developing health course 21 June – 3 July 2015 TWO WEEKS Oak Hill Theological College, Southgate, London, N14 developing health course Christian Medical Fellowship developing health course 21 June – 3 July 2015 Oak Hill Theological College, Southgate, London, N14 The Developing Health Course has been running for over 40 years, equipping doctors, nurses and allied health professionals for work in resourcepoor settings. It covers a wide range of topics and includes practical workshops as well as lectures and case-based learning. Alongside the medical training, there is daily Bible teaching, prayer and reflection. The course is aimed both at those currently working overseas who want to update their knowledge, and those planning to go, wanting to be equipped for the work they will do. In addition, many who are simply interested in international work have found it a useful opportunity to learn more and explore the possibilities of getting involved. The course runs for two weeks, during which most participants are resident at Oak Hill College in north London. However, it is possible to stay for one week only, or to attend individual special interest days. PROGRAMME WEEK 1 18.00 SUNDAY 21 JUNE – 13.00 SATURDAY 27 JUNE Includes community health, paediatrics, tropical medicine, general medicine and trauma and orthopaedics WEEK 2 09.00 MONDAY 29 JUNE – 13.00 FRIDAY 3 JULY Includes surgery, women’s health and HIV SPECIAL INTEREST DAYS ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Community Health – 22 June Chairman: Dr Ted Lankester Paediatrics (including skills workshop) – 23 June Chairman: Dr Ian Spillman Tropical Medicine – 24 June Chairman: Prof Malcolm Molyneux General Medicine in the Tropics – 25 June Chairman: Dr John Day Trauma and Orthopaedics (including skills workshop) – 26 June Chairman: Prof Chris Lavy Surgery for the non-surgeon (including skills workshop) – 29 June Chairman: Mr Mike Puttick Women’s health part one (including gynaecology, family spacing and sexual health) – 30 June Chairperson: Dr Christine Edwards Women’s health part two (including midwifery, obstetric care and skills workshop) – 1 July Chairperson: Dr Christine Edwards with Mary Hopper HIV – 2 July Main speaker: Dr Gisela Schneider A certificate of attendance will be issued for use by those who wish to include the course in their CPD portfolio. Further programme details can be found at MISSION FAIR - 24 JUNE 7-9PM Exhibition by mission agencies, Bible colleges and support organisations. DAILY SCHEDULE 07.45 08.15 09.00 13.00 14.00 18.15 19.15 19.45 Prayers led by students at Oak Hill College Breakfast Teaching (coffee break mid-morning) Lunch Teaching (tea break mid-afternoon) Supper Evening fellowship Free time COURSE STAFF DIRECTORS: Dr Vicky Lavy MB BChir MRCGP DCH DRCOG DTM&H Course Organiser and CMF Head of International Ministries Mary Hopper MSc PgDipEd DipCPC RGN RM RSCN RCNT BMS Mission Personnel Coordinator, Nurse/Midwife and Counsellor Dr Ian Spillman MRCP FRCPCH DA DTM&H DCH Medical Superintendent, Kisiizi Hospital, Uganda BOOKS AND RESOURCES A variety of books and other resources will be on sale at the course; CMF runs a bookstall and TALC (Teaching Aids at Low Cost) displays a range of clinical textbooks and educational material. Participants are given a USB memory stick containing resources from the course including lecture notes, powerpoint presentations and management protocols, as well as online access to current material. COMMENTS FROM PREVIOUS PARTICIPANTS ‘This is by far the best course I have ever attended’ ‘We have really enjoyed every moment of every day on this course. We have found it challenging, inspiring, informative & applicable’ ‘It was the most fun and challenging course ever, with some incredibly inspiring people — the two best weeks of my year’ ‘This course is excellent! It’s good for the young ones who are planning to go, for the older ones who are in the thick of it and old people, like me, who are looking to see where God can use them in the last lap!’ BOOKING FORM developing health course, 21 June – 3 July 2015 Oak Hill Theological College, Southgate, London, N14 PERSONAL INFORMATION (tick box and complete as appropriate) Online booking is available at Alternatively, please complete this form and send it with a cheque to the address overleaf. Mr Mrs Miss Dr Other Name: Male Female Nationality: Address for correspondence: Postcode: Tel / Mobile: Email: I am a: Doctor Nurse Midwife Therapist Qualification: Other Year of Qualification: Speciality: I am a student: Medical Nursing Midwifery Other Current job title: I am currently: working overseas preparing to work overseas investigating possibilities If working overseas, in which country: Organisation/Institution: If preparingto go, I am planning to work in which country : Doing: VENUE / ACCOMMODATION Dietary requirements (including vegetarian) I am willing to share a room YES (with NO ) BOOKING FORM developing health course, 21 June - 3 July 2015 Oak Hill Theological College, Southgate, London, N14 PAYMENT (tick box and complete as appropriate) RATE NO. FULL TWO WEEKS (Full fee £950 and Reduced fee £650) £950 / £650 WEEK ONE ONLY (Full fee £650 and Reduced fee £350) £650 / £350 WEEK TWO ONLY (Full fee £575 and Reduced fee £275) £575/ £275 FEE DAY VISTOR (not including accommodation) (Full fee £100, Reduced fee £50 and Student fee £20) I will be attending days £100 / £50 / £20 Please list the days you will be attending: Total £ To pay by card, please either book through our secure online booking system at: or telephone CMF at 020 7234 9660 I enclose a cheque made payable to: Christian Medical Fellowship Please invoice organisation at DONATIONS We are very grateful for the generosity of those who are able to make additional donations over and above the conference fees. The conference is heavily subsidised for those in resource-poor settings and we rely on donation income to keep the cost low. Donation to CMF £ I wish to Gift Aid my donation (We will collect Gift Aid on donations where CMF holds a Gift Aid Declaration) UK tax payers only Please return this booking form, with payments and/or donations by Friday 5 June 2015 to: International Coordinator, CMF, 6 Marshalsea Road, London SE1 1HL Please note: late booking surcharge after 22 May 2015 COST The course fees cover accommodation, all meals and tuition. CMF is pleased to offer a reduced rate for those currently working in resource-poor settings and those in full-time study. TWO WEEK COURSE Full fee £950 Reduced fee £650 WEEK 1 ONLY (21 June - 27 June) Full fee £650 Reduced fee £350 WEEK 2 ONLY (29 June - 3 July) Full fee £575 Reduced fee £275 SPECIAL INTEREST DAY Full fee £100 Reduced fee £50 Special student rate £20 This includes the cost of midday and evening meals (whether taken or not). Those wishing to stay for more than one day may stay overnight for an additional charge of £30 per night for bed and breakfast, room availability permitting. Fee reductions are available for those staying for several days – please contact the course administrator for details. Late booking fee: There is an additional charge of £20 if booking after 22 May 2015. BURSARIES CMF is pleased to offer a small number of bursaries for nationals from resource-poor countries. This covers all accommodation and food but not travel to the course. Application forms are available from the course administrator. Others who are facing particular financial constraints are advised to contact the course administrator. GENERAL INFORMATION VENUE Oak Hill Theological College, Chase Side, Southgate, London N14 4PS. Oak Hill has a superb campus set in 60 acres of parkland on the edge of the greenbelt, and yet only a tube-ride away from central London. MISSION FAIR – 24 JUNE 7-9PM An evening exhibition by mission agencies, Bible colleges and support organisations; a chance to network and explore resources and opportunities. This event is also open to non-participants from around the UK. BOOKINGS Online booking at is preferred. Alternatively use the accompanying form and send it to: International Coordinator, Christian Medical Fellowship, 6 Marshalsea Road, London SE1 1HL Applications should be made as soon as possible and by Friday 5 June at the latest. There will be a late booking surcharge of £20 for bookings received after Friday 22 May 2015. Please book early as places are limited. In the event of cancellation the conference fee will be returned less £10 booking fee. No refunds will be paid for cancellations less than one week before the conference except in exceptional circumstances. For any enquiries contact the International Coordinator – T 020 7234 9669, E NB: your personal data will be stored on the CMF Database, and will be used for CMF ministry and administrative purposes only. Christian Medical Fellowship is a registered charity No. 1131658. A company limited by guarantee. Registered in England no. 6949436. Registered office: 6 Marshalsea Road, London SE1 1HL. Data Protection Act Reg. No. Z1341734 developing health course
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