ENG ENG CONTACT US There are APU offices in the following countries and regions. You are encouraged to make inquiries at your local offices where possible. If you live in a country without an APU office or representative, please contact the APU Admissions Office directly. APU ADMISSIONS OFFICE Tokyo Fukuoka Osaka Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University 1-1 Jumonjibaru, Beppu, Oita 874-8577 Japan Tel: +81-977-78-1119 Fax: +81-977-78-1121 http://admissions.apu.ac.jp Email: welcome@apu.ac.jp http://www.facebook.com/Ritsumeikan.APU http://www.youtube.com/RitsumeikanAPU International 2016 APU Kyoto Undergraduate Prospectus APU Overseas Offices China Korea Viet Nam Ritsumeikan Liaison Office – Shanghai Jiaotong University D, 18F Shentong Xinxi Guangchang, No. 55, Huaihai West Rd Shanghai City 200030, China Tel: +86-21-6283-5104 Fax: +86-21-6283-5247 http://www.apuchina.com Email: apuchina@apu.ac.jp APU Korea Office #503, Halla Classic Officetel 5th Floor, 23 Gangnam Daero 84 Gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul 135-934 Korea Tel: +82-2-564-3425/3426 Fax: +82-2-564-3427 http://www.ritsapu-kr.com Email: hello@ritsapu-kr.com APU Viet Nam Office 17 Kim Ma Thuong St, Ba Dinh, Hanoi, Viet Nam Tel: +84-4-37-622-117 http://www.apujapan.vn Email: vietnam@apu.ac.jp Indonesia Thailand APU Indonesia Information Center Summitmas Tower 1, 10th Floor, Jend. Sudirman KAV. 61-62 Jakarta 12190 Indonesia Tel: +62-21-252-3708/3709 Fax: +62-21-252-3710 http://www.apu-ina.com Email: apu-ina@apu.ac.jp APU Thailand Office 1015 Room, 10th Floor, Serm-mit Tower 159/16 Soi Asoke, Sukhumvit 21 Road, Wattana, Bangkok 10110 Thailand Tel/Fax: +66-2-665-7145 Email: thailand@apu.ac.jp APU Overseas Representatives India (North) India (South) Sri Lanka Ritsumeikan India Office Second floor of THE JAPAN FOUNDATION, New Delhi 5-A, Ring Road, Lajpat Nagar-IV, New Delhi, 110024 , India Tel/Fax: +91-11-4601-6824 Email: india@apu.ac.jp Mr. Vishnu Vankayala 4th Floor, Vansh Building, AP-801, 1st Street, G-Block, 10th Main Road, Anna Nagar, Chennai-040, Tamil Nadu, India Tel: +91-44-4352-2078 Email: s-india@apu.ac.jp Mr. Harin Gunawardena 183/1, Nawala Road, Nugegoda, Sri Lanka Tel: +94-714251314 Email: harin@apu.ac.jp Photos featured on the cover, pages 3-6 and 19-20 (large photo) were taken by APU student, Atichat Chuthai (Thailand, APM, Class of 2015). Printed in April 2015 BEPPU, JAPAN YOUR SHAPE WORLD Freedom, peace and humanity. International mutual understanding. The future shape of the Asia Pacific region. Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University (APU) first opened its doors in 2000 with these ideals as its foundation. What emerged was an entirely new multicultural learning environment with the aim of creating global leaders across all fields and industries. In these past fifteen years, this goal has not only been reached but exceeded as thousands of students from over one hundred thirty countries have come together to learn intercultural coexistence, responsible business leadership and sustainable development. With this well-rounded base of global knowledge, APU students and graduates are actively finding solutions to the issues our world is facing. Your path to shape your own world and the world around you starts at APU. 1 SHAPE YOUR WORLD 3 APU BY THE NUMBERS 5 ACADEMICS 7 COLLEGE OF INTERNATIONAL MANAGEMENT 9 COLLEGE OF ASIA PACIFIC STUDIES 11 FIRST YEAR EXPERIENCE 12 LANGUAGE EDUCATION 13 EXCHANGE PROGRAMS 14 SUBJECT LIST 15 EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES 17 STUDENT LIFE 21 CAREERS 23 ALUMNI STORIES 25 ADMISSIONS GUIDE All data and statistics are current as of the 1 2014 Academic Year. 2 BY THE APU NUMBERS Selected as one of Japan’s “Top Global Universities” No_1 5,745 43.5% 140+ total students international students student-led organizations 3 APU BY THE NUMBERS 80 countries and regions represented by students 24 134 countries and regions represented by faculty countries and regions represented by alumni 398 110 88 affiliated institutions in 63 countries exchange partners in 39 countries university for most full-time international undergraduate students in Japan for the past six consecutive years 94.4% 4,141 employment success rate APU and external scholarship recipients ambassadors on APU’s advisory committee APU BY THE NUMBERS 4 THAT EDUCATION INSPIRES YOU We know our students are capable of contributing positive change to the world and we want them to start even before they graduate. Our students are passionate about being involved. They are passionate about understanding new cultures, global business, languages and solving problems of communities across the world. We invite you to utilize this completely unique environment that provides you with the tools and experiences to succeed on a global level. CUSTOMIZE YOUR STUDIES While Japan sets the stage for life at APU, the education offered here is internationally focused. Most of our academic courses are available in both English and Japanese. You will choose between two undergraduate majors – Asia Pacific Studies (APS) and International Management (APM) – and study in the language of your choice. Customize your studies by taking classes from either major, creating a study pathway relevant to your future. STUDY IN ENGLISH, LEARN JAPANESE Knowing more than one language is not a goal for our students—it’s a requirement. Studying your degree in English means you will also be required to learn Japanese and vice-versa. Want to add another language to your repertoire? APU makes it possible. ENGAGE WITH WORLD-CLASS FACULTY Highly qualified faculty from twenty four countries, many of whom have real-world experience, bring a new dimension of practical learning to the classroom. Learn about issues affecting your world from esteemed practitioners who have honed their skills at the cutting edge of innovation over decades. KEEP THE FOCUS ON YOU APU’s interactive style of education creates daily opportunities for lively discussions and group work with students of different cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds in a variety of classroom settings. You will become an independent and proactive learner able to think critically about the issues facing the world. GO BEYOND THE CLASSROOM Learning at APU is not simply a matter of reading books and attending lectures. We want you to take your knowledge, turn it into action and make an impact out in the world that exists beyond the classroom. From field studies, exchange programs, community outreach, conferences, internships to academic competitions, get involved in the vast range of opportunities that await you at APU. College College of International Management (APM) Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) College of Asia Pacific Studies (APS) Bachelor of Social Science (BSocSc) Areas of Study . Innovation and Economics . Marketing . Strategic Management and Organization . Accounting and Finance . Environment and Development . Hospitality and Tourism . International Relations and Peace Studies . Culture, Society and Media You need 124 academic credits in order to graduate. Average time until completion is four years. There are also options to graduate in three or three and a half years. 