SCOTT D. SCHEER, Ph.D. Professor, Department of Agricultural Communication, Education, and Leadership State Specialist, OSU Extension The Ohio State University 2120 Fyffe Road, Room 204C Columbus, OH 43210 Phone: 614-292-6758 Fax: 614-292-7007 E-mail: EDUCATION University of Delaware Doctor of Philosophy, August 1995 Major: Family Studies (Youth focus) Dissertation: Russian adolescents in the era of perestroika: The relationships among family environment, drug use, and depression. Columbia University, Teachers College Master of Arts, May 1989 Major: Developmental Psychology Masters Research Project: Toying with language development and mother-child interactions. Louisiana Tech University Bachelor of Science, August 1986 Academic Scholarship Honors PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Professor (Agricultural Communication, Education & Leadership, 75% General Fund) and State Extension Specialist (Youth Development, 25% Extension), 12-month appointment (Autumn 2009 to Present); Associate Professor (Autumn 2001 to Summer 2009) Department of Agricultural Communication, Education and Leadership and OSU Extension, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. Teach and advise undergraduate and graduate students in community and extension education. Provide leadership and direction to statewide youth development programs emphasizing preadolescent education. Research focus is on youth development and outreach education. Assistant Professor (Agricultural and Extension Education, 50% General Fund) and State Extension Specialist (Youth Development, 50% Extension), 12-month appointment (Winter 1996 to Summer 2001) Department of Human and Community Resource Development and OSU Extension, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. Post-Doctoral Fellow (1995) University Affiliated Program for Families and Children with Developmental Disabilities (UDUAP) Newark, Delaware. Evaluation Specialist (1994 to 1995) FACET (Families and Centers Empowered Together to Prevent Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drug Use), Wilmington, Delaware. Instructor (1993 - 1995) University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware Department of Individual and Family Studies Graduate Research and Teaching Assistant (1990 – 1993) University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware Department of Individual and Family Studies Social Worker (1989 – 1990) St. Christopher’s-Jennie Clarkson. (Residential Treatment Center for Adolescents) Dobbs Ferry, New York. SCHOLARLY ACHIEVEMENTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES Extension Teaching Dr. Scheer has conducted numerous Extension In-services and Volunteer Training Sessions to thousands of individuals. Some of the Extension teaching topics include: 1) Understanding Child and Youth Development, 2) Youth Development “The Big Picture,” and 3) Children and Cooperation: Moving Beyond Competition. University Teaching Courses taught at The Ohio State University Program Development and Evaluation Early Field Experience in Extension Youth Organizations Program Planning in Agricultural and Extension Education Seminar: Research and Evaluation Seminar: Emerging Issues in Agricultural and Extension Education Seminar: Program Development in Human and Community Resource Development Settings Adult and Continuing Education in Agricultural and Extension Education Courses taught at the University of Delaware Life Span Human Development Foundations of Family Studies Emerging Lifestyles of Women and Men Adolescence in the Family Context 2 Advising Dr. Scheer advises annually about 20 undergraduate students. He also advises many M. S. and Ph.D. students. Dr. Scheer serves on behalf of The Ohio State University graduate school as a graduate faculty representative for doctoral dissertation exams. Teaching Philosophy Dr. Scheer’s approach to teaching is a flexible mixture of learning and teaching formats. He employs a variety of teaching techniques to promote active learning (i.e., student involvement through discussion, reading, and writing) by engaging students through a variety of activities, such as debates, role play, group work, multimedia, panel discussions, and symposia to name a few. The education literature describes this practice as an active learning approach. Dr. Scheer’s teaching approach is: 1) to have students involved in more than just listening; 2) to place less emphasis on giving information and more on developing student skills; 3) to involve them in higher-order thinking (analytically, critically, and relationally); 4) have students explore their own attitudes and values and how that affects their learning. Peer-Reviewed Publications (42) Jordan, J. L., Lekies, K. S., & Scheer, S. D. (2105). Reducing risky driving behavior: The impact of an adolescent driver intervention program with and without mandatory parental attendance. Journal of Human Sciences and Extension. Retrieved from Windon, S. R., Jepsen, S. D., & Scheer, S. D. (2014). Identifying the factors affecting Ohio farmers' quality of life. Journal of the National Association of Agricultural Agents, 7(2), Retrieved from Chen, C. Y., Cochran, G. R., Scheer, S. D., Birkenholz, R. J., King, J., & Thomas, J. (2013). Community leadership: A new academic major. Journal of Extension, 51(6), Retrieved from Scheer, S. D., Harrod, N., & Lekies, K. S., (2012). The influence of competitive personality orientation of adolescent emotional intelligence. Journal of Youth Development, 7(2), 614. Workman, J. D., & Scheer, S. D. (2012). Evidence of impact: Examination of evaluation studies published in the Journal of Extension. Journal of Extension, 50(2). Retrieved from 3 Harder, A., Scheer, S. D., & Place, N. T. (2011). Improving the future of U.S. cooperative extension: A Delphi study. Journal of Extension Systems, 27(2), 1-10. Scheer, S. D., Yeske, J., & Zimmer, B. (2011). Implementing and assessing 4-H educational activity kits for children. Journal of Extension, 49(2). Retrieved from Davis, T. S., Gavazzi, S. M., Scheer, S. D., & Uppal, R. (2011). Measuring individualized parent advocate services in children's mental health: A contextualized theoretical application. