José António Miranda Dias

Curriculum Vitae
José António Miranda Dias
Paul Harris Street, number 9, 2nd on the right 2780 769 Oeiras
+351 213465760
+351 917215227
+244 924687600
Date of birth 23 March 1952 | Nationality Portuguese and Angolan
Top manager and Senior Lawyer
- Adjuris Network - Associated Lawyers; - José Miranda Dias & Associados - Law Firm, LLC, Adjuris
Luanda, in Luanda; - José Miranda Dias & Associados - Law Firm, Adjuris Lisbon, in Lisbon;
Partner of capital and industry;
Legal representant, as manager;
Process Implementation Services Manager;
Coordinator lawyer;
Lawyer responsible by the following areas of activity of Adjuris Luanda and Adjuris Lisbon: Legal
consultancy; Support to the Business Activity; and, Arbitral Litigation;
Responsible for the Systems of Quality Management of the Adjuris Network
Business or sector Lawyers Network and Law Firms
José Miranda Dias
Generic Experience:
Secretary for the Information of the Overseas Circle Studies, Lisbon: 1972 – 1974;
Rural Extension Course, Adulo and Bailundo, 1972;
Monitor of the Course of Overseas Study , Mindelo, Cape Verde, 1973;
Responsible for the first Rural Extension Mission in Timor, 1973;
Participation in the Research Group on the Portuguese Decolonization, sponsored by the Konrad
Adenauer Foundation and the Institute Democracy and Freedom: 1975 - 1979;
Course of International Politics, Berlin 1977;
Degree in Law from the Law Faculty of the University of Lisbon, Lisbon, 1971 -1976;
Intern Lawyer: 1976 - 1978;
Lawyer by the Lisbon District Council of the Bar Association: as trainee lawyer from 1976 to 1978 and
as a lawyer since 1978;
Director of Business Litigation of the Group Grão Pará: 1978 - 1988;
Integrated Lawyer in Adjuris Lisbon, with offices at Rua Nova da Trindade, 1-4th Front, 1200-301
LISBON, integrated, currently in Adjuris Network - Advogados Associados, experienced,
professionally, in almost all branches of law: banking law;administrative law, commercial law, company
law, tax law, law of obligations, family law, property rights, Water Rights, etc.. , And with customers businesses areas: graphic arts and advertising, construction, urban development, hospitality, tourism,
industrial production and marketing of beer and malt, production and marketing of industrial products ,
navigation and transports; banking, insurance, mining sector, international arbitration and urban
planning, urbanism and housing, since 1978;
Co-author of the book "A Descolonização Portuguesa, Aproximação a um Estudo", 1st volume, IDL
Lisbon, 1979; 2nd volume IDL Lisbon, 1982;
Congress of the Angolan Boards, abroad, 1990;
Lawyer registered in Lawyers' Collective of Luanda and later at the Bar Association of Angola, from
1992, with occupation developed exclusively at customers - business, mining areas, urban planning,
and investment projects;
Active participation, in all sessions of public discussion of the mining problem in Angola: 1991 - 2001;
The author of the study "Risco Político" in Angola, Lisbon, 1993;
Author of the preliminary draft of the Law on the Administrative Procedures for Angola, 1994;
Business or sector In training and as a Lawyer
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Curriculum Vitae
José António Miranda Dias
José Miranda Dias
Generic experience (continuation):
Consultant of domestic and foreign companies, with advice given on the Banking problem, water,
mining, iron and related exploration and diamond trading in Angola and participation in the negotiation
and formalization of national and international contracts;
Participation as a representative of the private sector in the process of reshaping the mining legislation
under the Ministry of Geology and Mines: 1998 - 1999;
Participation in defining the Strategic Master Plan for the Airport Complex of Luanda in establishing an
Endowment Fund and the establishment of its own rules of implementation: 1999 - 2001;
Consultant of the Angolan Government for the areas of urban development and town planning: since
Drafting contracts for management of urban infrastructures in Luanda: 2001 -2002;
Business consultant: in the legal areas of banking, taxation, economic, water, financial and mining;
Preparation of drafts of several legal instruments in the airport areas (related to the Strategic Plan
Director of Luanda Airport Complex) and planning and urban management (relating to the Plan of
Territorial Planning and of the urban recovery of the Metropolitan Area of Luanda);
Participation in due diligences for the evaluation of companies, national and international, seeking their
disposal, either on behalf of the sellers or on behalf of purchasers;
Participation in the process of organizing of international contests for the purchase of goods or
services (procurement), in Portugal and Angola;
Organization of the respective proposals competing in national and international competitions in
Portugal and Angola;
Negotiation of international contracts;
Lawyer and arbitrator in arbitration, national and international (Portuguese law, Angolan Law,
Angolan State Lawyer and of Angola private and public companies, national and international
Partner of José Miranda Dias & Associados - Law Firm, of LLC, with offices in Amilcar Cabral street,
170-2nd apartment 2, in Luanda, since 2007, integrated in Adjuris Network - Associated Lawyers, with
a quality management system, in accordance with NP EN ISO 9001:2008, certified, domestically and
Preparation of several works for Angolan banking institutions in the area of credit and the creation of
real estate investment trusts;
Participation, as a consultant, in the promotion of a natural gas project (LNG) to be installed in Angola,
with the support, as technological partner of a multinational of reference, with its own technology;
Do not relate their customers, for disciplinary reasons, related to professional and ethical standards, to
which it is subject, at the level of the bar associations in which he is registered.
