Biol 3052 - Sistema Digestivo 04/05/2015 Figure 41.6 Suspension Feeders and Filter Feeders Baleen Capítulo 41 Sistema Digestivo Substrate Feeders Fluid Feeders Caterpillar Feces Bulk Feeders Dr. Fernando J. Bird-Picó Departamento de Biología Recinto Universitario de Mayagüez Figure 41.18 1 Rumen Rumiantes 2 Reticulum Termita y Trychonympha Esophagus Intestine 4 Abomasum Dr. Fernando J. Bird-Picó - 2015 3 Omasum 1 Biol 3052 - Sistema Digestivo 04/05/2015 Figure 41.17 Tractos digestivos de acuerdo a la dieta Digestión Intracelular Figure 41.7 Mouth Tentacles Digestión Extracelular Canales Alimentarios Food 1 Digestive enzymes released 2 Food particles broken down 3 Food particles engulfed and digested Epidermis Dr. Fernando J. Bird-Picó - 2015 Gastrodermis 2 Biol 3052 - Sistema Digestivo 04/05/2015 Figure 41.20 Pancreas secretes insulin. Transport of glucose into body cells and storage of glucose as glycogen Tipos de dentición y dietas asociadas a los mismos Stimulus: Blood glucose level rises after eating. Homeostasis: 70–110 mg glucose/ 100 mL blood Stimulus: Blood glucose level drops below set point. Breakdown of glycogen and release of glucose into blood Pancreas secretes glucagon. Figure 41.9 Tongue Oral cavity Salivary glands Pharynx Mouth Esophagus Salivary glands Esophagus Liver Sphincter Gallbladder Pancreas Small intestine Large intestine Rectum Anus Dr. Fernando J. Bird-Picó - 2015 Sphincter Stomach Gallbladder Liver Pancreas Stomach Small intestine Large intestine Rectum Anus Schematic diagram Duodenum of small intestine 3 Biol 3052 - Sistema Digestivo 04/05/2015 Figure 41.10-1 Figure 41.10-2 Tongue Bolus of food Tongue Bolus of food Pharynx Epiglottis up Pharynx Epiglottis up Glottis Larynx Trachea To lungs Esophageal sphincter contracted Esophagus Glottis Larynx Trachea To stomach To lungs Figure 41.10-3 Esophageal sphincter contracted Esophagus To stomach Figure 41.11 Esophagus Sphincter Pharynx Epiglottis up Glottis Larynx Trachea To lungs Esophageal sphincter contracted Esophagus To stomach Relaxed muscles Contracted muscles Sphincter relaxed Gastric pits on interior surface of stomach Stomach Small intestine Folds of epithelial tissue Epithelium 3 Pepsinogen Pepsin 2 Gastric gland Mucous cell Chief cell Dr. Fernando J. Bird-Picó - 2015 Stomach Sphincter 10 µ m Tongue Bolus of food HCl Chief cell 1 Cl− H+ Secreción de jugo gástrico Parietal cell Parietal cell 4 Biol 3052 - Sistema Digestivo 04/05/2015 Figure 41.12-1 Duodeno Carbohydrate digestion Oral cavity, Polysaccharides pharynx, esophagus Salivary amylase Digestión Enzimática Smaller Maltose polysaccharides Figure 41.12-2 Carbohydrate digestion Oral cavity, Polysaccharides pharynx, esophagus Salivary amylase Smaller Maltose polysaccharides Stomach Figure 41.12-3 Digestión Enzimática Carbohydrate digestion Oral cavity, Polysaccharides pharynx, esophagus Salivary amylase Smaller Maltose polysaccharides Protein digestion Proteins Pepsin Stomach Digestión Enzimática Protein digestion Proteins Pepsin Small polypeptides Small polypeptides Small intestine (enzymes from pancreas) Pancreatic amylases Pancreatic trypsin and chymotrypsin Nucleic acid digestion Fat digestion DNA, RNA Fat (triglycerides) Pancreatic nucleases Disaccharides Smaller polypeptides Nucleotides Pancreatic lipase Pancreatic