Dear ACLPS members:
Hurry up, Spring! And not just because we are tired of the
Polar Vortex and the Boston Snow Party, but mainly because we can’t wait to get to Minnesota for the 2015 ACLPS
Our 50th anniversary meeting (May 28-30, 2015) is sponsored by the University of Minnesota and run by our program co-chairs Tony Killeen and Mike Linden. The program
looks great (see it here in the newsletter), and if you are
not yet registered, I urge you to get moving on this. The online registration for both the meeting and continuing medical education was simple and quick to accomplish. Besides
the ACLPS program itself, there is a robust Thursday companion meeting on Mass Spec which looks very intriguing.
Hotel registration is also on-line and the Commons Hotel
looks like a great venue, although it’s pretty clear that those
of you who opted for the dormitory will probably be partying into Sunday morning.
The Executive Committee (EC) of ACLPS has been busy this
year. It will be very important for our membership to attend
the business meeting in Minnesota which, thanks to our
hosts, is NOT scheduled for Saturday afternoon and thus
does not conflict with departing flight schedules. The ACLPS
Bylaws have been extensively revised, and I urge you to
carefully examine the changes which are included in this
Inside this issue
President’s Letter ....................... 1
Educational Committee Update.. 3
Lab Medicine 2015 ..................... 4
Bylaws—Proposed Revisions ...... 14
ACLPS Bylaws ............................. 15
Ballot .......................................... 43
Special points of interest
 Lab Medicine 2015
May 28 - 30, 2015
Minneapolis, MN
The primary aims of this revision were to ensure that the
bylaws are concordant with our actual functions and policies, and that we additionally encourage a broader membership platform for ACLPS.
Sponsors of young investigators may be glad to know that
the ACLPS EC unanimously voted to reimburse travel
expenses (maximum $850) for all 2015 young investigator awardees (YIA) from our existing YIA funds, in addition to covering their meeting registration fees. If you
had already budgeted funds for this expense, you might
want to contact our secretary-treasurer, David Grenache,
as to other ACLPS educational donation possibilities.
Inside Story Headline
The ACLPS Bylaws have
been extensively revised, and I urge you to
carefully examine the
changes which are included in this newsletter.
The primary aims of
this revision were to
ensure that the bylaws
are concordant with
our actual functions
and policies.
Membership in and activities under the umbrella of
ACLPS continue to be important for young investigators
and faculty. We have numerous opportunities on
different committees, and of course, the annual meeting
venue is an excellent chance to showcase the strengths
of your department and institution. Please contact any of
the ACLPS officers if you would like to volunteer or have
questions about getting involved in Academy activities.
Jonathan Genzen
ACLPS will be co-sponsoring a Collaborative Society educational session at the upcoming ASCP Annual Meeting in
Long Beach, CA this October. This session will be titled
“You Want to Measure ‘That’ in ‘This’? Body Fluid Analysis in the Clinical Laboratory.” It will focus on current
(and potentially upcoming) guidance and regulations
regarding body fluid validations and testing. More information on this session will be presented at our Annual
Meeting later this Spring.
Inside Story Headline
ACLPS will be
co-sponsoring a
Collaborative Society
educational session.
If you are interested in
contributing an article
for the “Pathology Consultation on...“ series,
please contact any
Education member.
We are also currently recruiting new articles for the
“Pathology Consultation on…” series of case-based
review articles in AJCP. If you or a colleague is interested
in contributing an article, please contact any Education
Committee member, or send an email to the Education
Genzen; for more information
and article guidelines. To date, 17 articles have been
published by our outstanding ACLPS authors!
ACLPS Visitor Information and Accommodations for the 50th Annual
Hosted by the Department of Laboratory Medicine
and Pathology
University of Minnesota
Minneapolis, Minnesota
May 28-30, 2015
Inside Story Headline
The 50th annual meeting
University of Minnesota
and local hosts Anthony
Killeen and Michael Lin-
Guests traveling to Minneapolis for the 50 Annual ACLPS
meeting will fly directly to the Minneapolis/St. Paul Airport
(MSP). Ground transportation is available outside the terminal
exits. Visit the airport website for further information on travel,
car rentals, taxi service and light rail service. Light rail can be
taken from the MSP Airport to the University of Minnesota Campus (both the meeting venue and hotel).
This meeting will also be
vision of Ellis Benson and
Location and Accommodations
The Course will be held on the University of Minnesota’s
Minneapolis East Bank Campus. For University of Minnesota
maps and directions, click here.
If you are driving locally, daily parking is available in various
public parking lots/ramps on campus. These locations can also be
found at the link above. Light rail is available from the MSP
airport at a cost of $2.50 and will drop you directly in front of the
conference hotel.
Hotel Sleeping Rooms
A block of sleeping rooms will be held at The Commons Hotel
within walking distance of the meeting site. To make a
reservation for the ACLPS Conference 2015 special rate/discount,
call 800-822-6757 (MPLS) or 612-379-8888 and ask for the
Academy of Clinical Lab & Physicians Conference 2015. You may
also register by visiting the ACLPS reservation site.
other pioneers of Laboratory Medicine who started ACLPS.
Our membership advocates strongly for clinical
ACLPS also advocates for
our membership at the
Pathology Roundtable.
MAKE YOUR RESERVATIONS EARLY – Guests have until May 4 to book a room at the
special/discount conference rate of $152.00 (plus tax). Shuttle service to and from
the conference can be arranged with the hotel with an advance reservation.
Dormitory Rooms
An additional block of single dormitory rooms is available at the University’s Comstock
Hall located directly behind the venue site. Single rooms which include, both bed and
bathroom linens are available. Room Cost is $60.00 per night. To register click here.
ACLPS Meeting Registration
Register for the ACLPS meeting online
Registration fees
Satellite Workshops, Thursday May 28, 8 a.m.-noon
Basics of Mass Spectrometry for the Clinical Laboratory - no fee
Genomic Pathology: an Interactive Workshop - no fee
Clinical Laboratory Analytics 2015 - no fee
Conference Registration
Regular Registration by May 11, 2015 - $350
Regular Registration after May 11, 2015 - $450
Thursday only - $150
Friday only - $150
Saturday only -$100
Young Investigator Award Winner - $0
Sponsor Registration – $0
Meeting registration includes course materials, breakfast and lunch on Friday and Saturday, entrance to the welcome reception on Thursday, May 28, and entrance to the
Awards Banquet on Friday, May 29. Guest tickets to the welcome reception and
award banquet can be purchased during the online registration process.
Academy of Clinical Laboratory Physicians and Scientists
University of Minnesota, Department of Laboratory
Medicine and Pathology, Minneapolis, MN
May 28 -30, 2015
This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the Essential Areas
and Policies of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME)
through the joint providership of the University of Minnesota and Academy of Clinical
Laboratory Physicians and Scientists. The University of Minnesota is accredited by the
ACCME to provide continuing medical education for physicians.
This activity has been approved for AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™.
Determination of exact number of credits is pending.
Jointly Provided by
University of Minnesota and Academy of Clinical Laboratory Physicians
and Scientists
8:00 a.m. – Noon
Satellite Workshops
8 a.m. - Noon
Rooms TBD
Genomic Pathology: an Interactive Workshop
Elizabeth M. Azzato, MD, PhD, Department of Pathology and
Laboratory Medicine, Hospital of the University of
Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
Elizabeth Varga, MS, LGC, Division of Hematology/Oncology/
BMT, Nationwide Children’s Hospital, Columbus, OH
Basics of Mass Spectrometry for the Clinical Laboratory
Robert Fitzgerald,PhD, Department of Pathology, University of
California, San Diego School of Medicine, San Diego, CA
Clinical Laboratory Analytics 2015
Brian Shirts, MD, PhD., Assistant Professor, Assistant
Director, Informatics Division, Assistant Director, Genetics
Division, Laboratory Medicine, University of Washington
Medical Center, Seattle, WA
Noah Hoffman, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor and Associate Director of Informatics and
Assistant Director of Molecular Microbiology, Laboratory
Medicine, University of Washington Medical Center, Seattle,
11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Executive Council Meeting
1:00 p.m.
Welcome and Introductions - Start of Scientific Sessions
Anthony Killeen, MD, PhD, Professor and Vice Chair,
Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology, Program
Committee Co–Chair, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis,
Michael Linden, MD, PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of
Laboratory Medicine and Pathology, Program Committee
Co-Chair, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN
Moderator: Dr. Anthony Killeen
1:15 p.m. – 1:40 p.m.
"Preclinical Research in Islet Transplantation: What do
we need to learn?"
Bernhard Hering, MD
Professor of Surgery, Director, Islet Cell Transplantation Program
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN
1:40 p.m. – 2:05 p.m.
"Clinical Research in Islet Transplantation: What have
we learned?"
Melena Belin, MD
Assistant Professor, Division of Endocrinology, Department
of Pediatrics, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN
2:05 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.
A Patient’s Perspective
Greg L.
