CONFIRMED MINUTES OF FIFE RESPIRATORY MCN STEERING GROUP HELD ON THURSDAY 5TH FEBRUARY 2015, AT 3pm, EDUCATION CENTRE, VICTORIA HOSPITAL, KIRKCALDY Present: Dr Colin Selby Lorraine Cooper-King Maureen Foster Euan Reid Heather Smith Lorna Stevenson Lorna Stewart Gayle White CS LCK MF ER HS LStev LStew GW Apologies: Gill Dennes Fiona Eastop Susan Harrower Dr Tom Hartung June James Anne McKean Lorna McKenzie Carole Smith Dr David Somerville Agnes Whyte In Attendance: Andrew Henry-Gray Respiratory Consultant / MCN Joint Clinical Lead [Chair] MCN Coordinator MCN Patient Sub Group Representative Pharmacist Respiratory Nurse Specialist Respiratory Coordinator, CHSS Anticipatory Care Nurse Physiotherapist, K&L CHP Practice Nurse, Oakley / NHS Joint Clinical Lead Primary Care Development Pharmacist Specialist Stop Smoking Worker, K&L CHP Respiratory Consultant Physiotherapist, GNEF CHP Paediatric Asthma Specialist Nurse Intermediate Care Team Manager, GNEF CHP Physiotherapist, DWF CHP GP, Inverkeithing BreatheEasy Kirkcaldy Representative Admin Assistant [minutes] Circulated to for Information Vicki Chesher For DWF CHP General Practice & Primary Care Clinical Group Jim Crosbie Chair, Respiratory Patient & Carer Sub Group 1. WELCOME & APOLOGIES ACTION CS welcomed all to the meeting; apologies noted. 2. MINUTES FROM PREVIOUS MEETING [02/12/2014] 3. MATTERS ARISING 3.1 Over-ordering of Salbutamol letter (Min 3.1) As discussed at previous meetings, Pharmacy colleagues drafted a letter which Practices have been using, as they see fit, to contact patients identified as high use of Salbutamol inhalers. The letter outlines to the patient that their prescription for Salbutamol will be reduced to one until the patient presents to the surgery for a review. The letter is also an attempt to raise awareness to the patient regarding the frequency of repeat ordering. The Group agreed to continue with the use of the letter to aid review compliance in line with the NRAD findings and recommendations. 3.2 Fife Formulary Review (Min 3.2) CS noted that the Fife Formulary Review will be undertaken again in Autumn Fife Respiratory MCN Steering Group Minutes 05/02/2015 Originator: A Henry-Gray V0.3 Page 1 of 6 Last Updated: 02/03/2015 of this year rather than every three years so that it does not become such a huge task to undertake. LCK noted, the CHP Lead Nurses have been informed of the new ‘preferred inhaler devices’ flowchart for the under 5’s. 3.3 Spirometry in Primary Care (Min 5.1) Following the query from DWF General Practice and Primary Care Clinical Group re Spirometry waiting lists due to QOF work around COPD prevalence, GD emailed all Practice Nurses in Fife. Out of 13 responses received there were no major waiting time issues revealed. The MCN’s recommendation to the GP&PCC Group was participation at Practical Spirometry sessions to allow appropriate practice staff to be trained in performing spirometry to help alleviate any waiting time pressures. An ad hoc session is currently being planned for those who missed the PLT session in November 2014. 3.4 MCN Endorsement (Min 15.1) Self assessment evidence / presentation has been accepted by the endorsement panel. Waiting to receive formal notification from the Board. 4. ASTHMA 4.1 Inhalers in Schools No further feedback to date. New guidance expected from Spring 2015 as part of the wider Administration of Medicines in Schools guidance. It was highlighted that schools in Scotland are different to those in England and Wales, as Scottish teachers are not covered by indemnity. 4.2 Letters of Escalating Concern – Asthma Review appointments As discussed at previous meetings, the Group had decided that a series of letters of escalating concern were to be drafted with the intention of capturing those patients who consistently DNA asthma review appointments within Primary Care. LCK presented draft templates to the group for comment. There was some discussion around missed appointments in secondary care following an A&E attendance and NRAD recommendations for patient followup. CS suggested that this would be a matter worthy of further discussion. LStev raised an issue in relation to literacy levels of patients. The Group were informed that the language used in the draft letters (as with much of NHS