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 20(5), 669-684. Scheer, S. D., Cochran, G. R., Harder, A., & Place, N. T. (2011). Competency modeling in extension education: Integrating an academic extension model with an extension human resource management model. Journal of Agricultural Education, 52(3) 64-74. Davis, T. S., Gavazzi, S. M., Scheer, S. D., Kwon, I. A., Lammers, A., Fristad, M. A., & Uppal, R. (2011). Measuring family caregiver support in caring for children and youth with mental health concerns. Journal of Social Service Research, 37(5), 500-515. Davis, T. S., Scheer, S. D., Gavazzi, S. M., & Uppal, R. (2010). Parent advocates in children’s mental health: Program implementation processes and considerations. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Service, 37, 468-483. Harder, A., Place, N. T., & Scheer, S. D. (2010). Towards a Competency-based Extension Education Curriculum: A Delphi Study. Journal of Agricultural Education, 51(3), 44-52. Scheer, S. D., & Gavazzi, S. M. (2009). A qualitative examination of a statewide initiative for empowering families containing children and adolescents with behavioral health care needs. Children and Youth Services Review, 31, 370-377. Gavazzi, S. M., Lim, J. Y., Yarcheck, C. M., Bostic, J. M., & Scheer, S. D. (2008). The impact of gender and family processes on mental health and substance use issues in a sample of court-involved adolescents. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 37, 1071-1084. Scheer, S. D., Gavazzi, S. M., Blumenkratz, D. (2007, published in 2008). Rites of passage during adolescence. The Forum on Family and Consumer Issues, 12(2). Retrieved from Scheer, S. D., & Donnermeyer, J. F., Whaley, S. R. (2007). Youth perceptions of alcohol and drug use in television ads and programs. The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, 2(2), 287-295. Scheer, S. D., & Donnermeyer, J. F. (2007). Public opinions of youth development programs. Journal of Youth Development, 1(3). Retrieved from Rabe, M., Ohri-Vachaspati, P., & Scheer, S. D. (2006). The influence of the youth-Expanded Nutrition Education Program on Nutrition Knowledge and Behavior of Elementary School Children. Journal of Extension, 44(3). Retrieved from 4 Scheer, S. D., Ferrari, T. M., Earnest, G. W., Connors, J. (2006). Preparing Extension professionals: The Ohio State University model of Extension Education. Journal of Extension, 44(4). Retrieved from Zimmer, B. P., Shriner, J. A., & Scheer, S. D. (2006). Utilization and Evaluation of a Statewide 4H Volunteer Newsletter. Journal of Extension, 44(1). Retrieved from Crossgrove, J., Scheer, S. D., Conklin, N. L., Jones, J., & Safrit, R. D. (2005). Organizational values perceived as evident among Ohio State University Extension personnel. Journal of Extension, 42(5). Retrieved from Harrod, N., & Scheer, S. D. (2005). Exploring adolescent emotional intelligence in relation to demographic characteristics. Adolescence, 40(159), 503-512. Scheer, S. D., Wolford, G. H., Wilburn Robinson, & D. Conrad, J. E. (2004). Taking Spanish speaking countries to the county through school enrichment programs. Journal of Extension, 42(5). Retrieved from Zhai, L., & Scheer, S. D., (2004). Global perspectives and attitudes toward cultural diversity among summer agriculture students at the Ohio State University. Journal of Agricultural Education, 45(2), 29-51. Ferrari, T. M., Hogue, C. A., & Scheer, S. D., (2004). Parents' perceptions of life skills development in the 4-H Cloverbud Program. Journal of Extension, 42(3). Retrieved from Long, C. A., Saddam, A., Conklin, N. L., & Scheer, S. D. (2003). The influence of healthy eating for life program (HELP) on eating behaviors of non-metropolitan congregate meal participants. Family Economics and Nutrition, 15, 15-24. Zhai, L., & Scheer, S. D., (2002). The influence of international study abroad programs on agricultural college students. Journal of International Agricultural and Extension Education, 11, 23-29. Scheer, S. D., & Safrit, R. D. (2001). Nurturing future leadership skills in five to eight year-old children through self-awareness activities. Journal of Leadership Studies, 8(2), 105-111. Safrit, R.D., Scheer, S. D., & King, J. E. (2001). Understanding seasons of service: Promoting volunteerism across the life span. Journal of Volunteer Administration, 19(3), 15-21. Donnermeyer, J. F. & Scheer, S. D. (2001). An analysis of substance use among adolescents from smaller places. The Journal of Rural Health, 17(2), 105-113. Borden, L. M., Donnermeyer, J. F., & Scheer, S. D. (2001). The influence of extra-curricular activities and peer influence on substance abuse. Adolescent and Family Health, 2(1), 1219. Scheer, S. D., Borden, L. M., & Donnermeyer, J. F. (2000). The relationship between family factors and adolescent substance use in rural, suburban, and urban settings. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 9(1), 105-115. 5 Scheer, S. D. (1999). Strategies for teaching youth development in the undergraduate classroom. College Student Journal, 33(1), 154-160. Scheer, S. D., & Lafontaine, K. (1999). Stakeholder satisfaction with a 4-H Extension Program for five- to eight-year-old children. Journal of Extension, 37(5). Retrieved from Buell, M. J., Hallam, R., Gamel-McCormick, M., & Scheer, S. D. (1999). A survey of general and special education teachers’ perceptions and inservice needs concerning inclusion. International Journal of Disability, Development and Education, 46(2), 143-156. Zimmer, B., Scheer, S. D., & Shriner, J. (1999). Utilizing newsletters with adult volunteers in Extension programs for children. Journal of Extension, 37(1). Retrieved from Scheer, S. D., & Unger, D. G. (1998). Russian adolescents in the era of emergent democracy: The relationships among family environment, drug use, and depression. Family Relations, 47, 297-303. Scheer, S. D. (1997). Programming parameters for five to eight year-old youth in 4-H. Journal of Extension, 35(4). Retrieved from Scheer, S. D., & Unger, D. G. (1997). Russian adolescent drug use and comparisons to U.S. adolescents. Substance Use and Misuse, 32(14), 1-12. Scheer, S. D., Unger, D. G., & Brown, M. B. (1996). Adolescents becoming adults: Attributes for adulthood. Adolescence, 31, 127-131. Scheer, S. D., & Unger, D. G. (1995). Parent perceptions of their adolescence: Implications for parent-youth conflict and family satisfaction. Psychological Reports, 76, 131-136. Scheer, S. D., & Palkovitz, R. (1994). Adolescent-to-adult transitions: Social status and cognitive factors. Sociological Studies of Children, 6, 125-140. Editor-Reviewed Publications (includes book chapters) Karasik, R. J., Berke, D. L., Scheer, S. D. (in press). Caring for Aging Parents: Balancing the Personal and Professional in Academia. In C. R. Solomon & E. K. Anderson (Eds.), Family-friendly policies and practices in academia. