Ysgol Acrefair Governors Annual Report to Parents for the Year 2013-2014 Chair of Governors: Mrs Lynda Broe (2013 – 2014) Clerk to the Governors: Miss Lisa Evans (2013 – 2014) Head Teacher: Mrs Lisa Roberts Please note that this report refers to the school year September 2013 until July 2014 1 rrr Contents Information regarding: Letter from Chair of Governors Governors Staffing Teaching Methods and Curriculum Organisation School Improvement Staff Training Additional Learning Needs / Disability Sport and other extra-curricular activities Community Links Other events and achievements School Council / Eco Committee Building / Health and Safety Policies School Prospectus information Attendance Statistics Performance Statistics Targets Finance Dates, holidays, training days 2 Letter from Chair of Governors Dear parents, Ysgol Acrefair continues to develop pupils’ learning; over the past year children have been given experiences and opportunities to enhance their skills and knowledge within an effective learning environment. Children are engaged in their own learning, understanding the intention and objectives of each session and measuring their success. This approach is reflected in the ‘Effective Learning Policy’ which is available to parents. The school has good links with the community and the children benefit from extracurricular activities All children are taught effectively with the extra support from booster sessions, supported by the Teaching Assistants. Performance statistics are pleasing and targets set to challenge the pupils over the coming year. The summer visit from GwE, recorded an excellent report and recommended that Ysgol Acrefair will be used as an example of good practice. Financially our position is good, as our budget is effectively allocated and used to maintain the safe environment and provide resources for the pupils. The Governors and I would like to thank the staff for their continued commitment and enthusiasm, providing excellent teaching and learning. I wish to thank Support Staff and Governors for their contribution to the ongoing success of the school environment. Yours sincerely, Lynda Broe Chair of Governors 3 Governors 2013 – 2014 (Date indicates when term of office ends) Clive Austin – Chair, LEA Governor 30/03/16 Beulah Griffiths – Vice Chair -Community Governor 30/10/16 Lisa Roberts – Head Teacher 31/08/18 Lynda Broe- Community Governor 30/04/16 Ingrid Griffiths – Parent Governor 30/10/16 Tabitha Large - Parent Governor 16/12/17 Sara Roberts - Parent Governor 07/07/14 Andrew Linden - LEA Governor 31/5/18 Lisa J. Robert – Parent Governor 10/11/14 Nicki Davies-Bottomley – Parent Governor 15/05/15 Dianne Powell – LEA Governor 30/03 /16 Lesley Edwards – Community Governor 18/02/18 Mavis Davies – Community Governor 05/11/17 Joan Jones – Community Governor 12/07/14 Paul Blackwell – Additional Community Governor (local council) 31/08/16 Sarah Jackson – Teacher Governor 30/10/17 Wendy Steen – Teacher Governor 09/12/17 Ann Duke – Staff Governor 09/12/17 Chair – Mrs Lynda Broe, Copperous, Llangollen Road, Acrefair Clerk to the Governors – Miss Lisa Evans, WCBC 4 Staffing 2013 - 2014 Mrs Lisa Roberts – Head Teacher, Assessment, Transition leader Mrs Rita Jones – Deputy Head Teacher, Healthy Schools, KS2 Leader Mr Russell Edwards – Y6 Teacher, ALN Coordinator, KS2 Science Miss Rebecca Curtis– Y4 Teacher, KS2 Language co-ordinator Mrs Sarah Jackson – Y2 Teacher, F/PH Maths, Welsh Mrs Angela Done– Y1Teacher, F/PH Science and Language Miss Nia Jones – Year 3 Teacher, ICT and KS2 Maths Mrs Wendy Steen – Early Years / Foundation Phase Leader Miss Gemma Turner- Reception Teacher ( covering for Mrs Steen) Mrs Helen Norman – Booster Teacher Mrs Helen Martin – Nursery Teacher Miss Katie Oldcorne – Year 3 Teacher ( maternity cover ) Miss Sian Dixon – PPA teacher for KS2 Mrs Ann Duke – Teaching Assistant (Reception) Mrs Nicola Humphries – Teaching Assistant ( Nursery a.m. and Y1 p.m.) Miss Bethan Williams – Teaching Assistant ( Nursery ) and MDS Mrs Fleur Jones – Teaching Assistant (Y1) and MDS Miss Alison Regan – Teaching Assistant (Y2), Breakfast Club supervisor Mrs Nicola Wooding – Teaching Assistant ( Nursery a.m. Reception p.m.) Miss Alison Dillon – Teaching Assistant – Year 2 Mrs Julie McKnight – Teaching Assistant – Year 1 Miss Emma Jones – Teaching Assistant –Year 5 Mrs Nicola Scott – Breakfast Club Supervisor Miss Laura Edwards- Teaching Assistant (Y4), Breakfast Club