ASSOCIATION OF CERTIFIED FRAUD EXAMINERS PHILIPPINES CHAPTER For inquiries: MAY TRAININGS: Call 919 0910 / 09175194762 look for Kat or email: CLICK HERE for Registration Forms - MAY 11: WHY AUDITORS MISS FRAUD - MAY 21-22: BASIC DIGITAL FORENSICS - MAY 28-29: FRAUD DATA ANALYTICS- SQL - MAY 30: EFFECTIVE INTERVIEW TECHNIQUES DURING FRAUD INVESTIGATION UPCOMING TRAININGS: - JUNE 9-10: CONDUCTING INTERNAL FRAUD INVESTIGATIONS FRAUD RISK MANAGEMENT COURSE Establishing an Effective Anti-Fraud Programme: o Part 1- JUNE 6 Preparing an Effetive Ethics Programme o Part 2- JUNE 20 Preparing an Effective Anti-Fraud Programme - JULY 2-4: PRINCIPLES OF FRAUD INVESTIGATION (3 DAYS) FRAUD RISK MANAGEMENT COURSE - JUNE 27: FRAUD RISK MANAGEMENT RESOURCE SPEAKER: Jose Rizal O. Batiles CFE CPA CIA Group Manager Procter & Gamble International Operations (ROHQ) MAY 11 WHY AUDITORS MISS FRAUD CPE Units: 8 (Level – Basic) □ □ □ What is this training about? This is about taking a closer look on why fraud is missed out in the course of audits. Why is it relevant? In today’s fraud-prone environment, auditors need to be conscious on what could be inadvertently missed out in the course of an audit engagement. This session will help the auditors have a closer look on certain practices that could lead to this miss. How will it impact the organization? By being more aware of the risk to miss out fraud, the organization may have a better chance of detecting fraud. MAY 21-22 BASIC DIGITAL FORENSICS CPE Units: 16 (Level – Basic) This course provides an overview of computer forensics and how to acquire, preserve, retrieve, and present data that has been processed electronically and stored on computer media. Attendees will also learn how to establish controls and procedures that can allow for the handling and recovery from even the most devastating of incidents using Computer Forensic techniques. COURSE OUTLINE: Objective – to provide participants awareness on the factors that may make the auditors miss fraud. The session will cover the following: Understanding the nature of fraud The audit process and fraud Common reasons why auditors miss fraud The culpability of the auditors Prevention and mitigation Fees: Members/Affiliates: P 4,000 , Non-members/Non-Affiliate: P 5,500 RESOURCE SPEAKERS: Drexx D. Laggui CISA CISSP CCSI CSA Principal Consultant [Information Security Laggui.Com Mario B. Demarillas CFE COBIT (F) CRISC CISA CISM CIA CPA Director . Enterprise Risk Services / Cyber Risk Services Navarro Amper & Co. | Member of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited COURSE OUTLINE: The threat of computer crime against an organization's infrastructure has grown significantly. In this course, you gain experience in the latest computer forensic techniques to recognize and respond to security threats. Knowledge of an effective computer forensics incident-response strategy and tactics Know how a successful investigation is conducted, from the initial response to conclusion Learn to identify and retrieve hidden information. Analyze storage media and recover deleted files Identify information-hiding techniques Know how user activity is reconstructed from e-mail, temporary Internet files and cached data Target attendees: - Management Executives - IT/MIS Professionals - IT and Financial Auditors - Corporate lawyers - Litigation support staff Required: Bring laptops with admin settings Fees: Members/Affiliates: P 9,000 , Non-members/Non-Affiliate: P 12,000 RESOURCE SPEAKER: Mario B. Demarillas CFE COBIT (F) CRISC CISA CISM CIA CPA Director . Enterprise Risk Services / Cyber Risk Services Navarro Amper & Co. | Member of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited May 28-29 FRAUD DATA ANALYTICS- SQL CPE Units: 16 (Level – Basic) To be released. Fees: Members/Affiliates: P 9,000 , Non-members/Non-Affiliate: P 12,000 RESOURCE SPEAKER: Kris V. Curaming CFE AVP - Foreign Exchange and Money Market Operations * One of the top global banks May 30, 2015 EFFECTIVE INTERVIEW TECHNIQUES DURING FRAUD INVESTIGATION CPE Units: 8 (Level – Basic) Interview is one of the most important activities during fraud investigation. Without your interviewing skills, required information needed to help solve your case is very difficult to obtain. On several instances, result of investigation turned out bad due lack of fraud examiners skill to detect deception and/or obtain a written confession on the guilty persons. COURSE OUTLINE: By learning the globally accepted interviewing techniques, probability of solving your case will significantly increase. Understand the various elements of conversation and different personalities. Get more information by avoiding inhibitors of communication and building facilitators of communication. Use a different interview approach for each type of personality. Effectively apply different types of interview questions Building rapport through introductory questions Getting more leads through informational