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books. Zimmer, B., Scheer, S. D., & Shriner, J. (1999). Utilizing newsletters with adult volunteers in Extension programs for children. Journal of Extension, 37(1). Retrieved from Scheer, S. D., & Safrit, R. D. (1998). Promoting positive family involvement in Russian communities through volunteer agencies. ERIC Document # 417842, Clearinghouse on Elementary and Early Childhood Education, National Parent Information Network. 6 Scheer, S. D., & Safrit, R. D. (1998). Nurturing future leadership skills in five to eight year-old children through service. Leadership Link, 5 & 8. Scheer, S. D., & Messenger, L. (Spring, 1998). Threads of childhood. Family Tapestry, 1-2. Scheer, S. D. (1997). Youth leadership and community service: A perfect combination. Leadership Link, 1-2. Bulletins and Technical Reports Gavazzi, S. M., & Scheer, S. D., Yarcheck, C. M., Lim, Ji-Young, Twining, S., Helser, R., Sullivan, J. D. (2007). Evaluation of the Family and Systems Team Project: Quantitative and qualitative initial findings. In D. Roth & W. J. Lutz (Eds.), New Research in Mental Health (Vol. 17, pp. 307-311). Columbus, OH: Ohio Department of Mental Health. Scheer, S. D., & Gavazzi, S. (2006). Parent advocacy and family empowerment. NAMI Ohio's News Briefs: Ohio's Voice on Mental Illness, 26(1), 20-22. Scheer, S. D. (1997). Children and cooperation: Moving beyond competition. Human Development Family Life Bulletin, 3(1), 6-7. Reviews and Abstracts (* indicates peer-reviewed) * Shriner, J., Zimmer, B., & Scheer, S. D. (2012). 4-H Newsletters: Discover an educational treasure. [Abstract]. Proceedings of the National Association of Extension 4-H Agents Conference, Orlando, Florida. * Stechschulte, J., Scheer, S. D., & Wright J. (2012). Choose and Tell: A new 4-H Cloverbud curriculum to promote public speaking and life skills. [Abstract]. Proceedings of the National Association of Extension 4-H Agents Conference, Orlando, Florida. *Zimmer, B. P., Shriner, J. A., & Scheer, S. D. (2006). Utilization and evaluation of a statewide 4H volunteer newsletter. Ohio 4-H Youth Development Research and Abstracts. Retrieved from * Scheer, S. D., & Harrod, N. (2006, October). Competitive-cooperative personality orientations and adolescent emotional intelligence: Implications for 4-H youth development. [Abstract]. Proceedings of the 60th Annual National Association of Extension 4-H Agents Conference, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. *Ferrari, T. M., Hogue, C. A., & Scheer, S. D. (2006). Parents' perceptions of the Ohio 4-H Cloverbud program in relation to life skills development. Ohio 4-H Youth Development Research and Abstracts. Retrieved from *Scheer, S. D., & Lafontaine, K. R. (2006). Stakeholder satisfaction with a 4-H Extension program for five to eight year old children. Ohio 4-H Youth Development Research and Abstracts. Retrieved from 7 * Scheer, S. D., & Trutner, S. K. (2005, October). Introducing a 4-H Cloverbud volunteer guidebook: Honoring our tradition and embracing current trends. [Abstract]. Proceedings of the 59th Annual National Association of Extension 4-H Agents Conference, Seattle, Washington. * Zimmer, B. P., Scheer, S. D., & Shriner, J. A. (2004, November). Cloverbud Connections Newsletter Stake Claim on the Web. [Abstract]. Proceedings of the National Association of Extension 4-H Agents Conference, Oklahoma City, OK. Scheer, S. D., (2003). [Review of the book Looking west? Cultural globalization and Russian youth cultures]. Contemporary Sociology, 32, 730-731. * Scheer, S. D., Whaley, S. R., Donnermeyer, J. F. (2003, September). Rural and urban youth perceptions of media portrayals of substance use: Implications for extension programming. [Abstract]. Proceedings of the National Galaxy II Extension Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah. * Scheer, S. D., & Reed, V. (2003, September). Connecting to 4-H Cloverbud Volunteers through an Educational Video Production. [Abstract]. Proceedings of the National Galaxy II Extension Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah. * Konen, J. H., Scheer, S. D., & Ferrari, T. M. (September, 2003). Great expectations for serving Latino children and families in after-school settings using web-based curricula. [Abstract]. Proceedings of the National Galaxy II Extension Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah. * Rabe, M., Ohri-Vachaspati, M. S. P., & Scheer, S. D. (2003, September). Impact of a Nutritional Education Program (Youth EFNEP) in Ohio. [Abstract]. Proceedings of the National Galaxy II Extension Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah. * Zimmer, B. P., Scheer, S. D., & Shriner, J. A. (2003, September). Utilization and Evaluation of a Statewide 4-H Volunteer Newsletter. [Abstract]. Proceedings of the National Galaxy II Extension Conference, Salt Lake City, UT. * Scheer, S. D., & Donnermeyer, J. D., (2000, November). Substance use in rural America from 1976 to 1997: Implications for 4-H prevention programming in the year 2000 and beyond. [Abstract]. Proceedings of the 54th Annual National Association of Extension 4-H Agents Conference, Denver, CO. * Scheer, S. D., Robinson, D. W., Conrad, J., & Wolford, G. (2000, November). Taking Spanish speaking countries to the