Investor Relations Contact: In Mexico: Alberto

Mexico City, March 25, 2015 – Pursuant to article 50 section V sub-section b) of the General Provisions
Applicable to Security Issuers and Other Participants of the Securities Market (Disposiciones de Carácter
General Aplicables a las Emisoras de Valores y a Otros Participantes del Mercado de Valores), OHL México,
S.A.B. de C.V. (the “Issuer”) informs the public investor that the Issuer and its subsidiary, Viaducto
Bicentenario, S.A. de C.V. (“VEB”), were notified, as third interested parties (terceros perjudicados) and not as
defendant, of an administrative proceeding brought by Carlos Enrique Garcia Jaramillo against the
Constitutional Government of the State of Mexico (Gobernador Constitucional del Estado de Mexico), the
Ministry of Transport of the State of Mexico (the “Ministry”) and the Municipal Council of Naucalpan de
Juárez State of Mexico (Ayuntamiento de Naucalpan de Juarez), which is under review before the Second
Regional Unit of the Local Administrative Court of the State of Mexico. By means of this proceeding Carlos
Enrique Jaramillo seeks to obtain a favorable resolution with respect to its arguments regarding certain acts
through which the Ministry granted on May 7, 2008 to the Issuer, the concession for the construction,
exploitation, operation, conservation and maintenance of the Elevated Viaduct in the Peripherical Tranches of
Manuel Avila Camacho from Toreo de Cuatro Caminos in Naucalpan to Valle Dorado in Tlalnepantla
(“Viaducto Bicentenario”), as well as other acts related to the concession title.
Based on the opinion of its in-house and external counsel, the Issuer considers that Carlos Enrique Garcia
Jaramillo causes of action are without merit since there are no elements that justify its arguments.
Investor Relations Contact:
In Mexico:
Alberto Guajardo, Investor Relations Officer
OHL México, S.A.B. de C.V.
Tel: +(5255) 5003-9590
In New York:
Melanie Carpenter
i-advize Corporate Communications, Inc.
Tel: (212) 406-3692