Supervisor Mrs Rebecca Brown- Teaching Assistant (Y3) Mrs Jo Koscinska Teaching Assistant ( Year 6) Mrs Tracey Davies – Teaching Assistant (Y3) Miss Kayleigh Price – Teaching Assistant ( Nursery ) Mrs Sam Wright– School Secretary Mrs Sue Evans - MDS Mr Dave Wooding - Caretaker Mrs Laura Jones – School Cook Mrs Cath Brookes– School Cook Mrs Liz Edwards – School Cook and cleaner Mrs Diane Edwards – Cleaner 5 CRB / DBS checks have been updated for staff where necessary. We continue to have a large number of students working in school. We have had pupils from Ysgol Rhiwabon, Ysgol Dinas Bran, Childcare students from Coleg Cambria and Teaching students from Bangor and Glyndwr TEACHING METHODS AND CURRICULUM ORGANISATION We believe that it is all-important to make the learning environment in the classroom as beneficial as possible. This is achieved by: Ensuring the children understand the learning intention(s) and success criteria of the lesson or activity Exhibiting pupil’s work, creating an attractive, interesting atmosphere and ensuring the best possible resources to promote learning. Giving the pupils the opportunity to take an active part in the learning process through individual, pair or group work. Ensuring learners are engaged by using a wide range of teaching and learning strategies that cater for differing learning styles. Use of effective questioning to extend and clarify learning Lessons that allow pupils to develop the Key Skills of communication, mathematics, IT, problem solving and creativity. Regular assessments, shared with pupils, which assess against the learning intention(s) of the lesson and inform next steps. Welsh as a second language is taught in all classes. If you would like to learn more about the way that children learn at Ysgol Acrefair, please ask for a copy of our Effective Learning Policy. School Improvement (2013-2014) Subject Leadership continues to develop effectively. Subject leaders have been assigned to subjects - (one from F/Ph and one from KS2). Literacy and Numeracy leaders are regularly released from class to audit their subjects – evaluating existing action plans, monitoring books, carrying out learning walks, etc. 6 Book scrutinies have taken place. These have focussed on extended writing across the curriculum and it is evident that the pupils writing skills are developing well by the end of KS2. When our GwE support / challenge officer visited, on behalf of the local authority, he was very complimentary about the standard of writing and the feedback. School processes for teaching and assessing oracy has been reviewed. This has improved understanding of the Level Descriptors and the relationship to INCERTS as a means of evaluating and planning for progression. Where appropriate, further activities have been developed to enhance speaking and listening within the curriculum. The LNF has been incorporated into medium term planning and short term planning. In consultation with pupils, individual half-termly targets in all three strands of language development have been agreed, which are age and ability appropriate. There is far greater evidence of specific oracy activities within classes and planning for oracy. All pupils achieved their oracy targets in Y2/Y6 end of key stage assessments and the gap between reading, writing and oracy closed. The support materials on the Learning Wales website have been used to plan additional activities into the curriculum designed to provide pupils with additional experience of reasoning activities. Review of classroom practice has shown that teachers need to provide for discrete lessons with a numerical reasoning focus for all pupils. This is being addressed and is being monitored through regular book scrutiny. Additionally, monitoring of maths provision by an external consultant will be used to inform understanding of standards and to identify opportunities for application of numeracy skills in the wider curriculum. Reasoning test analysis shows our pupils achieved highly in all year groups. Literacy leaders continue to monitor reading throughout school. Group Guided Reading sessions take place that target specific reading skills within classes. Literacy and Numeracy Frameworks – A number of staff meetings have been dedicated to familiarising ourselves with the National Literacy and Numeracy frameworks. Medium Term Plans have been adapted to include Literacy and Numeracy targets and these will now be transferred