Volume 15, Issue 1 • April 2015 New sl etter PREPARING FOR TOMORROW’S POSSIBILITIES THROUGH EDUCATION ® Message from the Chair Dear Friends of the Foundation: I am honored to serve as Chair of The Actuarial Foundation. Last year we pushed forward on implementing new Helen Galt ideas from our revised strategic plan and generated greater understanding and excitement about the Foundation and its mission during our 20th anniversary celebrations at the Society of Actuaries and Casualty Actuarial Society Annual Meetings. We have a great opportunity to build on this momentum in 2015. I would like to thank the Foundation’s individual and corporate donors, and our sponsoring organizations, for supporting the work of the Foundation during 2014. I also want to thank the members of our Board of Trustees and all of our volunteers who serve on committees or provide “hands on” time to make our programs a success. In each of my letters this year, I want to share with you why I connect with specific Foundation programs and why the work of the Foundation is so important to me. I was originally drawn to the Foundation by the educational programs that are focused on financial literacy, especially for high school students. Given our role as actuaries, I suspect that many of us take basic financial literary for granted: understanding income and outgo, the need for planning and budgeting, the implications of debt, the need to save and the concepts of investing. These Calendar of Events are ideas we talk about around the dinner table. Most states have recognized that there is a huge void to be filled in teaching high school students about these concepts. April 12-15, 2015 Enrolled Actuaries Meeting Washington, D.C. The magnitude of the problem hits home with me when I look at some of the things that happen within my own circle of family and acquaintances, especially among the younger generation. I see young adults with little understanding of the need to plan and budget for both weekly and “other than weekly” expenses, and a tendency to dismiss “one-time expenses” without recognizing that the next “one-time expense” will just take a different form. I also see young adults accumulating relatively large amounts of credit card debt that gets out of control when the payments from several cards become more than they can handle. I believe that some of these problems could have been avoided, if only they had had a financial literacy course in high school. That, of course, is where the Foundation’s Building Your Future financial literacy curriculum resource comes in. April 13-15, 2015 SOA Life Insurance Conference Arlington, VA I encourage you to think about what is happening in your family, circle of friends and communities. Are young people being equipped with the financial literacy education they need? Are you aware of all of the free math education and financial literacy resources the Foundation provides? It is also my pleasure to introduce our newest Trustees, who each have their own personal reasons for engaging with the Foundation. Sincerely, Helen Galt, FSA, MAAA, CERA May 4-5, 2015 SOA Life & Annuity Symposium New York, NY May 17-20, 2015 CAS Spring Meeting Colorado Springs, CO June 4-5, 2015 ASPPA Regional Conference Chicago, IL June 11-12, 2015 ERM Symposium Washington, D.C. June 15-17, 2015 SOA Health Meeting Atlanta, GA July 9, 2015 The Actuarial Foundation Board of Trustees Meeting Rosemont, IL Building Your Future is making a difference! Read the thank yous from teachers on page 4. The mission of The Actuarial Foundation is to enhance math education and financial literacy through the talents and resources of actuaries. Welcome to the Foundation’s New Trustees The Actuarial Foundation welcomes its new Board of Trustee volunteers, each of whom began their three-year terms January 1, 2015. We are honored to have the dedication and expertise of these individuals working on behalf of the profession through the efforts of The Actuarial Foundation. “The Foundation continues to make progress in advancing the public’s financial literacy. I am very proud to be one of the Trustees who will ensure that we can continue this work.” Sarah J. Hamid, FSA, FCIA, MAAA Vice President and Actuary Prudential Financial “I want to take an active role in The Actuarial Foundation’s support of math education. The Foundation’s work is another example of what makes our profession so special.” Brian Donlan, FCAS, MAAA Senior Actuary Allstate Insurance Company Brian Donlan Sarah J. Hamid “I am honored to have been selected as a Trustee for the Foundation. I look forward to being an active member of the Board in support of the Foundation’s mission to enhance math education and financial literacy through the talents and resources of actuaries.” Barry Jacobson, FSA Math Teacher