5 ACADEMICS ACADEMICS 6 COURSE CLOSE-UP: ACCOUNTING ・ I II OF COLLEGE Accounting is one of the few truly international systems that transcends governments, economic systems and culture. For this reason, it doesn’t matter whether you work in a multina- of an assignment is the 10K report whereby students examine Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in their first quarter and build on this during the second quarter [APM] INTERNATIONAL MANAGEMENT tional corporation or an NGO—to be successful in any field, you need training in accounting and budgets. Accounting requires curiosity, logic and thoroughness as it is your job to piece together details in order to understand a bigger picture. To help students learn how to do this, I keep my teaching objectives clear, keep class fun and keep learning consistent through regular homework and quizzes. An example the financial statements of companies and do a simple analysis by creating a more in-depth report. Through this progression, it becomes apparent to my students why accounting is important Cultivate your own global perspectives, business ethics and problem-solving skills in APM in order to join the next generation of international business leaders. Lectures are designed to give you fundamental and advanced knowledge of the skills pertaining to business administration as well as an understanding of the diverse political systems and economies of the Asia Pacific. As a student in APM, you will begin your studies tackling core management concepts and then branch out into your specialized field of interest. and how the principles of accounting are applied to companies in reality. “Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” I believe that keeping these words from Ralph Waldo Emerson in mind is essential in life. At APU, you will start your own global journey by becoming adept at working with people, making discoveries through trial and error and naturally experiencing the juxtaposition of different cultures. Professor Phillip Dean Pardo (Canada) Degree: Master of Business Administration (Finance), American University APM was a natural choice for me, having studied business in my high school in Uzbekistan. After arriving at APU, I found the courses to be quite different from what I had studied previously. The practicality of the classes here was new and refreshing to me. Areas of Study I am currently the teaching assistant (TA) for Prof. Pardo’s Innovation and Economics Strategic Management and Organization Accounting I class. Being a TA has been personally beneficial Learn about what generates innovation, how production is managed These classes focus on how to set goals, establish principles and because I am able to brush up on the fundamentals of and the underlying economic foundations of these concepts. The develop methods for an organization so that it meets the challenges accounting while assisting the professor and helping students. I lectures are geared towards those wishing to contribute to global of evolving social needs. If you aim to become an entrepreneur or plan development through business or policy-making. to take over your family business, this area of study is ideal for you. Marketing Accounting and Finance The theories and methods needed to successfully provide goods and The health of corporations is evaluated by the ebb and flow of money, services to the global market is the focus of courses in the Marketing which is known as accounting, while finance is the field concerned area of study. You will learn to identify the most effective method to link with raising and managing the funds necessary for corporate production to the final consumer and determine how much to provide activities. Classes in this area of study enable you to gain a solid at what cost. foundation in these demanding fields and exercise your knowledge in an international context. 7 COLLEGE OF INTERNATIONAL MANAGEMENT am also taking a seminar class in which I am doing research on the impact of brand equity on the financial performance of luxury brands. In fact, I presented my findings from this research at the APU Graduate School of Management Conference held in the Philippines in February 2015. While I have not yet decided where I will work after graduation, I am keeping my options open globally for a managerial accounting position. Sultonbek Gulomov (Uzbekistan) APM, 3rd Year Student COLLEGE OF INTERNATIONAL MANAGEMENT 8 OF COLLEGE COURSE CLOSE-UP: 3rd - 4th YEAR RESEARCH SEMINAR Within the APS major, the Environment and Development area of study offers a wide range of educational skills. In this field, you will acquire ASIA PACIFIC STUDIES knowledge, advice and practical experiences related to sustainable human-environment interactions from academic professionals through lectures, seminars and domestic and international field trips. Additionally, it is essential for our students to constantly update themselves on [APS] the knowledge of environmental systems, environmental issues, possible causes of these issues and seek the best practices for a sustainable solution. Students are also encouraged to do volunteer activities and internships Bachelor of Social Science (BSocSc) to determine their interest in a particular career. Some projects my students have been involved with include doing research with local organic farms and participating in environment clean-up activities. Based on their interests, students may find jobs as environment and In APS, we challenge you to tackle a vast array of global issues and develop new ways of thinking to face these obstacles head on. You will combine knowledge from different areas of study to gain a broad understanding of the political systems, economies, societies and cultures of the Asia Pacific while gathering relevant skills in language, information technology and research. APS prepares you for a wide variety of careers in government, international organizations, media, the travel industry and multinational corporations. development consultants in companies or government or can apply to graduate school at APU or another domestic or international institution. Teaching is an arrow which flies in both directions transferring knowledge, which is why I emphasize learning through challenging one another while having fun over discussions, talks and case studies. My favorite quote is by Kofi Annan, “Knowledge is power. Information is liberating. Education is the premise of progress, in every society, in every family.” I am very thankful to my students who continue to teach me, update me and educate me. Associate Professor Faezeh Mahichi (Iran) Degree: Ph.D. (Life Science), Tokyo Institute of Technology I am taking Prof. Mahichi’s 3rd - 4th Year Seminar class in which students do individual research and present their findings. The class atmosphere is Areas of Study friendly as it is a small group and very interactive. My topic focuses on Environment and Development International Relations and Peace Studies using seaweed as a natural fertilizer. This topic came about thanks to my Profit-driven development has brought with it a raft of environmental This area of study allows you to delve into the intricacies of conflict experience volunteering at a local yuzu fruit farm and I have now been and other issues, and sustainable development is an urgent issue for resolution and peace-building as well as to cultivate the ability to deal working with this farm regularly for over a year. our times. Lectures in this area of study tackle this question of with increasingly complex global issues in order to become a future sustainable development in relation to efforts to balance environmen- expert. Your studies will draw from the three disciplines of international For my career, I hope to use media to educate society about environmen- tal conservation and economic development. You will also examine law, political science and economics and help you gain the necessary tal issues and plan to work abroad at some point. Specifically, raising sustainable development policies in light of the systems and laws in critical thinking skills and a policy-oriented approach to