Mont-Tremblant, March 26 to 29, 2015 - Ski

Championship Can-Am U14, BANQUE LAURENTIENNE
and Taschereau Cup
Mont-Tremblant, March 26 to 29, 2015
Super G, Giant Slalom, Skills and Slalom
Mont-Tremblant Resort
McCulloch run, South side of mountain, acessible via Gondola
Club de Ski Mont-Tremblant
SQA Invitational 2014/2015
FIS, ACA and SQA (Règlement du championnat Can-Am U14, p.4027-30)
Entry for races to be submitted to using the FIS registration form or excel
document. Clearly Indicate delegation (USA or AOA or ATL or SQA) and Area or Club to be
displayed on race results.
IMPORTANT: To facilitate the electronic draws, please indicate the desired starting order for
your athletes at the draw on your registration form seperately, for Super G, GS,Skills and
Quotas. USA 60, AOA:30, Atlantic:5, Québec:30
Entry Deadline: Friday March 20th, 2015 by 17h
Wednesday, March 25, Noon to 17h at the Club de Ski Mont-Tremblant Clubhouse
Championship fee: $129 CDN (115$ US) for 4 days, including lft tickets and Saturday evening
athletes only BBQ.
Cash and club cheques only. Please make cheques payable to Club de ski Mont-Tremblant.
Bib Deposit: $100 cheque per team. Will be destroyed when all team bibs are returned
Head Coach’s Meeting at 18h
The seeding of athletes for the draw, will be prepared prior to the Head Coach’s meeting using the
start orders for Super G, GS, Skills and SL provided in the racer’s Entry Form. See example Draw
Table, règlement SQA 4028 p.
We welcome volunteers to help during the races , especially with the daily tear down activities.
Please contact, or blog at 819 808-9060 to volunteer. Thank you in advance
for your participation.
March 25, a Ski Run will be available for Teams. Please contact Pierre Caron,, before March 22.
Protests must be made in writing accompanied by a cash deposit of $ 100
A scoreboard will be located at the finish
Accommdation Packages are being offered by the Mont-Tremblant Resort, see attached sheet.
Book your accomdation by calling 1 866-253-0093, ask for the package 2NM3HW for CANAM
and by your Guests Lift Tickets, it is the best price then.
Race Office: Pierre Bourget, 819 425-1614,
Mont-Tremblant Ski Club administration, Cell.819 808-9060
SQA, Geneviève Coulloudon, 514-252-3089 #3715, cell. 514 966-2593,
Vouchers for discounted lift tickets are available for athlete Guests (adults, children and non-skiers)
and Teams for outside Race days. Consult Lift Tickets Price Table next page.
Directeur d’épreuve,
Chef secrétariat,
Chef de piste,
Chef chronométreur,
Chef au départ,
Chef à l’arrivée,
Délégué technique,
Mont Tremblant Resort, the Championship Organisers and the Directors of the Club de Ski MontTremblant disclaim all liability in connection with this event.
Lamoureux, Marc, March 26-27, Graton Jacko, March 28-29
Bourget, Pierre
Parenteau, Guillaume
Schramm, David
Marcotte, Geneviève
Dyson, Peter
To find your way.
The race Office, is located at Club de Ski Mont-Tremblant Clubhouse, situated on de la
Chapelle road, directly after Tremblant Fairmont Hotel.
Temporary parking, for registration only.You can also park in parking lot P1 at the bottom of the
pedestrian village, then use the Cabriolet to the bottom of the mountain and walk up the hill to the
clubhouse (± 12 min )
Open March 25 from 8h to 20h, during Race Days from 6h30 to 18h.
*Chalet des Voyageurs : is located on rue de la Montagne, near P1 parking lot and adjacent to the
base of the Cabriolet, close to Hotel Tour des Voyageurs (Big Clock)
Cafeteria opens at 7h30
February17th revision
Start lists and real time results available at:
Awards ceremonies to take place at Chalet des Voyageurs, outdoor terrace on the 1st floor
Tickets Vouchers available for Guests, Race days, 7h30 to 9h, Chalet des voyageurs, 1st floor,
PHOTOSHOPPE Boutique, west of the Place St-Bernard, is the official photographer
Wednesday, March 25, Club de ski Mont-Tremblant Club House
12h to 17h - Championship Registration and payments
18h – Head Coach’s meeting, electronic draw for Super G and GS, bibs distribution and Coach’s
lift tickets distributed.
Thursday, March 26, Training and Super G
9h30, Super G Training - Girls followed by Boys
PM, Super G race - Girls followed by Boys
After race, partial top fencing teardown by Teams and Volunteers
Coach’s Meeting, 16h30, Club de Ski Mont-Tremblant Clubhouse, Draw of Skills and SL
Medal Presentation, ±45 minutes after last Racer
Friday, March 27, Giant Slalom
9h30, 1st Run - Girls followed by Boys
PM, 2nd Run - Girls followed by Boys
After race, partial bottom fencing teardown by Teams and Volunteers
Coach’s Meeting, at the Finish following fencing teardown.
Medal Presentation, ±45 minutes after last Racer
Saturday, March 28, Skills Evaluation and BBQ
9h30, Skills Evaluation - Girls followed by Boys
Coach’s Meeting, at the Finish following fencing teardown.
Medals presented the following day, during the March 29th medal ceromoney
17h30, Athletes only BBQ, Chalet des voyageurs*
Sunday, March 29, Slalom
9h30, 1st Run - Girls followed by Boys
PM, 2nd Run - Girls followed by Boys
After last Racer, complete fencing teardown by Teams and volunteers
Medal Presentation, ±45 minutes after last Racer
(Skills Evaluation, SL, cumulative Can-Am Championship ranking and Taschereau Cup)
The cumulative ranking is calculated by adding the race points for each event.
Table of Lift Tickets Prices (per day, tx incl) sold with Voucher
1-For TEAMS, OUTSIDE Race days (during the 4 Race days, included in the Registration fee)
Athletes 14 years old
Athletes 13 years old
Vaucher given at Race Office
Lift tickets sold at the Ticket Counters
2- For GUESTS, DURING or OUTSIDE Race days
Children,13-17 years old
Children, 6-12 years old
Vaucher available at Race Office Wednesday March 25th, and Race days at Chalet des voyageurs*, 1st floor, 7h30 to 9h
Lift tickets sold at the Ticket Counters