Simsbury High School “I know the great work that The Actuarial Foundation has done over the years and have had the pleasure to serve on the Diversity Scholarship Committee. I look forward to contributing to the Foundation’s efforts enhancing math literacy.” Charles Marino, FSA, MAAA VP, Chief Actuary, Individual Life Guardian Life Insurance Company Charles Marino Barry Jacobson S. Michael McLaughlin, Jr. “I consider myself fortunate to have joined the actuarial profession, and I’d like to share that good fortune with others. I’m passionate about our scholarship programs. Working through The Actuarial Foundation, we can bring bright new talent into the profession, and find wider fields of application for our expertise.” S. Michael McLaughlin, Jr., FSA, FIA, MAAA, CERA McLaughlin Actuarial Consulting Lisa M. Pawlowski “After years of volunteering in organizations that supported my son’s passions and development, I am so excited to join The Actuarial Foundation and volunteer in a way that supports my own passions. I am especially interested in the work that The Actuarial Foundation does to enhance math education and financial literacy with today’s youth.” Lisa M. Pawlowski, FCAS, MAAA SVP, Head of Transactional Pricing Zurich North America CONSUMER FINANCIAL EDUCATION We’re employing actuarial skills in the public interest. Well-known Guide gets updated The incredibly popular and successful consumer booklet, If Disaster Strikes Will You Be Covered? A Homeowners’ Insurance Guide to Natural Disasters, was recently updated. Realizing a gap between consumer knowledge and understanding about homeowner’s insurance for natural disasters, The Actuarial Foundation and Federal Alliance for Safe Homes (FLASH) first joined together in 2006 to produce the Guide. It covers the major perils that threaten property and provides understanding of different disasters, insurance products and forms. It also focuses on the steps homeowners can take to mitigate potential losses from natural disasters. FLASH, along with the Foundation, reviewed and edited If Disaster Strikes Will You Be Covered? A Homeowners’ Insurance Guide to Natural Disasters with current peril information, the latest mitigation techniques and up-to-date insurance data regarding availability, cost and premium discounts. Visit www.actuarialfoundation.org/programs/insurance.shtml to read the updated Guide. —2— Thanks to the Volunteer Actuary Reviewers for the Updated Guide Dave Cummings, FCAS, MAAA, CERA Brian M. Donlan, FCAS, MAAA Sara Drexler, FCAS, MAAA Mark J. Homan, FCAS, MAAA, CERA Kathy Olcese, FCAS Richard Seward, ACAS, MAAA Paul Vendetti, FCAS, MAAA Roger A. Wilk, ACAS, MAAA Education is the Key… And Together We are YOUTH EDUCATION We’re inspiring a new generation of math-skilled thinkers. The Project Math Minds™ Competition Showcases the Actuarial Profession Project Math Minds™ is a scholarship competition created and administered by The Actuarial Foundation. With generous support from Prudential Financial, Inc., The Actuarial Foundation is providing New Jersey high school students with the opportunity to “think like an actuary” through its Project Math Minds™ competition. This scholarship competition challenges students to conduct sophisticated mathematical analyses and make decisions based on their results, the type of analytical skill set that makes actuaries experts in managing risk and planning for the future. PROJECT MATH MINDS™ A PROGRAM OF THE ACTUARIAL FOUNDATION “Even though it is consistently ranked as a top job in America, many high school students are unaware of the actuarial profession, the steps required to become an actuary, and that it remains one of the most sought-after professions,” said Kevin Cormier, FCAS, MAAA, senior actuary, trustee of The Actuarial Foundation and Project Math Minds™ Chairperson. “With this competition, we hope to introduce students to the skills actuaries use every day on the job.” Written and reviewed by professional actuaries, the 2015 Project Math Minds™ competition asks participants to develop estimates of potential losses from earthquakes that an insurance company or catastrophe fund might bear in the next year. The top three student-submitted projects will receive scholarship awards of $5,000, $3,500 and $2,000 for first, second and third place submissions, respectively. Entries will be judged on creative ability, assumptions, use of mathematics, thought process, thoroughness, organization and clarity. Students will have the option to consult with an actuary for questions on their project. Participants—individuals or teams of up to three—must be juniors or seniors at a high school located in New Jersey. The top three project finalists will be contacted by May 4, 2015. On May 27, 2015, the top three project finalists will travel to