Business or sector In Training and as a Lawyer
José Miranda Dias
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Curriculum Vitae
José António Miranda Dias
Specific Experience:
Preparation in 1995, of the Law of Administrative Disputes Acts under "Contract number PREGE / C
008 LEG - 95 - Job: Assistant Administrative Tourney Assistant, Contract for Consultant's Services
between the Ministry of Planning and Economic Coordination of the Republic of Angola and José
António Dias Miranda, dated: 6 February 1995" integrated in the Project of reinforcement of the
capacity of economic management of the Ministry of Planning, financed by the Worldwide Bank
( CREDIT 2274-ANG);
Domain of law and legislation in Angola, either coming from the Portuguese colonial administration,
whether produced by organs with legislative competence of the Government of the Republic of
Knowledge and domain of the legal regime in the public domain with emphasis to the waters, river
and sea, since the establishment of the Republic, passing by the laws and regulations that deal with
the matter;
Design and development of an internal regulation of the procurement activities of ENANA - National
Company of Exploration of Airports and Air Navigation, EP, based on legislated law in force in Angola,
the current practice of the European Union on the matter within Strategic Master Plan for the Airport
Complex of Luanda, where he served as a consultant and responsible for legal institutional respective
Participation in the service of its customers, as a lawyer, public procurement competitions, in several
areas, both Portugal , as in Angola, studying their specifications, organizing the application process,
participating in the opening of tenders and defending the interests of some of these clients before the
Administrative Courts in irregular situations which may affect the interests of those customers;
Negotiation and preparation of contracts for procurement, serving several private companies, national
and international, with state agencies, public institutions and public enterprises;
Preparation of the Regulation of the Plan of Rural Planning of Malange, of the Urban Plan of Talatona,
Luanda south,and of the urbanization plan of Santo Antonio, in Benguela;
Organization and assembly of business in Angola, for and on behalf of their clients;
Active participation in processes that involved not only making laws that are in place today, on various
legislative areas legislative and executive, as well as the consequent participation in seminars,
conferences, workshops and meetings have been a great source of experience in certain areas,
which will allow it today to dominate, with recognized professional maturity, structuring public tenders
in its implementation and subsequent enforcement, the legal framework of public services, their areas
of operation and tasks over a period of time exceeding thirty years.
Business or sector In Training and as a Lawyer
Degree in Law
Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon, Lisbon
Lawyer signed in the Portuguese Bar Association, by the District Council of Lisbon
Bar Association and Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon, Lisbon (Portugal)
European Law
Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra, Coimbra (Portugal)
Lawyer signed in the Angolan Bar Association
Faculty of Law of the University Agostinho Neto, Luanda (Angola)
Mining Law
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Curriculum Vitae
José António Miranda Dias
Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon, Lisbon (Portugal)
Urban Planning Law
Mother tongue(s)
Other language(s)
Spoken interaction
Spoken production
Levels: A1/A2: Basic user - B1/B2: Independent user - C1/C2: Proficient user
Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
Communication skills
Organisational / managerial skills
Computer skills
Other skills
Driving licence
Arising from the social responsibilities of Adjuris Luanda and Adjuris Lisbon
Marist Alumni Association
Computer on the user's level.
Lawyer specializing in: Mining Law, Law of Urbanism and Construction, Transport Law, Arbitration,
national and international, and Quality Management Systems to the area of service delivery, including
the provision of legal services by lawyers.
Do not relate people and entities that may provide information, because: the activities carried out are
covered by professional secrecy, and because the revelation of the identity of clients is not permitted
by the bar associations where he is registered, as it can configure how forms of advertising, without
consent by the respective Legal Statutes.
However, the Quality Management Systems of Adjuris Luanda and Lisbon have assessment tools,
which might be available to those who need them.
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