succeed in the awareness about the environmental and health benefits of organic food is fields of international relations, dispute resolution and peace-building. my main interest. I think it is important to study what you are passionate each country and region. about and if your aim is to communicate with people from across the 9 Hospitality and Tourism Culture, Society and Media As cultural exchange and promotion of regional industries through This area of study enables you to analyze the societies, cultures and tourism are vital to the development of the Asia Pacific region, this values of the Asia Pacific to deepen your understanding of the issues area of study explores multiple facets of tourism through the lenses of this region faces. Your coursework will include study on information culture, society and community. You will focus on the theory and technology, culture and new media studies. Through this, you will gain practice of hospitality management as it relates to the tourism, health, a global perspective, fundamental media skills and the ability to view service and welfare industries. the region from several angles. COLLEGE OF ASIA PACIFIC STUDIES globe, APU is the best university to achieve this goal. Akari Nakatani (Japan/Taiwan) APS, 3rd Year Student COLLEGE OF ASIA PACIFIC STUDIES 10 RIGHT FOOT 1st YEAR STUDENT WORKSHOP I and II Several study support options are available on campus to ensure your academic success. One is academic advising, which consists of meetings with faculty and staff to enable a smooth transition into university life, help you make the most out of APU’s multicultural learning environment and support you in designing educational goals. APU’s Writing Center is also available to you. This center conducts workshops and individualized tutoring with the goal of making you a self-reliant writer able to notice problems and make corrections on your own. For language In the compulsory 1st Year Student Workshop I and II, not only will support, you may visit the Self-Access Learning Center (SALC), which you acquire essential study skills, including how to think critically, provides a range of English and Japanese learning materials as well as conduct university-level research, analyze and organize data, improve advice and support for your independent language study. your academic writing, and lead presentations, but you will also learn vital social skills such as interpersonal-intercultural communication, initiative and peer leadership. CONNECTED BY ON THE STARTING OFF ACADEMIC SUPPORT LANGUAGE Communication is the first step to international understanding and language is one of the primary tools that makes it possible. A new language also brings a new mindset that enriches your perspective. Acquire another language through APU’s language classes and you will have a significant advantage in your future career whether it is based in your home country, Japan or another location. MASTER JAPANESE As a student undertaking your studies in English, you are also required to take Japanese language classes as an essential component of your degree. Regardless of whether you have prior Japanese language training or not, we have all levels of classes, from beginner to advanced, to suit your ability at enrollment. (The reverse applies to students studying their major in Japanese.) BECOME MULTILINGUAL If you aim to learn more than one language, APU offers additional language courses in the Asia Pacific languages of Chinese, Korean, Malay/Indonesian, Spanish, Thai and Vietnamese. Raise your proficiency in these languages by participating in one of APU’s language immersion programs available in several different countries around the world. In your first year at APU, there are several courses available in course selection. In classes that I teach, rather than strictly During high school, I did a short exchange program in Japan, but also because I practice on a daily basis with my roommate. This order for you to become accustomed to university life, learn how lecturing to students, I act as a facilitator so that students are had not done any formal study of Japanese. This meant I started country has much to offer and to get the most out of your to work in a multicultural group and become proactive and free to think about the issues at hand on a deeper level and learning from the very basics after coming to APU in the founda- experience, learning Japanese is essential. independent in your studies. For example, in 1st Year Student express their own ideas. I believe that going beyond your comfort tion and intermediate classes which were intense, but a great way Workshop II, English-basis students and Japanese-basis zone is an essential part of learning, whether that is by trying new to start. Currently, I am taking a class that focuses only on kanji students work together in groups on a semester-long project. By things or talking with new people. You will be surprised at how (Chinese characters) called Japanese Project A. By continuing to overcoming language barriers during this project, students many opportunities will come along. take such courses, my Japanese will be strong enough to use as a emerge with greatly improved interpersonal skills and confidence. Alexandre Hilario Brugues (Spain/Costa Rica) APM, 2nd Year Student complementary language for my career. Since moving off campus It is also very important for you to become used to setting goals Associate Professor Hirokuni Tateyama (Japan) during your first year. These goals, both short and long term, will Degree: Ph.D. (Anthropology), University of British Columbia in my second year, there has been a noticeable improvement in my Japanese not only because I recognize kanji wherever I go, but motivate you in your studies and give you direction in your 11 FIRST YEAR EXPERIENCE LANGUAGE EDUCATION 12 SUBJECT LIST YOUR BROADEN HORIZONS LIBERAL ARTS SUBJECTS THE WORLD AT YOUR FINGERTIPS Build your international portfolio by joining a study exchange program for a single semester or a year at one of our international or Japanese partner universities. If you are awarded an APU Tuition Reduction Scholarship, it will still remain valid during your time on an exchange program. LIST OF PARTNER UNIVERSITIES AFRICA Botswana University of Botswana ASIA China Dongbei University of Finance and Economics The Chinese University of Hong Kong City University of Hong Kong The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology The University of Hong Kong Institute for Tourism Studies, Macao University of Macau Shanghai Jiao Tong University India EMPI Group of Institution Indonesia Gadjah Mada University Japan Akita International University Oita University Ritsumeikan University Korea Dongseo University Ewha Womans University Hanyang University Korea University Kyung Hee University Pusan National University Sogang University Sookmyung Women's University University of Ulsan Yonsei University Malaysia University of Malaya Universiti Sains Malaysia Mongolia Academy of Management The Philippines Ateneo de Manila University University of the Philippines Singapore Singapore Management University Taiwan National Chengchi University National Taiwan Normal University Southern Taiwan University of Technology Tamkang University Tunghai University Yuan Ze University Thailand Mahidol University Thammasat University Vietnam Hanoi University of Science and Technology EUROPE Austria MCI Management Center Innsbruck Salzburg University of Applied Sciences University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria University of Applied Sciences bfi Vienna Belgium University of Liege Croatia Zagreb School of Economics and Management Denmark Aarhus University Copenhagen