TABISS Training Calendar January

TABISS Training Calendar January-June 2015
Triple P Seminar 1: The
Power of Positive
Tuesday 17th of February
Triple P Seminar 2:
Raising Confident,
Competent Children
Tuesday 3rd of March
Triple P Seminar 3:
Raising Resilient
Tuesday 17th of March
Promoting Skill
Monday 30th March 2015
Stress & Coping group
for Adults with an
Intellectual Disability
6 weekly sessions on
Fridays: 17th April 2015 –
22nd May 2015
Sibworks Program
7 weekly sessions on
Fridays: 1st of May 2015 12th of June 2015
4pm - 5.30pm
To be advised
To be advised
Please see the flyer for
Interactive Behaviour
Support Planning
Michael Caballero &
Giselle Saab
Cost for
Cost for
carers only)
carers only)
carers only)
$20 per child
For the program
Afternoon tea
Interaction Clinicians
Michael Caballero &
Alison Sankey
Interaction Clinicians
Michael Caballero &
Rebecca Jaggard
Interaction Clinicians
Ray Jiang
Interaction Clinician
Rebecca Jaggard
Interaction Clinicians
Giselle Saab & Alison
Interaction Clinicians
Most workshops are FREE for parents and unpaid-carers of people with an intellectual disability living in the Cumberland Prospect Area
GST is inclusive for those workshops that incur a fee
Bookings are essential (please see the TABISS workshop registration form)
Morning tea is provided for most workshops
To be advised
Workshop Outlines
Triple P Seminar 1: The Power of Positive Parenting
This Triple P seminar presents parents with an opportunity to reflect on the rewards of being a parent as well as the challenges and
solutions to managing behaviour. It gives parents a chance to discuss their hopes and dreams, the realities of being a parent, and a
set of positive parenting skills which include:
 Creating a safe, interesting environment
 Having a positive learning environment
 Using assertive discipline
 Having realistic expectations
 Taking care of yourself
It is our hope that parents who attend the training will leave with greater confidence in their existing positive parenting skills and some
ideas on how to refine them.
Target Audience: Parents of children with or without an intellectual disability.
Triple P Seminar 2: Raising Confident and Competent Children
This Triple P seminar takes a look at the values, skills and behaviours important to encouraging confidence in children. Children are
more likely to be confident, succeed at school and get along with others when they develop certain life skills. These life skills include
being respectful and considerate, communicating with others well, thinking positively, and having healthy self-esteem. This seminar
takes a look at the foundations for children’s success in relationships and life in general and shows parents how to develop skills in
children of being a good problem-solver and becoming independent and able to do things for themselves.
Target Group: Parents of children with or without an intellectual disability.
Triple P Seminar 3: Raising Resilient Children
This Triple P seminar takes a look at helping children learn to deal with their emotions. All children experience periods of stress in their
lives and need the emotional skills to deal with it. Children’s emotional resilience, or ability to cope with their feelings, is important to
their long-term happiness, wellbeing and success in life. Emotional resilience involves six key skills which will be covered in the
Recognising and accepting feelings
Expressing feelings appropriately
Being able to deal with negative feelings
Developing effective ways of coping
Having a positive outlook
Being able to handle stressful life events
Target Group: Parents of children with or without an intellectual disability.
Promoting Skill Development
This workshop will discuss the benefits of skill development and present strategies that can be used to encourage the development of
skills, including: task analysis, forward and backward chaining, the Premack’s principle, as well as the use of reward systems/token
economy systems. This workshop will take a holistic approach when looking at skill development. Carers will walk away with a better
understanding of how they can facilitate skill development in a range of different areas and set up everyday opportunities for learning
to occur.
Target Audience: Parents/unpaid carers of people with an intellectual disability in the Cumberland/Prospect area, and paid support
Stress & Coping Group Program for Adults with an Intellectual Disability
Like all of us, people with an intellectual disability experience stress in many aspects of their life. They might find it difficult to use
healthy coping mechanisms to cope with stress, whether this occurs at home, day program, work, in the car, or in other complex
scenarios such as in social interactions.
Interaction is running a six week program that aims to support adults with an intellectual disability to understand stress and its impact
on how we feel and behave. Participants will be supported to recognise the signs of stress in their own lives, learn relaxation
strategies, as well as cognitive techniques to manage stress. These techniques can be applied to the management of a whole range
of emotions. A focus will be on supporting participants to integrate these strategies into their daily lives through discussions, role
plays, activities and games. The group will also be an opportunity for participants to meet others and contribute and learn from others
in a supportive environment.
Target Group: Adults with a mild intellectual disability, limited to 10 participants only. Participants and/or their carers will be asked to
complete a short pre-interview by phone to discuss eligibility for the group, before their place is confirmed.
Sibworks group
The Sibworks group program being delivered by TABISS clinicians is aimed at providing the siblings of children with special needs
with a fun experience, an opportunity to connect with the other siblings, develop a better understanding about their brother or sister’s
special needs, share their feelings in a safe environment, develop skills to manage challenging situations (such as teasing, feeling
neglected or embarrassed), explore their strengths and individuality and strengthen communication and relationship with family and
friends in a fun and safe environment. It would also help them to identify and use positive strategies for living with a brother and/or
sister who has a special need. This group is designed for children between the ages of 8 – 12 who live in the Cumberland/Prospect
area. The maximum number of participants is 12 for this group, so get in quick! Brief parent involvement will be required for interview
and evaluation tools at the start and at the end of the program. The program will run for once a week for 7 weeks which includes a
graduation/celebration party in the last week where we invite the parents, siblings and family to see what we have covered in the
program and will go for 1.5 hours.
Target Audience: Siblings of children with a disability in the Cumberland/Prospect Area (aged 8 to 12 years).
Interactive Behaviour Support Planning
This workshop will show you how to turn your client support documents (support plans, programs, schedules, reward charts, social
stores, etc.) from traditional paper-based versions into interactive multimedia experiences for iPad, iPhone, PC and Mac. In this
computer skills-based workshop, you will bring a real example of a client’s plan, which you will turn into an interactive document. You
will need to bring:
A laptop with Microsoft PowerPoint or equivalent installed
An example of a plan or support document to work on (lifestyle plan, book about me, behaviour support plan, etc.)
Relevant pictures, photos, clipart, etc. on a disc or flash drive
Target Group: Support staff, clinicians/psychologists, and managers, that are responsible for the creation of support documents for
people with an intellectual disability.
All enquiries and registration forms should be forwarded to TABISS:
Interaction Disability Services Ltd.
PO Box 7020, Baulkham Hills BC NSW 2153
1300 668 123
1300 131 665