St. Paul, MN
2:30 p.m. – 2:45 p.m.
Session I Q and A
2:45 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Moderator: Dr. Michael Linden
3:00 p.m. – 3:25 p.m.
“The Pathology of PTLD: A spectrum of presentation”
Elizabeth Courville, MD
Assistant Professor, Department of Laboratory Medicine and
Pathology, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN
3:25 p.m. – 3:50 p.m.
“Epstein-Barr Virus Vaccine: Is the End of PTLD in
Sight ?”
Henry Balfour, Jr., MD
Professor, Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology
and Department of Pediatrics, Director, International Center
for Antiviral Research and Epidemiology, University of
Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN
3:50 p.m. – 4:15 p.m.
“The Clinical Management of PTLD”
Bruce Peterson, MD
Professor of Medicine, Division of Hematology, Oncology
and Transplantation, University of Minnesota,
Minneapolis, MN
4:15 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Session II Q and A
6:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Weismann Museum, University of Minnesota
7:15 a.m. – 8:00 a.m.
8:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m.
Transfusion Medicine
Malignant Hematology
Biomedical Research
Chemistry I
9:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.
10:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Benign Hematology and Coagulation
Molecular Diagnostics
Laboratory Administration & Test Utilization
Chemistry II
12:00 p.m. – 12:45 p.m.
1:00 p.m. – 1:40 p.m.
“Progress on the Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission of HIV’
ACLPS award presented to J. Brooks Jackson, MD, MBA
Vice President and Dean, Health Sciences and Medical
School, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities Campus
Moderator: Patricia Ferrieri, MD
Professor of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology; Professor
of Pediatrics, Division of Infectious Diseases
Director, Infectious Diseases Diagnostic Laboratory,
University of Minnesota Medical Center, Minneapolis, MN
1:45 p.m. – 2:10 p.m.
“Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation”
Bruce Blazar, MD
Regents Professor, Division of Pediatric Blood and Marrow
Transplantation, Department of Pediatrics, University of
Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN
2:10 p.m. – 2:35 p.m.
"CMV and Transplant. Lions and Tigers and Bears,
Oh My!"
Jamie Green, MD, Assistant Professor of Medicine and
Infectious Disease, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis,
2:35 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
“Transplant Associated Molecular Infectious Disease
David R. Hillyard, MD
Medical Director of Research and Development
ARUP Laboratories, Salt Lake City, Utah
3:00 p.m. – 3:15 p.m.
Scientific Session III Q and A
3:15 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
3:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Breakout 1
“HLA: Basic Concepts and Case Studies”
Moderator and Presenter: Claudia Cohn, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor, Department of Laboratory Medicine
and Pathology, Medical Director, Blood Bank, University
of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN
David Maurer, PhD
Associate Professor, Director of HLA Laboratories,
Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology,
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis MN
Breakout 2
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring
Moderator and Presenter: Danni Li, PhD
“Therapeutic Drug Monitoring of Everolimus in Solid
Organ Transplantation”
Danni Li, PhD
Assistant Professor, Director of Clinical Chemistry
Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology,
University of Minnesota
"Therapeutic Drug Monitoring of Busulfan in Bone
Marrow Transplantation"
William Clarke, PhD, MBA, DABCC
Associate Professor of Pathology
Director, Clinical Toxicology
Director, Point-of-Care Testing
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine,
Baltimore, MD
Breakout 3
Solid Organ Transplantation
Moderator: Nicole Zantek, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor, Department of Laboratory Medicine and
Pathology, Medical Director, Special Coagulation Laboratory,
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN
"Expanding the donor pool: a functional and cellular look
at normothermic ex vivo lung preservation"
Gabriel Loor, MD
Assistant Professor, Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN
Improving access to Kidney Transplantation Lab Medicine's Crucial Role"
Ty Dunn, MD, MS
Assistant Professor, Division of Transplantation
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN
6:00 p.m.
Buses to Awards Banquet
6:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Mill City Museum, Minneapolis, MN
7:00 a.m. – 8:00 a.m.
8:00 a.m. – 8:45 a.m.
Christopher A. Tormey, MD, Assistant Professor
of Laboratory Medicine, Yale School of Medicine
Moderator: Dr. David McKenna, MD
Associate Professor, Director of Transfusion Medicine,
Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology,
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN
8:45 a.m. – 9:10 a.m.
“cGMP Production of NK Cells”
David H. McKenna, Jr., MD
Associate Professor, Director of Transfusion Medicine,
Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology,
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN
9:10 a.m. – 9:35 a.m.
“Adoptive Therapy with Innate Lymphoid Cells”
Michael Verneris, MD
Associate Professor, Division of Pediatric Blood and Bone
Marrow Transplantation, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis,
9:35 a.m. – 10:05 a.m.
“NK Cell Therapy for Cancer and Transplantation”
Jeffrey Miller, MD
Professor of Medicine, Division of Hematology, Oncology and
Transplantation, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN
10:05 A.M. – 10:20 a.m.
Moderator: Dr. Betsy Hirsch
10:20a.m. – 10:45a.m.
Anemia: Diagnostic Dilemmas and Interesting
Clinical Cases"
John E. Wagner, MD
Executive Medical Director, BMT Program, University of
Minnesota, Masonic Children’s Hospital, Professor, Department
of Pediatrics, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN
Moderator: Dr. Betsy Hirsch
10:45a.m. – 11:10 a.m.
“When and how to transplant FA patients”
Margaret MacMillan, MD, MS
Professor, Division of Pediatric Blood and Marrow
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN
11:10 a.m. – 11:25 a.m.
11:25 a.m. – 11:50 a.m.
"Dyskeratosis congenita. Disease-specific bone marrow
transplantation: Less toxicity, better outcomes
Jakub Tolar, MD, PhD
Director, Stem Cell Institute
Edmund Wallace Tulloch and Anna Marie Tulloch Chair
in Stem Cell Biology, Genetics and Genomics
Professor, Division of Blood and Marrow Transplantation,
Department of Pediatrics, University of Minnesota,
Minneapolis, MN
11:50 a.m. – 12:05 p.m
“The role of the genomic laboratories in the evaluation of
Fanconi Anemia and bone marrow failure syndromes"
Betsy A. Hirsch, PhD
Professor, Department of Laboratory Medicine and
Pathology, Director, Cytogenetic Laboratory
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN
12:05 p.m. – 12:20 p.m.
12:20 p.m.
Boxed Lunch (need to pre order)
12:45 p.m.
Executive Meeting
Over time, the ACLPS bylaws have been amended several times to address specific needs of the
Academy. The current bylaws are a patchwork of actual bylaws and items that are more appropriately considered as policies and procedures; neither of which belong in an organization’s bylaws.
In May 2014, the Executive Council created a Bylaws Taskforce to review the ACLPS bylaws and
revise them to reflect current practices of the Academy. This taskforce consisted of Drs. David
Grenache, Jonathan Miller, Harv Rinder, Eric Spitzer, and Mark Wener. The taskforce revised the
bylaws and presented them to the Executive Council in December of 2014. The Executive Council
approved the revisions.
All changes to the Academy’s bylaws must be provided to the membership at least one month
preceding the annual business meeting. At the 2015 annual business meeting, active (not associate) members will be asked to vote on the revised bylaws. Active members who are unable to
attend the annual business meeting can vote by mail or email (for details please refer to the
2015 ACLPS Election Ballot in this newsletter).
The revised bylaws are presented at the end of this newsletter. Due to the extensive reorganization and reformatting of the revised bylaws, it is not possible to present a side-by-side comparison of the current bylaws and the proposed revisions. Please refer to the “Guide to Proposed
Revisions to ACLPS Bylaws” document at the end of this newsletter. A complete copy of the current ACLPS bylaws can be found at under “Organizational Documents.”
Please direct any questions to David Grenache at or 801-5832787 x3547.
The Executive Council recommends approval of this revision.
Our academy was founded in 1966
And currently has active affiliations
With 70 of the approximately 150
Academic and community training
Centers that train pathology
residents in clinical pathology.
From its origin, it has followed the
mission statement of being dedicated
To the advancement of teaching and
Scholarship in laboratory medicine
Academy of Clinical Laboratory Physicians and Scientists, Inc.
Article I
Name and Incorporation
The name of the Academy is the Academy of Clinical Laboratory Physicians and
Scientists (ACLPS) hereafter referred to as the Academy. The Academy shall conform to
the provisions of the Not-For-Profit Corporation Law of the State of Utah.
Article II
The purpose for which the Academy is formed is to encourage and promote the highest
standards of service, education, scholarship, and research in academic laboratory
Article III
Section 3.1 Eligibility
Membership in the Academy is a privilege, which is accorded to a person who meets the
qualification of membership. Members of the Academy shall be physicians, scientists,
and educators, primarily engaged in teaching, research, and/or service in laboratory
medicine, who are elected to membership by the procedures described herein.