Business School University of Copenhagen Finland Laurea University of Applied Sciences Tampere University of Applied Sciences University of Helsinki France ESCIP France Business School NEOMA Business School Institut Superieur du Commerce Paris Germany Otto-von-Guericke-Universitat Magdeburg Zeppelin University Hungary University of Pecs Iceland University of Iceland Italy Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore Lithuania Vilnius University The Netherlands Leiden University Tilburg University Norway BI Norwegian Business School University of Bergen Poland Warsaw School of Economics Portugal Lisbon University Institute Spain University of Santiago de Compostela Sweden Halmstad University Jonkoping International Business School Lund University Sodertorn University Linnaeus University Switzerland Zurich University of Applied Sciences UK Cardiff University University of Hertfordshire University of Kent University of Leicester University of Westminster NORTH & LATIN AMERICA Argentina Universidad Argentina de la Empresa Canada HEC Montreal Simon Fraser University The University of British Columbia University of Lethbridge University of Waterloo York University Ecuador Universidad del Pacifico Mexico Instituto Tecnologico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey Universidad de Monterrey USA American University Carroll College City University of New York Georgia Institute of Technology Grand Valley State University Minnesota State University Moorhead Old Dominion University San Diego State University St. Edward's University University at Buffalo, The State University of New York University of Hawaii at Manoa University of Montana The University of New Mexico The University of Oklahoma University of Wisconsin Oshkosh University of Wyoming OCEANIA Australia James Cook University La Trobe University Macquarie University The University of Western Australia Samoa National University of Samoa TWICE THE CHALLENGE, TWICE THE REWARD The only thing better than getting a degree from one international university is getting two degrees from two international universities at the same time. This option is available to you by signing up for one of APU’s dual degree programs. 13 EXCHANGE PROGRAMS Introduction to Economics Introduction to Political Science Introduction to Psychology Introduction to Law Introduction to Environmental Studies Introduction to Development Studies Introduction to International Relations Introduction to Intercultural Communication Introduction to Culture and Society Introduction to Area Studies Introduction to Media Introduction to Tourism and Hospitality Constitution of Japan Japanese History Japanese Economy Japanese Culture and Society Business History Bioethics Mathematics for Social Sciences Statistics I・II Computer Literacy Introduction to the Internet Programming I・II 1st Year Student Workshop I・II Introduction to APU Peer Leader Training I・II (A・B) FIRST Program Career Design I・II・III Geography of the Asia Pacific Languages of the Asia Pacific Religions of the Asia Pacific Culture and Society of the Asia Pacific Business and Economy in the Asia Pacific History of the Asia Pacific Bridge Program A・B・C・D・E・F TESOL I・II TJSOL I・II Business Communication Japanese Civil Law Introduction to Geographic Information Systems Health Science Environmental Chemistry Environmental Geoscience Data Mining I・II Internet Technology Integration Internship Volunteer Activities Japanese Traditional Arts A • B • C • D Basic English-Japanese Interpretation Skill I・II Business Negotiation Database Systems Applied Programming Media Production Lab A・B・C・D Information Science Lab A・B・C LANGUAGE EDUCATION SUBJECTS English Language Classes English Course (Elementary/Pre-Intermediate/ Intermediate/Upper-Intermediate/Advanced) English for Business Extensive Reading in English English Project English for Discussion and Debate English for Business Presentations English for Business Writing Asia Pacific Language Classes Chinese I – IV Korean I – IV Malay/Indonesian I – IV Spanish I – IV Thai I – IV Vietnamese I – IV Compulsory / Core Subjects Fundamental Mathematics Business Mathematics Introduction to Management Accounting I・II Finance Principles of Marketing Organizational Behavior Management Accounting Advanced Accounting International Accounting Auditing Financial Markets and Institutions International Finance Investment and Securities Analysis Investment Strategy Marketing Research Consumer Behavior International Marketing Marketing Data Analysis Promotion and Sales Management Supply Chain Management Service Management Brand Management Strategic Management & Organization International Management International Logistics Human Resource Management Entrepreneurship Global Human Resource Management International Comparative Management International Transactions Strategic Management Service Management Family Business Management Management Information System Innovation & Economics Macroeconomics Microeconomics Entrepreneurship Production Management Development & Production Systems Technology Management Operations Research Asian Economy International Economics International Political Economy Development Economics APM Major Business Law Corporate Law Business Ethics Legal Strategy in Business Accounting & Finance Financial Accounting I・II Cost Accounting Corporate Finance Marketing International Management International Logistics E-Commerce Japanese Language Classes Japanese Course (Foundation/Intermediate/Pre-Advanced/Advanced) Japanese Project Career Japanese Japanese for Lectures Japanese Language & Culture APM SUBJECTS Seminar and Active Learning Field Study Major Seminar I・II Applied Training Research Seminar Undergraduate Thesis APS SUBJECTS Environment & Development Biodiversity Environment and Society Global Environmental Issues Development Sociology and Anthropology Research Methods for Environment and Development Development Economics Urban Environment and Development Conflict and Development International Cooperation Politics of Development Environmental Economics Industrial Ecology GIS and Remote Sensing NGOs and Development Community Development Pollution and Waste Management Development Policy Environmental Policy Environmental Modeling & Analysis International Economics Project Management in Development Ecotourism Culture, Society & Media Social Theory Gender Studies Social Psychology Cultural Studies Transnational Sociology Sociology of Organizations Cultural Anthropology Social Stratification Research Methods for Culture, Society and Media Media and Popular Culture Religion and Belief Media and the Arts Language and Society Area Studies I • II Global History and the World System Multiculturalism and Society War and Media Politics and Media Literature and Modernity Technology and New Media Education and Society Language and History Migration Studies Global Crime Law, Media and Society Ethnicity and Nationalism Heritage and Cultural Tourism NGOs and Development Community Development Hospitality & Tourism Tourism Policy Tourism Resources Management Sociology of Tourism Research Methods for Tourism and Hospitality Organizational Management Accounting for Tourism and Hospitality Human Resource Management Tourism Development Tourism and Hospitality Law Health and Wellness Tourism Risk Management and Service Delivery Destination Marketing and Branding Hospitality Marketing Operations Research Resort Management Hospitality Management The Travel Industry The Business Tourism Industry Ecotourism Heritage and Cultural Tourism Project Management in Development International Relations & Peace Studies International Politics and Security Comparative Political Economy of the Asia Pacific