Prudential, Inc. in New Jersey for project presentations where actuaries will award the first, second and third place scholarships on site. For complete information on the project, please visit: www.actuarialfoundation. org/ProjectMathMinds “We are excited to partner with The Actuarial Foundation on this important initiative. Our hope is that through this challenging and interactive competition, participants will gain a solid understanding of the critical contributions actuaries make and the impact the profession has on the business world, as well as the steps required to become an actuary,” said Richard Lambert, senior vice president and chief actuary at Prudential. “We look forward to welcoming the winning students at the awards ceremony in May at our headquarters in Newark, N.J.” each edition, students spend time with mathematical guests who serve as inspiration for articles in the virtual math magazine. Additionally, actuary mentors arrange time each month to visit the classroom to provide descriptive feedback to the student authors about their articles. Before the launch of the virtual math magazine, students held a contest to create a name and cover design. Over 20 entries were received with the winning vote going to the title of Mad for Math. Students worked with classmates and actuary mentors to create articles and quizzes for the first edition of Mad for Math, which launched in November. Article topics included perfect numbers, order of operations, problem solving challenges and recipes. Actuary mentors helped students edit and improve their articles and quizzes. Sixth grade students met with a representative from a local hobby shop to review games to purchase as prizes for the magazine contests. Students inspected and tested the games and created an order after analyzing the costs. Once the November edition went live, classmates went online to complete quizzes for each of the articles. Each author then graded the online quizzes and randomly chose a winner from students who had correct entries. Winners were able to choose a prize purchased from the hobby shop. Advancing Student Achievement™ Math Grants Update The Actuarial Foundation is proud to provide funding to schools interested in creating innovative programs to enhance student achievement in math. Kathy Cermak, gifted services teacher for students in grades 4-6 at Worthington Park Elementary School, provided the following update on their ASA math grants program. Worthington Park Elementary is using their math grant to create and produce a virtual math magazine for fellow students and peers. All of the articles for the magazine are researched and written by the students and are mathematical The student-designed cover in nature. Before of Mad for Math —3— For the second edition of Mad for Math, an origami expert visited the classroom to work with students, helping them to learn some of the art and math of origami. Students hope to publish three more editions of Mad for Math by the end of this school year with the help of actuary mentors. A special thank you to the actuary mentors serving the students at Worthington Park Elementary: • Martin Molloy, FSA, EA • Bethany Coffey, ASA, EA Making an Impact Building Your Future – Teachers send their thanks! Here are just a few of the thank you notes that the Foundation receives from teachers who have received the award-winning Building Your Future curriculum, which is now in the hands of over 13,000 teachers in all fifty states. Building Your Future: Banking 1 – Special Education Teacher, California “The Building Your Future curriculum has enhanced the level of understanding for my students’ learning about the finances of daily living and preparation for the future. I have not used a more comprehensive curriculum for my Life Skills Money Management course.” Building Your Future: Financing 2 Loans & Interest, Home Loans, Auto Loans, Insurance Savings, Checking, Credit Cards, Taxes “Your contribution makes it possible for us to help our students in the special education department understand real-world math. The Building Your Future books you provided will be used to enhance our consumer math curriculum.” As the school year winds down, teachers are still in need of the Building Your Future curriculum resource. See the list of schools on the waiting list at: www.actuarialfoundation.org/pdf/schools-requesting-byf.pdf. Thank you for your support! www.ActuarialFoundation.org www.ActuarialFoundation.org Building Your Future: Investing 3 Bonds, Stocks, Mutual Funds, Risk & Diversification, Inflation Building Your Future: Succeeding 4 Paths to Employment, Paying for Education, Making a Living, Retirement “Building Your Future is a great tool that we use here to teach our students about the many aspects of personal finance. This series is