carboxypeptidase Small peptides Dr. Fernando J. Bird-Picó - 2015 Glycerol, fatty acids, monoglycerides 5 Biol 3052 - Sistema Digestivo 04/05/2015 Figure 41.12-4 Digestión Enzimática Carbohydrate digestion Oral cavity, Polysaccharides Disaccharides pharynx, esophagus Salivary amylase Smaller Maltose polysaccharides Protein digestion Stomach Proteins Pepsin Small polypeptides Small intestine (enzymes from pancreas) Pancreatic amylases Nucleic acid digestion Fat digestion DNA, RNA Fat (triglycerides) Pancreatic trypsin and chymotrypsin Pancreatic nucleases Disaccharides Smaller polypeptides Nucleotides Digestión de Proteínas Pancreatic lipase Pancreatic carboxypeptidase Glycerol, fatty acids, monoglycerides Small peptides Small intestine (enzymes from epithelium) Disaccharidases Dipeptidases, carboxypeptidase, and aminopeptidase Nucleotidases Nucleosides Nucleosidases and phosphatases Amino acids Monosaccharides Nitrogenous bases, sugars, phosphates Figure 41.13 Figure 41.14 Vellosidades y microvellosidades Vein carrying blood to liver Villi Microvilli (brush border) at apical (lumenal) surface LUMEN Triglycerides OF SMALL INTESTINE Epithelial cell Fatty acids Monoglycerides Lumen Epithelial cells Blood capillaries Muscle layers Villi Intestinal wall Epithelial cells Large circular folds Triglycerides Basal surface Lacteal Key Nutrient absorption Lymph vessel Phospholipids, cholesterol, and proteins Chylomicron Lacteal Dr. Fernando J. Bird-Picó - 2015 6 Biol 3052 - Sistema Digestivo 04/05/2015 Figure 41.19a Figure 41.19b • Bolo alimenticio: presiona pared estomacal: gastrina promueve secreción de jugo gástico • Acidez del quimo y presencia de amino ácidos y grasas: estimula duodeno. Secreción de colecistocinina (CCK) y secretina. Apetito, hormonas y centro de saciedad 3 • Si el quimo es rico en grasas, la CCK y secretina inhiben la peristalsis y secreción de jugo gástico en estómago: digestión más lenta Secretin and CCK − Gastric juices Key + Stimulation − Inhibition Dr. Fernando J. Bird-Picó - 2015 • Grelina: estimula apetito • Leptina: producida en tejido adiposo; suprime apetito • Péptido YY: producido en intestino delgado: suprime apetito, motilidad gástrica y secreción pancreática; aumenta absorción de agua y electrolitos en el cólon. 7 Biol 3052 - Sistema Digestivo 04/05/2015 Figure 41.22 EXPERIMENT Intestino grueso Leptina y obesidad Obese mouse with mutant ob gene (left) next to wild-type mouse RESULTS Genotype pairing (red type indicates mutant genes) Average change in body mass (g) of subject Subject Paired with ob+ob+ , db+db+ ob+ob+ , db+db+ 8.3 ob ob, db+db+ ob ob, db+db+ 38.7 ob ob, db+db+ ob+ob+, db+db+ ob ob, db+db+ ob+ob+, db db 8.2 −14.9* *Due to pronounced weight loss and weakening, subjects in this pairing were reweighed after less than eight weeks. Table 41.1 Dr. Fernando J. Bird-Picó - 2015 8 Biol 3052 - Sistema Digestivo 04/05/2015 Table 41.2 M i n e r a l e s Figure 41.UN01 Veins to heart Hepatic portal vein Lymphatic system Mouth Stomach Esophagus Secretions from salivary glands Lipids Absorbed food (except lipids) Small intestine Secretions Secretions from liver from gastric Secretions from pancreas glands Dr. Fernando J. Bird-Picó - 2015 Liver Absorbed water Anus Large Rectum intestine 9
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