correspondence) can be shown to have a comparative reading age of 15-16 years old; whereas the average reading age in Scotland is around 11 years old. Therefore, there is a potential need to simplify correspondence for target patients. LStev to send LCK links re tools for rewording. Letters to remain as LStev/ drafts for now. LCK 4.3 Collated Asthma Priorities The group were asked to read/check the document and to comment or follow up any action points. ALL 4.4 C&YP Asthma Sub Group Following discussions within the C&YPAG it was suggested that the Group, Fife Respiratory MCN Steering Group Minutes 05/02/2015 Originator: A Henry-Gray V1.1 Page 2 of 6 Last Updated: 14/04/2015 as it currently stands, be disbanded and brought into the main MCN Steering Group meetings. LCK has shared this proposal with the members of the C&YP Asthma Group who were not at the last meeting but has received only one response. The MCN SG agreed that twice a year the C&YP Asthma Sub Group would appear on the MCN agenda for them to discuss and take forward specific items. General asthma will remain as a standing item on the MCN bi-monthly agenda. The role & remit of the MCN Steering Group is to be amended to reflect the changes noted above and brought back to the Group for agreement. LCK 5. COPD 5.1 ISD Data Definition of “episode” and “continuous inpatient stay” was clarified. ISD have provided figures from the other Boards for comparison. LCK will bring to next meeting. LCK 6. BRONCHIECTASIS Nothing to discuss. 7. HOME OXYGEN Nothing to discuss. 8. NATIONAL ADVISORY GROUP (NAG) UPDATE LCK attended the most recent NAG meeting and reported back to the Group. Asthma Priorities Self-Assessments 11 out of 14 Boards returned the Self-Assessment (this included NHS Fife). These are being shared with the Cabinet Secretary with a view to guidance and possible support on taking priorities forward. Improvement Plan The Improvement Plan is in final draft and will be circulated for comment. Funding will be available, via the Scottish Government, to take forward improvement projects that if successful, could be rolled out to other Boards as a national approach. Interstitial Lung Disease (ILD) George Chalmers, Consultant Respiratory Physician, Glasgow Royal presented information on IPF in Scotland and the Scottish ILD Group. It was noted there is only one ILD Specialist Nurse in Scotland. Dr Selby advised he is part of the Fife Multidisciplinary Team for this disease group, participating in bi-monthly meetings and quarterly teleconference MDT meetings. Prescribing restrictions of Pirfenidone were then discussed. Fife Respiratory MCN Steering Group Minutes 05/02/2015 Originator: A Henry-Gray V1.1 Page 3 of 6 Last Updated: 14/04/2015 NAG Learning Forum The next Learning Forum is planned for Friday 4th September 2015, Stirling Management Centre. The programme will be shared in due course. ‘My Lungs My Life’ Website is due to launch in June 2015. Advertising materials will be available to Boards and it is expected local MCNs will take forward advertising the resource in their local areas. National advertising will also be undertaken. Sleep Guidelines Following comments received, the guidelines and patient information leaflets are now in final draft. Hard copies of both documents will be available to all Boards. Group agreed only electronic copies of the documents would be required. 9. EDUCATION & DEVELOPMENT SUB GROUP Main focus of the Group currently is planning the Non-Malignant Palliative Care Study Day (28th April 2015). Programme contributors currently confirmed are Professor Robin Taylor, Dr Lindsay Murray and Dr Steinunn Boyce. The Group has reviewed their progress against 2014/2015 actions. The Education Catalogue has been reviewed – no amendments required. Areas of education focus for 2015/16 will be Anticipatory Care Plans; Bronchiectasis; and Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis. The PLT sessions on ‘Knowing Your Asthma & COPD Inhalers’ and ‘Respiratory Fife Formulary Changes in Context’ (03/02/2015) were very well attended, especially by Community Nursing staff. 