Junior Boy
Ned Linton 59pts
Sean Norsworthy 32pts
Junior Girl
Rhianne Carmody 40pts Caitlin Jeffrey 40pts
Shannon Jeffrey 40pts
Inter Boy
Callum Guidera 57pts Tyson Webb 22pts
Inter Girl
Lila Tonkin 36pts
Amy Oldfield 32pts
Senior Boy
Nathan Smith 26pts
Ethan Grigg 24pts
Senior Girl
Alison Turnbull 51pts
Holley Smith 30pts
Thanks to everyone who helped out with the carnival.
Congratulations to all who achieved personal bests and to the
Scorpio team. Well done to House Leaders for their organisation
and leadership. Thanks to everyone who came and supported
our students. The Interschool Sports Carnival will be held at
Wudinna on Thursday 26th March. Alison Turnbull and Nathan
Smith will be our school captains. The Interschool Sports Team
has been selected and consent forms, sent home – please return
these asap.
Colleen Peters
Library Opening Times Monday to Friday 9 am l 4pm
Ph/Fax: 86 292 320
Children’s Picture
Those Pesky Rabbits by Ciara Flood
Digger, The Dog Who Went to War by Mark Wilson
This is Captain Cook by Tania McCartney
Children’s Fiction
Animal Antics Series (Photographed by Steve Parish):
The Shy Little Nailtail by Sara Leman
Bonnie’s Big Adventure by Sara Leman
Finn Saves the Day by Sara Leman
Tizz the Bad-Tempered Devil by Sara Leman
Charlie in Charge by Sara Leman
Double Trouble Dingoes by Sara Leman
The Clever Cassowary by Sara Leman
Tuffy Needs a New Home by Sara Leman
Children’s Non Fiction
Weird, Wild & Wonderful Set 3 Series:
Plant Eaters
Animal Invaders
Sleepy Animals
Animal Babies
Staying Alive
Animal Eaters
Desert Animals
Flocks & Herds
Teenage Fiction
The King by Kader Abdolah
The Cowell Football Club is in need of a new Secretary. If
you are able to support our fabulous club & willing to fill this
position, then we would love to hear from you. Please
contact Tanya Crabb for more information on 0427 292 175.
Pre-season training will commence THIS Thursday, 4pm at the
town oval. All intending players please attend, if unavailable let
Jack 0427 169 933 or Brenton 0427 285 039 know.
Congrats to ‘Tennis Lords’ who get a week off as they have
secured a spot in the Grand Final.
Unfortunately the season has ended for ‘The Other Team’.
This weeks games are;
The Feds v Kitty Cats & The Sassy’s v Rising Stars.
If you need a reserve please contact Tanya Williams ASAP.
Parents are needed to help work the canteen, cook BBQ &
umpire (not allowed to umpire own kids).
We start from bottom up, please be prompt—3:45pm start.
Trainings for ALL intending Junior & Senior players will be;
19th March, 24th March & 31st March. 9th April, 16th April &
23rd April. Juniors commencing at 4pm, Seniors commencing at
6pm. 1st game will be on Saturday 25th April at Cowell.
Collections is on again over Easter—April 3rd, 4th, 5th & 6th.
We have a variety of collections on display in the Franklin
Harbour Institute, Cowell.
Open Friday to Sunday 10am to 4pm, Monday 10am to 1pm.
Entry fee: gold coin donation.
For further information or enquiries please contact Di Woods
0428123471 or Jo Sampson 0429626140.
Adult Fiction
The Collector by Nora Roberts
The Leopards of Normandy: Devil by David Churchill
Leaving Time by Jodi Picoult
Adult DVDs
Someone Like You (MA+15)
This week is the last minor round before we get into our finals
rounds, which will be held over two weeks on the 25th of March
and the 1st of April. Students will be notified in the bulletin when
they are playing . A short note will also come home to you with
the information.
We thank all parents and carers for their support over the
basketball season. We would also like to make a special thanks
to all those people who have helped to umpire our games.
