1 2 3 ART IN THE PINES Spring 2015 April 3, 2015 Presented by Bastrop Fine Arts Guild To Promote the Arts and Artists in Central Texas Winter 2015 LOST P INES January 5, 2U015 ART CENTER PDATE ART NEWS BASTROP – 9th Annual Artful Afternoon Update – Karol Rice Well, it’s almost here (April 19th) and things are progressing smoothly. There will be 20 pieces of art in the Live Auction and about 60 pieces in the Silent Auction. A Big Thanks to all participating artists. Without your generous contributions to this event, we would not be able to successfully operate the Gallery. Lane Lott will be on hand as the Auctioneer (I know you’ll all miss my stellar auctioneering prowess – Ha! Ha!), John Chabot will serve up fabulous appetizers, the wine will flow, live music will waft through the air and fine art will find new homes all across Central Texas. We have already raised significant operating funds and will continue those calls right up to the day of the event. Members have stepped up to fill in most of the sub committees and if you haven’t volunteered for a task, please pitch in by calling Jeanette (512-‐576-‐1100) or me (512-‐565-‐6912) and get on board. This is one of the best events in Bastrop and lots of fun for everyone. Hope to see you all there!! Winning gala art work by Charlene Baugh The Mercantile – Jane Hunt The Mercantile had a Grand Opening in March for our new tenants, the Vibe Tribe. These two ladies, Becky Schmitz and Fox Duque, make feather art and beading. Art in Public Places – On March 22nd the Bastrop Art in Public Places’ Sculpture Stroll took place acknowledging the sculptures of twelve distinguished artists in Bastrop’s first Downtown Sculpture Exhibition. A reception & awards ceremony followed the Sculpture Stroll at First United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall. Lotus Art Connection-‐ Vinnie Boone Our first exhibit of Chinese Watercolor Painting at Austin Community College was a raving success! Thank you to all who have painted throughout the year and done such wonderful work. We have gotten rave reviews and comments from customers and artists that attended. All the interesting entries plus the ambiance with Mrs. Shoa, the Chinese Musician, made a great impression on all the attendees. We sold over $1600.00 and more could come by the end of the show. We had outstanding newspaper articles by Mr. Dan Kleiner. They were very informative! Thanks, Dan! Now you have a year to work really hard and paint, paint, paint, and practice, practice to have something tremendous for next year. If you have not joined us…well….time is going by…so come on! 15 YEAR LAND NOTE PAID IN 3 YEARS! -‐Karol Rice That’s right!! The Guild now owns over 1.25 acres of land on Chestnut. The agreement with the City was finalized over the last several months and the funds received that allowed us to pay off the 15-‐year note in just 3 years. Joe Grady Tuck again offered his legal services pro bono and prepared the documents we needed for the lien release. Jeanette took care of getting the check and documents to the Clardy’s and it was done! We saved thousands and thousands of dollars and can’t say too much about what it has meant to the success of this project to have the City as a partner and their strong support of this endeavor. On the construction front things are also moving rapidly. Preliminary architectural blueprints have been sent to 8 contractors and their estimates are due Monday, March 30. Each contractor will be interviewed and evaluated and we hope to have selected the contractor for the project by the first week of April. If all goes well, we should be able to “break ground” by late this summer or early fall. Whoo Hoo!! http://www.bastropfineartsguild.com CONTENTS Art News…………………………..Page 1-‐2 Artists Input…………..................Page 2 Calendar of Events……………..Page 3 Competitions……………………..Page 3 Classes………………………………Page 3 Artists’ Achievements…………Page 4 1 2 ART IN THE PINES SPRING 2015 PAGE 2 Elgin-‐ Elgin Arts Association -‐ Sheryl Dietrich-‐Neff The Third Annual Pearls of Youth Art Show will be held April 18-‐19, 2015, in historic downtown Elgin, at 107 N. Main St. The creativity and skills shown in the youth show have amazed and impressed the community every year. EAA will present awards to the selected Pearls Before Swine Scholarship winners. Youths whose art was selected by the judges in each of the P earls of Youth age categories will also be recognized. We have received 150 entries and are so pleased to present Elgin's finest youth artwork. Children’s Spring Break workshops taught by Elizabeth Sullivan gave children a chance to explore their creativity through