ADA WA CPD 2015 Direct Composite Resins - Improve your Success Dinner Course presented by Dr Marcos Vargas DATE Course Outline: Monday 17th August Everyday Dentistry: exceptional results with anterior direct resin composites TIME Direct resin composite restorations are probably the most common procedure performed by the dentist in the world today. Patient demands for aesthetic and conservative dentistry has emphasised the need to produce life-like anterior restorations. The current array of resin composite materials with expanded shades, various opacities and improved handling have given clinicians the potential to produce functional, long lasting, personally rewarding, cost-effective, predictable and highly aesthetic direct anterior restorations in daily practice. Registration 6:15pm Course 6:30pm-9:30pm VENUE University Club Hacket Dr Crawley $165.00 (inc GST) Limit: 47 (includes dinner) This presentation focuses on teaching modern resin composite materials and the various techniques to achieve success in daily practice. A step-by-step clinical procedure will be presented on shade selection, cavity preparation, stratification, contouring and polishing to help achieve exceptional direct resin restorations. CONVENOR Success with posterior direct resin composites FEE Dr Jenny Ball CPD HOURS: 3 Posterior resin composite restorations can be a challenge to the dental practitioner. Post-operative sensitivity and open contacts are usually the most complaints cited when doing this procedure. Additionally, new bulk fill materials have appeared in the market and confusion exists about their use and capabilities. This presentation will address how to provide sensitivity free restorations and how to produce good contacts in posterior resin composite restorations. The more recently introduced Bulk fill materials, their indications and utilisation, will be discussed and clinical recommendations provided. About the Presenter: Dr Marcos Vargas received his DDS degree from Cayetano Heredia University in Lima, Peru in 1985. He attended a two-year AEGD program with emphasis on restorative dentistry in Eastman Dental Center in Rochester New York and received the Certificate in Operative Dentistry and Master of Science degree from the University of Iowa in 1994. Currently Dr Vargas is a Professor in the department of Family Dentistry at the University of Iowa. He teaches undergraduate and graduate students. Dr Vargas is currently on the editorial board of several dental publications and serves as a consultant to many dental manufacturers. He has published extensively in the area of dental adhesion and resin composites for the past 20 years. He participates extensively in continuing education, nationally and internationally with many hands-on seminars. Sponsored by ADA WA CPD 2015 Registration Form I am a member of the ADA - WA / SA / VIC / NSW / QLD / TAS / NT Branch (please circle) Course Name: Course Date: Please use block letters when filling in your details. / / If Auxillary Staff, please state employing Dentist’s name: Title: (Prof/Dr/Mr/Mrs/Ms/Other) Given Name: Surname: Postal Address: State: Postcode: Mobile Phone: Work Phone: Email Address: Additional Participants: (Names) Special Dietary Requirements: Payment: Total Amount: $ Vegetarian Gluten Free Lactose Free Other: (includes GST) Please Note: Non ADA Members add 50% to course fee (practice staff and members of other ADA branches exempt) Credit Card: Mastercard Card Number: Visa AMEX Diners Expiry Date: / Cardholder Name: Signature: Fax completed form to ADA WA Branch (08) 9321 1757 or email to or Cheque: Make cheque payable to ADA WA Branch Inc and post to PO Box 34, West Perth WA 6872 with your Registration Form. No Certificate of Attendance will be issued. A receipt/tax invoice will be provided showing the course name and CPD hours for your records. Bookings, Course & Payment Enquiries: ADA Office (08) 9211 5600. Other Enquiries: Dr Jenny Ball 0419 044 549. Please note: Your registration for these events indicates acceptance of the CPD Terms and Conditions contained in the ADA WA CPD 2015 Course Book.
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