Section 3.2 Establishment of Membership
Membership in the Academy shall become effective when a completed application has
been approved by the Executive Council.
Section 3.3 Types of Membership
The types of membership in the Academy shall be Active, Associate, Emeritus, and
3.3.1 Active Member
Active membership shall be open to clinical laboratory physicians and scientists
following completion of post-graduate training who: 1) have a current academic
appointment at or affiliation with a school of medicine or health sciences at the
time of application or are actively engaged in clinical laboratory diagnostics
including, but not limited to, public health organizations and government
laboratories; and 2) are actively engaged in teaching, research, and/or service in
laboratory medicine. Active Members are eligible to vote, hold office, serve on
committees, and sponsor candidates for membership.
3.3.2 Associate Member
Associate membership shall be open to clinical laboratory physicians and
scientists who are in a post-graduate training program in clinical pathology,
laboratory medicine or related fields (fellowship or residency training). Associate
1 Members may not vote, hold office, or sponsor candidates for membership nor are
they required to pay dues. Associate Members shall be subject to annual
affirmation of eligibility for associate membership and may remain an Associate
Member for a maximum of five (5) years or until post-graduate training has
3.3.3 Emeritus Member
Emeritus membership shall be open to Active Members who have reached the age
of sixty-five (65) or who have retired from academic laboratory medicine. Written
application must be submitted to the Secretary-Treasurer. Emeritus members may
not vote, hold office, serve on committees, or sponsor candidates for membership
nor are they required to pay dues.
3.3.4 Honorary Member
Honorary membership may be conferred upon any individual who has gained
professional prominence by contributing to the goals of this Academy.
Following recommendation of the Executive Council, honorary membership may
be conferred upon an individual fulfilling these requirements. Honorary members
may not vote, hold office, serve on committees, or sponsor candidates for
membership nor are they required to pay dues.
Section 3.4 Nomination and Approval of Membership
3.4.1 Active Membership
Candidates for active membership shall be sponsored by one (1) Active Member.
A curriculum vitae shall be part of the application and shall include information
concerning the candidate’s dedication to and accomplishments towards the
advancement of teaching and scholarship in laboratory medicine. Nominations
must be submitted to the Chair of the Membership Committee. Upon
recommendation of the Membership Committee and the affirmative vote by twothirds (2/3) of the Executive Council, active membership status will be granted.
3.4.2 Associate Membership
Candidates for associate membership shall be sponsored and approved in the
same manner as for active membership.
Section 3.5 Termination of Membership
3.5.1 Resignation
A member may at any time, in writing, resign from the Academy.
3.5.2 Action of the Executive Council
The Executive Council may by a two-thirds (2/3) vote suspend or expel any
member for cause, including but not limited to the following: 1) failure to comply
with the Bylaws, rules, regulations, or policy statements of the Academy or 2)
violation of the ethics established by the member’s professional community.
2 3.5.3 Non-Payment of Dues
Nonpayment of dues will result in loss of membership.
3.5.4 Reinstatement
Reinstatement shall be through the usual procedure required for qualification to
any class of new membership.
Article IV
Executive Council and Officers
Section 4.1 Executive Council
The Executive Council shall consist of the President, President-Elect, SecretaryTreasurer, the Immediate Past President, Past President, Membership Committee Chair,
Paul E. Strandjord Young Investigator Award Program Director, Education Committee
Chair, and six (6) Active Members at-large, two (2) to be elected annually to serve a term
of three (3) years each. The President shall serve as Chair of the Executive Council.
Members of the Executive Council shall not receive compensation for their services, but
by action of the Executive Council, expenses of attendance at meetings or for conducting
other business of the Academy may be reimbursed.
4.1.1 Power and Functions
Responsibility and authority for the management and control of the properties,
funds, and activities of the Academy shall be vested in an Executive Council as
the governing board of the corporation. The Executive
Council also:
(a) Shall have authority and responsibility for establishing objectives, and
assigning responsibility for the programs and activities of the Academy.
(b) Shall have authority to initiate, formulate, and adopt statements of official
policy for the Academy.
(c) Shall have authority to approve all contracts and agreements entered into in
the name of the Academy.
(d) May require reports from any Academy officer, chair, or liaison.
(e) Shall have authority to establish, alter or amend, as required, rules, policies
and procedures governing the proceedings and meetings of the Executive
Council, which are not inconsistent with the Articles of Incorporation and the
(f) Shall have authority to establish, dissolve, and determine the size and
responsibilities of all Executive Council and other commissions, committees,
workgroups and taskforces other than committees specified by the Bylaws.
(g) Shall have authority to appoint ex officio, non-voting members to committees
specified by the Bylaws.
(h) Shall have the authority to determine annual membership dues.
(i) Shall have authority and responsibility for other duties and functions
customarily incumbent upon the governing board of a corporation, or
3 enumerated in the Certificate of Incorporation or in the Bylaws, or imposed by
4.1.2 Duties
The Executive Council shall be the governing board of the Academy and shall
consider all of its activities and determine its policies. The Executive Council
shall receive and consider the reports of the activities of all committees, both
Standing and Ad Hoc.
(a) The President shall be the principal executive officer of the Academy and
shall preside at all meetings of the members and shall serve as an ex officio
member of all committees. The President shall be the Chair of the Executive
Council. The President is empowered to appoint Ad Hoc Committees. Subject
to the approval of the Executive Council, the President shall make
appointments to fill all vacancies in appointed or elected positions, except for
the President-Elect, which occur between Annual Meetings of the Academy.
Such appointees shall serve for the balance of the unexpired terms of the
individuals whom they replace. The President may call such meetings of the
Executive Council as deemed necessary and shall be responsible for all other
duties assigned to the President by these Bylaws or as shall be determined by
the Executive Council.
(b) The President-Elect shall succeed to the office of the President at the close of
the Annual Meeting of the Academy. The President-Elect shall preside at all
business meetings in the absence of the President. In the event of death or
incapacity or refusal to act on the part of the President, the President-Elect
shall assume the duties and title of the President when directed to do so by the
Executive Council. The President-Elect shall serve as Chair of the Program
and Finance Committee. The President-Elect shall be responsible for all other
duties assigned by the President or Executive Council.
(c) The Secretary-Treasurer shall conduct the correspondence, shall inform all the
members of all meetings by notice, shall keep the records of all meetings of
the Academy, and shall read minutes when requested. The SecretaryTreasurer shall verify the records of all members, and in addition shall keep a
roster of the members that is current, accurate, and published in the
Academy’s Directory. The Secretary-Treasurer shall file advance notice of the
time and place of the Annual Meeting as well as any and all other meetings,
and give advance notice of the programs to be held. The Secretary-Treasurer
shall record the minutes of meetings of the Executive Council. The SecretaryTreasurer shall collect all dues, fees and assessments, have custody of and be
responsible for all funds and other properties of the Academy. The Secretary
shall deposit these funds in such banks and depositories as shall be selected by
the Executive Council. The Secretary-Treasurer shall submit an annual
audited financial report to the Executive Council. The Secretary-Treasurer
shall make such expenditures as shall be authorized by the Executive Council
and shall file necessary forms and reports of the Academy’s financial accounts
with the proper governmental authorities. The Secretary-Treasurer shall make
4 available the financial records of the Academy for audit at any time upon the
request of the Executive Council.
(d) The Chair of the Membership Committee shall oversee the activities of the
Membership Committee, actively recruit new members, inform all new
members of their election to membership, and report on committee activities
to the Executive Council and to the membership at the Annual Business
(e) The Director of the Paul E. Strandjord Young Investigator Award Program
shall actively solicit scientific abstracts for presentation at the annual meeting
and coordinate a peer-review process to identify those eligible authors whose
scientific works are worthy of a Paul E. Strandjord Young Investigator
Award. The Director shall also be a member of the Program & Finance
(f) The Chair of the Education Committee shall promote and coordinate the
educational activities of the Academy as specified in Article IV, Section 4.6.6.
The Chair shall report on the progress of these initiatives to the Executive
Council and to the membership at the Annual Business Meeting.
4.1.3 Elected Term
Each individual shall hold office for the elected term.
(a) The terms of office of the President and President-Elect shall be one (1) year
and these positions shall not be held by the same person. An individual
serving as President shall not be eligible for re-election to that office for a
period of five (5) years.
(b) The Secretary-Treasurer shall hold office for a three (3) year term and may be
re-elected once for a second term of three (3) years. After serving a second
term, the Secretary-Treasurer shall not be eligible for re-election to that office
for a period of three (3) years. The Secretary-Treasurer is to remain in office
until the end of the Academy’s fiscal year, at which time the SecretaryTreasurer’s office and duties shall be assumed by the most recently elected
(c) The Chair of the Membership Committee shall hold office for a three (3) year
term and may be re-elected once for a successive term of three (3) years each.
After serving a second term, the Chair of the Membership Committee shall
not be eligible for re-election to that office for a period of three (3) years.