Political Theory International Cooperation Politics of Development Research Methods for International Relations and Peace Studies International Peace Studies Global Issues and Policies Conflict and Development Globalization and Regionalism Globalization and Law International Law History of International Politics Identity and Politics Strategic Decision-Making International Organizations Geo-Politics and Post-Cold War Conflicts Violence and Terrorism International Relations in the Asia Pacific International Conflict Resolution International Political Economy Asia Pacific and Human Rights Regional Systems in the Asia Pacific Seminar and Active Learning Introduction to Research Methods Field Study Major Seminar I • II Applied Training Research Seminar Undergraduate Thesis SUBJECT LIST 14 LIKE A CAMPUS NO OTHER The moment you set foot on campus, you will notice something very different—true diversity. Take a student body originating from eighty countries/regions and put them in a space that encourages experimentation and discovery. What results is a completely unique and vibrant student community who not only embrace APU’s multicultural atmosphere but thrive in it through a colorful array of activities, events, clubs and societies. No matter what your interests are, APU has a place for you. 2014 Academic Year Multicultural Weeks (in alphabetical order) A few of the student-led organizations on campus APU Model United Nations “Yossha-koi” Japanese Dance Troupe several “Multicultural Weeks” where students African Week Okinawa Week Habitat APU APU Tea Ceremony Club can showcase the languages and cultures of Bangladesh Week The Philippines Week “PRENGO” Overseas Volunteering Club Animation Research Club one country or region. Take the lead as a week Chinese Week Sri Lankan Week Global Business Leaders APU Soccer Club APU Karate Club MULTICULTURAL WEEKS Throughout the school year, APU designates organizer or join in these celebrations of world Indonesian Week Taiwan Cultural Week Ones’1 Fair Trade Club culture as a performer. It is a learning Korean Week Thai Week APU Debate Society APU Yacht Circle “KrewS” Myanmar Week Uzbekistan Week Wadaiko “Raku” Japanese Drumming Club Women’s and Men’s Lacrosse Teams Nepal Week Vietnamese Week “Musy Tone” International Singing Club Rugby Club experience of a lifetime. 15 EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES 16 HOME AWAY FROM HOME YOUR AP HOUSE STATISTICS 100% 378 932 1,127 62.4% 56 44 39,000 JPY 0 JPY 0 JPY guaranteed housing for international students in their first year shared rooms UP IN THE CLOUDS single rooms APU is located on top of a small mountain at an altitude of 330 meters with beautiful natural surroundings overlooking the city of Beppu and its residents coastline. This amazing view is just the beginning of what you will find here on campus. Modern buildings, quiet study rooms, sports and health international students related facilities, on-campus housing and a variety of spaces for you to meet and collaborate with your countries and regions represented classmates are all available to create the perfect learning environment. communal kitchens On-campus Facilities/Amenities . Student union building with cafeteria, café, convenience store, Japanese tea ceremony room, meeting spaces and music/dance studios . Multipurpose auditorium . State-of-the-art library and media center . Gymnasium and workout facilities monthly rent including utilities to use laundry facilities . Athletic track . Multipurpose fields for soccer, rugby, to use the internet lacrosse, baseball, etc. . Basketball courts . Health clinic and counseling room . Outdoor amphitheater . Local food trucks AP HOUSE FACILITIES . ATMs . Postal services . Private shower rooms . Japanese-style public baths NOT YOUR TYPICAL DORMITORY With students from diverse cultures living under one roof, the time you will spend in our on-campus dormitory, AP House, is an unforgettable experience. This unique setting enables you to adapt to your new life in Japan and learn about the cultures of the world through interaction with peers while having a private space to concentrate on your studies. To assist you with this transition, each floor has experienced students selected as resident assistants (RAs) who will answer your questions and concerns and hold activities for you to join. 17 STUDENT LIFE You have the option of living in a single or shared room. Shared rooms allow you to have an even greater intercultural dorm experience as you will be living with a Japanese roommate. These rooms are separated by a lockable sliding door for your privacy. All rooms are fully furnished. . Computer rooms . Study rooms . Small convenience store . 24 hour security . Indoor recreation facilities like billiards . Outdoor basketball courts . Air conditioning unit in each dorm room STUDENT LIFE 18 SETTLING IN EXPERIENCE JAPAN Japan is not only the world’s third largest economic center but one of the most popular travel destinations thanks to its rich traditional and modern culture combined with beautiful landscapes. The country also prides itself in cutting-edge technology and maintaining one of the highest safety records found anywhere in the world. For the ideal location to earn your university degree, look no further. LOCATION IS KEY APU’s campus is located on the southernmost major island of Kyushu in the bayside city of Beppu. Enclosed by beautiful mountains and the sparkling Beppu Bay, the city’s historic backstreets and abundance of hot spring baths make it one of Japan’s most visited cities by Japanese and international tourists alike. Beppu is a very safe city with a low cost of living compared to other popular study destinations in Japan and abroad. Dive into the local culture by participating in festivals, sporting events and other activities alongside the welcoming community. BEPPU AT A GLANCE 121,100 4,038 2,217 No_1 No_ 2 total residents international residents hot springs in Japan in the world for amount of hot spring water 1,374 meters Tsurumidake, Beppu’s tallest mountain DOWNTOWN LIVING From your second year, you will move off campus into downtown Beppu and choose between living in an independent student dormitory, private apartment or shared student housing. APU provides support to help you make the transition from on-campus to off-campus accommodation. Here, you will find many entertainment options such as a shopping mall, Average temperature cafes, karaoke, bowling and restaurants with international food. January April ALL IN A DAY’S WORK 5 °C / 41 °F 14 °C / 57 °F July October 28 °C / 82 °F 20 °C / 68 °F Part-time jobs are another option for you to gain real world experience. You are allowed to work on or off campus for up to 28 hours a week during the semester and 40 hours a week during vacations. APU offers to help you obtain the correct work permit before you start to work. Please note that availability of part-time work may vary. Additionally, while on-campus jobs may not require Japanese language ability, off-campus jobs often require at least a conversational level of Japanese. STAYING HEALTHY With an abundance of clean drinking water, fresh air, beautiful parks, riverside recreation spaces, seaside walking paths, sports facilities as well as medical centers, Beppu supports your healthy lifestyle. Another advantage is that, as an APU student, you will be covered by Japan’s National Health Insurance. 