great not only because of its content, but because of the manner in which it is delivered. It is written for students.” – Teacher, Warren, Michigan www.ActuarialFoundation.org www.ActuarialFoundation.org “I use Building Your Future in my Financial Planning Course and really appreciate having current materials with relevant information for students interested in learning about the world of business and finance.” – Pre-College Instructor, Ottumwa, Iowa – Marketing and Business Instructor, Gresham, Oregon RESEARCH, AWARDS & PRIZES “I teach at a charter school for at-risk youth and I can see that one of their greatest needs is to learn to handle money responsibly. The Building Your Future curriculum will serve our students well- it is exactly what they need!” – Math Teacher, Chicago, Illinois SCHOLARSHIP AND REIMBURSEMENT PROGRAMS We’re moving boldly to handle the challenges of the future. We’re supporting the best and brightest college students. Nominate a Colleague Today! Nominations are now being accepted for the John Hanson Memorial Prize, which annually recognizes the best paper on an employee benefits topic. Also accepting nominations is the Wynn Kent Public Communication Award, which annually recognizes an actuary who has highlighted the profession’s role in financial issues benefitting the public. The nomination deadline for each of these awards is June 1, 2015. Visit www.actuarialfoundation.org/programs/actuarial_education.shtml for more information. Tell a Deserving Student From undergraduates to career changers, the Foundation strives to create opportunities to cultivate students’ interest in math and actuarial science. Through its scholarship programs, the Foundation is strengthening and assuring the continuation of a high-profile actuarial candidate pool. If you know a student who could benefit from one of the Foundation scholarships, please visit www.actuarialfoundation.org/programs/actuarial/ scholarships.shtml for guidelines and applications. —4— Honoring Legends The Actuarial Foundation proudly awarded the 2015 Insurance Legends Award to Sam Gutterman and Barbara J. Lautzenheiser. The Insurance Legends Award celebrates individuals for their leadership, intellect and personal achievements, as well as their significant contribution to the insurance community and to society in general. Gutterman and Lautzenheiser were recognized during the Insurance Legends Award ceremony held in conjunction with the 2015 ReFocus Conference in Las Vegas, Nevada. You can see the 2015 Legends video at www.actuarialfoundation.org/events/2015-legends-vid.shtml Prior to the Insurance Legends Award Ceremony, golfers took on the scenic 2015 Insurance Legends Sam Gutterman course at the Bali Hai Golf Club in Las Vegas, Nevada. The event raised and Barbara J. Lautzenheiser funds to support the Foundation’s Youth Education Programs. Thank you to all who made this another successful golf outing! The Foundation is grateful to the many sponsors whose support made the 2015 Insurance Legends’ Golf Classic and Awards ceremony possible: Congratulations to the 2015 Legends’ Golf Classic Champions! (left to right) Huan Tseng, Mark Mahoney, Ray Eckert and Pat Corey In Memory Of The Foundation received many gifts in 2014 in remembrance of the following individuals. Our thoughts are with their family, friends and colleagues: Thomas Bowles, FSA, EA, MAA, FCA Rowland E. Cross, FSA John P. Eden, FSA David Fitpatrick,MAAA,FSA,IAA,ASA Paul Fleischacker, FSA, MAAA Charles D. (Bud) Friedstat, FSA, MAAA Actuarial Careers, Inc.; Aurigen Re; DW Simpson Global Actuarial & Analytics Recruitment; Freeborn; Hannover Life Reassurance Company of America; LOGiQ3; Milliman, Inc.; New York Life Insurance Company; Pacific Life Insurance Company; RGA; SCOR Global Life Annette Goodreau, FCAS, IAA, CAS, MAAA John A. MacDougall, Jr., FSA, MAAA Daniel McCarthy, FSA, ES, IAA, MAAA Hubert Mueller, FSA, MAAA, CERA Dale Ogden, ASA, MAAA, ACAS, IAA Ruth Salzmann, FCAS, IAA, MAAA Bradley M. Smith, FSA, MAAA Mark M. Twinney, Jr., FSA, MAAA Jack Turnquist, FSA, IAA, FCA, MAAA Esther Wolfe, mother of David S. Wolfe, ACAS, MAAA In Honor Of The Foundation received many gifts in 2014 in honor of the following: Paul Braithwaite, FCAS, MAAA and Nancy Braithwaite, FCAS, MAAA Casualty Actuarial Society Centennial Retirement of Michael G. Gallo, FSA, MAAA Liz Murray Kristin R. Norberg, ASA, MAAA Tillinghast, Nelson & Warren Legacy Circle Continues to Grow The Foundation’s Legacy Circle is now twenty-one planned giving donors and growing. Please consider joining them in leaving a legacy of support by making a planned gift to The Actuarial Foundation. Your gift will provide lasting benefits through our Youth Education, Consumer Financial Education, Research and Scholarship Programs. For more information