(d) The Director of the Paul E. Strandjord Young Investigator Award Program
shall hold office for a four (4) year term and may be re-elected once for a
second term of four (4) years. After serving a second term, the Director shall
not be eligible for re-election to that office for a period of four (4) years.
(e) The Chair of the Education Committee shall hold office for a three (3) year
term and may be re-elected once for a second term of three (3) years. After
serving a second term, the Chair of the Education Committee shall not be
eligible for re-election to that office for a period of three (3) years.
5 Section 4.2 Officers
The officers of this Academy, elected by the members, shall be the President, the
President-Elect, the Immediate Past-President, and the Secretary-Treasurer.
4.2.1 Duties
The officers shall have the duties outlined above plus such other duties as are
assigned to them from time to time by the Executive Council.
Section 4.3 Meetings
In addition to the regular annual meeting of the Executive Council held at the time of the
Annual Meeting of the Academy, there shall be such meetings as the President may deem
necessary. Executive Council meetings may also be called upon the written request of at
least five (5) members of the Executive Council by sending written notice by electronic
mail or other means permitted by law to each member of the Executive Council at the
address shown on the records of the Academy. The Executive Council may permit any or
all Council members to participate in a regular or special meeting by, or conduct the
meeting through the use of, any means of communication by which all Council members
participating may hear each other during the meeting. A Council member participating in
a meeting by this means is considered to be present in person at the meeting. A majority
of the Executive Council is necessary to constitute a quorum for the transaction of
Section 4.4 Executive Council Action Without a Meeting
Action by the Executive Council may be taken without a meeting if two-thirds (2/3) of
the members of the Executive Council consent to the action in writing. Proposals shall be
distributed by electronic mail or other means permitted by law to each member of the
Executive Council at the address shown on the records of the Academy.
Section 4.5 Indemnification
The Executive Council may exercise the full extent of its powers under law, as such law
exists from time to time, to indemnify any member of the Executive Council, member,
committee member, officer, employee, or agent for liability and expenses incurred by
reason of being a member of the Executive Council, officer, employee or agent of this
Academy or of another society which s/he may have served in such capacity at the
request of this Academy. Such expenses shall include attorney’s fees, judgments, fines,
amounts paid in settlement and amounts otherwise reasonably incurred. The Executive
Council may make advances against such expenses upon terms decided by it. The
Executive Council may exercise the full extent of the power that it has under law, as such
law exists from time to time, to purchase and maintain insurance against risks above
described on behalf of any Executive Council member, officer, employee or agent.
Section 4.6 Executive Council Committees
4.6.1 Executive Committee
The Executive Council shall have an Executive Committee consisting of the
officers of the Academy. The President shall serve as Chair of this committee. A
6 quorum of the Executive Committee shall consist of a majority of its voting
members, and its formal actions shall require a majority vote unless otherwise
provided in the Bylaws. The Executive Committee shall be empowered to act for
and on behalf of the Executive Council between meetings of the Executive
Council, except as otherwise provided in the Bylaws. Actions taken by the
Executive Committee shall be reported to the full Executive Council as soon as
practicable, shall be subject to review and ratification by the Executive Council,
and shall be recorded in the minutes of the Executive Council.
4.6.2 Investment Committee
The Investment Committee shall consist of two (2) Executive Council members,
appointed annually by the President, and the Secretary-Treasurer who will also
serve as Chair. The Investment Committee will set policy targets and acceptable
ranges for each of the permissible asset subclasses, and review those targets and
ranges periodically, no less than annually. The Investment Committee will also
set the rebalancing policy for the portfolio, and review that policy at least
4.6.3 Membership Committee
The Membership Committee shall consist of the elected Chair, the SecretaryTreasurer, three (3) Active Members, one of which shall be elected each year at
the Annual Business Meeting for a three (3) year term plus one (1) Active
Member who shall be appointed by the President with the approval of the
Executive Council for a one (1) year term and none of which shall be a current
member of the Executive Council. The Membership Committee shall receive and
review all applications for membership and shall consider and investigate any
charge made against any member acting under the provisions of these Bylaws.
The Membership Committee shall make recommendations to the Executive
Council, but is not empowered to take any other action unless provided for in
these Bylaws.
4.6.4 Program and Finance Committee
The Program and Finance Committee shall consist of nine (9) Active Members
with one (1) year terms. The President-Elect shall chair this committee. Each year
at the Annual Meeting of the Academy the President shall appoint (8) members to
this committee: usually this shall consist of one (1) who was the Local Program
Chair of the previous meeting, one (1) who is the Local Program Chair of the next
meeting, and two (2) who shall be designated Local Program Chair for the
following two (2) meetings, the Secretary-Treasurer, the Director of the Young
Investigator Awards Program, and two (2) Active Members. The Program and
Finance Committee shall advise on and approve the program for the Annual
Meeting of the Academy.
4.6.5 Nominating and Awards Committee
The Nominating and Awards Committee shall consist of three (3) Active
Members, one of which shall be elected each year at the Annual Business Meeting
7 for a three (3) year term plus one (1) Active Member who shall be appointed by
the President for a one (1) year term and none of which shall be a current member
of the Executive Council. The Immediate Past President shall chair this
committee. The committee may receive nominations from the membership for
each office and committee position to be elected at the next Annual Business
Meeting. The slate will include the following positions: President-Elect, two (2)
Executive Council members at large, one (1) Membership Committee member,
one (1) Nominating and Awards Committee member, and three (3) Education
Committee members. A nomination for Secretary-Treasurer, Membership
Committee Chair, and Education Committee Chair will usually be necessary
every three (3) years and a nomination for the Paul E. Strandjord Young
Investigator Award Program Director every four (4) years. The slate will be
presented to the Executive Council for approval. Upon approval, these names will
be placed on the ballot for election. A copy of the slate, along with any proposed
dues and bylaw amendments, shall be sent to each member at least one (1) month
preceding the Annual Business Meeting. Additional nominations of any candidate
for any office may be made from the floor at the Annual Business Meeting and
upon seconding of the nomination, the name will be added to the ballot. All
persons who are nominated must indicate their willingness to serve. The
Nominating and Awards Committee may receive recommendations from any
member for the Academy’s awards. The committee shall recognize the
recommendation from the Program Chairman of the next Annual Meeting of the
Academy for the Cotlove Lectureship. The Nominating and Awards Committee
shall present its selections to the Executive Council for approval.
4.6.6 Education Committee
The Education Committee shall consist of the elected Chair and nine (9) Active
Members, three (3) of whom shall be elected at each Annual Business Meeting for
three (3) year terms. The Education Committee shall provide a liason to the
American Society of Clinical Pathology (ASCP) Resident In-Service Examination
(RISE) Committee, for as long as a relationship exists between ACLPS and ASCP
to jointly produce this program, develop and implement all other educational
activities of the Academy, whether carried out by the Academy solely by itself or
jointly with other organizations, including continuing medical education activities
and development of educational curricula in the field, but excluding the
educational aspects of the Annual Meeting of the Academy which shall be the
province of the Program & Finance Committee.
Article V
Business Meeting of the Academy Members
Section 5.1 Annual Meeting
There shall be an Annual Meeting of the Academy members which shall include both the
academic and business meetings, the time, place, and agenda of which shall be
determined by the Executive Council. The Annual Meeting shall take place not less than
8 six (6) months nor more than fifteen (15) months after the preceding Annual Meeting of
the Academy.
Section 5.2 Notice of Annual Meeting
The membership shall receive at least two (2) months’ notice of the Annual Meeting of
the Academy. The notice of which shall include the time and place of the Annual
Business Meeting. The President shall preside at the Annual Business Meeting.
Section 5.3 Quorum
A quorum for such a meeting shall be fifty (50) or more Active Members in good
standing of this Academy.
Article VI
Election of officers, members of the Executive Council, and members of the committees,
as appropriate, shall be held at the Annual Business Meeting. Elections shall be by
written ballot of Active Members cast in person or by mail, electronic mail, or fax.
Section 6.1 Notification
The Academy shall present to the voting members of the Academy a ballot showing
vacancies to be filled and the names of persons nominated by the Nominating and
Awards Committee at least one (1) month preceding the Annual Business Meeting.
Additional nominations of any candidate for any office may be made from the floor at the
Annual Business Meeting and upon seconding of the nomination, the name will be added
to the ballot. All persons who are nominated must indicate their willingness to serve.
Section 6.2 Voting
For each office or position on the ballot, the nominee receiving the largest number of
valid votes cast shall be declared elected. In the event of a tie vote for any office or
position, the incoming Executive Council shall, by secret ballot, conduct a run-off
election among the tied candidates. The person thus receiving the largest number of valid
votes cast by the incoming Executive Council shall be declared elected. The newly
elected individuals shall assume their responsibilities at the conclusion of the Annual
Meeting of the Academy with the exception of the Secretary-Treasurer who assumes
responsibilities at the beginning of the Academy’s fiscal year.