questions Detecting deceptive respondents through assessment questions and understanding of body language. Getting more leads even after the interview through closing statements Using structured approach and persuasion skills to obtain written confession from guilty suspects Fees: Members/Affiliates: P 4,000 , Non-members/Non-Affiliate: P 5,500 June 9-10 CONDUCTING INTERNAL FRAUD INVESTIGATION RESOURCE SPEAKERS: John B. Estioko CFE CPA MBA CISA CrMA CICA CPE Units: 16 (Level – Basic) Internal fraud investigations can be a difficult task especially to those who are not trained to do so. The investigation can be costly for the company just to prove the wrong doing of an employee and/or senior management. It can also lead to a variety of legal problems and other unexpected complications if it’s not conducted properly with utmost care and confidentiality. Target attendees: - Certified Fraud Examiners and other antifraud specialists e.g. CPA, CIA, CISA, CSP - Internal and Independent Auditors / Consultants - Compliance Officers and Business Managers including HR Managers - Loss Prevention and Security Professionals Atty. Laureano L. Galon Jr. CFE, CPA Partner Rodriguez Casila Galon & Associates Law Firm COURSE OUTLINE: Learn how to lead an internal fraud investigation with accuracy and confidence. What constitutes Occupational Fraud? Understanding Fraud Examination Steps Involved in Conducting an Internal Fraud Investigation Overview of the Legal System The Laws Related on Fraud Individual’s Rights During Examinations Basic Principles of Evidence Criminal Prosecutions for Fraud Tips in Testifying as a Witness Tips to Deter Occupational Fraud Fees: Members/Affiliates: P 8,000 , Non-members/Non-Affiliate: P 11,000 June 6, 20 Establishing an Effective Anti-fraud Program CPE Units: 16 (Level – Basic) FRAUD RISK MANAGEMENT COURSE RESOURCE SPEAKERS: Jose Rizal O. Batiles CFE CPA CIA Group Manager, Procter & Gamble International Operations (ROHQ) In the wake of the economic collapse, the field of risk management has attracted increased mainstream attention. Every organization should start being aware of the negative effects of uncontrolled risk. Unfortunately, many risk management professionals tend to underestimate the role of fraud in the scope of their professional duties. With organizations losing an estimated five (5%) percent of their annual revenues to fraud, the need to strengthen their anti-fraud policy and pre-emptive, comprehensive approach to fraud deterrence is important. As organizations focus on risk, they should take the opportunity to consider, enact and improve measures to detect, deter and prevent fraud. This course will explain how organizations can integrate antifraud initiatives into their risk management programs to: □ Support fraud risk management initiatives by establishing an anti-fraud culture and promoting fraud awareness throughout the organization COURSE OUTLINE: Learn the role of ethics in the anti-fraud program of the company; Identify the elements of a strong ethical corporate culture and promote fraud awareness to employees at all levels of the organization. Ethics Importance and Consequences of Unethical Practices Purpose of the fraud response plan Corporate policy Definition of fraud Roles and responsibilities 1. The response 2. The investigation 3. Organisation’s objectives with respect to dealing with fraud 4. Follow-up action Workshop/Case study □ Identify, assess and manage fraud risks from all sources June 26-27 Fraud Risk Management □ Develop a system of internal controls to address the entity’s fraud risks CPE Units: 16 (Level – Basic) RESOURCE SPEAKER: □ Address and respond to any identified instances of fraud Target attendees: - Management Executives - Risk Management Officers - Certified Fraud Examiners and other anti-fraud specialists - Internal and Independent Auditors - Consultants - Compliance Officers and Business Managers including HR Managers Kris V. Curaming CFE AVP - Foreign Exchange and Money Market Operations * One of the top global banks John B. Estioko CFE CPA MBA CISA CrMA CICA COURSE OUTLINE: Develop and implement the necessary components of a successful fraud risk management program Fraud – its extent, patterns and causes o The scale of the problem o Which businesses o Why do people commit fraud? Risk management – an overview o What is risk management? o Corporate governance o The risk management cycle o Establish a risk management group and set goals Case Study Fees per 2-day training session: Members/Affiliates: P 8,000 , Non-members/Non-Affiliate: P 11,000 Group discount: 10% for 3 pax and above. Venue will be at the ACFE Training Room. However if the total participants would exceed 12, we will be informing the participants on the alternative venue through emails and phonecalls. You may also check updates at Click to unsubscribe September 16-18, 2015 Intercontinental Hotel Manila
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