c/- COTA NSW Level 6, 280 Pitt Street ageingalliance

Wednesday, 18 March 2015
In January, Premier Mike Baird, confirmed that a re-elected NSW Government would
continue to make up funding shortfalls in concessions for pensioners and seniors that were
created by last year’s Federal Budget cuts.
The NSW Ageing Alliance is now seeking a similar commitment across party lines.
In the lead up to the NSW Election, older people are looking for certainty from all parties
that these concessions will not be eroded by funding cuts in the future.
‘Pension concessions help older people meet the growing costs of living,’ said Ian Day, a
spokesperson for the NSW Ageing Alliance.
‘Significant increases to the cost of essential services impacts heavily on older people whose
fixed incomes cannot stretch to meet these price rises.’
‘A reduction to these concessions would leave older people struggling to access essential
services such as energy, water and transport.’ said Mr Day.
Concessions can often mean the difference between affording a power bill and being cut off
or being able to travel to medical appointments.
Given that Federal Budget cuts to these concessions happened without warning last year,
older people in NSW need a commitment from all parties that Budgets delivered by future
NSW Governments will maintain funding for this important support.
Level 6, 280 Pitt Street
Sydney NSW 2000
P: (02) 9286 3860
F: (02) 9286 3872
About the NSW Ageing Alliance
Almost 2.5 million people in New South Wales are aged 50 years and over. They are key
contributors to the NSW community and its economy. Despite this, their contributions are
often overlooked.
The NSW Ageing Alliance is an alliance of 25 organisations established to promote the
needs, rights and interests of all people in NSW aged 50 years and over.
*Aids Council of NSW – ACON
*Aged & Community Services NSW & ACT – ACS
*Alzheimer’s Australia NSW
*Association of Independent Retirees Ltd – AIR
*Australian Association of Gerontology – AAG
*Benevolent Society
*Carers NSW Inc.
*Combined Pensioners and Superannuants Association of NSW – CPSA
*Council on the Ageing (NSW) Inc. – COTA NSW
*Ethnic Communities Council of NSW Inc. – ECC
*Health Consumers NSW
*Local Government NSW – LGNSW
*The Council of Social Service of New South Wales – NCOSS
*NSW Meals on Wheels Association – Meals on Wheels
*NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association – NSWNMA
*Older Women’s Network – OWN
*Parkinson’s NSW Inc.
*The Partners in Culturally Appropriate Care – PICAC NSW ACT
*Presbyterian Aged Care NSW & ACT – PAC
*Retired Teachers’ Association
*Retirement Villages Residents Association – RVRA
*The Aged Care Rights Service – TARS
*The Centre for Volunteering
*UnitingCare Ageing NSW & ACT – UnitingCare Ageing
*War Widows’ Guild of Australia NSW Ltd
For further information contact:
Ian Day, Council on the Ageing NSW, 0417 210 234, ian.day@cotansw.com.au
Level 6, 280 Pitt Street
Sydney NSW 2000
P: (02) 9286 3860
F: (02) 9286 3872