April 6, 2015, Moscow, Russia PRESS-RELEASE Synergy announces its financial results for the full year 2014: sales increased by 5% and amounted to 46 814 RUR million, net revenue increased by 7% and amounted to 28,163 RUR million, gross profit showed 7% increase and amounted to 12,028 RUR million. Synergy OJSC (Synergy, Synergy Group of Companies, Group or Company) (MOEX: SYNG), the leading spirits producer in Russia, today announces consolidated financial results for the full year 2014, prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). Key financial figures for full year 2014 and major corporate events: Sales in volume terms -12% Net Revenue +7% Alcohol Segment Revenue +6% Gross Profit +7% Alcohol Segment Gross Profit +5% EBITDA -19% Synergy has entered into important long-term agreements with Distell LTD and Cono Sur to distribute the South-African liquor and Chilean wines in Russia; The distribution agreement for 5 years was signed with the Spanish brandy producer Torres; The Company has also signed an agreement with the Dominican company Barcelo Export Import S.R.L. Under the agreement, Synergy obtained exclusive rights to sell a popular brand - rum Ron Barcelo on the territory of Russia; The Rating Agency Fitch has upgraded the international credit rating of the Company from B to B+ level. Synergy OJSC was assigned stable outlook rating; The brand Belenkaya was awarded Product of the Year 2014 as the best vodka. Page 1 of 12 SYNERGY GROUP Press release. IFRS Consolidated Financial Results 2014. Commenting the financial results, the Chairman of the Board Alexander Mechetin said, "In 2014, the Company continued its development under a long-term strategy focused on innovative and diversified approach to the business. Against the backdrop of a significant increase of the excise rates at the beginning of the reporting year and general unstable economic environment in 2014, Synergy demonstrated growth of certain financial figures owing to intensive development of the Company in all areas of activities. The Company increased sales by 5% following the results of the year. Our sales were supported by pro-active pricing policy and dynamic development of export/import transactions. The Company increased its gross profit by 7% having kept profitability on the 2013 level. Despite that shipment decreased by 12%, Company showed at the same time considerably the best dynamic in comparison with the general spirits market which was reduced by 22%. That is allowed Synergy to increase its market share. The decrease of EBITDA to 19% was determined by increase of the excise tax by 25% at the beginning of the year, which contributed to the growth of the illegal market share. It should be mentioned that, at the end of 2014, in the view of the Russian Government’s Resolution on excise rates freeze, the distributors of the Company did not increase stocks of finished products as it had happened in previous years and supported sales in Q4. At the same time, the Company's management thinks that excise rates freeze on the current level will positively influence on the spirits market in general and will help to stabilize it. Currently, Synergy is a leader on alcoholic beverages market, owning well-diversified brands-leaders and unique distribution platform. It is an independent importer #1 of premium brands and one of the greatest exporters of spirits in the country. In the reporting period, the Company continued building the presence of its super-premium brand Beluga, export of which rose by 21% in volume terms. In general, export transactions of the Company increased by 27%, and import by 37% in 2014. The important stages of the development of the Synergy's distribution business in 2014 are exclusive agreements with the South-African and Spanish partners - Distell LTD and Torres. Now, the Company represents cream-liquor #2 in the world Amarula and brandy Torres on the territory of Russia. Besides, Ron Barcelo rum and wine trade marks inclusive of worldwide popular series of the Chilean wines Cono Sur were added to the Company’s portfolio. Currently, Synergy strongly operates in the majority of highly profitable fields, that has positive impact on the profitability of Synergy in general and directly influences on its stability. We should mention that Fitch International Rating Agency has upgraded the international credit rating of the Company from B to B+ level with stable outlook rating assigned. In the official release, the Fitch Agency highlighted that Synergy occupies leading positions on the Russian market which are supported by strong brands portfolio, well developed distribution platform, and a significant scale of activity in comparison with the majority of it’s competitors." Page 2 of 12 SYNERGY GROUP Press release. IFRS Consolidated Financial Results 2014. FINANCIAL OVERVIEW Financial Performance and Operations Results The table below illustrates the consolidated financial results of the Company’s activities for the year 2014 as compared with the year 2013. (in million roubles, except for those indicators which are otherwise