Section 6.3 Voting Rights
Voting rights, as specified in these Bylaws, shall be exercised only by Active Members in
person or by mail, e-mail, or fax. No proxy or cumulative voting shall be allowed. Unless
otherwise specified in these Bylaws, adoption of any matter shall be by a majority vote of
those voting on the matter. The Secretary-Treasurer must receive votes by mail, e-mail,
or fax at least seven (7) days prior to the Annual Business Meeting. These votes will be
brought to the meeting and included with the tally with votes from those present and
voting at the meeting.
9 Section 6.4 Vacancies
In the event of a vacancy in the office of President, the President-Elect shall succeed to
the presidency for the remaining term of the replaced President and the following term to
which the President-Elect was elected. With the loss of both the President and the
President-Elect, the Immediate Past President shall assume the unexpired term of the
President. If the office of the President-Elect is vacant, the Secretary-Treasurer shall
succeed to the position of President-Elect for the remainder of the unexpired term while
still serving as Secretary-Treasurer. In the event of a vacancy in the office of Immediate
Past President, the duties and functions shall be carried out by the most recent Past
President able to serve.
Article VII
Amendments to the Bylaws
Proposed amendments to these Bylaws must be submitted in writing by the Executive
Council or by five (5) Active Members to the Secretary-Treasurer not less than forty-five
(45) days prior to the next Annual Business Meeting. The proposed amendments may be
referred to an Ad Hoc Bylaws Committee established by the President for review and
recommendation. A copy of proposed amendment(s) shall be sent to each member at least
thirty (30) days preceding the Annual Business Meeting at which the proposed
amendments shall be voted upon. At the Annual Business Meeting, the proposed
amendments shall be submitted for a vote. Amendments to these Bylaws or Articles of
Incorporation require the affirmative vote of two-thirds (2/3) of those members voting.
Section 7.1 Amendments Necessitated by Legal Developments
Any change in the corporate or tax status of this Academy caused by any modification,
repeal, or amendment of any currently existing tax or corporate legislation whether
federal, state, or local, or the adoption, imposition, or implementation of any statute,
ordinance, rule, or administrative or judicial decision or decree which the Executive
Council determines requires immediate amendment to the Bylaws or Articles of
Incorporation shall, notwithstanding the preceding section, empower the Executive
Council by a two-thirds (2/3) vote to amend the Articles of Incorporation or these Bylaws
in any respect it deems necessary to insure Academy compliance with the change or
changes in the law without any prior approval of the voting membership. Notice of the
meeting and of the proposed amendment shall be given to the general membership.
Article VIII
Dissolution of the Academy
Upon the dissolution or liquidation of this Academy, it shall be mandatory that all
remaining cash, accounts receivable, furniture, fixtures, and assets of whatever kind or
character shall be turned over to an organization which has been granted exemption from
income taxes under section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (or
corresponding sections of any future United States Internal Revenue Law) as determined
by a majority vote of the members of the Executive Council.
Document History
Approved by the Executive Council on December 9, 2014
10 Guide to Proposed Revisions to ACLPS Bylaws
Academy of Clinical Laboratory
Physicians and Scientists, Inc.
Notes Regarding Proposed Revisions
(a Utah nonprofit corporation)
May 2014
Section 1 - Membership
There shall be five (5) classes of members in the Corporation
(hereinafter referred to as “Society”):
(1) Active, (2)
Associate, (3) Emeritus, (4) Inactive, and (5) Honorary.
Membership in the Society is a privilege which is accorded to a
person who meets the qualification of membership.
See section 3.3
• Removed an “Inactive”
membership category.
Section 2 - Qualification and Rights of
Section 2.1: Active Membership
Active membership shall be open to clinical laboratory
physicians and scientists who meet the following criteria.
The applicant must:
have minimally a current academic appointment at
the rank of Assistant Professor or equivalent at a
school of medicine or health sciences at the time
of application,
This requirement may be waived by the
membership on recommendation of the Executive
Council, for individuals who work on the full-time
professional staff of the National Institutes of
Health (NIH), the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC), or an equivalent organization,
or hold the position of Instructor provided that the
duties are equivalent to the rank of Assistant
be actively engaged in teaching, research, and/or
service in academic laboratory medicine,
demonstrate continued adherence to the principles
of ethics consistent with the member’s
professional community,
maintain high professional and ethical conduct,
See section 3.3.1
• Active membership made more
accessible but preserves
requirement to be active in
teaching, research, or service.
comply with dues, fees, and assessment
requirements established from time to time by the
Active members are eligible to vote, hold office, serve on
committees, and sponsor candidates for membership.
Section 2.2: Associate Membership
Associate membership shall be open to clinical
laboratory physicians and scientists who meet the
following criteria. The applicant must:
be in a training program in clinical pathology,
laboratory medicine or related fields (fellowship or
residency training), or
hold a faculty appointment at a school of medicine
or health sciences and be actively engaged in
teaching, research and/or service in academic
laboratory medicine but have not attained the rank
of Assistant Professor.
Associate members may not vote, hold office, serve on
committees, or sponsor candidates for membership.
They are not required to pay assessments, but may be
required to pay dues in reduced amount as approved by
the Executive Council and a majority of the active
members voting at the Annual Business Meeting election.
Associate members shall be subject to annual review and
renewal by the Membership Committee and the
Executive Council.
See section 3.3.2
• Associate membership is for
trainees only with a limit of 5
years or until training has
• Removed restriction for
committee service.
See section 3.3.3
• No changes.
Section 2.3: Emeritus Membership
Emeritus membership shall be open to active members
who have reached the age of sixty-five (65) or who have
retired from academic laboratory medicine. Written
application must be submitted to the Secretary-Treasurer.
Granting of Emeritus Membership shall be contingent
upon approval of Executive Council.
Emeritus members may attend meetings and are required
to pay the registration fees for meetings.
Emeritus members may not vote, hold office, serve on
committees, or sponsor candidates for membership.
They are not required to pay assessments, but may be
required to pay dues in a reduced amount as approved by
the Executive Council and a majority of the active
members voting at the Annual Business Meeting.
Membership category deleted.
Section 2.4: Inactive Membership
An active member may, by demonstrating reasonable
cause, request a transfer from active membership to
inactive membership with a waiver of dues. The request
for transfer and waiver of dues must be made in writing
to the Secretary-Treasurer. The status of inactive
members shall be reviewed annually by the Membership
Committee and Executive Council concerning any
possible change in status and may not continue for a
period in excess of five (5) years.
Inactive members may attend meetings and are required
to pay the registration fees for meetings. Inactive
members may not vote, hold office, serve on committees,
or sponsor candidates for membership.
Inactive members are not required to pay dues or
Section 2.5: Honorary Membership
See section 3.3.4
• No changes.
Honorary membership may be conferred upon any
individual who has gained professional prominence by
contributing to the goals of this Society.
Following recommendation of the Executive Council,
honorary membership may be conferred upon an
individual fulfilling these requirements by approval of a
majority of the active members voting at the Annual
Business Meeting.
Honorary members may attend and participate in
scientific meetings. Their registration fee may be waived
at the discretion of the Executive Council. Honorary
members may not vote, hold office, serve on committees,
or sponsor candidates for membership.
Honorary members are not required to pay dues or
Section 3 - Nomination and Approval of
Section 3.1: Process
Nomination to Active Membership.
Candidates for active and associate membership shall be
nominated by two active members who, by means of letter,
shall describe the qualifications of each candidate in terms of
the aims and objectives of the Society. A curriculum vitae
shall be part of the application and shall include information
concerning the candidate’s dedication to and accomplishments
towards the advancement of teaching and scholarship in
laboratory medicine. Nominations must be submitted to the
See section 3.4.1
• Only 1 sponsor required.
• Letter requirement deleted.
Chair of the Membership Committee.
Upon recommendation of the Membership Committee and the
affirmative vote by two-thirds (2/3) of the Executive Council,
active membership status will be granted.
Nominations for associate membership shall occur
by one of the following means:
Recipients of a Young Investigator Award
will be invited to become associate
members. The member of the society
sponsoring the young investigator for a
Young Investigator Award and the Director,
Young Investigator Award Program shall be
deemed sponsors of the nomination to
associate membership.
Recipients of
Young Investigator Awards who become
associate members will not be required to
pay dues while in a training program.
Trainees in laboratory medicine or junior
faculty not holding minimally the rank of
Assistant Professor at a school of medicine
or health sciences shall be nominated in the
same manner as candidates for active
Continuation of associate membership status shall
be considered annually.
To be eligible for
continuation of associate membership the associate
member must be either (1) a trainee in Laboratory
Medicine or (2) a junior faculty member at a
school of medicine or health sciences but not
having attained the rank of Assistant Professor.
See section 3.4.2
• Simplified process.
• Only 1 sponsor required.
