ECMLG 2015 11th European Conference on Management, Leadership and Governance Academia Militar Lisbon, Portugal 12-13 November 2015 Conference Chair: Major-General João Vieira Borges, Military Academy, Lisbon, Portugal Programme Chair: Lieutenant-Colonel José Carlos Dias Rouco, Military Academy, Lisbon, Portugal CALL FOR PAPERS, PhD Research, Case Studies, Work in Progress/Posters, Round Table Proposals, non-academic Contributions and Product Demonstrations Mini Track: Cross-Cultural and Ethical Issues in Leadership Mini Track Chair: Dr. John Politis, Charles Darwin University, Australia.. It has become imperative for successful leaders to be aware of the cultural differences that influence business practices. Yet cultural values and practices could affect the ethical principles of leadership. Cultural values also could shape the expectations that followers have of their leader. In certain cultures the leader might be expected to be ethical and ineffective or be unethical and effective. It is therefore important to explore ethical leadership across different cultures. To increase knowledge in the field of cultural behaviours and identify the effectiveness of ethical leadership across different cultures scholarly and practical context papers are invited to this mini track aimed at debating, but not limited to, the following questions: • What is ethical leadership? How is it conceptualised and defined across cultures? • How does ethical leadership differ across cultures? • Can culture shape leader’s role in determining their organisation’s ethical climate? • Do ethical leaders demonstrate the same ethical awareness across cultures? • Do the leadership qualities of coaching, teamwork and empowering employees enhance appropriateness or inappropriateness of behaviour across cultures? • • • • • Can ethical accountability be managed and/or spread across cultures? What is the impact of the Big Five personality traits on ethical leadership across cultures? Is social obligation the heart of ethical leadership across different cultures? What are the similarities and differences between ethical leadership across cultures? How does the nature and structure of technology impact ethical leadership across cultures? Publication opportunity Papers accepted for the conference will be published in the conference proceedings, subject to author registration. The proceedings have an ISBN and details of the proceedings accreditations are listed on the conference website. A prize will be awarded to the best PhD paper and the best Poster As well as full academic papers, the following submissions are welcomed: This pdf is an abbreviated call for papers. The full updated call for papers can be found online at A conference managed by Academic Conferences and Publishing International Limited 11th European Conference on Management Leadership and Governance ECMLG 2015 Lisbon, Portugal. 12-13 November 2015 Work in Progress/Posters Researchers are invited to submit current projects which are either at the proposals stage or are work in progress. PhD Research: Doctoral Candidates are invited to submit papers describing their research. Case Study Submissions; Submissions should be written to publishable standards. Non-Academic Contributions; Contributions from individuals and organisations working in the field. These contributions can take the form of a presentation or a demonstration. Round Table Proposals; Topical subjects proposed for discussion. Product Demonstrations and Exhibitor Opportunities: If you are contributing to the conference in any of the above categories you can also request the opportunity to give a product demonstration. If you would like to exhibit and/or demonstrate a product at the conference we suggest that you apply for one of our exhibitor packages. Submission details Abstracts: All submission types require a 300-500 word abstract in the first instance, to be received by 23 April 2015. Please read the guidelines at Submission: Only accepted by online form submission at Full paper: Only required for academic submissions once the abstract has been selected, no more than 5,000 words to be received by 11 June 2015. Papers should be submitted as .doc or .rtf file attachments by email to the Conference Manager, Julia Hawkins ( ) All full papers will be double-blind reviewed by members of the conference committee to ensure an adequate standard, that the proposed subject of their abstract has been followed, that the paper is of a suitable length, the standard of English is adequate and the paper is appropriately referenced. Important dates: Abstract submission deadline: Notification of abstract acceptance: Full paper due for review (see note): Notification of paper acceptance (with any changes): Earlybird registration closes: Final paper due (with any changes): Final author registration and payment date: 23 April 2015 30 April 2015 11 June 2015 20 August 2015 3 September 2015 17 September 2015 8 October 2015 The conference programme committee is currently being updated. Full details will be posted on the conference website as soon as they are confirmed. Prizes will be awarded for best Poster and best PhD paper The conference homepage has complete updated details: This pdf is an abbreviated call for papers. The full updated call for papers can be found online at A conference managed by Academic Conferences and Publishing International Limited
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