into short term plans. An audit of current provision has been completed and targets identified. National Reading and Numeracy tests have taken place for pupils in years 2- 6 and will be analysed in the Autumn Term (2014). The 7 pupils performed very well in the tests with a large percentage of pupils attaining at the higher levels ( >115 ) Regular meetings have been held with GwE to share information on school improvement. The LA is very pleased with the School’s work. PASS tests took place in Years 3 to 6 and CAT tests for year 4 pupils. Pupils in Years 1 to 6 that were in need of a ‘boost’ in Maths or Language were identified and given targeted intervention from a number of teaching assistants and a booster teacher (Blitz, Catch up in Literacy and Catch up in Numeracy ). The results of all of these assessments were analysed in detail by class teachers and then the maths /language subject leaders in order to inform future planning. Individual Pupil Review meetings have taken place. The Head Teacher, ALN co-ordinator, Booster Teacher and Class Teacher have met to discuss the progress of every individual child within the school- ensuring all pupils are making the expected progress and receiving the support they need. We have identified children who require an additional ‘boost’ and some children who need additional challenge. A small number of children have been added to our ALN register and a few will be put forward for statutory assessment. A number of standardisation and moderation meetings have taken place between Foundation Phase teachers and Y6/7 teachers alongside colleagues from local schools in order to strengthen teacher assessments at the end of the Key Stage. Summer Term reports were sent to parents and learning targets for language and maths continue to be shared with parents on a termly basis. Open evenings for parents have also taken place. End of Key Stage Assessments took place in the Summer Term. Nearly achieved their targets and a few have exceeded. Our data shows an improving trend, particularly at KS2. Teachers have attended standardisation and moderation meetings with colleagues from other schools to ensure that our understanding of the outcomes and levels is secure. A number of teachers have met to begin discussing and researching handwriting. Visits will be arranged to other schools to view good practice. Our next step is to trial agreed strategies within classes before reporting back and evaluating the impact. Nursery and Reception staff have completed on-entry and baseline assessments with their children. 8 Teachers Performance Management lesson observations all took place. Targets have been reviewed formally and new targets set. The emphasis this year was upon improving standards in children’s oracy and reasoning. Differentiation was also a target. Teachers within all classes are differentiating work to suit the needs of all learners. Differentiated success criteria are being used in years 1 to 6. These are very effective in ensuring all pupils are challenged and are very clear about how they can achieve. A number of activities have taken place to ensure effective transition. Nursery and Reception teachers held information sharing sessions with new parents. We also work closely with Ysgol Rhiwabon and Ysgol Dinas Bran. We continue to work as a ‘Healthy School’. Our focus for this year’s assessment is Hygiene. Science Leaders have been developing science investigation frameworks. There will be an expectation that all classes cover at least 5 investigations per year. These will be collected by Science leaders and quality assured. Maths Leaders have been working on identifying more problem solving and investigation activities for use across school. We have agreed that there should be at least 3 investigations visible in all children’s books in every year group, every half term. These will be collected by Maths leaders and quality assured. We have had our summer visit from GWE. Leadership and capacity to improve was judged as ‘excellent’. We will be used by GWE as an example of good practice. ALN reviews have taken place and were well attended. Our Eco Committee have worked alongside a member of the local authority energy team. They investigated our power usage and devised a plan to reduce it. Over the ‘power week’ we reduced our energy consumption dramatically. A large number of new library books have been purchased. We now need to plan how we can utilise the library effectively to support the children’s learning. Our website has been updated and is becoming more informative. ECadets: Our three Ecadets are doing fantastically well in their projects. They have produced power point presentations to inform pupils and parents about safety on the internet. MP Ken Skates visited the school to talk to them and he was very impressed with their work. Over the next three years the project will be extended to include 24 children, 8 parents and 4 Governors. 