ACT RESPONSIBLE ADVERTISIGNG COMMUNITY TOGETHER PRESENTS GREAT IDEAS FOR GOOD THE BEST SIDE OF ADVERTSING THE ANNUAL EXHIBITION CANNES 23-27 JUNE 2015 .INTRO TABLE HERVE DE CLERCK, DREAMLEADER “ 2015 is an important year for United Nations main challenges. COP21 is kicking of in Paris by December 2015, it’s UN 70 th anniversary, it’s a turning dates for the Millennium Development Goals. As part of UN Department of Public Information, ACT Responsible support UN challenges, disseminate its messages within the advertising community widely. 2015 is an important year for Brands who have to get out of the comfort zone to address costumers real expectations, business issues as well as face corporate responsibilities. 2 In 2015, Advertising is all about open mind and creativity in order to be always more pertinent and effective. We will dedicate the annual exhibition to show how the creative community has contribute to these effort, to highlight what has been done and to call the community to not loose sight of what remains to be achieve. Act Responsible is an opportunity for the communication field to speak in one loud voice. “ OF CONTENT THE VENUE AT THE HEART OF THE FESTIVAL THE EXPO IDEAS FOR GOOD CAUSES 3 FOCUS : MILENNIUM DEVELOPPEMNT GOALS GREAT BRAND DOING GOOD ADS FOR A BETTER WORLD THE COMMUNITY JOIN THE CREATIVE AGENCIES FOR GOOD CONTACTS 3 .THE VENUE AT THE HEART OF THE FESTIVAL June, Cannes. The largest gathering of worldwide advertising professionals takes place at Cannes Lions International Advertising Festival. During one week 16,000 delegates from around 90 countries gather to celebrate the best of creativity in brand communication, discuss industry issues and network with one another. An exclusive location, a unique message, a incredible visibility, the ideal place for sponsors to participate to the Cannes week as well as benefit from being part of a strong and positive message of Responsibility. Partners, members a n d s p o n s o r s c a n o rg a n i z e customized events. Since 2001, in a hall of the Palais des Festivals, ACT Responsible celebrates the best social & environmental Advertising and showcase over 400 advertising campaigns from over 35 countries in a “one of a kind” exhibition. This unique venue is open to the public and delegates for five days. 4 . THE EXPO IDEAS FOR GOOD CAUSES IDEA: The exhibition is a round up of what creative communication agencies have created during the year for good causes. The exhibition is divided in 4 main themes : Planet, Solidarity, Human Rights and Education. Each year hundreds agencies showcase their best work for Good. SUBMISSIONS: Open to all campaigns created between 2014-2015 that supports a cause for a charity, institution, foundation, corporation or brand. SELECTION: All campaign submitted and approved by the ACT Responsible editorial team will be showcased at the exhibition but also in the database and social networks and submitted to public votes online and on location. MESSAGE: Advertising is a powerful tool that can awaken consciences and change behaviors. All around the world agencies give their time and talent- Creativity- to help causes to find the right message. Lots of ideas are good but which on is the best, which one touches the public heart? TRIBUTES: campaigns will be honored by the 12 Tribute, the recognition of the public and visitors. The Tributes are given out by the Mayor of Cannes alongside sponsors. 6 5 . ACT BEYOND 15 8 MDG FOCUS ON MDG FACT & FIGURES IDEA: ACT Beyond 2015 will illustrate the 8 Millennium Development Goals (MDG) showing a selection of the best communication campaigns created to raise awareness, engage public commitment and trigger actions. SUBMISSIONS: are open to all communication agencies and associations who have put time and efforts into creating awareness campaigns focusing on the 8 Millennium Development Goals. MESSAGE: This exhibition is a call to the creative community of agencies to continue shaping a better future, to every one of us to acknowledge what has been done and not to loose sight of what remains to be achieve.. It’s also a testimonial of hundred of NGOs working on a daily basis to build a better world. SELECTION: Entries will be selected by a board of valuable partners and agencies member and alongside the UN DPI executive team. SHOWCASE: The selection of the best examples will be premiered at the entrance of ACT Responsible Expo Hall in