Deleted. ACLPS policy requires annual
Section 3.2
A candidate whose application for membership has not been
recommended by the Membership Committee or endorsed by
the Executive Council or whose application has been deferred
shall be so notified in writing by the Secretary-Treasurer. The
applicant may, in writing to the Secretary-Treasurer, request a
review of the application. In such a case, the Executive
Council shall reconsider the application and inform the
applicant of its decision.
Deleted. ACLPS policy requires the
Membership Committee chair to notify
denied membership.
Section 3.3
The Executive Council may specify a period of time after
which an applicant who was not accepted for membership may
reapply for membership.
Section 3.4
A candidate whose application has been deferred shall be given
written notification by the Secretary-Treasurer and will
automatically be reconsidered in the following year.
Deleted. ACLPS policy requires the
Membership Committee chair to notify
Deleted. This is policy.
Section 3.5
The Membership Committee shall conduct any investigation it
deems appropriate to evaluate each applicant. The Executive
Council shall have the right to request any additional
information from sponsors, or any other data relevant to their
consideration of any candidate.
Section 4 - Standards for Continued
As a condition for continued membership in this Society, a
member shall demonstrate:
Continued compliance with
(i) the requirements for Membership,
(ii) the Bylaws and Policy Statements, and
(iii) the dues, fees, and assessment requirements of
the Society.
Continued maintenance of good reputation and
good standing with the member’s professional
community, and high ethical character and
professional repute.
See section 3.5
• No changes.
Section 5 - Ethics & Discipline
Section 5.1: Disciplinary Action (Suspension or
See section 3.5
• No changes.
The Executive Council may by a two-thirds (2/3) vote
suspend or expel any member for cause, including but not
limited to the following:
Failure to comply with the Bylaws, rules,
regulations, or Policy Statements of the Society as
adopted by the Membership,
Violation of the ethics established by the
member’s professional community.
Section 5.2: Complaints and Procedures
All Members in arrears in dues, fees, and/or assessments
See section 3.5.3
for two (2) years will receive a final notification from the
Secretary Treasurer. Failure to respond within sixty (60)
days with full payment of the dues, fees or assessments in
arrears will be cause for termination of membership.
All other complaints or requests for disciplinary action of
a member shall be made in writing and addressed to the
President. After due deliberation, the President may refer
the complaints and charges to the Chair of the
Membership Committee, who shall consider them and
conduct any investigation deemed necessary. After
investigation, the Membership Committee shall submit
its written recommendations to the Executive Council
along with all reports and documentary evidence used by
the Membership Committee in its deliberations.
The Secretary-Treasurer shall, within fourteen (14)
days thereafter, cause written notice of the
disciplinary action taken to be sent to the
individual by receipted mail stating the basis of the
disciplinary action.
After receipt of notice of disciplinary action, the
affected member shall have sixty (60) days to
request in writing reconsideration by the Executive
Council. After reconsideration, the Executive
Council shall confirm or reverse its original
decision and such decision shall be final.
The status of such member shall be unaltered until
completion of all proceedings.
Section 6 - Resignation
Closes the 2-year loophole.
Nonpayment of dues in any
single year will result in loss of
Deleted. This is policy.
See section 3.5.1
Any member may resign at any time by presenting a
resignation to the Secretary-Treasurer who shall report such
resignations to the Executive Council.
Section 7 - Meetings of Members, Order of
Business, Quorum and
Section 7.1
There shall be an Annual Meeting of members which shall
include both the academic and business meetings, the time,
place, and agenda of which shall be determined by the
Executive Council. The Annual Meeting shall take place not
less than six (6) months nor more than fifteen (15) months after
the preceding Annual Meeting.
Section 7.2
The membership shall receive at least two (2) months’ written
See section 5.1
• No change.
See section 5.2
• No change.
notice of the Annual Meeting. The notice of which shall
include the time and place of the Annual Business Meeting.
Section 7.3
See section 5.2
• No change.
At each Annual Meeting there shall be at least one (1) business
meeting of the members. The President shall preside at all
business meetings.
Deleted. This is policy.
Section 7.4
Unless waived by a majority vote of those present and
voting, the order of business at Annual Business
Meetings shall be as follows:
Reading of the minutes of the previous business
meeting and their approval
Reports of the Executive Council
Reports of the Standing Committees
Membership Committee
Program and Finance Committee
Nominating and Awards Committee
Announcement of ballot
Call for nominations from the floor
(iii) Distribution of ballots
Education Committee
Reports of the Ad Hoc Committees
Unfinished business
General business
New business
Election results
Installation of the new President
See Article VI.
• No change.
Section 7.5
Election of officers, members of the Executive Council and
Members of the committees, as appropriate, shall be held at the
Annual Business Meeting.
Section 7.6: Quorum
To conduct business at any meeting of members, at least fifty
(50) active members must be registered for said meeting.
Section 7.7: Voting
Voting rights, as specified in these Bylaws, shall be exercised
only by active members in person or by mail, e-mail, or fax.
No proxy or cumulative voting shall be allowed. Unless
otherwise specified in these Bylaws, adoption of any matter
shall be by a majority vote of those voting on the matter. The
Secretary-Treasurer must receive votes by mail, e-mail, or fax
at least seven (7) days prior to the Annual Business Meeting.
These votes will be brought to the meeting and included with
See section 5.3
• No change.
See section 6.3
• No change.
the tally with votes from those present and voting at the
Section 7.8: Guests
Deleted. This is policy.
Guests may attend meetings if sponsored by a member and
invited by the President. Meeting fees may be waived at the
discretion of the President.
See Article IV.
Section 8 - Executive Council
Section 8.1: Composition
The Executive Council shall consist of the President, PresidentElect, Secretary-Treasurer, the Immediate Past President, Past
President, Education Committee Chair, Membership
Committee Chair, Paul E. Strandjord Young Investigator
Award Program Director, and six active members at-large, two
to be elected annually to serve a term of three (3) years each.
Section 8.2: Manner of Election
Election of officers and members of the Executive Council shall
be by written ballot of active members cast in person or by mail,
e-mail, or fax and tallied during the last business meeting of the
Annual Meeting.
See section 4.1
• No change.
See Article VI
• No change.
A President-Elect shall be elected annually by a majority
of active members voting at the Annual Business
See section 4.1.3(a)
• No change.
The Secretary-Treasurer shall hold office for a three (3)
year term after election by a majority of the active
members voting at the Annual Business Meeting.
See section 4.1.3(b)
• No change.
The Chair of the Membership Committee shall hold
office for a three (3) year term after election by a
majority of the active members voting at the Annual
Business Meeting.
See section 4.1.3(c)
• No change.
The Director of the Paul E. Strandjord Young
Investigator Award Program shall hold office for a five
(5) year term after election by a majority of the active
members voting at the Annual Business Meeting.
The Chair of the Education Committee shall hold office
for a three (3) year term after election by a majority of
the active members voting at the Annual Business
See section 4.1.3(e)
• No change.
Two at-large members of the Executive Council shall be
elected at each Annual Business Meeting. The two
nominees receiving the greatest number of votes from
those active members present and voting at the Annual
See section 4.1
No change.
See section 4.1.3(d)
• Changed term of YIAP
Director to 4 years.
Business Meeting shall be elected.
Candidates elected by the general active membership
shall be announced prior to the conclusion of the Annual
Business Meeting.
Section 8.3: Duties
The Executive Council shall be the governing board of the
Society and shall consider all of its activities and determine its
policies. The Executive Council shall receive and consider the
reports of the activities of all committees, both Standing and
Ad Hoc.
Section 8.4: Meetings of the Executive Council
In addition to the regular Annual Meeting of the
Executive Council held at the time of the Annual
Meeting of Members, there shall be such meetings as the
President may deem necessary.
Executive Council Meetings may also be called upon the
written request of at least five (5) members of the
Executive Council. Notice of any special meeting of the
Executive Council shall be given at least thirty (30) days
prior thereto by sending written notice by mail or
telegram or delivered personally to each member of the
Executive Council at the address shown on the records of
the Society.
See section 4.1.1
• Added detail regarding power
and functions of Executive
See section 4.3
• Clarified that some meetings
are by teleconference.
• Removed requirement for 30
days notice.
See section 4.3
• No change.
Section 8.5: Quorum
A majority of the Executive Council is necessary to constitute
a quorum for the transaction of business.
Section 8.6: Executive Council Action Without a
See section 4.4
• Minor edits for clarity.
The Executive Council may permit any or all Council members
to participate in a regular or special meeting by, or conduct the
meeting through the use of, any means of communication by
which all Council members participating may hear each other
during the meeting. A Council member participating in a
meeting by this means is considered to be present in person at
the meeting.
Action required or be permitted to be taken by the Executive
Council may be taken without a meeting if all members of the
Executive Council consent to the action in writing.