9 Artist in Residence project – All classes have produced pictures of animals, birds and fish and two local artists have used these to create a large mural that spans the front corridor. It looks fantastic and the children have had great pleasure in spotting their work. Training Staff have attended courses, meetings, observations or taken part in working parties on: Foundation phase Transition Estyn Peer Inspector Training Team around the Child Child Protection training Outdoor learning/ Forest School Education visits / risk assessments NQT training Eco school Healthy school Welsh Handwriting ‘Catch Up in Numeracy’ training First Aid ‘Catch up in Literacy’ training Tracking ‘Movement’ training ALN training ICT LNF training Behaviour Management Reasoning Training Hwb training – ( Digital learning platform) 10 Additional Learning Needs /disabilities Many children at some stage in primary school experience difficulties in specific areas of learning. At Ysgol Acrefair, our aim is to identify and assess, as early as possible, all children who have a special educational need. This results in the school being able to make provision for them so that an appropriate level of work and the right amount of support is provided to allow them to access the curriculum. Children with an identified need will have specific targets to work towards and will have an Individual Education Plan (IEP) drawn up. Close liaison between the teacher, parents and our Additional Learning Needs Co-ordinator (ALNCO) ensures that all parties work together to try to achieve the targets. Parents are given a copy of the IEP and are involved, during Parent/Teacher consultations to review the progress that has been made. Some children will need additional support for a short period of time, while others may need it for substantially longer. Parents are always welcome to discuss any concerns with teachers or with the ALNCO – Mr R. Edwards. Children that have been identified as in need of extra help in language and maths, receive targeted intervention from their class teacher and teaching assistants. This additional work is monitored and reviewed regularly by Mr Edwards, our Additional Needs CoOrdinator and our booster teacher Mrs Helen Norman. We also work very closely alongside outside agencies such as the Education Psychologist, Speech and Language and Occupational Health to provide specialised support to individual children. Regular review meetings take place with parents. 11 We currently do not have any children with physical disabilities at Ysgol Acrefair. We do have a ramp at the entrance to allow wheelchair access and we have a disabled toilet. We have been involved in a number of ’Team Around the child ‘ meetings involving children at our school. This is a multi agency approach to supporting children in need. Sport and other extra-curricular activities We try to give our pupils the opportunity to take part in as wide a range of activities as possible. Over the course of the year we have run football and netball clubs after school. Children have taken part successfully in a number of sporting competitions – football, netball and tennis tournaments. We also have ukulele and drama clubs. Years 4, 5 and 6 have swimming lessons at Chirk, in accordance with the requirements of the National Curriculum. Parents are asked to contribute towards the cost of transport to the pool. Community Links Ysgol Acrefair works hard to establish good community links: Library visits for workshops and author visits Wrexham Art Gallery and Museum for workshops Police Liaison Officer delivers PSE lessons Visits from travelling theatre companies Visits to local high schools and bridging units Family services and concerts at school Fundraising events at school Involvement of local press to share positive achievements Students from local colleges Visits from local clergy Visits from local councillors Football in the community with Wrexham FC Visits to local places of interest / attractions Kiddies World and Toddlers Support from Fron Choir and a venue for rehearsals. 