county through school enrichment programs. [Abstract]. Proceedings of the 54th Annual National Association of Extension 4-H Agents Conference, Denver, CO. * Scheer, S. D. (1998, November). Stop the madness!: How to maintain a healthy life and work perspective. [Abstract]. Proceedings of the 52nd Annual National Association of Extension 4-H Agents Conference, Louisville, KY. *Scheer, S. D. (1997, October). Russian adolescent tobacco and alcohol use: What does it tell us about U.S. adolescent tobacco and alcohol use as related to prevention programming in Extension? [Abstract]. Proceedings of the Galaxy Summit Conference, Cincinnati, OH. 8 * Donnermeyer, J. F., & Scheer, S. D. (1997, October). Parameters of prevention programming in Extension. [Abstract]. Proceedings of the Galaxy Summit Conference, Cincinnati, OH. * Scheer, S. D., & Borden, L. M. (1997, October). Managing Extension 4-H programs with a focus on youth development: A coming together of values, mission, and vision. [Abstract]. Proceedings of the Galaxy Summit Conference, Cincinnati, OH. * Reed, V. L., Scheer, S. D., & Bradley, L. (1997, October). Pets, play dough, plays, and plants: Possible programs for 5-8 year olds. [Abstract]. Proceedings of the Galaxy Summit Conference, Cincinnati, OH. * Scheer, S. D., Bell, C., Lafontaine, K., Phares, B., Reed, V. (1997, October). I am so confused: How to make sense of “Cloverbuds” or Extension 4-H programming for young children? [Abstract]. Proceedings of the Galaxy Summit Conference, Cincinnati, OH. Scheer, S. D., & Safrit, R. D. (1997, April). Nurturing future leadership skills in five to eight yearold youth. [Abstract]. Proceedings of the National Association for Community Leadership - Changing the Face of Leadership, 17, Mobile, AL. Scheer, S. D., & Unger, D. G. (1992). [Review of the book Moving to Nowhere]. Child and Youth Services Quarterly, 15, 14. * Scheer, S. D., Beckwith, R., & Bloom, L. (1990). Environmental effects on language input [Abstract]. Infant Behavior and Development, 13, 608. Extension Publications Scheer, S. D. & Fox, B. (2013). Bioenergy sources. Columbus, Ohio: Ohio State University Extension. Retrieved from Scheer, S. D. & Fox, B. (2013). Bioenergy conversion. Columbus, Ohio: Ohio State University Extension. Retrieved from Scheer, S. D. & Fox, B. (2013). Bioproducts. Columbus, Ohio: Ohio State University Extension. Retrieved from Scheer, S. D. (Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall, 1997-2014). Campus connections. 4-H Cloverbud Connections. Web site address: [Write quality newsletter columns targeting Extension volunteers working with children in grades K - 2. Cloverbud Connections is a national-award winning publication used in Ohio and throughout the U.S.] Camacho, S. (2012). Connect to College. S. D. Scheer & J. King (Editors), Columbus, OH: OSU Extension Publications. Stechschulte, J. (2012). Choose and Tell Activity Cards. S. D. Scheer (Editor), Columbus, OH: OSU Extension Publications. Trutner, S., & Scheer, S. D. (2005). 4-H Cloverbud Volunteer Guidebook. Columbus, OH: OSU 9 Extension Publications. Scheer, S. D. (Jan. - Dec., 1997-2005). Cloverbud corner. CloverGraham. [Wrote 108 newsletter columns over 9 years, 12 per year, for Ohio’s Extension professionals on programming strategies for young children] Reed, V., & Scheer, S. D. (Producers) (2002). 4-H Cloverbud Volunteer Video. Columbus, OH: OSU Extension Video Productions. Scheer, S. D. (Ed.) (2001). Ohio’s 4-H Cloverbud Program: Series II curriculum instructional material. Columbus, OH: OSU Extension Publications. Professional Presentations (* indicates peer reviewed) *Jordan, J., Lekies, K., & Scheer, S. D. (2104). The impact of a 4-H adolescent driver intervention program to reduce risky driving behaviors. Presented at National Association of 4-H Extension Agents. Minneapolis, Minnesota. * Scheer, S. D., Cochran, G., & Straquadine, G. (2013, December). Continuous education at OSU for Extension professionals: Discover the many possibilities for professional and personal development. Presented at OSU Extension Annual Conference. Columbus, Ohio. Scheer, S. D. (2013, December). Program learning environments and positive youth development. Invited webinar presentation for Idaho Extension professionals. * Nolan, M., Scheer, S. D., Cochran, G., & Straquadine, G. (2013, September). Future funding: Bridging the barriers between extension and state legislators. Presented at National Galaxy Extension Conference. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. *Scheer, S. D., Ferrari, T., Thomas, J. (2013, September). Tips for publishing in the Journal of Extension. Presented at National Galaxy Extension Conference. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. * Scheer, S. D., Hall, D., & Wright, J., Presenter. (2012, October). Development and Dissemination of Bioenergy Education Curriculum for Children. Presented at SunGrant Initiative National Conference. New Orleans, Louisiana. * Chen, C., Scheer, S. D., Birkenholz, R., Cochran, G. R., King, J., & Thomas, J. (2012, May). Community Leadership: A new academic major consisting of two specializations in community and extension education. Presented at American Association for Agricultural Education Annual Conference. Asheville, North Carolina. * Scheer, S. D., Cochran, G., & Baker, M. (2011, December). Exploring and developing best practices for Extension online learning. Presented at OSU Extension Annual Conference. Columbus, Ohio. * Scheer, S. D., Ferrari, T. M., Thomas, J., Presenter. (2011, December). Get published!: The ABCs of publishing in the Journal of Extension. Presented at OSU Extension Annual Conference, Columbus, Ohio. 10 * Berke, D. L., Karasik, R., Scheer, S. D. (2010, November). Surviving and thriving in academia: Work-family fit in hard times. Presented at National Council on Family Relations. Minneapolis, MN. * Scheer, S. D., Cochran, G. R., Harder, A., & Place, N. T. (2010, May). Competency modeling in extension education: Integrating an academic extension education model with an extension human resource management model. Presented at American Association