Spring Registration Packet 2015 -2016 Tammy Mason, Superintendent March 26, 2015 Arlington Elementary &Donelson Elementary Arlington High School – Grades 9th and 10th only 4:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. March 31, 2015 Arlington Middle School Arlington High School – Grades 11th and 12th only 4:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Required Documents Are Enclosed: Registration Information Items Accepted for Proof of Residency Student Enrollment Form Primary Home Language Survey Arlington Community Schools offers educational and employment opportunities without regard to race, color, creed, national origin, religion, sex, age, or disability and adheres to the provisions of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). SPRING REGISTRATION Arlington Community Schools March 26, 2015 March 31, 2015 Arlington Elementary Donelson Elementary Arlington High School – Grades 9 and 10 4:30 – 7:00 p.m. Arlington Middle School Arlington High – Grades 11 and 12 4:30 – 7:00 p.m. Items Needed for Enrollment PROOF OF RESIDENCE: Parents/guardians must provide two (2) of the following items showing the parent/guardian’s name and address to prove residency: 1. Most recent MLGW or municipal water bill of the owner, renter or lessee of the home in which the student will reside during the current school year; 2. Mortgage statement or deed of the owner of the home in which the student will reside during the current school year; 3. Lease of the lessee of the home in which the student will reside during the current school year; 4. Rental Agreement of the renter of the home in which the student will reside during the current school year; 5. Real Estate tax receipt; 6. Public assistance/government benefits check, card, or papers; 7. In the event that two (2) of the items listed above cannot be provided, residency may be established by submitting other documentation deemed to be appropriate proof of residence by the department responsible for verifying residency. Immunization Records IMMUNIZATION REQUIREMENTS: K-12 students must have a TN School Immunization Certificate showing: Two (2) doses of Varicella or proof of Chickenpox Two (2) doses of Tdap Booster Hepatitis A (Grade K) (7th Grade Entry Only) For more on state-required immunizations, please refer website: https://health.state.tn.us/ceds/required.htm. Two (2) doses of MMR Four (4) doses of Polio Four (4) or Five (5) doses of DTaP (all students) Three (3) doses of Hepatitis B (Grade K & 7) to the Immunization Requirements at the following state New Student Enrollment Students who have previously enrolled in another school system in Tennessee may enroll pending receipt of their academic and health records. Students transferring into the system from an out of state school or from a nonpublic school must provide a Tennessee Department of Health Immunization Certificate that includes a physical exam. The following documents are required: 1. Proof of Residence: Same as above. Proof of residence is required of all students at registration and may be required of any student during the school year. 2. Social Security Number: Bring student’s Social Security Card. (T.C.A. 49-6-5102) ! 3. Tennessee Department of Health Immunization Certificate: Contact the school for additional information. 4. Kindergarten Students must be 5 years old on or before August 15, 2015, and the following items must be provided: A. Certified copy of Birth Certificate B. Proof of recent medical examination C. Tennessee Department of Health Immunization Certificate with proof of a physical exam within 12 months prior to enrollment. D. Social Security Card E. If applicable, custody papers and parenting plan Arlington Community Schools offers educational and employment opportunities without regard to race, color, creed, national origin, religion, sex, age, or disability and adheres to the provisions of the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). Student Enrollment Form For School Use Only: Proof of Residence: ______ Mortgage ______Lease ______Rental Agreement ______Real Estate Tax ______MLGW ______Government benefits check Proof of residence if living with someone else: ______ Notarized Proof of Residence Form Completed ______ Administrative Approval Date of enrollment: Teacher: Last Name: Bus RT#: ______ Daycare: ______Car: ______ First Name: Middle Name: Grade: Nickname: SS#: Mother’s Maiden Name: DOB: Birth State/Nation: Male: Birth City: Birth County: Ethnic Codes Female: Resides With Codes (1) Black / African American (2) American Indian (3) Asian (4) Hispanic (5) Pacific Islander or Native Hawaiian (6) White (not Hispanic) (B) Both Parents (R) Grandparents (O) Other Is a language other than English spoken in the home?______ Yes Language (F) Father & Stepmother (M) Mother & Stepfather (A) Father [single parent] (T) Mother [single parent] (G) Guardian/Foster ______ No County of Origin ACS is implementing a Blackboard Notification System to help keep parents informed of school activities and emergencies. It is very important that parents contact information be up to date in case of emergency. Home Address Street #: Street Name: Home Phone #: City/State/Zip: Parent 1 / Guardian Student Lives With Name: Work #: Cell #: Email: Relationship to Child: Employed By: Parent 2 / Guardian Student Lives With Name: Work #: Employed By: Cell #: Email: Relationship to Child: Custody Information CUSTODY ALERT? ______ Yes ______ No If yes, please attach an explanation including a COPY of any court orders. OTHER PERSONS TO CALL IN CASE OF EMERGENCY OR ILLNESS Only parents/guardians listed above and individuals listed below may check out you child. Emergency contacts must be 18 or older and will be required to provide ID when picking the child up. Contact #1 Contact # 2 Name: Name: Phone #: Phone #: Cell #: Cell #: Relationship to child: Relationship to child: Contact # 3 Contact # 4 Name: Name: Phone #: Phone #: Cell #: Cell #: Relationship to child: Relationship to child: Medical Alert Does this student have any medical conditions? ____ Yes ____ No Please complete the “Confidential Health Form.” Last school attended: State: City: Date withdrawn: Has the student ever been enrolled in a Special Education/Resource/504/Gifted Program? ____ Yes ____ No If yes, what type of program? When? Where? Has this student ever been enrolled in a Tennessee School? ______ Yes ______ No If yes, please list the Tennessee School Name, City, Year: Is this student currently under suspension/expulsion at another school? ______ Yes ______ No If yes, what school? Has this student been adjudicated delinquent for having committed a violent crime? ______ Yes ______ No Arlington Community Schoolsofferseducationalandemploymentopportunitieswithoutregardtorace,color,creed,nationalorigin, religion,sex,age,ordisability and adheres to the provisions of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). Primary Home Language Survey Theparent or legal guardian should complete this form during registration. Date: Student Name: Sex: Date of Birth: School: Grade: Student #: Home Telephone: Cell Phone: The native/home language of each student must be recorded in his/her permanent record. Please answer the following questions about your child’s language background: 1. What is the first language this child learned to speak? 2. What language does this child speak most often outside of school? 3. What language do people usually speak in the child’s home? Listing another language other than Englishto any of the questions above DOES NOT qualify a student as an English language learner. It does require, however, that the student participate in an approved language proficiency assessment to determine language proficiency and possible ESL classification based on these assessment results. If any question is answered with another language other than English, a copy of this form should be forwarded to the local school ESL teacher for language assessment testing. Collected for Funding Purposes Only: Was this child born in the United States? _____Yes _____No If no, what is the country of birth? Date entered the United States: Date entered schools in the United States: Has this student ever been enrolled in an ESL program? _____Yes _____No In what language do you want correspondence sent to you from school? Signature of Parent/Guardian Date Arlington Community Schools offers educational and employment opportunities without regard to race, color, creed, national origin, religion, sex, age or disability and adheres to the provisions of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). Revised 11/2014
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