stated) 2014 2013 Change Sales, thousands dL 11,021 12,534 -12% Sales, including excise 46,814 44,594 +5% Net Revenue 28,163 26,378 +7% COGS 16,135 15,098 +7% Gross Profit 12,028 11,280 +7% Gross Profit Margin, % 42.7% 42.8% -0.1pp General and Administrative Expenses 2,411 2,053 +17% Distribution Expenses 7,389 5,871 +26% 2,973 10.6% 3,674 13.9% -19% -3.3pp Operating Income 2,274 3,127 -27% Operating Income Margin, % 8.1% 11.9% -3.8pp 945 1,202 -21% Net Income 1,090 1,541 -29% Net Income Margin, % 3.9% 5.8% -1.9pp Earnings per Share, RUR 61.73 82.32 -25% EBITDA EBITDA Margin, % Net Financial Expenses The excise tax significantly increased on January 1, 2014, which resulted in an overall strong alcohol market decrease by over 22%. Synergy Group sales showed a 12% decrease (from 12,534 million dL to 11,021 million dL), however, due to an increase in shipment prices and intense development of export-import operations, the Company managed to completely mitigate this decline (Net revenue increase by 7% from ₽26,378m to ₽28,163m). Gross Margin remained stable, thus gross profit showed the same increase as revenue +7% to ₽12,028m. General and administrative expenses increased by 17% to ₽2,411m through increase in wages and growth in office rent expenses mostly nominated in US Dollars. Growth in sales expenses by 26% was addressed to maintain market share under background of declining sales and simultaneous increase in shipment prices. Substantial share of sales expenses correlates with product price where excise is included and grows in line with excise tax rate (increase by 25% since 1 January 2014). The consolidated 2014 EBITDA decreased by 19% from ₽3,674m to ₽2,973m. Decline in the figure was forced by key factors: 1) Excise tax rate increase by 25% since 1 January 2014 led to substantial growth of non-excise production, followed by decrease of legal market. 2) Regular seasonal driver of additional sales was absent at the end of the year 2014. Distributing companies used to build additional stocks ahead of scheduled excise tax increase since 1 January of the following year. But in 2015-2016 excise tax rate was Page 3 of 12 SYNERGY GROUP Press release. IFRS Consolidated Financial Results 2014. set flat by government decision and distributers had no intention to set up extra inventories in November-December 2014. The Group estimates influence of this factor as 1 million dL shortfall in shipments and ₽350-400m lack in operational income. Nevertheless the Group is positive over excise tax rate freeze during future 2 years and expects recent government measures in aiding producers to be effective. Net Profit decreased by 29% from ₽1,541m to ₽1,090m. Main drivers of the decline are the same as for EBITDA with additional influence of increase in interest expense. Growth of interest expense is also connected with excise tax rate growth through additional requirements for bank guarantees and financing of growing accounts receivable. Segment reporting The table below illustrates changes in segment revenue and gross profit for the year 2014 as compared with 2013. The data presented below does not include intersegment revenue. (RUR million) Alcohol Segment 2014 Increase 2013 Food Segment 2014 Increase 2013 Revenue 22,441 +6% 21,150 5,722 +9% 5,228 Gross Profit 10,779 +5% 10,253 1,369 +33% 1,027 Gross Profit Margin, % 48.0% -0.5pp 48.5% 23.9% +4.3pp 19.6% Alcohol Segment Drivers for alcohol segment results are the same as for the Group as a whole – decrease in volumes covered by increase in revenue on the back of increase in prices and dynamic diversification of the Group operations. Food Segment Impact on the Group Results Significant positive contribution to results of the segment was made by Mikhailovskaya Poultry Plant. After reconstruction finished in 2013 the plant increased production efficiency followed by substantial improvement of profitability on the back of the favourable pricing environment. Page 4 of 12 SYNERGY GROUP Press release. IFRS Consolidated Financial Results 2014. Capital Structure The table below illustrates changes in the equity structure as of December 31, 2014, as compared to the previous period. (in million roubles, except for those indicators which are otherwise stated) December 31, 2014 December 31, 2013 Year-on-Year Total Debt 8,708 6,679 +30.4% Long-Term Debt 5,544 5,802 -4.5% Short-Term Debt 2,904 877 +261.6% Share of long-term debt in total debt, % 64% 87% -23pp Share of unsecured liabilities in total debt, % 49% 62% -13pp 482 467 +3.2% Total Capital and Reserves 19,144 18,369 +4.2% Total Capital 25,220 24,716 +2% 2.77 1.69 +63.6% Cash and Equivalents Net Debt / EBITDA In 2014 total debt increased by ₽2,029m and amounted to ₽8,708m. Increase in accounts receivable, growth in stocks of raw materials and shares buy-back (₽418m in 2014) required additional financing while cash outflow on decreasing tax liabilities was mitigated by positive effect of reduced finished goods stock. Increase in accounts receivable was stimulated by growing excise tax rate as receivables contain both VAT and excise. The