19 STUDENT LIFE POPULAR LOCAL FOOD . Toriten (Beppu-style fried chicken) . Jigoku mushi ryori (hot spring steamed cuisine) . Shiitake mushrooms STUDENT LIFE 20 CREATING A BRIGHTER TOMORROW SECURE YOUR FUTURE With the knowledge, skills, language ability and experience you obtain at APU, there are no limits or boundaries to where your degree will take you. Accordingly, we have an unprecedented job placement rate of 94.4% for our students seeking employment in Japan and beyond. Equip yourself with the skills needed to compete for jobs at the highest level in multinational organizations with APU’s Career Office support. TESTING THE WATERS Gain insight on the working world by joining APU’s internship programs and directly connect your studies to your career goals. There are specific programs for which you can earn academic credits as well. LEARN FROM THE PROS From the great names in the business world to societal movers and shakers, you will have the chance to hear informative and inspirational speeches from top ranking representatives of leading international organizations through APU’s Top Executive Lecture Series and Social Outreach Seminars. EXPLORE YOUR OPTIONS The potential of our students has caught the attention of major corporations and international organizations around the world. In fact, in the past year alone, over 350 companies and organizations visited APU to specifically recruit our students for a variety of employment positions in Japan and overseas, meaning you do not even need to leave campus to get your foot in the door. Many students also pursue higher education after graduation, continuing on at one of APU’s graduate schools or another institution. All programs in APU’s graduate schools are conducted exclusively in English. List of major employers (For 2013 Academic Year) 21 List of major graduate schools Asian Development Bank All Nippon Airways Co., Ltd. Panasonic Corporation Australian National University, Australia Northwestern University, USA University of Oxford, UK Ernst & Young Global Limited SOFTBANK CORP. BANDAI Co., Ltd. Chulalongkorn University, Thailand Seoul National University, Korea University of Surrey, UK ITOCHU Corporation TOSHIBA CORPORATION FUJITSU LIMITED City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SOAS, University of London, UK University of Tokyo, Japan KDDI CORPORATION Toray Industries, Inc. Mizuho Financial Group, Inc. (MHFG) Kenyatta University, Kenya The University of Auckland, New Zealand University of Toronto, Canada KONICA MINOLTA, INC. TOYOTA (CAMBODIA) CO., LTD. Mitsubishi Corporation London School of Economics and Political United Nations University, Japan Waseda University, Japan Suntory Beverage & Food Limited NISSIN FOODS HOLDINGS CO., LTD. The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd. Science, UK University of British Columbia, Canada Yale University, USA JTB Pte Ltd. NEC Corporation UNIQLO CO., LTD. Lund University, Sweden University of California, USA SUZUKI MOTOR CORPORATION IBM Japan, Ltd. Yomiuri Shimbun Tokyo Head Office Monash University, Australia University of Manchester, UK Seven-Eleven Japan Co., Ltd. Hewlett-Packard Japan, Ltd. Bank of China National University of Singapore, Singapore University of Michigan, USA CAREERS CAREERS 22 Morse Caoagas Flores Technical Secretariat, United Nations Indigenous Peoples Partnership (UNIPP), International Labor Office (ILO) PURSUING YOUR The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams. I come from a small community where going to university is more of a luxury than a right. However, thanks to generous scholarships and the goodness of others, I was able to attend APU. I can say with absolute certainty that it was my four years of studies there that best prepared me for my career with the UN, a dream I held since high school. Taking courses on current and emerging global issues taught by reputable professors as well as living with students from all over the world profoundly influenced my career and perspective. I now coordinate the overall implementation and monitoring of UNIPP projects and represent UNIPP in coordination, donor relations and cluster meetings in the UN system. APU is a community that encourages you to dream big and reminds you that it is within your reach. PASSION ALUMNI STORIES Jun Hu (David) APS, graduated in 2005 Nationality: Uzbek Lives in: Tokyo, Japan APS, graduated in 2005 Nationality: Chinese Lives in: Chicago, USA Financial and Administrative Officer, the Embassy of the Kingdom of Bahrain to Japan Founder, Artyz Inc. Assistant Professor, Northwestern University I had the privilege of being given an active role in the establishment of the Embassy of the Kingdom of Bahrain to Japan in 2005 and am currently in charge of its financial and administrative section. Much of what I learned at APU has proven to be relevant at my place of work. This includes the principles of finance, a thorough understanding of spoken and written Japanese as well as how to interact with people from diverse cultural backgrounds. When I first arrived in Japan, getting used to being away from home and not being able to speak my mother tongue was a challenge. However, my schoolmates became my new family and APU quickly became my second home. I also currently operate private scholarship programs for students in developing countries. In the future, I plan to start a few businesses to create additional funds for these projects. With the vision to create an environment where people can thrive and learn through cultural diversity, I founded Artyz Inc. We offer online solutions to support Japanese clients expanding abroad and overseas companies breaking into the Japanese market. During my time as a student at APU, I had plenty of experiences that helped me to truly understand intercultural communication and the value of tolerance. Being one of the organizers of the APU World Students’ Summit in 2002 was one such experience. My task was to lead the Public Relations and Media Team working on coverage of workshops and sharing information at press conferences. The skills I learned then have served me well in my career as well as my personal life. I would encourage anyone enrolling to APU to see the world with your own eyes, never stop being curious and listen and learn from those around you. After APU, I continued my studies, ultimately completing my Ph.D. in art history from Princeton University. I currently teach and research the history of visual arts in East Asia at Northwestern University and am finalizing a book manuscript on the religious architecture in this region predating the 9th century. I learned Japanese and Korean at APU, which have been a great asset as I often use them when conducting research. However, the ability to delve into and identify with different cultures is the most valuable skill I acquired at APU and has helped me to adapt to many situations. Whenever I think back on those years, I feel gratification and gratitude in equal measure. My encounters and experiences at APU led me to a number of important life decisions. I am thankful that I got to share that path with some of the most inspiring people I have ever met in my life. Over the years, our alumni have put to use the skills they gained at APU and continue to shape the world in a variety of different ways. Here are just a few of their stories. How will yours read? Mirei Sakamoto Peter Nyitrai Yankho Joy Fungatira Kylie Pearce APS, graduated in 2010 Nationality: Japanese Lives in: Tokyo, Japan APM, graduated in 2005 Nationality: Hungarian Lives in: Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates APM, graduated in 2012 Nationality: Malawian Lives in: Osaka, Japan APS, graduated in 2007 Nationality: Australian Lives in: Juba, South Sudan Working in the Overseas Consultant Department of O.P.C. Corporation Management Consultant at Abu Dhabi Motorsports Management (ADMM) Public Relations Officer, Global Network Team, Kumon Educational Japan Co., Ltd. Human Rights