for Agricultural Education Annual Conference. Omaha, Nebraska. * Berke, D. L., Karasik, R. J., & Scheer, S. D. (2009, November). Why don't I give myself and family a break? Negotiating the demands of academic life. Presented at National Council on Family Relations. San Francisco, California, USA. * Scheer, S. D., Harder, A., & Place, N. (2008, September). Academic development for Extension professionals. Presentation at the Galaxy III National Extension Conference, Indianapolis, Indiana. * Scheer, S. D. (2008, May). Connecting with children and families in Spanish-speaking communities: Using and developing a web-based curriculum. Presentation at the National Children, Youth, and Families at Risk Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana. * Gavazzi, S. M., Sullivan, J. M., Scheer, S. D., Yarcheck, C. M., Twining, S., Helser, R. (2007, November). Racial disparities in family empowerment and mental health outcomes. Poster presentation at the 69th Annual National Council on Family Relations Conference, Pittsburgh, PA. * Berke, D. L., Karasik, R. J., Scheer, S. D. (2007, November). Work-family intersections over the life course: How family friendly are academic institutions? Paper presentation at the 69th Annual National Council on Family Relations Conference, Pittsburgh, PA. * Zimmer, B. P., Yeske, J., & Scheer, S. D. (2007, October). Activity kits engage Ohio 4-H Cloverbuds. Poster presentation at the 10th Annual NAE4-HA Conference, Atlanta, Georgia. * Zimmer, B. P., Shriner, J. A., & Scheer, S. D. (2006, October). The utilization of a web-based educational newsletter for community engagement. Paper presentation at the Outreach Scholarship Conference. Columbus, Ohio. Scheer, S. D., Donnermeyer, J. F., Whaley, S. R. (2007, July). Youth Perceptions of Alcohol and Drug Use in Television Ads and Programs. Invited paper presentation at the International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, Granada, Spain. * Scheer, S. D., & Donnermeyer, J. F. (2006, November). Statewide public opinions in Ohio of youth development programs. Poster presentation at the 68th Annual National Council on Family Relations Conference, Minneapolis, MN. Gavazzi, S. M., & Scheer, S. D. (2006, October). Evaluation of Family and System Teams 20052006. Invited paper presentation at the Research Results Briefing of the Ohio Department of Mental Health, Columbus, Ohio. 11 Zimmer, B. P., Scheer, S. D., & Shriner, J. A. (2005, March). Cloverbud Connections Newsletter Stakes Claim on the Web. Poster presentation at 2005 Ohio 4-H Volunteer Conference, Columbus, Ohio. Scheer, S. D., & Ferrari, T. M. (2005, February). 4-H Cloverbuds. Invited presentation at Michigan State University In-Service, E. Lansing, MI. * Harrod, N., & Scheer, S. D. (2005, November). Competitive personality and adolescent emotional intelligence. Poster presentation at the 67th Annual National Council on Family Relations Conference. Phoenix, Arizona. * Lim, J., Gavazzi, S., Yarcheck-Gavazzi, C., & Scheer, S. D. (2005, November). The meaning of gender in family, mental health, and substance abuse issues. Paper presentation at the 67th Annual National Council on Family Relations Conference. Phoenix, Arizona. Kulka, K. J., & Scheer, S. D. (2005, September). Improving distance delivered instruction. Invited presentation at the Price Symposium on Improving Learning, College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences. The Ohio State University. Columbus, Ohio. Scheer, S. D. (2005, July). Essential elements for sustaining effective child and adolescent programs in a global context. Invited paper presentation at the First International Conference on Children’s Rights and Education for the 21st Century: Corpus Christi, Texas, U.S.A. [Invited speaker to international gathering on children’s rights and education, 14 different countries were represented]. Scheer, S. D., Zimmer, B. P., & Werner, E. A. 2005. (2005, February). Enhancing Cloverbud Experience through Effective Leader Preparation and Support. Invited presentation at the State 4-H In-Service, Worthington, Ohio. * Scheer, S. D., Arnold, S., McDougall, K. B., & Robinson, J. B. (2004, March). Helping children blossom into young readers. Seminar presentation at 2004 Ohio 4-H Volunteer Conference: Columbus, Ohio. Scheer, S. D., & Reed, V. L. (2004, February). Maximizing the experiential learning model in 4-H Cloverbud community clubs. Workshop presented at the Ohio 4-H Youth Development statewide in-service: Columbus, Ohio. Donnermeyer, J. D., & Scheer, S. D. (2002, November). Patterns of rural adolescent substance use. Paper presentation at the 54th Annual American Society of Criminology, Chicago, Illinois. * Berke, D. L., Scheer, S. D., Karasik, R. J. (2002, November). I got tenure and I’m still married! Lessons learned five years later. Roundtable presentation at the 64th Annual National Council on Family Relations Conference, Houston, TX. * Scheer, S. D., Konen, J., Ferrari, T. M. (2002, May). Connecting with children and families in Spanish-speaking communities: Using and developing a web-based curriculum. Computer lab presentation at the National Children, Youth, and Families at Risk Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana. 12 * Rabe, M., Ohri-Vachaspati, P., & Scheer, S. D. (2002, May). Impact of a nutrition education program (Youth EFNEP) in Ohio. Paper presentation at the 2002 Priester Health Conference. Orlando, Florida. * Scheer, S. D., Hall, C., Holley, K., & Stiles, C. (2001, October). Touching the lives of 4-H children today to give them a bright tomorrow: Introducing Cloverbud Curriculum Series II. Poster presentation at the National NAE4-HA Conference, Bismarck, ND. * Scheer, S. D. (2001, May). Exploring the connection between healthy people and emotional intelligence. Research paper presentation at the National Health Extension Conference, Dallas, TX. Donnermeyer, J. F., Scheer, S. D., & Whaley, S. (2001, May). Media portrayal of substance use: An analysis of rural and urban youth. Paper presented at the annual meetings of the Rural Sociological Society. * Zhai, L., & Scheer, S. D. (2001, April). The