the Puppet Theatre and Watercolor classes. An exhibit of EAA Artists is presently showing at City Hall in Elgin. There is still room available for additional artists. ElginArtsAssoc@yahoo.com SMITHVILLE-‐ News from Lost Pines Artisans’ Alliance-‐ Jo Watts March and April in Smithville are consumed by Smithville’s 5th Annual Empty Bowl Project. This event is the combined effort of 3 local non-‐profits. One is The Smithville Emergency Food Pantry, which receives no funding from state, county nor is it affiliated with the Bastrop County Food Pantry, who receives 30% of profits. The Smithville Community Gardens also benefits with 30%. Several gardens around town and at schools grow vegetables and fruits for the nourishment of the community. The Lost Pines Artisans’ Alliance, which has facilitated the event at the Mary Nichols Arts Center, receives 30%. This is used to purchase materials for the bowls made by SISD students and local groups. We also provide the venue, advertising, tents, supplies, with tables & chairs from Smithville’s Recreation Center. Enid Wood has donated a beautiful pastel painting, which is being raffled. For information call Jo Watts at: 512-‐577-‐5252. For the last 10%, each year we select a deserving organization that can use some extra help. The selections for 2014 & 2015 were: Angels Unaware, a small group of concerned citizens who provide food for several SISD students each Friday to ensure they have food for the weekend. Volunteers for the day and donations for our silent auction are needed. The state of Texas recently designated Smithville as a cultural district. Smithville has officially bestowed the title “Richard P. Latham Cultural District” to our town. Last month, the first award or designation of honor was presented posthumously to the family of Bill McGlaun. Bill had been chosen to receive this first annual “Artist of the Year” designation several weeks before his untimely and unexpected death on January 17. The LPAA gallery moved to 206 Main Street in October of 2014 and has been doing very well there. Many readers of this paper have visited us there and we hope that attendance will only grow. We are open on Fridays & Sundays from 2pm-‐5pm and on Saturdays from 11am-‐5pm. lostpinesartisansalliance@gmail.com. TAYLOR: -‐Sally Taylor I thought everyone might like to know about an upcoming juried exhibition hosted by the Taylor Artists Guild at 120ART in Taylor Texas. The theme of the show is Eat Me, Drink Me which could be interpreted a number of ways but of course food, drink, and Alice in Wonderland come quickly to mind. All original 2D and 3D work in any media is acceptable for submission including photography. Monetary awards will be made for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place works. Deadline for online April 8th. The exhibit will hang from April 13 -‐ May 11. ARTIST INPUT “How Much Should I Charge For My Work” – CM Henderson I am often asked about pricing art work, usually by young or beginning artists with no reputation. I usually advise to use a cost plus formula to begin: cost of materials plus gallery fees plus a few bucks for your time. Keep the price low to begin until you make a few sales to start to build your name. Keeping good records is valuable because these buyers will be your advocates that sell for you in the future. You can start raising prices in a more professional manner when you get a mailing list of buyers. I recommend 5 or 10 percent a year if you are selling regularly. It makes your early buyers happy to see the value of their work go up and they will talk about it when art or your name comes up. After establishing a reputation, the primary price of a painting is size. I use a square inch method (length x width x dollar amount.) By using this method, the larger paintings automatically are priced higher and the smaller paintings are affordable to a wider range of patrons. I will often do small adjustments for unique circumstances, but not often. These guidelines are useful for the self-‐promoting artist. If you are working with galleries, start by listening to their advice. They know what their clients are looking for and the price range they can sell. There are many ways to get to those first sales and many more ways to build your name to professional status. That will come in later columns. The primary thing to do early on is paint a lot. Each painting is practice. I have been at it for over 40 years and I am still learning. That’s what makes painting such a good job to have….the only one that is more play than work! ART IN THE PINES SPRING 2015 PAGE 3 CALENDAR OF EVENTS April 2nd: Gallery Talk with John B. Chandler –Art Connections Gallery 908 Main St, Bastrop, TX April 3rd: First Friday Art WalkDowntown Bastrop April 11th : Orange Show” 2pm-‐5pm-‐Lost Pines Artisans’ Alliance LPAA Gallery 206 Main St., Smithville, TX April 16th: “Eat Me-‐Drink Me” 120Art – 120 W. 2nd St.,Unit A Taylor , TX April 17th:Girls’ Night Out: Every 3rd Friday-‐Downtown Bastrop April 18th: Smithville Empty Bowl Project LPAA– 11am-‐2pm Mary Nichols Arts Center Smithville, Tx April 18th: Studio Art Tour Elgin Arts Association Tour throughout the town of Elgin April 18-‐19: Pearls of Youth Art Show-‐10am to 6pm 107 Main St.