Officer, United Nations Volunteers Program, United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) My interest in social development in developing countries started when I was a student at APU. The courses challenged and inspired me to employ critical thinking in solving problems, and I was surrounded by highly motivated individuals. Additionally, I took part in volunteer activities in Thailand organized by ‘PRENGO’, APU’s largest student volunteer organization, which applies good practices from Oita Prefecture’s development program, ‘One Village One Product Movement’, among others. Upon graduation, I spent two years in the Leyte province of the Philippines to implement a livelihood improvement project for farmers. Upon my return to Japan, I joined O.P.C. Corporation in order to gain more specialized knowledge in the field. This company provides consulting services for Japanese government institutions in Overseas Development Assistance (ODA) implementation projects. I am currently a Project Administrating Coordinator for a technical cooperation project in Nigeria. The job comes with many challenges, but I feel extremely fulfilled when the final results bring about positive changes for others. 23 Zulfiya Shafiyeva APM, graduated in 2005 Nationality: Moroccan Lives in: Tokyo, Japan Nadia Souini APS, graduated in 2006 Nationality: Filipino Lives in: Geneva, Switzerland After APU and further studies, I started my career as a management consultant with the Boston Consulting Group, focusing on company turnarounds and private equity support in Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States. Five years later, I moved on to work for ADMM in Abu Dhabi to restructure the Yas Marina Circuit, a Formula 1 venue. My portfolio also includes projects in Russia, USA and the Middle East. APU had a profound impact on my world view. Very few institutions offer the opportunity to socialize with the world at such a young age. Through these interactions both on and off campus, I learned to appreciate various cultures and forged lifetime friendships in the process. In addition, my seminar professors instilled academic rigor and high standards in me that continue to help me on a daily basis. APU is a unique and rewarding place—take advantage of all it has to offer. My job involves organizing English immersion camps and seminars as well as many other projects for our students, instructors and staff with the aim of promoting the company and spreading the Kumon education method. Kumon is now in 48 countries, making it one of the most global companies in Japan. For this reason, the most relevant skill I learned at APU that applies to my current work is what is called “mutual cultural understanding”. It means getting to know people from different backgrounds well enough to be able work smoothly together towards achieving one goal in either a business or social setting, which is an integral part of my job. Learning Japanese language and culture at APU has also helped me to thrive in my work environment. APU definitely equips you with the right mindset to challenge the world and helps you to expand your personal network globally. APU helped me to understand what it truly means to be a global citizen. Daily interactions with students and instructors from all over the globe made me connect with the issues affecting our world on a personal level. Even after graduation, this network of friends has been a continual and invaluable source of support and encouragement. After APU, I pursued a Master of Law (Juris Doctor) degree at Monash University in Australia and a Master of Law in International Humanitarian Law and International Human Rights Law at the Geneva Academy in Switzerland. I am currently employed under the United Nations Volunteers program as a Human Rights Officer deployed in South Sudan to serve under the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS). My role is to monitor, investigate and report on violations of human rights and humanitarian law in the country. My message to you is to engage in your experience at APU with an open heart and an open mind as it can create infinite opportunities for your future. ALUMNI STORIES 24 ADMISSIONS GUIDE 1. HOW TO APPLY Q1. How do I apply to APU? A1. Apply online through the Admissions website (http://admissions.apu.ac.jp). Alternatively, you may download the application materials from our website and send these in by post. Regardless of application method, you must send all required supporting documents (originals or certified copies) by post. Q6. How much is the application fee and how do I pay it? A6. You may pay the application fee by credit card or bank transfer. 5,000 JPY for applicants residing outside Japan 35,000 JPY for applicants residing in Japan If you are an applicant residing outside Japan and cannot pay by the above methods, you may also pay by bank check for 8,000 JPY. Q2. I don’t speak Japanese. Can I still apply to APU? A2. While APU is a Japanese university, Japanese language proficiency is not necessary for admission. You can choose to study on an English-basis or Japanese-basis and then take language courses in the alternate language. (For example, English-basis students study their major courses in English but also take Japanese language courses.) Q7. What is the application schedule? A7. APU has two enrollment periods, one in April and the other in September. Please use the application schedule that corresponds to the month you wish to enroll in. If you reside in China, India, Indonesia, Korea, Thailand, Vietnam or Japan, please see the Admissions Handbook or our website for additional information on application and interview schedules. Q3. What are the admission requirements for APU? A3. The admission requirements for first year students are as follows: 1. Minimum of 12 years or equivalent of standard education 2. Sufficient language ability in either English or Japanese English-Basis Applicant Minimum Required Test Score TOEFL® (iBT) : 61 TOEFL® (PBT) : 500 TOEIC : 700 ® IELTS: 5.5 EIKEN: Pre-1 Japanese-Basis Applicant Minimum Required Test Score JLPT N1: 90 JLPT N2: 100 EJU (Japanese): 220 (not including the writing section) Q4. Can I still apply if I have not taken one of the proficiency tests listed in A3? A4. For international students residing outside Japan, you may request for your language teacher to fill out APU’s Language Proficiency Evaluation and include this with your application. However, because higher emphasis is placed on test score results during application and tuition reduction scholarship screenings, we highly recommend that you submit a language proficiency test score. For international students residing inside Japan, submission of a language proficiency test score is required. If you are a native speaker of English or Japanese, please see the Admissions website (http://admissions.apu.ac.jp) or Admissions Handbook for more information. Q5. What documents are required to apply to APU? A5. For details about each document, please visit the Admissions website (http://admissions.apu.ac.jp) or refer to the Admissions Handbook. Required documents for all applicants: ・Undergraduate Application Form ・Application essay ・Certificate of Eligibility / Resident Status Questionnaire ・Proof of application fee payment ・Academic transcripts ・Mandatory or standardized national test results to enter university (only for those who have taken them) ・Language proficiency test score report ・Letter of recommendation ・Passport copy (if available) ・Two identical photographs ・Application Document Checklist Additional documents for submission (if applicable): ・APU Tuition Reduction Scholarship Application ・Extracurricular Activities