12 Other events and achievements Kingswood -residential trip Tyn Dwr, Llangollen - residential trip. Family Services Harvest Service Police liaison sessions Trips to Erddig, Chester, Knowsley Safari Park, Llangollen Eisteddfod, Park Hall Farm, Greenwood, Bowling at The Venue, Alyn Waters. Road Safety events / Kerb Kraft School Council visit to Mayor’s Chamber World Book Day events St David’s Day celebrations Christmas productions Theatre visits Netball, Football,Tennis - games and tournaments Drama sessions Sports Day Mini Olympics Various fundraising events – Barnado’s, Teddy Bears’ Picnic, Wheelies, Cake Sale, Children in Need etc. school photos Art workshops Nursery end of year concert Leaver’s Service Puberty Talk KS1 jamboree Fire Service workshops Science week Around The World Day Entrepreneurial Week activities Dental screening Hospital Day – fund raising for Alder Hey Hospital 13 School Council School Council elections took place in the Autumn Term. One boy and one girl have been elected from years 2 to 6. They meet on a regular basis to discuss issues that their classmates have asked them to put forward and they later report back to their class. Eco Committee Eco Committee elections took place in the Autumn Term. One boy and one girl have been selected by their class mates from years 2 to 6. They are currently assessing how ‘eco friendly’ we are as a school and discussing the way forward. Buildings / Health and Safety Regular fire drills take place. Regular risk assessments are carried out by the Caretaker and Chair of Governors. A full electrical check has been completed. The Chubb fire extinguishers have been checked and replaced where necessary. New doors have been fitted on the front of the school. Health We are part of Wrexham’s Healthy Schools Project. Various aspects of healthy living are discussed. The pupils are encouraged to become aware of lifestyles and the effects on health. Several subjects are considered- healthy eating, hygiene, dental care, exercise, safety and first aid, smoking etc. and will follow N.C. guidelines. Water is available to all pupils throughout the day. Policies We have a rolling programme of policies that have to be reviewed by the Governors – some annually and some every three years. 14 School Prospectus Minimal changes have been made to the school prospectus- staff and Governor details, class sizes and dinner money costs have been updated. Attendance statistics Attendance Statistics have been analysed for 2013 - 2014 Overall actual attendance as a % 93.4% sessions missed through authorised abs 6.1% sessions missed through unauthorised abs 0.5% In order that sessions missed through unauthorised absences are kept to a minimum we request that parents ring school on the day of absence to inform us of the reason for non-attendance. If we have not heard from parents by 10.00 a.m. they are contacted, by phone, by the school secretary. 15 Performance Statistics The percentages are based on how many children achieved Outcome 5+ in Year 2 (Foundation Phase) and how many children achieved level 4 in Year 6 (key stage 2): F/PH 2012/ 2013 F/PH 2013/2014 Wales 2013/2014 Wrexham LA 2013/2014 KS2 2012/ 2013 KS2 2013/ 2014 Wales 2013/2014 Wrexham LA 2013/2014 Language, Literacy, Communication 75.9%% 82.1 % 86.6% 87.7 % English 82.4% Maths 75.9%% 89.3% 88.7% 93.2% Personal Social Development 93.1% 100% 94.2% 82.9% Maths 82.4% Science 82.4% 90% 90% 90% 88.4% 88.9% 87.2% 87.7% 90.3% 88.4% 16 Targets Schools are asked to use their professional judgement, previous assessment data and current ability, to predict targets for future years. Based upon these we are able to predict the number of children that will achieve Outcome 5+ at the end of Foundation Phase and level 4 at the end of Key stage 2: Language/Literacy/ Communication F/PH 2014/2015 F/PH 2015/2016 90% 97 % English KS2 2014/2015 KS2 2015/2016 89% 92% Maths 90% 97% Personal and Social Development 90% 100% Maths Science 89% 96% 89 % 96 % Children that have been identified as not currently on track to achieve the appropriate level at the end of the Foundation Phase or Key Stage 2 have been targeted for intervention strategies such as special needs support or booster group support such as Blitz, Catch up in Literacy and Catch up in Numeracy. 17 18
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