-‐ Elgin, TX April 19th: -‐ Scholarships and Art Awards presented Elgin Art Association-‐ 2pm 107 Main St.-‐ Elgin, TX April 19th:“9th Annual Artful Afternoon Spring Gala & Garden Party”-‐ Sunday, 3-‐6pm at 1702 Pecan St., Bastrop, TX May 1st: First Friday Art Walk Downtown Bastrop, TX May 14th: Mini Art Tour Elgin Art Association and Sip Shop and Stroll in Elgin, TX May 15th:Girls’ Night Out: Every 3rd Friday-‐Downtown Bastrop May 21st: “Nature-‐Nurture” 120Art – 120 W. 2nd St.,Unit A Taylor , TX June 5th: First Friday Art Walk Downtown Bastrop, TX June 19th: Girls’ Night Out: Every 3rd Friday-‐Downtown Bastrop June 18th: “Out of the Blue” 120Art – 120 W. 2nd St.,Unit A Taylor , TX MEETINGS Bastrop Fine Arts Guild 1st Tues. of Each Month: 6-‐7:30pm COMPETITIONS Bastrop Fine Arts Guild – 2D Competition-‐Open Theme Deadline: May 15th http//:www.bastropfineartsguild.com Taylor -‐2D & 3D (all media including Photography). Theme: “Eat Me-‐DrinkMe” Deadline:April 8th: Contact:onetwentyart@gmail.com submissionsatonetwentyart@gmail.com. TAGat120ART@gmail.com. Pastel Journal: all Pastel Artists Multiple categories Deadline: September 1st http://www.artistnetwork.com Round Rock ArtsTheme: “ Insects to Elephants” Media: 2-D, 3D, & Photography Deadline: May 25 http://roundrockarts.org The Perfect Exposures Gallery Open to All Photographic Artists Title: “Day of the Dog” Deadline: April 20th http://www.theperfectexposuregallery.com For more photographic competitions go to: http://www.texasphoto.org/NatNewsComp etitions.html NOTE: It is up to the individual artist to find those contest/shows that are the best fit for them. The Bastrop Fine Arts Gallery Silent Auction –started in Feb. 2014. It has been a full year plus of donations! Thank you to all the artists who have donated: Judi Vreeland, Michael Giblin, Gretchen Deuble, Carol Lyon, David Dannenbaum, C J Jordan, Ann Brown, Rebekah Strachn, Natalie Cooke, C M (Mike) Henderson, John Schaeffer, Colin (Indio) Scott, Faye Barber, Ginger Baldwin, Charleen Baugh. Karol Rice, and Lynn Scherbarth-‐Mills. 3 FEATURED ARTISTS BASTROP FINE ARTS GALLERY APRIL: BHS Advanced Art Students MAY: Faye Barber JUNE: Tina Woodruff ART CONNECTIONS APRIL: John B. Chandler MAY & JUNE: To Be Announced ART ON THE COLORADO MAY & JUNE: To Be Announced R.A. MERCANTILE APRIL: June and Dan Minix MAY: Jan Knight JUNE: Cindy Kerens Please join us on First Friday to view more featured artists downtown. For more information, go to: http://www.bastropartwalk.com CLASSES Pastels: Bastrop Fine Arts Gallery April 14th, May 12th, June 9th contact Jo Watts or Enid Wood Palette, Paint, & Wine: Bastrop Fine Arts Gallery April 16th-‐Pastels May 21st – Watercolor June 18th -‐ Oil Children’s Art Classes by Loriann BISD-‐Bell Annex: 1602 Hill St. April 18 & 25th: 2-‐4 pm Contact: loriannart@yahoo.com Pottery Classes: Tuesdays Contact Jo Watts at: mailto:jo1artist@hotmail.com Chinese W atercolor Lotus Arts Connection Paint Out : April 11th – 1-‐4pm HSI-‐MEI YATES Workshop: May 16th & 17th -‐9:30 to 3:30 Contact: Vinnie Boone lotusartsconnection@icloud.com Adult Art Classes – Elgin Arts Association will offer adult classes this summer at Fleming Community Center in EEA Members & other artists who are interested in teaching, contact EAA at elginartsassoc@yahoo.com or call Sheryl @ 512 273-‐0065. Children’s Art Classes-‐ by Bridgette Moody Starting: April 19,th at the Mary Nichols Arts Center in Smithville; contact Bridget at-‐ centraltexasfineartsmuseum@gmail.com http://www.bastropfineartsguild.com Elgin Arts Association Meetings: 1st Thurs. of Each Month: 7pm www.elginartsassociation.com Taylor Art Guild (TAG) 2nd Tuesday of Each Month: 6:30pm Email: onetwentyart@gmail.com. ART IN THE PINES SPRING 2015 PAGE 4 ARTISTS’ ACHIEVEMENTS Artists chosen for juried competition in Live Auction for the Bastrop Fine Arts Guild Gala were: Frank Weir, David Baker, Tina Broussard, Carol Lyon, Donna Cunningham, Gretchen Deuble, Michelle Adam, Mike Henderson, Maria Hohenstein, John Schaeffer, Enid Wood, Patricia