influence of international study abroad programs on agricultural students. Paper presented at the annual meetings of the Association International Agricultural and Extension Education, Baton Rouge, LA. Donnermeyer, J. D., & Scheer, S. D. (2000, August). An analysis of alcohol, marijuana, and other drug use among adolescents from small places. Paper presentation at the 63rd Annual Meeting of the Rural Sociological Society, Washington, D.C. * Scheer, S. D. (2000, April). The influence of cooperative and competitive environments on emotional intelligence during adolescence: Applications for research. Poster presentation at the Eighth Biennial Meetings of the Society for Research on Adolescence, Chicago, IL. Donnermeyer, J. D., Scheer, S. D., Davis, R. (2000, February). Where does rural make a difference? An examination of rural-urban differences in adolescent substance use in the U.S. Paper presentation at the Southern Rural Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Lexington, Kentucky. * Scheer, S. D., Konen, J., & Warrix, M. (1999, November). Reaching children and families in Hispanic communities through university and community collaborations. Resource exchange presentation at the 61st Annual National Council on Family Relations Conference, Irvine, CA. * Meschke, L. L., & Scheer, S. D., (1999, November). Using cooperative learning techniques in the college classroom. Teaching round table presentation at the 61st Annual National Council on Family Relations Conference, Irvine, CA. Donnermeyer, J. D., & Scheer, S. D. (1999, November). A comparison of rural-urban differences in adolescent substance use. Paper presentation at the 50th Annual Meetings of the American Society of Criminology, Toronto, Canada. * Scheer, S. D. (1999, October). Forging emotional intelligence in youth and adults through Extension programming. Paper presentation at the 53rd Annual NAE4-HA Conference, Pittsburgh, PA. 13 * Scheer, S. D. (1999, October). Cultivating leadership skills in children through cooperative learning environments. Paper presentation at the 53rd Annual National Association of Extension 4-H Agents Conference, Pittsburgh, PA. * Scheer, S. D., King, J., & Safrit, R. D. (1998, August). Understanding seasons of service. Paper presentation at the 15th Biennial World Volunteer Conference, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Scheer, S. D., & Safrit, R. D. (1998, July). Developing experiential learning environments for five to eight year-old children. Paper presentation at the 6th International Conference on Experiential Learning, Tampere, Finland. * Scheer, S. D., Borden, L. M., & Donnermeyer, J. D. (1998, February). The relationship between family factors and adolescent substance use: A comparative analysis of rural, suburban, and urban youth. Poster presentation at the 7th Biennial Meetings of the Society for Research on Adolescence, San Diego, CA. * Scheer, S. D., Berke, D. L., & Karasik, R. J. (1997, November). Tenure track and recently married: Surviving and thriving in both professional and personal spheres. Symposium presentation at the 59th Annual National Council on Family Relations Conference, Arlington, VA. * Scheer, S. D., & Safrit, R. D. (1997, November). Promoting positive family involvement in Russian communities through volunteer organizations. Poster presentation at the 59th Annual National Council on Family Relations Conference, Arlington, VA. * Scheer, S. D., Borden, L. M., & Donnermeyer, J. F. (1997, May). Using cross-national research for understanding adolescent tobacco and alcohol use as related to family environment and depressed mood. Poster presentation at the Risky Behaviors of Adolescents National Symposium, Columbus, OH. * Scheer, S. D. (1997, May). Creating positive group environment for success through teamwork. Paper presentation at the Creating an Environment for Excellence Joint College Conference. Columbus, OH. * Scheer, S. D. (1997, January). Building competent kids in a community program. Presentation at the National Children, Youth, and Families at Risk Conference, “Strong Families, Competent Kids, Caring Communities,” Tucson, AZ. * Scheer, S. D. (1996, December). Making curriculum decisions with the Cloverbud Program. Presentation at the Ohio State University Extension Annual Conference, Columbus, OH. * Scheer, S. D. (1996, November). Trends in land grant universities: Availability of youth development academic programs. Panel Presentation at the 50th Annual Meetings of the National Association of 4-H Extension Agents, Grand Rapids, MI. * Scheer, S. D., & Unger, D. G. (1996, March). Russian adolescent development: The role of the family environment, drug use, and depression. Presentation at the 6th Biennial Meetings of the Society for Research on Adolescence, Boston, MA. 14 * Scheer, S. D. (1994, November). Russian adolescents in the era of perestroika: The relationship between family environment and adolescent drug use. Poster presentation at the National Council on Family Relations Conference, Minneapolis, MN. * Scheer, S. D., Unger, D. G., & Brown, M. B. (1994, February). Adolescents becoming adults: Attributes for adulthood. Poster presentation at the 5th Biennial Meetings of the Society of Research on Adolescence, San Diego, CA. * Scheer, S. D., & Unger, D. G. (1993, November). Parental perceptions of their adolescence: Parent-teen conflict and family satisfaction. Poster presentation at the National Council on Family Relations Conference, Baltimore, MD. * Scheer, S. D., & Unger, D. G. (1992, November). The 1990’s New York City family social worker: An exploration of job stress and coping. Poster presentation at the National Council on Family Relations Conference, Orlando, FL. * Scheer, S. D., & Cooney, T. (1991, September). The role of the family environment in adolescent chemical use. Paper presentation at the Focus on the Future - Adolescence in the 90’s Conference, St. Louis, MO. * Scheer, S. D., Beckwith, R., & Bloom, L. (1990, April). Environmental effects on language input. Presentation at the 7th International Conference on Infant Studies, Montreal, Canada. Grants ($1,233,203) Principal Investigator - (with Dennis Hall). Development and Dissemination of a Bioenergy Curriculum for Children. Funded through the Northeast Regional Sun Grant Initiative (Cornell University) with a grant from the U.S. Department of Transportation. $29,982. 