about planned giving and how to become a Legacy Circle member, call the Foundation office at 847-706-3535 or visit www.actuarialfoundation.org/donate/PlannedGiving.shtml SUPPORTING U.S. ACTUARIAL ORGANIZATIONS —5— Preparing for Tomorrow’s Possibilities Through Education ® Corporate partnerships have helped fund many of the Foundation’s youth, consumer, scholarship and research initiatives. Thanks to all of the organizations below whose support of our mission over the last year has made so much of our work possible. Corporate Sponsors from 02/01/2014-02/01/2015. VISIONARY LEVEL $25,000+ Ernst & Young LLP ICA 2014 OdysseyRe Foundation INNOVATOR LEVEL $10,000+ Actuarial Careers, Inc. Allstate Conference of Consulting Actuaries Deloitte Consulting Gen Re LifeHealth MetLife Foundation Milliman, Inc. Nationwide Financial Northwestern Mutual Penn Mutual Life Insurance Company PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Principal Financial Group Prudential Financial SCOR Global Life The Terry Group Towers Watson Transamerica Foundation Zurich North America PIONEER LEVEL $5,000+ Actuarial Society of Greater New York Aetna Alleghany Allianz Alpha Re Limited Ameritas Life Insurance Corp Andover Research Ltd Argo Group AXA Financial Berkshire Hathaway Group Canada Life Re Citigroup/Global Banking CNO Financial Group DW Simpson Global Actuarial & Analytics Recruitment Ezra Penland Actuarial Recruitment, Inc. Front Street Re Genworth Financial Global Atlantic Financial Group Goldman Sachs & Company Guardian Life Insurance Company Hamilton Insurance Group Hannover Life Reassurance Company of America Hogan Lovells US LLP Humana, Inc. KPMG LLP Liberty Mutual Group MassMutual Mercer Human Resource Consulting MJC Ventures, Inc. Munich American Reassurance Company New York Life Insurance Company Ohio National Foundation Oliver Wyman Actuarial Consulting, Inc. PIMCO PolySystems, Inc. Prudential Foundation R.A.D. Search LLC Resolution Life RGA Reinsurance Company Sentry Insurance Group Society of Actuaries Reinsurance Section Swiss Re Life & Health America The Hartford Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Trustmark Foundation UNUM Group Voya Financial WellPoint Wilton Re XL Group PATHFINDER LEVEL $2,500+ Actuarial Resources Corporation Milliman Hartford Health Practice Pacific Life Foundation Select Actuarial Services PACESETTER LEVEL $1,000+ Actuaries’ Club of HartfordSpringfield American Agricultural Insurance Company Associated Consulting Group Blue Cross/Blue Shield of MN Delaware Life Freeborn LCM Associates of Atlanta National Guardian Life Insurance Company Red Quill Consulting Regnier Consulting Group, Inc. Securian Foundation TAI Life Reinsurance Systems BUILDER LEVEL $500+ Actuarial Advisors, Inc. Buckingham Consulting The McKeogh Company Rudolph Financial Consulting, LLC SimErgy Consulting, LLC Sunwest Actuarial Services 5 YEAR GOLD STAR RECOGNITION The companies listed with a gold star have made annual corporate contributions to The Actuarial Foundation in each of the last five years. We thank you for your ongoing support! 475 N. Martingale Road #600 Schaumburg, IL 60173-2226 Phone: 847-706-3535 Fax: 847-706-3599 E-mail:Eileen.Streu@ActFnd.org Laura.Hogan@ActFnd.org Debbie.McCormac@ActFnd.org Holly.Monahan@ActFnd.org Web:www.ActuarialFoundation.org STAFF Eileen C. Streu, CAE Executive Director Laura Hogan Project Specialist Debbie McCormac Project Specialist Holly Monahan Marketing & Communications Specialist —6— The Actuarial Foundation 2015 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Helen Galt, Chair Douglas A. French, Chair-elect Jacques Goulet, Jr., Secretary/Treasurer Ronald E. Bachman Cecil D. Bykerk Thomas R. Corcoran Kevin A. Cormier Robert V. Deutsch Brian Donlan John W. Ehrhardt David J. Fishbaum James M. Forbush Michael Fusco Maureen Hager Sarah J. Hamid Jane L. Hamrick Barry Jacobson John J. Kollar Warren Luckner Charles Marino S. Michael McLaughlin, Jr. Joseph A. Nichols Lisa M. Pawlowski David K. Sandberg Steven Schreiber John J. Schubert Carol R. Sears A. Greig Woodring Dale H. Yamamoto Amanda E. Young EMERITUS TRUSTEES Bob Anker Craig M. Baldwin Edward W. Bales Albert J. Beer Douglas C. Borton Paul Braithwaite Suzanne Chapa Pamela Cone Robert F. Conger Michael J. Corey A. David Cummings Sam Gutterman Curtis D. Hamilton David G. Hartman David M. Holland Gary R. Josephson Joseph W. Kelly Barbara J. Lautzenheiser Joseph J. Leube W. James MacGinnitie Cynthia Miller Kathy Olcese Arthur Panighetti Anna Rappaport Rodney R. Rohda Charles E. Rohm Ian Rolland Walter S. Rugland Robert D. Shapiro Frederick J. Sievert Michelle D. Smith Robert W. Stein Thomas C. Sutton Dorn Swerdlin Patricia A. Teufel James A. Tilley Mavis A. Walters Robert C. Winters
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