50% mix for making delicious multigrain bread with healthy

50% mix for
making delicious
multigrain bread
with healthy
Creating Possibilities
50% mix for
making delicious
multigrain bread
with healthy
Taste the origin of
Mould and decorate with Prokorn
healthy life
Final proof 60 minutes.
Cut three times lengthwise before
With Panovite Prokorn you can make
delicous multigrain bread with healthy
Bake with steam.
pluses. Designed for the consumer who
Baking temperature 240°C.
is increasingly aware of the relationship
Baking time 35 minutes.
between his eating habits and his
Yield 36 loaves.
health. With Prokorn, you can make
sensible and tasty bread that is in line
Information for your customers
with a healthy and conscious diet.
Prokorn is the tasty multigrain bread
Recipe Prokorn
for anyone who wants a healthy diet.
5.0 kg
50%Panovite Prokorn*
Because Prokorn contains six times as
5.0 kg
50%wheat flour
much calcium as ordinary wholemeal
} 100%
3%fresh yeast (*)
Approx 5.9 l 59 %water
bread and 47% less sodium (kitchen
salt), without being bland. Prokorn is
simple proof that healthy food is tasty.
(*) Or instant yeast 1/3 of fresh yeast.
Calcium is indispensable for strong
teeth and bones
Prokorn Decor
Less sodium is good for the blood
P.O. Box 9, 4300 AA Zierikzee,
Panomix Prokorn contains salt.
Zeelandia International b.v.
Next to the calcium, Prokorn also
The Netherlands
contains other important minerals,
Telephone +31 111-419000
For optimum water obsorbtion it is
such as phosphorous, iron, magnesium,
Fax +31 111-419388
recommended that 1st stage mixing
carbohydrates and proteins.
(slow speed) is at least 8 minutes.
Furthermore, Prokorn is rich in
Mix to a well developed dough.
polyunsaturated fatty acids. Prokorn is
Dough temperature 26°C.
suitable as part of a lactose-free diet.
Scaling weight 440 grams.
Round up.
If you have any questions, please
Intermediate proof 35 minutes.
contact Zeelandia International
Creating Possibilities