2011-2013. Principal Investigator - (with Becky Cropper and Connie Goble). Connect to College. Funded by a grant from The Ohio 4-H Foundation. $2,287. 2010-2011. Principal Investigator - (with Tamara Davis and Stephen Gavazzi). Parent Advocacy Research. Funded by a grant from The Ohio Department of Mental Health. $34,377. 2007-2008. Co-Principal Investigator - (with Stephen Gavazzi). Evaluation of the Family and System Teams. Funded by a grant from The Ohio Department of Mental Health. $799,070. 2005-2007. Principal Investigator – (with Stephen Gavazzi). The Center for Family Research (CFR): Developing “Family Research and Engagement Partners” in Order to Augment Outreach and Engagement Efforts with Ohio’s Families" Funded by a grant from OSU CARES $3,500 and Kellogg Foundation through OSU Extension 4-H Youth Development. $2000. 2004-2005. 15 Principal Investigator - Developing Skills for Excellence in Utilizing E-Learning Delivery Methods for Improved Outreach to Students and the Community. Funded by a grant from the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences. $9,009. 2003-2004. Co-Principal Investigator - (with Joseph Donnermeyer). Statewide Crime Survey. Funded by a grant from The State of Ohio - Office of Criminal Justice Services. $98,382. 2002-2003. Co-Principal Investigator - (with Jeff King, Ryan Schmiesing, Joyce McDowell, Jill Nolan, and Diane DeFord). Addressing Ohio’s Literacy Issue for Children through Community Programming. Funded by a grant from the Office of Academic Affairs - Ohio State University. $112,000. 1999-2000. Principal Investigator - (with Debbie Robinson, Gwen Wolford, and Judy Conrad). Taking Spanish Speaking Countries to the Country. Funded by a grant from OSU Cares - OSU Extension and the Presidents Office for Outreach and Engagement. $10,000. 1999-2000. Principal Investigator - Urban 4-H Program Initiative for Children in Hispanic Communities of Ohio. Grant awarded by the Ohio State University 4-H Foundation. $4500. 1999-2000. Principal Investigator - (with Joseph Konen). Youth Development Training of Urban Home Day Care Providers - Grant awarded by the Ohio State University 4-H Foundation. $6000. 1998-1999. Co-Principal Investigator - (with Joseph Donnermeyer). Community Structure and Substance Use. Funded by the USDA - National Research Initiative Competitive Grants Program. $120,096. 1996-1998. Principal Investigator - Cloverbud Evaluation and Continuous Quality Improvement. Innovative Grant awarded by Ohio State University Extension. $1000. 1996-1997. Principal Investigator - The Influence of Toy Play on Language Development and Mother-Child Interactions. Dean’s Grant from Columbia University, Teachers College. $1000. 1988-1989. Professional Affiliations American Association for Agricultural Education Epsilon Sigma Phi (National Extension Honor Society) National Association for the Education of Young Children National Council on Family Relations National Association of Extension 4-H Agents Ohio Association of Extension Professionals [Officer: Secretary 1998-1999] 16 Reviewer Reviewer, Journal of Agricultural Education. (2010 – present). Reviewer, Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology. (2010). Reviewer, Children and Youth Services Review. (2009). Dr. Duncan Lindsey, Editor, UCLA. Reviewer, Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology. (2009). K. Poustini, Ph.D., Editor. Reviewer, The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Science. (2007). Drs. Mary Kalantiz and Bill Cope, University of Illinois, Editors. Reviewer, Journal of Rural Health. (2004). Thomas C. Rosenthal, M.D., Editor. Reviewer, Contemporary Sociology. (2002). JoAnn Miller and Robert Perrucci, Editors. Reviewer, National Council on Family Relations. (1999 Annual Meetings in Irvine, California). Education and Enrichment Sectional Proposals. Reviewer, Developmental Psychology. (1998). Dr. James L. Dannemiller, Editor, Published by the American Psychological Association. Reviewer, Summary of Research Series. (1998). Dr. Wes Budke, Editor, Published by the Department of Human and Community Resource Development, The Ohio State University. Reviewer, Ohio Department of Aging. (1998). State grants for the Seniors Teaching and Reaching Students Program. Reviewer, Stress Medicine. (1997-1998). Dr. Paul J. Rosch, Editor; Published by John Wiley and Sons. Committee Service Department Committees Standing Graduate Studies Committee (Chair) 2012 - present Extension Education, 1998 to 2009 (Program Leader, 2000 – 2009) Undergraduate Studies Committee, 1998 – 2003 (Chair, 2000 – 2003) 2007 – 2008 (Chair, 2008) Graduate Studies Committee, 2003-2007 17 Ad Hoc Member, Chair Search for Department of Agricultural Communication, Education, and Leadership, 2011-2012. Member of the internal advisory committee for OSU Extension with Dr. Keith Smith OSU Extension Director), 2006 – 2007 Member of the OSU Extension 4-H Technology Committee for the Ohio 4-H Center, 2003. Search committee member, Specialist at Lima Center, Family and Consumer Sciences, Human Development, The Ohio State University Extension, 2005 Chair, Youth Program Management Faculty Search Committee, 4-H Youth Development and Dept. of Human and Community Resource Development, 1999-2000 Member, State 4-H Leader Search Committee, 1999 Member, University Departmental Excellence in Teaching Award Committee, Department Honored with Award, 1998 Member, Department Internet Web Site Planning Committee, 1997 Member, Data Center Director Search Committee, 1997 Member, Agricultural Communications Faculty Search Committee, 1997 Member, Departmental Name Change Committee, 1996 Member, Department Social Impact Committee, 1996 College or University Committees Standing Elected as university faculty senator by peers to represent College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences, 