10. PALLIATIVE CARE eLEARNING The group have been working with Jackie Ballantyne to ready the Palliative Care eLearning (LearnPro) package and the launch is set for the Study Day on 28th April 2015. The package will differentiate between palliative and end-of-life care. 11. PHARMACY / PRESCRIBING 11.1 Prescribing Update ADTC approved the updates to the Fife Formulary in December 2014. Seretide 250 Evohaler data from the Acute Division shows a decrease in usage, although possibly not as rapidly as might expected. ER discussed brand prescribing of inhalers, and the potential for confusion if the brand name and inhaler device type were not specified, e.g. salbutamol Fife Respiratory MCN Steering Group Minutes 05/02/2015 Originator: A Henry-Gray V1.1 Page 4 of 6 Last Updated: 14/04/2015 dry powder inhalers. Article required for next newsletter encouraging practitioners to prescribe generically, with the exception of e.g. Salbutamol ER/LCK DPI > prescribe Easyhaler®Salbutamol. ER advised, following concerns raised (nationally), GSK have revised the colour of the Relvar® Ellipta® inhaler device from blue to yellow. The formulation of the medicine and the functionality of the inhaler remain unchanged. 12. LUNG HEALTH / CANCER Nothing to discuss. It was noted that Smoking Cessation can now request a radiograph and a pathway is in place. 13. PULMONARY REHAB Pulmonary Rehab programme continues to run in each of the three CHP areas. Recurring funding has been identified to support Pulmonary Rehab. Within GNEF, previously temporary posts will now become permanent. 14. SLEEP APNOEA SERVICE Sleep guidelines discussed previously. Nothing more to discuss at present. 15. WORK OF THE MCN 15.1 Newsletter LCK distributed a draft of the newsletter to the group and invited comments. Acetylcysteine – addition to article As well as consideration of stopping this medication, could refer to secondary care as new treatment options/opportunities. Add PACT and SPOA email referral links to Pulmonary Rehab article. Brand Prescribing Salbutamol dry powder should be prescribed by Brand. 15.2 Workplan Update Not discussed. Carry forward to next meeting. 16 PATIENT SUB GROUP The Patient Sub Group has met twice since the Steering Group last met. The Patient Sub Group has been concentrating and updating the work plan. They have reviewed the original 29 items: completed actions have been removed. The Patient SG plans to engage with the BreatheEasy Support Groups and will present the completed actions. The work plan for 2015-2016 includes both outstanding and new actions and is more focussed in terms of achievability. Fife Respiratory MCN Steering Group Minutes 05/02/2015 Originator: A Henry-Gray V1.1 Page 5 of 6 Last Updated: 14/04/2015 The role and remit was reviewed and changes agreed. The MCN will receive a copy of the annual workplan and the MCN Lead Clinicians will receive copies of the meeting minutes. MF announced that she is regrettably stepping down as a member of both the Fife Respiratory MCN Steering Group and the Patient Sub Group. The Patient Sub Group is taking forward ideas for further recruitment to the Group, including a ‘register of interest’. LCK happy to be link between the two groups for time being. CS gave thanks to MF on behalf of the Respiratory MCN Steering Group and recognised her contribution to the Groups. 17 MEMBERSHIP Dr Priyadharshan will be stepping down from the MCN. There is a need to review membership. It was suggested that it would be valuable to have more Practise Nurses involved. The Group agreed to wait until the new Health & Social Care structures were in place before progressing with this. LCK 18 AOCB LS advised staffing / cover issues within the DWF Anticipatory Care service. It was noted this is a DWF service only and not equitable across Fife. It was suggested the MCN could take this issue forward as part of the 2015-2016 action plan. LCK DATE OF NEXT MEETINGS Wednesday Thursday Wednesday Thursday Wednesday 1st April 2015 4th June 2015 5th August 2015 1st October 2015 2nd December 2015 3.00 pm 3.00 pm 3.00 pm 3.00 pm 3.00 pm Board Room, Hayfield Clinic, Kirkcaldy Discussion Room 1, Education Centre, QMH, Dunfermline Staff Club, VHK, Kirkcaldy Discussion Room 1, Education Centre, QMH, Dunfermline Staff Club, VHK, Kirkcaldy Circulated: Fife Respiratory MCN Steering Group Minutes 05/02/2015 Originator: A Henry-Gray V1.1 Page 6 of 6 Last Updated: 14/04/2015
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