Children’s DVDs
Beethoven’s Treasure Tail (G)
Nick Jr—Play Along With Sam (G)
At our last scheduled final, the 1st of April, winning teams will be
awarded with medallions. The best and fairest male and female
players from our junior and senior competitions will also be
awarded with medals.
The Dog Who Went to War
By Mark Wilson
Matthew, a young Australian soldier,
smuggles his beloved dog, Digger,
onto the troop ship when he leaves to fight in World
War One.
At the front, Matthew works as a stretcher-bearer and
Digger helps him rescue the wounded. Together, they
face the triumphs and tragedies of the Western Front.
Based on the true story of Driver, a puppy that was
smuggled onto an Australian troop ship during World
War One, this heartfelt story shows that the bond of
love and devotion between a man and his dog cannot
be broken, even by the tragedy of war.
All players will receive an ice-cream and a drink on the night.
B teams vs C teams
Juniors - Joseph, Taye, Rhys, Lachlan, Sean Willow vs Liam,
Chloe, Chloe, Tahlia, Ruby, Joel and Gabby
Senior Teams - Oscar, Rhianne, Tahlia, Miki, Lila and Tristan vs
Ruby, Dylan, Dayna, Ned, Luci, Chloe, Angus and Grace
Cowell Art Group Exhibition
Come and be wowed
at the Franklin Harbour Institute
Do you have a child who is currently in Year 6, 7 or 8?
Would you be interested in joining our motivated group of
fundraising parents, who are raising funds so that we can send
our children to Canberra on the Middle school camp in 2016?
If so please come along to our meeting in the Library on
Monday 23rd at 3:30pm. All welcome.
Andrew & Sarah Bedell
9 Main Street, Cowell SA 5602
Phone/Fax 8629 2051
Opening Hours:
Monday to Friday
Phone Orders Welcome
Gift Vouchers Available
IN COWELL OPEN WEDNESDAYS Consultation and surgery by
appointment. Dog and Cat
grooming available as well as
rescued pets, see website
Ph: 86292609 (Wednesdays)
86459926 (other days)
Emergencies: call
the vet on
KAYLEEN TURNBULL , Dip. Nat. Trading Hours are as follows:
Offering support with: Nutrition & Weight
 Comprehensive Health Assessment
 Maintaining Wellbeing
 Counselling
 Remedial/Lymphatic Massage
 Reflexology
Public Holidays: 10am to 3pm
Consults Tues, Wed & Thurs
From Cowell Allied Health Services
Phone Orders Welcome
8:30am to 5pm
DVD Hire, Agent for SA
Lotteries. Take away menu
available from Monday to
Saturday 11am to 3pm
Health fund claimable, Gift vouchers available
Make Our Butcher Your Butcher
2 Clothier Crescent, Cowell
NOW ASKING $149,000-
 Building extensions on your
 Planning a new outdoor area?
 Building the shed of your
3 bedroom home, recently repainted interior. Carpets to lounge &
bedrooms. Bathroom with bath & separate shower. Corner block for
easy access. Shedding with lean to. Carport, established gardens.,
Call to arrange your inspection today.
dreams, or finally running
power to it?
For quality solutions to
your electrical problems
Monique Linton—Elders Real Estate Cowell Office: 8629 2021 Mobile: 0419 033 074 RLA 62833
Communications Centre
North Terrace COWELL
A ‐
DAMO 0428884281 We would like to thank
Peter Dunn for monitoring
and collec ng the cans &
bo les for the Skatepark
fund, also to the other
community members who
leave there can dona ons
for us.
Learn Boat Handling,
Radio Procedure, Navigation
For more information contact:
Commodore—Garry Lum
0427 292 132
L N : AU30285
Danni Osborne, 0427296090 Kylie Inglis, 0428292154 Meetings are first Wednesday of
every month.
Ideal for the Festive season,
parties or events. Great for
roasting as well as barbecuing.
$100 hire for 24hr period.
Contact Kylie Jackson
(Secretary) on 0428 364 047.