Report ・Extracurricular activities certificates ・Certification of scholarships received from organizations other than APU 25 2. ONCE ACCEPTED ADMISSIONS GUIDE Application period for April 2016 enrollment June 1, 2015 (Mon) - October 23, 2015 (Fri) Application period for September 2016 enrollment September 1, 2015 (Tue) - April 1, 2016 (Fri) Q8. Does the application process require an interview? A8. Yes, an interview is required to complete APU's application and is an important part of APU’s application process. You will have an interview in person, online or by telephone. For those living outside Japan, it will not be necessary for you to travel to Japan for your interview. Q9. How will I be notified of my screening result? A9. Your screening result will only be available by post and online after the result notification date. This notification will include both the admission and scholarship screening results. These results will not be available by phone or email. Q10. I would like to talk with an APU student directly to find out what it is like to study at APU. Is there a way I can do this? A10. Yes, by signing up for an APU Online Chat, you may talk directly with APU students in English or Japanese during the application process. These are available on the second and fourth Wednesday each month and you may register for one through the APU Online Application System (http://admissions.apu.ac.jp). Q11. I would like more detailed information about APU. Where should I look? A11. Please visit the Admissions website (http://admissions.apu.ac.jp) for detailed information. We also have a Facebook page (http://www.facebook.com/Ritsumeikan.APU) and a YouTube page (http://www.youtube.com/RitsumeikanAPU) available. For specific questions, email our office directly at welcome@apu.ac.jp. Q12. How can I stay up to date on my application status? A12. During the application process, please be sure to check your email regularly. This will be the primary method of contact and we will send you important updates regarding your application. Q13. I want to apply as a transfer student. What are the application procedures for this? A13. For information on applying as a transfer student, please visit the Admissions website (http://admissions.apu.ac.jp). 3. ATTENDING APU Q14. I was accepted to APU! How do I start the enrollment process? A14. There are two steps to the enrollment process: Enrollment Procedure 1 and Enrollment Procedure 2. These enrollment procedures are outlined below and must be completed prior to enrollment by a stipulated deadline. Please refer to the Admissions website (http://admissions.apu.ac.jp) or Admissions Handbook for more details. ENROLLMENT PROCEDURE 1 Payment of the Admission Fee (130,000 JPY) This fee is required from all students, regardless of scholarship amount, and is non-refundable under any circumstances. ENROLLMENT PROCEDURE 2 Payment of Partial Tuition for Semester 1 (See the chart below for amount of payment.) For APU Tuition Reduction Scholarship recipients, this amount will decrease based on the percentage awarded, as shown in the following chart. APU Tuition Reduction Scholarship Percentage 0% Partial Tuition Due Before Enrollment 370,000 JPY 30% 259,000 JPY 50% 185,000 JPY 65% 129,500 JPY 80% 74,000 JPY 100% 0 JPY Payment of Comprehensive Renters’ Insurance Fee (15,100 JPY) This fee is required from all students for protection in case of liability, regardless of scholarship amount. This fee is subject to change. Payment of AP House Entrance Fee (188,000 JPY for April Enrollment or 168,500 JPY for September Enrollment) This fee is required from all students, regardless of scholarship amount. Advance Payment of Fees (if applicable) Applicable students must pay in advance certain fees such as out-of-pocket tuition expenses for their first year. The total amount will be included in the invoice of the enrollment fees. This system provides assurance to the Japanese Immigration Bureau that the student has sufficient financial resources for their first year of studies. Submissions of Documents Several documents must be submitted as part of your enrollment procedures. For details, visit http://admissions.apu.ac.jp. Q15. Do I need a visa to study in Japan? If so, how do I obtain this visa? A15. Yes, as a general rule, all international students require a student visa to study in Japan. APU will assist you in the visa process once you are accepted by applying for a Certificate of Eligibility (COE) on your behalf for free. Once you receive the COE from APU, you must apply for the student visa at a nearby Japanese embassy/consulate. Q16. What is APU’s tuition? A16. The yearly tuition at APU is as follows: First Year Second, Third and Fourth Year 1,328,000 JPY 1,412,000 JPY Q17. What is the cost of living for APU students? A17. While the amount varies, we estimate that you will spend around 900,000 JPY per year on living expenses. Q18. What kind of scholarships are available at APU and how do I apply for one? A18. APU offers a number of scholarships to outstanding international students which come in the form of a tuition reduction of 30%, 50%, 65%, 80% or 100% lasting for four years of study. The scholarships are based on a number of factors including, but not limited to, past academic performance, language ability, extracurricular activities, personal achievements, economic factors, your application documents and interview. Should you wish to apply for a scholarship, we require that you submit a scholarship essay together with your general application. If successful, you will be notified of your reduction amount when you receive your screening result by post and online. All students are required to have student visa status within Japan at the time of enrollment to be awarded a Tuition Reduction Scholarship. Q19. Are there any other scholarships available beside the APU Tuition Reduction Scholarship? A19. Once at APU, there are a number of other scholarship opportunities for tuition and living expenses. Details will be made available to you after enrollment. Q20. What is the closest major international airport to Beppu? A20. Fukuoka Airport is the closest major airport with many international destinations. Fukuoka is Japan’s sixth largest city and only a two hour train ride away from Beppu. Q21. Is there any support available to help me travel to APU after I arrive in Japan? A21. Arrival assistance is organized to help you get from Fukuoka Airport or Oita Airport to APU when you first arrive in Japan. Please note this is available only on certain dates. Q22. What should I prepare to bring with me to Japan? A22. Because House Activity Organizers (HAOs) from AP House hold "shopping tours" after you arrive at APU to help you buy any necessities you may not have, you need only bring minimal luggage with you to Japan and can purchase anything else you need in Beppu. Q23. My family cannot travel to Japan to attend the entrance ceremony/graduation ceremony. Is there any way for them to watch these events online? A23. The entrance ceremonies and graduation ceremonies are streamed live online through Ustream so those who are unable to travel to Japan can still watch these events at http://www.ustream.tv/channel/ritsumeikan-apu. Your family can keep up with other on campus events as well by regularly checking APU's website (www.apu.ac.jp). Q24. What options are available to students in regard to specific dietary restrictions, different religions, etc.? A24. There are several places to buy halal food and vegetarian food both on and off campus. There is also a mosque and churches in Beppu that many APU students choose to attend. ADMISSIONS GUIDE 26
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