2013 – 2016. Member, Council on Distance Education, Libraries and Information Technology, University senate committee, 2013-2016. Elected by peers in the Department of Agricultural Communication, Education, and Leadership to serve on the promotion and tenure committee for the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences, 2010-2012. Elected as department representative to college faculty council, College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences. Meetings are at least quarterly, 2008 – 2011 Member, Committee on Academic Affairs in the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences. Meetings typically once a month, 2006 – 2009 18 Member, Council on Physical Environment, The Ohio State University Senate Subcommittee, 2005 – 2008 Member, Undergraduate Honors Committee for the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences, 1999 – 2000 Member, OSU Extension Health Task Force charged to develop an integrated system of programming, evaluation, and reporting of Extension’s activities related to health, 1999– 2000 Ad Hoc Graduate Scholarship Committee for Dept. of Agricultural Communication, Education, and Leadership, 2013 Undergraduate Scholarship Committee for Dept. of Agricultural Communication, Education, and Leadership, 2011 – 2013 College Faculty Representative, Experience College for a Day, 1996 – 2012 College Honors Faculty Representative - Undergraduate Honors Thesis Defense, 2000 Presenter, 12th Annual Teaching at the Ohio State University: An Orientation for New Faculty. Teaching Tips Session: Using Teaching Feedback Constructively, 1998 University Panel Member, 11th Annual Teaching at the Ohio State University: An Orientation for New Faculty. Meeting with Faculty Colleagues, Colleges of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences, Human Ecology, and Agricultural Technical Institute, September, 1997 Discussion Leader, Faculty/Family Discussion Group, with about 20 parents of entering students in the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences, August, 1997 Administrative Positions Director, Graduate Studies of the Agricultural and Extension Education program in the Department of Agricultural Communication, Education, and Leadership, 2012 – present Co-director (with Dr. S. Gavazzi) of The Ohio State University Center for Family Research. 2007 – 2010 located at the Columbus Center of Science and Industry (COSI). 19 Awards Dr. Scheer received the 2013 National Communicator Award (Educational Piece Team) from the National Association of Extension 4-H Agents. Presented at national Extension Galaxy Conference in Pittsburgh, PA. One award given nationally after selection as state and regional (11 state) winner. Dr. Scheer was recognized by Epsilon Sigma Phi (Extension Honors Society) for Creative Works in projects books and curriculum package team at 2013 state conference. Dr. Scheer led effort for application of Extension program in 4-H Youth Development which was recognized as a National Program of Distinction (2008 – 2013). NIFA National 4-H Headquarters, The Ohio State University. Dr. Scheer received a Tool for Teaching Award (2nd Place) in 2009 from Epsilon Sigma Phi Alpha Eta Chapter, The Ohio State University. Dr. Scheer was honored with the Distinguished Service Award at the 2006 National Association of Extension 4-H Agents Conference in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Dr. Scheer received the 2005 Educational Technology Team Award (National Award Recipient with Bruce Zimmer and Joyce Shriner), at National Association of Extension 4-H Agents Conference in Seattle, Washington. Dr. Scheer was recognized at the 2004 OSU President's Salute to Undergraduate Academic Achievement for his advising and support of undergraduate education. Dr. Scheer received the 2003 Pomerene teaching award given by the College of Food, Agriculture, and Environmental Sciences for excellence in teaching. Dr. Scheer was recognized with the 2003 James D. Utzinger Extension Teaching Award given by The Ohio Extension Professional Association. The award honors one university level Ohio State University Extension professional for outstanding teaching and professionalism each year. Dr. Scheer and Ms. Vicki Reed received the 2002 North Central Region Communicator-Award Video Program for the production of their educational 4-H Cloverbud Volunteer Video. The Ohio 4-H Cloverbud Program, Dr. Scheer provides statewide leadership, was recognized as a National Program of Excellence for 2001 by the National 4-H Strategic Directions Team. Dr. Scheer received the 2000 Outstanding Advising Award, Department of Human and Community Resource Development, The Ohio State University. Dr. Scheer was awarded the 2000 National Association for Extension 4-H Agents Achievement In Service Award from Ohio. Presented in Denver, Colorado (Nov. 2000) at the NAE4-HA National Conference. Given to only one person each year from the state of Ohio for excellence in Extension achievement. Dr. Scheer was inducted into Gamma Sigma Delta, the Honor Society of Agriculture for faculty membership based strictly on scholarship performance, three years of service in the College, and a recommendation by a faculty member. February, 2000. 20 Dr. Scheer received a Department Faculty Research Award from OARDC with Drs. Joseph Donnermeyer and Lynne Borden at the 1998 OARDC Annual Conference for their research on adolescent risk-taking behaviors. Dr. Scheer was awarded the Ohio Association of Extension Agents’ State Personnel Service Award in 1998 for outstanding assistance to county programming. National Communicator Award for a Team Periodical Publication at the 1998 National Association for Extension 4-H Agents 52nd Annual Conference in Louisville, KY given to Bruce P. Zimmer, Joyce A. Shriner, and Dr. Scott D. Scheer. 1997 Tools for Teaching Award - First Place for Team Newsletters (Quarterly Publication of “Cloverbud Connections”) by Bruce Zimmer, Joyce Shriner, and Dr. Scott D. Scheer. Given by Ohio’s Epsilon Sigma Phi - National Honorary Extension Fraternity. 21
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