The City as a Proto-‐Typology Dirk E. Hebel, SEC/FCL Singapore A proto-‐typology, in contrast to a prototype, represents a seed for a configuraCon in a permanent state of evoluCon. Proto-‐typologies are open to change and adapta6on. In this light, ci6es are to be seen as open and flexible systems that react to their local and immediate se<ng, even so they operate on a global scale. Dubai Slide copy paste What if? 17 Mt CO2 Estimated CO2 emissions 2012 from production of construction steel for Africa Construction Steel Demand 2011: 21.25 Million tons Emissions 0.8 ton CO2 / ton of Steel 311 Mt CO2 Estimated CO2 emissions 2012 from production of construction steel for China Construction Steel Demand 2012: 389 Million tons Emissions 0.8 ton CO2 / ton of Steel ! 367 Mt CO2 Estimated CO2 emissions 2050 from production of construction steel for Africa Estimated Construction Steel Demand 2050: 459 Million tons Emissions 0.8 ton CO2 / ton of Steel ~600 Mt CO2 Possible yearly reduction of CO2 emissions in 2050 by substitution of construction steel in Africa CHINA SINGAPORE SEC/FUTURE CITIES LABORATORY INDIA INDONESIA RADIUS 4000 km Bamboo Grass Bamboo belongs to the family of grasses. Grasses are plants, which typically have one seed leaf and continue to grow with narrow leaves from their base. The family includes “true grasses”, sedges and rushes. The Chair of Architecture and Construction at FCL is mostly interested in true grasses such as bamboo and cerials, since their characteristics show a high potential for taking tensile stress. Bamboo Botanicals (2012) Concrete In the last 60 years, several attempts had been made already to use bamboo as reinforcement in concrete, but only in its natural form and composition. K. Ghavami 1995 Brazil K. Ghavami 2004 Brazil K. Ghavami / Cement & Concrete Composites (2005) KO. Hidalgo - Lopez / Bamboo – The Gift of the Gods (2003) WSB During the past years, Woven Strand Board developed into a standard flooring material, due to its extreme durability, hardness and natural looks. In China, WSB is commonly produced from 5-year old Moso Bamboo culms, a fast and very tall growing species. The percentage of bamboo in WSB boards is about 90%, with only 10% of glue and a density of up to 1.3g/cm3. The resourceefficient process uses a high percentage of the bamboo culm and produces very little waste. Production cut 5 year old bamboo cut 5 year old bamboo cut 5 year old bamboo cut 5 year old bamboo cut 5 year old bamboo cut 5 year old bamboo cut 5 year old bamboo Load Deflection Curve 180000 160000 140000 Load (N) 120000 100000 80000 60000 40000 20000 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Deflection (mm) 14 16 18 20 cut 5 year old bamboo cut 5 year old bamboo cut 5 year old bamboo Load Deflection Curve 1000 cut 5 year old bamboo 900 800 700 Load (N) 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 Deflection (mm) 12 14 16 18 20 Cutting Machine Flaking Machine Carbonizer Splitting Machine Strand Squeezer 150ton Hot-Press Delaminationg Machine Balancing Chamber Drying Chamber FINLAND Dynea Company GERMANY GERMANY Fraunhofer Institute Braunschweig REHAU Company COLUMBIA CHINA Joerg Stamm Eco-Bamboo Quingdao Guosen Machinery SINGAPORE Design Exchange Company SINGAPORE SEC/FUTURE CITIES LABORATORY ETHIOPIA SINGAPORE Joerg Stamm CFC Project R3C NTU Singapore SINGAPORE STAR Bamboo Company SINGAPORE CIV Mech Engineering NUS Singapore SINGAPORE Engineering Lab NTU Singapore
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