Rendulic, Kelley Goldsmith, Karol Rice, Jo Watts, Sandi Hardi, Joycelyn Schedler Faye Barber, June Minix, Charlene Baugh. The artists chosen for the Art in Public Places Sculpture Exhibit were: Benjamin McVey, Cat Quintanilla, Dan Progue, Jennifer Chenoweth, Julia Ousley, Peter Mangan, Tom Tischler, Warren Cullar, and Maria Montoya-‐ Hohenstein as an alternate. Vicky Balcou -‐ has had multiple paintings and drawings accepted for the Spring Gallery Night 2015:”Mad Men and Women Artists.” in Fort Worth, Texas. The show features work from the 50’s through the 70’s plus some new work. The Exhibit is sponsored by the Art Dealers Association of Fort Worth-‐ Jennifer Henderson, organizer. Charleen Baugh-‐ was invited to do a presentation at the Houston Audubon Nature Photography Association meeting in Feb. "Looking for a Niche? You May Be Surprised By the Journey." She touched on many aspects of photography & whether it was considered "art" and the role of limited edition's in today's world of digital photography. Charleen’s piece:“Patels” was chosen in a juried contest for the advertising for the 2015 Gala. ART IN THE PINES STAFF Mike Henderson, Kittie Lloyd-‐ Woodard, Vicky Balcou, & CJ Jordan To contribute to Art in the Pines email cjdesigns60@att.net or to be put on mailing list: http://www.bastropfineartsguild.com Art In The Pines is published quarterly. Nell Bednarz -‐ was invited to participate in the upcoming exhibition "International Masters" at Southern Nevada Museum of Fine Arts in Las Vegas, April 15 until July 3, 2015. Nell will have two pastel paintings in this prestigious event, and hopes anyone traveling to Las Vegas will visit the museum's exhibition. Tina Broussard – was accepted into the Round Rock juried show: “Imagine” and received 3rd place award for her sculpture “The Fear Factor Series -‐ Misinforming, Politicizing and Misdirecting" Sandi Hardi-‐‘s pastel piece: "Girl in Gold" will be shown at the juried show at the Corridor of Art held by the Austin Pastel Society. She has 3 oil pieces at the Imagine Juried show at Texas State University: "Waiting in the Wings", "God's Love", and "Pink Sails at Sunset". She has 3 pastel pieces in the “African American Art & Artists” at the Artspace in Round Rock: "Girl in White", "Tears of the Lost Boy', and "Girl in Scarf". CJ Jordan – was accepted into the juried “Imagine” show in Round Rock with a photograph, “Pure Joy” and a watercolor, “Rebirth.” Robin Lively had a pastel painting, "Jennifer's Garden." accepted into a juried show that is presently showing in Brownwood Texas. The show is called Stars of Texas Juried Art Exhibit. Carol Lyon will be showing her bird feather abstractions at Bayou City Memorial Park juried art festival Mr. 27-‐ 29. This is Houston’s largest art festival with 350 artists from around the United States. She will also be showing at The Woodlands Waterways Art Festival Apr. 10-‐12. This show is now ranked #1 in Texas and #3 Fine Arts Festival in the nation by Art Fair SourceBook. John E. Schaeffer – in December 2014 painting “Kolache Time” was selected as a Favorite 15% in the Bold Brush on-‐line international competition.In February 2015 paintings “Kolache Time” and “Good Morning John” were juried into the Salon 2015 International Exhibit at The Gallery at Round Top”. February 2015 painting “Details” was juried into the Round Rock Arts Exhibit “Image” 2015 at Texas State University Round Rock and received Honorable Mention. Joycelyn Schedler -‐ “Early to Rise”, original pastel painting was juried into the 2015 Austin Pastel Society Juried Member Exhibition, by Mike Beeman, PSA, IAPS-‐MC. Melanie Shaw -‐ has been selected to speak on Ceramic Gender Roles at the ScanCeram conference, in Denmark, as part of the "50 Women-‐ A Celebration of Women’s Contributions to Ceramics” exhibition. Her presentation theme, "It’s a Man’s World, it’s a Woman’s Worldwide Web,” ”will be delivered during the ScanCeram Conference on May 13 – 17 2015, at Tolne Gjæstgivergaard and Skov Pavilion, Nordjylland, Denmark. Sally Taylor – was accepted into the Round Rock juried show: at Texas State University. “Imagine” with her m ixed media piece: "Fun with Dick and Jane." Enid Wood -‐ Juror Mike Beeman has accepted 3 of my pastel paintings in the 2015 Austin Pastel Society Juried Member Exhibition. The show runs from March 3 through May 1 at The Corridor of Art in Austin. Enid’s pastel painting, “Friday Nocturne,” has been juried into The Gallery at Round Top Salon 2015 Exhibition, opening Saturday, February 21st and showing through March 14, 2015 at 203 East Austin Street in Round Top.
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