Section 8.7: Indemnification
The Executive Council may exercise the full extent of its
powers under law, as such law exists from time to time, to
See section 4.5
• No change.
indemnify any member of the Executive Council, member,
committee member, officer, employee, or agent for liability
and expenses incurred by reason of being a member of the
Executive council, officer, employee or agent of this Society or
of another society which s/he may have served in such capacity
at the request of this Society. Such expenses shall include
attorney’s fees, judgments, fines, amounts paid in settlement
and amounts otherwise reasonably incurred. The Executive
Council may make advances against such expenses upon terms
decided by it. The Executive Council may exercise the full
extent of the power which it has under law, as such law exists
from time to time, to purchase and maintain insurance against
risks above described on behalf of any Executive Council
member, officer, employee or agent.
Section 8.8: Compensation and Reimbursement
See section 4.1
• No change.
Members of the Executive Council shall not receive
compensation for their services as Members, but by action of
the Executive Council, expenses of attendance at meetings or
for conducting other business of the Society may be
See section 4.1.2
Section 9 - Duties of Officers
The officers shall have the duties outlined below plus such
other duties as are assigned to them from time to time by the
Executive Council.
Section 9.1: President
The President shall be the principal executive officer of the
Society and shall preside at all meetings of the members and
shall serve as an ex-officio member of all committees. The
President also shall be the Chair of the Executive Council. The
President is empowered to appoint Ad Hoc Committees.
Subject to the approval of the Executive Council, the President
shall make appointments to fill all vacancies in appointed or
elected positions, except for the President-Elect, which occur
between Annual Meetings of the Society. Such appointees
shall serve for the balance of the unexpired terms of the
individuals whom they replace. The President may call such
meetings of the Executive Council as deemed necessary and
shall be responsible for all other duties assigned to the
President by these Bylaws or as shall be determined by the
Executive Council.
Section 9.2: President-Elect
The President-Elect shall succeed to the office of the President
at the close of the Annual Business Meeting. The PresidentElect shall preside at all business meetings in the absence of
the President. In the event of death or incapacity or refusal to
act on the part of the President, the President-Elect shall
See section 4.1.2(a)
• No change.
See section 4.1.2(b)
• Vacancy detail moved to
section 6.4
assume the duties and title of the President when directed to do
so by the Executive Council. Should the President-Elect
succeed to the office of President, other than by normal
succession, the President-Elect shall fulfill both the remaining
term of the replaced President and the following term to which
the President-Elect was elected. With the loss of both the
President and the President-Elect, the Immediate Past President
shall assume the unexpired term of the President. The
President-Elect shall serve as Chair of the Program and
Finance Committee. The President-Elect shall be responsible
for all other duties assigned by the President or Executive
Section 9.3: Secretary-Treasurer
correspondence, shall inform all the members of all
meetings by notice, shall keep the records of all meetings
of the Society, and shall read minutes when requested.
The Secretary-Treasurer shall verify the records of all
members, and in addition shall keep a roster of the
members that is current, accurate, and published in the
Society’s Directory.
The Secretary-Treasurer shall inform all new members of
their election to membership.
The Secretary-Treasurer shall file advance notice of the
time and place of the Annual Meeting as well as any and
all other meetings, and give advance notice of the
programs to be held.
The Secretary-Treasurer is to serve as a member of the
Executive Council and keep its minutes and prepare an
annual report on the Society’s activities for the Executive
Council and the membership.
The Secretary-Treasurer shall collect all dues, fees and
assessments have custody of and be responsible for all
funds and other properties of the Society. The Secretary
shall deposit these funds in such banks and depositories
as shall be selected by the Executive Council. The
Secretary-Treasurer shall submit an annual audited
financial report to the Executive Council and the
members at each Annual Business Meeting.
The Secretary-Treasurer annually shall send associate
members a questionnaire to ascertain their status and
interest in continuing as associate members.
Secretary-Treasurer shall notify the Chair of the
Membership Committee and submit to the Membership
Committee the names of the associate members who: (1)
have attained the rank of Assistant Professor and express
interest in advancing to active membership as nominees
for active membership, (2) desire to retain associate
membership and fulfill the requirements for continuation
See section 4.1.2(c)
• Deleted B. Function of
Membership Committee chair.
• Deleted F. This is policy.
• Deleted I. Moved to section 6.4
of the associate membership, (3) are no longer eligible
for continuation of associate membership, and (4) do not
wish to retain their associate membership and therefore
shall be deemed to have resigned their membership in the
The Secretary-Treasurer shall make such expenditures as
shall be authorized by the Executive Council and shall
file necessary forms and reports of the Society’s financial
accounts with the proper governmental authorities.
The Secretary-Treasurer shall make available the
financial records of the Society for audit at any time upon
the request of the Executive Council.
If the office of the President-Elect is vacant, the
Secretary-Treasurer shall succeed to the position of
President-Elect for the remainder of the unexpired term
while still serving as Secretary-Treasurer.
Section 9.4: Chair, Membership Committee
The Chair of the Membership Committee shall actively recruit
new members, Chair the committee that receives and reviews all
applications for membership, and investigates any charge made
against any member acting under the provisions of these
Bylaws. The Chair shall also be a member of the Executive
See section 4.1.2(d)
• Clarifies the responsibility of
notifying applicants of their
acceptance/non-acceptance for
Section 9.5: Director, Paul E. Strandjord Young See section 4.1.2(e)
• Deleted requirement for
Investigator Award Program
The Director of the Paul E. Strandjord Young Investigator
Award Program shall actively solicit scientific abstracts for
presentation at the annual meeting, coordinate a peer-review
process to identify those eligible authors whose scientific works
are worthy of a Paul E. Strandjord Young Investigator Award,
and present the awards to recipients at the annual meeting. The
Director shall also be a member of the Program & Finance
Committee and the Executive Council, and shall submit an
annual budget for approval by the Program & Finance
Section 9.6: Chair, Education Committee
The Chair of the Education Committee shall promote and
coordinate the educational activities of the academy as specified
in Section 10.4 (B). The Chair shall report on the progress of
these initiatives to the Executive Council and to the membership
at the Annual Business Meeting. The Chair shall also be a
member of the Executive Council.
Section 9.7: Terms of Offices
submission of an annual
See section 4.1.2(f)
• No change.
The terms of office of the President and President-Elect
shall be one (1) year; and shall not be held by the same
The Secretary-Treasurer shall hold office for a three (3)
year term and may be re-elected once for a second term
of three (3) years. After serving a second term, the
Secretary-Treasurer shall not be eligible for re-election to
that office for a period of three (3) years.
The Secretary-Treasurer is to remain in office until the
end of the fiscal year, at which time the SecretaryTreasurer’s office and duties shall be assumed by the
The Chair of the Membership Committee shall hold
office for a three (3) year term and may be re-elected
twice for successive terms of three (3) years each. After
serving a third term, the Chair of the Membership
Committee shall not be eligible for re-election to that
office for a period of three (3) years.
The Director of the Paul E. Strandjord Young
Investigator Award Program shall hold office for a five
(5) year term and may be re-elected once for a second
term of five (5) years. After serving a second term, the
Director shall not be eligible for re-election to that office
for a period of five (5) years.
The Chair of the Education Committee shall hold office
for a three (3) year term and may be re-elected once for a
second term of three (3) years. After serving a second
term, the Chair of the Education Committee shall not be
eligible for re-election to that office for a period of three
(3) years.
Section 10 - Committees
The Standing Committees of the Society shall consist of the
Membership Committee, the Program and Finance Committee,
the Nominating and Awards Committee, and the Education
Section 10.1: Membership Committee
The Membership Committee shall consist of the Chair,
the Secretary-Treasurer and three (3) other at-large active
members of the Society who are not members of the
Executive Council, one of whom is to be appointed each
year by the President with the approval of the Executive
Council for a three (3) year term.
The Membership Committee shall receive and review all
applications for membership and shall consider and
See section 4.1.3(a)
• No change
See section 4.1.3(b)
• No change.
See section 4.1.3(b)
• No change.
See section 4.1.3(c)
• Changed number of terms
eligible to serve from 3 to 2.
See section 4.1.3(d)
• Changed term to 4 years.
See section 4.1.3(e)
• Changed number of terms
eligible to serve from 3 to 2.
See section 4.6
• Added an Executive
• Added an Investment
See section 4.6.3
• Added another elected member
for a 3-year term.
• Changed term of appointed
member to 1 year.
investigate any charge made against any member acting
under the provisions of these Bylaws.
recommendations to the Executive Council, but is not
empowered to take any other action unless provided for
in these Bylaws.
Section 10.2: Program and Finance Committee
See section 4.6.4
• Clarified committee functions.
The Program and Finance Committee shall consist of nine (9)
active members with one (1) year terms. The members of this
Committee shall be appointed as follows:
The President-Elect shall chair this Committee.
Each year at the Annual Meeting the President shall name eight
(8) members to this Committee: usually this shall consist of
one (1) who was the Local Program Chair of the previous
meeting, one (1) who is the Local Program Chair of the next
meeting, and two (2) who shall be designated Local Program
Chair for the following two (2) meetings, the SecretaryTreasurer, the Director of the Young Investigator Awards
Program, and two (2) members at large.
