Units of Competency Certificate III in Fitness (SIS30313) Classroom and Homestudy Delivery Programs The Certificate III in Fitness is made up of 15 units of competencies, which are made up of 10 core and 5 elective units, the following table lists the units included in ACSF’s course: Unit Code Unit Title SISFFIT301A Provide fitness orientation and health screening SISFFIT302A Provide quality service in the fitness industry SISFFIT303A Develop and apply an awareness of specific populations to exercise delivery SISFFIT304A Instruct and monitor fitness programs SISFFIT305A Apply anatomy and physiology principles in a fitness context SISFFIT306A Provide healthy eating information to clients in accordance with recommended guidelines SISFFIT307A Undertake client health assessment SISFFIT308A Plan and deliver gym programs SISFFIT309A Plan and deliver group exercise sessions SISXCCS404A Address clients needs SISXFAC201A Maintain sport, fitness and recreation equipment for activities SISXIND101A Work effectively in sport and recreation environments SISXOHS101A Follow occupational health and safety policies SISXRSK301A Undertake risk analysis of activities HLTAID003* Apply First Aid *Must be completed externally to the ACSF Course. Certificate III Certificate IV Dip of Fitness and Dip of S&R Mgmt_Unit of Competencies 1504B Page 1 of 5 Units of Competency Certificate IV in Fitness (SIS40210) Classroom and Homestudy Delivery Programs The Certificate IV in Fitness is made up of 15 units of competencies, which are made up of 10 core and 5 elective units, the following table lists the units included in ACSF’s course: Unit Code Unit Title SISFFIT313A Plan and deliver exercise to apparently healthy children & adolescents SISFFIT314A Plan and deliver exercise to older clients with managed conditions SISFFIT415A Work collaboratively with medical and allied health professionals SISFFIT416A Apply motivational psychology to provide guidance on exercise behaviour and change to meet health and fitness goals SISFFIT418A Undertake appraisals of functional movement SISFFIT419A Apply exercise science principles to planning exercise SISFFIT417A Undertake long term exercise programming SISFFIT420A Plan and deliver exercise programs to support desired body composition outcomes SISFFIT421A Plan and deliver personal training SISSSTC301A Instruct strength and conditioning techniques SISSSTC402A Develop strength and conditioning programs CHCIC301D Interact effectively with children BSBSMB401 Establish legal and risk management requirements of small business BSBSMB403 Market the small business BSBSMB404 Undertake small business planning Certificate III Certificate IV Dip of Fitness and Dip of S&R Mgmt_Unit of Competencies 1504B Page 2 of 5 Units of Competency Diploma of Fitness (SIS50213) Classroom and Home Study Delivery Programs The Diploma of Fitness is made up of 13 units of competencies, which are made up of 9 core and 4 elective units, the following table lists the units included in ACSF’s course: Unit Code Unit Title SISFFIT523A Deliver prescribed exercise to clients with cardiorespiratory conditions SISFFIT524A Deliver prescribed exercise to clients with metabolic conditions SISFFIT525A Advise on injury prevention and management SISFFIT526A Deliver prescribed exercise to clients with musculoskeletal conditions SISFFIT527A Undertake health promotion activities to decrease risk factors and prevent chronic disease SISFFIT528A Apply research findings to exercise management strategies SISXCCS404A Address Client Needs SISXIND405A Conduct projects SISINDX406A Manage Projects SISXCCS403A Determine Needs of client populations SISXFAC409A Plan and provide sport, fitness and recreation services HLTAID006* Provide advanced first aid Electives to Choose from in the Home Study course**: SISSSCO513 Plan and implement high performance training and recovery programs SISFFIT313A Plan and deliver exercise to apparently healthy children & adolescents SISFFIT314A Plan and deliver exercise to older clients with managed conditions *The Advanced First Aid qualification must be completed separately, if students are completing the Home Study course **Please note the classroom course includes the SISSSCO513 – Plan and implement high performance training and recovery programs, however, the home study course has the option to choose one of the three elective units. Certificate III Certificate IV Dip of Fitness and Dip of S&R Mgmt_Unit of Competencies 1504B Page 3 of 5 Units of Competency Diploma of Sport & Recreation Management (SIS50712) Classroom and Home Study Delivery Programs The Diploma of Sport and Recreation Management is made up of 25 units of competencies, the following table lists the units included in ACSF’s course: Unit Code Unit Title BSBFIM601 Manage finances SITXMGT501 Establish and conduct business relationships SITXMPR501 Obtain and manage sponsorship SISXIND406A Manage projects BSBADM502 Manage meetings SISXCCS402A Coordinate client service activities BSBHRM402 Recruit, select and induct staff SITXHRM402 Lead and manage people SISXIND404A Promote compliance with laws and legal principles SISXWHS503A Establish and maintain work health and safety systems SISXRSK502A Manage organisational risks BSBMKG608 Develop organisational marketing objectives BSBMKG609 Develop a marketing plan BSBMGT617 Develop and implement a business plan BSBMGT515 Manage operational plan BSBRKG502 Manage and monitor business or records systems BSBFIM501 Manage budgets and financial plans SISXCCS403A Determine needs of client populations BSBMKG501 Identify and evaluate marketing opportunities Certificate III Certificate IV Dip of Fitness and Dip of S&R Mgmt_Unit of Competencies 1504B Page 4 of 5 BSBMKG502B Establish and adjust the marketing mix SISXFAC409 Plan and provide sport, fitness and recreation services SISXFAC404A Coordinate facility and equipment acquisition and maintenance SISXFAC506A Manage stock supply and purchase SITXFIN601 Manage physical assets Certificate III Certificate IV Dip of Fitness and Dip of S&R Mgmt_Unit of Competencies 1504B Page 5 of 5
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