Walker Guide 2015 Southeast Kansas Walk – May 30, 2015 you. alzwalkseks.org THE END OF ALZHEIMER’S STARTS WITH Thank you for joining the Alzheimer’s Association Walk to End Alzheimer’s. Together, we can raise awareness and funds to enhance Alzheimer’s care and support and advance critical research. The success of the Walk relies on people like you – uniting together to end this devastating disease. This Walker Guide will provide you with information on your participation as a walker, including fundraising and engagement ideas. We’ll also refer you to tools and tips to help you along the way. YOUR WALK CONTACTS: Lynette Emmerson– lremmerson@medicalodges.com or 704.2315 Suzie Sexton– smsexton@medicalodges.com or 223.7340 IMPORTANT REMINDERS! • • • • • • The easiest way for you to register is online at alzwalkseks.org. Each person attending the Walk must register either online or with a paper registration form (which can be printed from the website). Each registered walker who fundraises a minimum of $75 will qualify to receive an official 2015 Walk T-shirt. Set a goal and achieve it. Goals help to motivate you as well as your donors. If you hit it early, increase it. Start fundraising now. It’s never too early. Provide your email address when you register so that you will periodically receive important information about the Walk. FUNDRAISE LIKE A PRO THE BASICS • • • • • • • • • • et a goal and make a plan on how to achieve it. S Make your ask personal…include pictures and your story. Start early. Think competition…it’s been proven to motivate people to do more. Educate your donors about Alzheimer’s and how the money will be used. Include a return envelope if mailing your donation request letter. Follow through with reminder emails, calls, visits, etc. Ask BIG before going small. Forget about “NO” and keep going for “YES”. Just Ask, Ask, Ask! TRIED AND TRUE…Below are the proven fundraisers! For even more creative ideas, visit alzwalkseks.org and click on event details and then fundraising tools. Email/Letters. This is the simplest and least time-consuming way to reach everyone you know in and out of town. There are several templates available for you to use once you register online. Social Networks. Facebook and Twitter have become the new way to fundraise! Keys to success – post often, share your story, post often, include a link to your personal web page, post often, follow up and…post often. Employer Matching Gifts. A lot of employers match their employees’ charitable donations. Direct all of your donors to matchinggifts.com/walk so they can check to see if their company matches. $10 for 10 Days. Ask one person each day for $10. This is a great way to get a jump start on your fundraising efforts. Once you get the hang of it, ask the next ten people for $20 each. Casual or Go Purple Day. Ask your boss if those who donate $5 (or more) to your fundraising efforts can dress casual or wear purple on a designated day. We have FREE ‘Casual for a Cause’ or ‘The End of Alzheimer’s Starts with ME’ stickers available to recognize those who are supporting your efforts. Pennies for a Purpose. Request one of these free cans to place at your desk or at the receptionist’s desk to collect donations. Send an email to everyone letting them know where the can is. Maybe even attach a sign with a picture of whom you’re participating in honor or in memory of. JOIN THE CLUB! We are asking You to lead the way! Champions Club Raise $500 or more and you’ll join the elite ranks of the Walk to End Alzheimer’s Champions Club. Members of the Champions Club receive the following benefits: • • • • • • Official Walk to End Alzheimer’s event T-Shirt Champions Club commemorative medal Fundraising badge on your personal Walk web page Thank-you certificate Recognition on the national Walk website If you choose, the opportunity to redeem an extra thank you recognition gift (see below) Grand Champions Club Those walkers who raise $1,000 or more will join our exclusive Grand Champions Club. Members of the Grand Champions Club receive the following benefits: • • • • • • • • • Official Walk to End Alzheimer’s T-Shirt Exclusive Grand Champions Club Walk long sleeve T-shirt Champions Club commemorative medal Grand Champions Club fundraising badge on your personal Walk Web page Grand Champions Club Thank-you certificate Recognition on the national Walk website If you choose, the opportunity to redeem an extra thank you recognition gift (see below) Grand Champions called to the stage on Walk morning for special recognition If you choose, decorate an Honor Board to be displayed the morning of the Walk. – The Honor Board is a 2ft x 3ft piece of corrugated plastic which the walker decorates to highlight his/her reason for walking. Bring the board to the Volunteer tent at the Walk and we will display if for you. More details will be sent to you when you hit the Grand Champions Club level. Walker Fundraising Gifts The Association will be utilizing the incentive program, Turnkey. All of Turnkey’s recognition gifts have the Walk logo which will help us share our mission with others year-round. (2014 recognition gifts pictured) All participants earning a recognition gift will be notified by Walk staff with directions on how to order. To view the recognition gifts that will be available on the incentive program please visit: http://www.turnkeywow.com/walktoendalz/. If you have any questions, please contact the Walk staff at 913.831.3888 or llarsen@alz.org.
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