The Program and Finance Committee shall 1) oversee and
approve the program for the Annual Meeting of the members;
2) develop goals for fund raising which shall be submitted to
the Executive Council for approval; and 3) conduct annually a
fund raising campaign to support the activities of the Society as
approved by the Executive Council.
Section 10.3: Nominating and Awards Committee
The Nominating and Awards Committee shall consist of
five (5) active members, three (3) of whom shall be
elected at the Annual Meeting of the Society. None shall
be a current member of the Executive Council, and one
shall be elected each year for a three (3) year term. The
fourth member shall be appointed by the President for a
one (1) year term. The fifth member and Chair shall be
the Immediate Past President.
The Chair of the Committee shall solicit nominations
from the membership for each office and committee
position to be elected at the next Annual Business
Meeting. The slate will include the following positions:
President-Elect, two Executive Council members at large,
Nominations and Awards committee member.
nomination for Secretary-Treasurer and Membership
Committee Chair will usually be necessary every three
years and a nomination for the Paul E. Strandjord Young
Investigator Award Program Director every five years.
The slate will be presented to the Executive Council for
approval. Upon approval, these names will be placed on
See section 4.6.5
• Clarified that the committee
receives nominations for
elected positions and receives
recommendations for awards.
• Deleted mention of specific
awards. This is policy.
the ballot for election. A copy of the slate, along with
any proposed assessments and bylaw amendments, shall
be sent to each member at least one (1) month preceding
the Annual Business Meeting.
Additional nominations of any candidate for any office
may be made from the floor at the Annual Meeting and
upon seconding of the nomination, the name will be
added to the ballot. All persons who are nominated must
indicate their willingness to serve.
The Awards of the Society are:
Cotlove Lectureship: Presented to a scientist (member
or nonmember of the Society) selected for
outstanding contributions to the science of
laboratory medicine.
Evans Award: Awarded to a member for outstanding
leadership and/or service to the Society.
Ellis Benson Award: Presented to a young physician
and/or scientist (member or non-member of the
accomplishment in the field of laboratory
The Nominating and Awards Committee shall receive
recommendations from any member for the Society’s awards.
The Committee shall recognize the recommendation from the
Program Chairman of the next Annual Meeting for the Cotlove
Lectureship. The Nominating and Awards Committee shall
present its selections to the Executive Council for approval.
Section 10.4: Education Committee
A. The Education Committee shall consist of up to nine (9)
elected members: a Chair, the ACLPS Representative to
the American Board of Pathology, and no more than 7
additional members. All positions shall be for staggering
terms of three years and all can be renewed indefinitely.
All candidates shall be nominated by the Nominations
and Awards Committee, approved by the Executive
Council, and voted on by the membership. Other
nominations may be made from the floor at the Annual
Business Meeting and upon seconding the nomination,
the name will be placed on the ballot and submitted to the
membership for vote. All persons who are nominated
must indicate their willingness to serve. If a member of
the Education Committee is unable to serve, he/she shall
be replaced by the President with the approval of the
Executive Council. Additional ad hoc members may be
appointed for one year terms by the President as needed
with approval of the Executive Council.
See section 4.6.6
• Clarified the number of people
that serve on the committee.
• Removed ABP liaison as
committee member
• Removed language regarding
indefinite renewal.
B. The responsibilities of the Education Committee will
include: (1) providing liason to the American Society of
Clinical Pathology (ASCP) Resident In-Service
Examination (RISE) Committee, for as long as a
relationship exists between ACLPS and ASCP to jointly
produce this program; (2) development and
implementation of all other educational activities of the
Academy, whether carried out by the Academy solely by
itself or jointly with other organizations, including
continuing medical education activities and development
of educational curricula in the field, but excluding the
educational aspects of the Annual Meeting which shall be
the province of the Program & Finance Committee.
Section 11 - Dues, Fees, and Assessments
See section 4.1.1(h)
• No change.
Dues, fees and assessments, and time of payment, shall be
established by the Executive Council in accordance with the
following provisions:
See section 4.1.1(h)
• No change.
Section 11.1: Dues
Dues shall be set by the membership on recommendation of the
Executive Council. Dues of any member may be waived only
by action of the Executive Council.
Section 11.2: Registration Fees
Deleted. This is policy.
Registration fees for meetings shall be set by the
Executive Council, on the recommendation of the
Program and Finance Committee
Registration fees for meetings for any attendee may be
waived by the Executive Council, or as otherwise
specified in these Bylaws.
Section 11.3: Assessments
Deleted. Not necessary.
The Executive Council, by three-fourths (3/4) vote of
those present, may propose an assessment to the
members of the Society. This proposition must be
submitted to the membership one (1) month prior to the
Annual meeting.
Any assessment must be approved by a three-fourths
(3/4) vote of those members voting at the Annual
Assessments may be waived for any member by the
Executive Council.
Section 12 - Bank Accounts, Investments,
See section 4.1.1(c)
• No change.
Contracts, Agreements,
and Execution of
Deleted. This is policy.
Section 12.1: Contracts and Agreements
Unless otherwise provided in these Bylaws, all contracts and
agreements must be approved by the Executive Council.
Section 12.2: Bank Accounts and Signatures
The Executive Council shall by resolution authorize
appropriate individuals to open corporate bank accounts or
other investments, and execute checks, drafts, and other orders
for the payment of amounts owed by the Society.
Section 12.3: Execution of Documents
The Executive Council may authorize any officer or officer’s
agent or agents of this Society, in addition to the officers so
authorized by these Bylaws, to enter into any contract or
execute and deliver any instrument in the name of or on behalf
of the Society and such authority may be general or confined to
specific instances.
See section 4.1.1(h)
• No change.
See section 4.1.1(c)
• No change.
Section 13 - Fiscal Year
Deleted. This is policy.
The Executive Council shall define the fiscal year.
Section 14 - Voting
Except as otherwise provided in these Bylaws, when a voting
percentage or fraction is specified, it is intended to apply to
those voting on the issue. There shall be no voting by proxy.
Section 15 - Amendments
Section 15.1: Procedure for Amendments
Proposed amendments to these Bylaws must be submitted in
writing by the Executive Council or by five (5) active members
to the Secretary-Treasurer not less than thirty (30) days prior to
the next Annual Business Meeting. The proposed amendments
may be referred to an Ad Hoc Bylaws Committee established
by the President for review and recommendation. A copy of
proposed amendment(s) shall be sent to each member at least
one (1) month preceding the Annual Business Meeting at
which the proposed amendments shall be voted upon. At the
Annual Business Meeting, the proposed amendments shall be
See sections 6.2 and 6.3
• No change.
See Article VII
• Changed time to submit
proposed amendments to
Secretary to 45 days.
read and submitted for a vote. Amendments to these Bylaws or
Articles of Incorporation require the affirmative vote of twothirds (2/3) of those members voting.
Section 15.2: Amendments Necessitated by Legal
Any change in the corporate or tax status of this Society caused
by any modification, repeal, or amendment of any currently
existing tax or corporate legislation whether federal, state, or
local, or the adoption, imposition, or implementation of any
statute, ordinance, rule, or administrative or judicial decision or
decree which the Executive Council determines requires
immediate amendment to the Bylaws or Articles of
Incorporation shall, notwithstanding the preceding section,
empower the Executive Council by a two-thirds (2/3) vote to
amend the Articles of Incorporation or these Bylaws in any
respect it deems necessary to insure Society compliance with
the change or changes in the law without any prior approval of
the voting membership. Notice of the meeting and of the
proposed amendment shall be given to the general
See section 7.1
• No change.
2015 ACLPS Election Ballot
Annual Business Meeting
Friday, May 29, 2015
Minneapolis, MN
(vote for one)
Executive Council
(vote for two)
Nominating and Awards Committee
(vote for one)
Membership Committee
(vote for one)
Education Committee
(vote for two)
I approve of the proposed revisions to the
ACLPS bylaws
☐Marisa Marques (University of Alabama at Birmingham)
(Nomination from the Membership)
☐J. Stacey Klutts (University of Iowa)
☐Daniel Sabath (University of Washington)
(Nomination from the Membership)
(Nomination from the Membership)
☐Michael Linden (University of Minnesota)
(Nomination from the Membership)
☐Petr Jarolim, Chair (Harvard Medical School)
(Nomination from the Membership)
☐Angella Charnot-Katsikas (University of Chicago)
☐Jonathan Genzen, Chair (University of Utah/ARUP Labs)
(Nomination from the Membership)
(Nomination from the Membership)
Voting will take place during the annual business meeting on Friday, May 29, 2015 at 12:00pm. If
you are unable to attend the meeting and still wish to vote, please return your completed ballot by
May 22, 2015 to David G. Grenache, ACLPS Secretary-Treasurer, ARUP Laboratories, 500
Chipeta Way, Salt Lake City, UT, 84108,