Cannes from 20-25 June. 8 Rates have been cut by 50% but 1 in 8 people is still hungry. Maternity rate fell 45% but only 1 in 2 women in development countries get parental care. Rates increased form 83 to 90% but 1 in 10 child is still missing basic education. Rates dropped by 40% but every hour 50 young women get HIV Equality has been met in primary schools but women still has less secure jobs then men. More than ¼ of the world got improved sanitation but 2.5 billion still have no basic sanitation 17,000 fewer children die each day but 6 million are still dying before their 5th birthday. Trade Improves, Aid Money: $134.8 billion but focus is shifting away from poorest countries 9 . BOB FOCUS ON BRAND DOING GOOD IDEA: The idea is to showcase the best communication created by Brands focusing on doing good while selling good. BOB (Beyond Ordinary Branding) is a good practice gallery that will serve as inspiration and show how doing good is essential for the business. SUBMISSIONS: Open to all marketers, companies/brands for marketing actions created between 2013-2015. The program needs to be supported by identified champions (men and/or women). SELECTION: The committee reviewing the projects will be composed of a group of high profile individuals representative of the agencies, advertisers and media fields. MESSAGE: In a world where financial markets are driven by greed and short time profit, some Brands have resisted the usual and decided not to follow the consensus path. They decided to play with new ground rules: Transparency, Empathy, and Purpose. 10 TRIBUTES: On the committee decision, the tribute will be given out in Cannes. A selection of the best examples will be showcase showcase at the ACT Responsible Expo Hall. . 11 . ONE MINUTE OF RESPONSIBILITY ADS FOR A BETTER WORLD IDEA: One minute of Responsibility is a program created in partnership with euronews offering free media space to highlight the best creativity of public interest TV campaigns Each year, since 2006, great campaigns touch their public through this unique program. SUBMISSIONS: Submission are open all year to all public interests and charities Campaigns. SELECTION: Euronews ethic committee reviews the submission twice a year in October and April, then each selected campaigns receive a between 20 and 50,000€ in media space on euronews. MESSAGE: "We believe euronews has a mission to inform people about world affairs without any bias, that the viewers should make their own opinion on world issues and that we have this capacity to make people feel more independent and responsible; this is why we give the necessary airtime to support responsible advertising." SHOWCASE: This year selection will be presented screened Cannes in the ACT Responsible Expo Hall. Euronews will also offer a special price to the favorite charity honored by the ACT Responsible Tribute. Olivier de Montchenu, Euronews. 4 13 . MEMBERSHIP CREATIVE AGENCIES FOR GOOD SUBMSIIONS@ACT-RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL MEMBERSHIP : 350€ Conditions : you have created a campaign for great cause + Submission to ACT giving access to : The Good Report+ Euronews + Multiple database + The Cannes Expo+ Wall of fame. BASIC MEMBERSHIP : 1500€ INDIVIDUAL + 1 Free submission + a prominent visibility @ The Cannes Expo+ Photo in Catalog + Photo & Quote on social platforms + Use of ACT Logo Stamp as a label in report, site, biz cards... AGENCY MEMBERSHIP : €4,500 BASIC+ 2 Free submissions + Brand visibility+ Top position on Tributes Online Voting Platform+ customized interviews NETWORK MEMBERSHIP : €7,500 CORPORATE + Dedicated space & special visibility for your brand and/or Clients @ The Cannes Expo.+ Possibility to organized a customized event in Cannes in the ACT Responsible Hall. BRAND SPONSORING Logo visibility on site and communication documents+ Chair on the selection board Sponsoring: from €10,500 ALL QUESTIONS SEND A EMAIL TO ISA@ACT-RESPONSIBLE.ORG 14 CONTENT & SUBMISSION CONTACT SOPHIE@ACT-RESPONSIBLE.ORG SPONORS & PARTNERS CONTACT ISA@ACT-RESPONSIBLE.ORG ACT-RESPONSIBLE.ORG FACEBOOK.COM/ACTRESPONSIBLE.ORG TWITTER.COM/ACTRESPONSIBLE YOUTUBE.COM/ACTRESPONSIBLEADS NON PROFIT ASSOCIATION MEMBER OF GLOBAL COMPACT ASSOCIATED WITH UN DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INFORMATION BORD DU CANAL 33, CHALAIS, CH 3966 SWITZERLAND TEL : +41 27 480 30 45 15
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