Project Profile Liberia Smallholder Oil Palm Support (SHOPS) II Smallholder Oil Palm Support (SHOPS) II in Liberia is three-year, $4.2 million project funded by USAID that builds on to the success of its predecessor SHOPS. ACDI/VOCA and partner Winrock International implement the project to strengthen the palm oil value chain and drive rural economic growth in six counties of Liberia. Improved Palm Oil Value Chain to Benefit Smallholder Farmers The SHOPS II project has the following objectives: SHOPS II builds off the successes of SHOPS I and will focus on increasing productivity along the entire value chain of Liberia’s smallholder palm oil industry. This strengthened market system will contribute to agriculture growth, a reduction in rural poverty, and a reduction in deforestation resulting from smallholder oil palm expansion. »» Increase smallholder oil palm sector productivity and profitability »» Improve smallholder oil palm sector marketing and trade capacity »» Improve smallholder oil palm sector business enabling environment and support functions »» Improve integration of best practices in natural resources management, environmental responsibility, and biodiversity conservation in the smallholder oil palm sector SHOPS II will continue to work in the SHOPS I intervention areas of Bong, Nimba, Lofa, and Grand Bassa counties and will expand into Margribi and rural Montserrado counties, where over 4,000 smallholder households are active in the oil palm sector. Winrock International will provide technical assistance regarding agricultural production, processing, and marketing. The SHOPS II approach will lead to the distribution of goods and services by program partners well beyond the intended target area into additional counties of Liberia as well as the neighboring countries of Sierra Leone, Guinea, and Cote d’Ivoire. For more information, visit Updated: 4/15
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