fact that excise tax rate stays stable till the end of the year 2016 allows to expect that additional working capital requirements will not arise in 2015. In addition the Group intends to implement set of measures to reduce working capital. Fitch ratings agency was positive on excise tax rate freeze which will allow to stabilize the market and upgraded in December Synergy's Long-term foreign and local currency Issuer Default Ratings (IDRs) to 'B+' from 'B' and a National Long-term Rating from “BBB+” (rus) to “A-” (rus). The Outlook is Stable. Page 5 of 12 SYNERGY GROUP Press release. IFRS Consolidated Financial Results 2014. About Synergy, Co OJSC “Synergy” is the leading diversified spirits group in Russia with a 15% share of the legal vodka market in Russia. The Company`s strategic focus lays on production and distribution of alcoholic beverages. Synergy is #1 Russian independent importer of spirits. Synergy possesses its own distributional platform, ensuring the largest possible market coverage, and diversified portfolio of federal brands, addressing market demands across the full spectrum of price points, from the low-middle to the super-premium price segments. The Company`s federal brand portfolio includes super-premium vodka Beluga, premium vodka Veda, sub-premuim vodkas Myagkov and Russky Lyod, middle vodka Belenkaya, low-middle vodka Gosudarev Zakaz and brandy Zolotoy Reserv. The Company operates seven spirits production plants and one of the largest distributional platform in Russia. Synergy is the exclusive distributor of one of the global premium spirits producer William Grant & Sons, representing in Russia such brands as Scottish whisky Glenfiddich, Grant’s, Clan McGregor, The Balvenie, gin Hendrick’s and Irish whisky Tullamore Dew. In addition to this, the Company distributes also the products of French house of Camus cognac. Also the imported portfolio of Synergy includes Ron Barcelo rum, Amarula liqueur, Milagro tequila, brandy "Tsar Tigran", "Yerevan Traditional" and the balms line of Latvijas balzams. The combination of strong portfolio of brands, strong production base and developed sales system supports Synergy`s competitive advantages and profound organic growth year on year. Click on http://sygroup.ru/ for more information on the Company. For further information please contact: Prokhor Malytin Director, Public Relations OJSC “Synergy” Sergey Kuptsov Director, Corporate finance OJSC “Synergy” Tel. +7 495 510 26 95 Fax +7 495 510 26 97 e-mail: malyutin@sygroup.ru Tel. +7 495 510 26 95 Fax +7 495 510 26 97 e-mail: kuptsov@sygroup.ru Page 6 of 12 SYNERGY GROUP Press release. IFRS Consolidated Financial Results 2014. Cautionary note concerning forward looking statements Matters discussed in this press release may constitute forward-looking statements. Forwardlooking statements are the statements other than ones related to the historical facts. The words “believe”, “expect”, “anticipate”, “intend”, “estimate”, “will”, “may”, "continue", “should” and similar expressions identify the forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements include statements regarding: objectives, goals, strategies, outlook and growth prospects; future plans, events or performance and potential for future growth; liquidity, capital resources and capital expenditures; economic outlook and industry trends; developments of our markets; the impact of regulatory initiatives; and the strength of our competitors. The forward-looking statements in this press release are based upon various assumptions and estimates based on management’s examination of historical operating trends, data contained in our records and other data available from third parties. Although we believe that these assumptions and estimates were reasonable when made, they are inherently subject to significant known and unknown risks, uncertainties, contingencies and other important factors which are difficult or impossible to predict and are beyond our control. Such risks, uncertainties, contingencies and other important factors could cause the actual results of Synergy, Co. or the industry to differ materially from those results expressed or implied in this press release by such forward-looking statements. Such risks, uncertainties, contingencies and other important factors include, among others: political and social developments; general economic, market and business conditions; trends in the markets in which we operate or plan to operate; our business and growth strategies; planned acquisitions or divestitures; our expansion into other geographic regions or market segments; the effects of legislation, regulation, bureaucracy or taxation on our business; and our anticipated future revenues, capital expenditures and financial resources. Accordingly, such forward-looking statements cannot be relied on, and neither Synergy, Co., nor any other person can assure you that projected results will be achieved in the future. The information, opinions and forward-looking statements contained in this presentation speak only as at the date of this presentation, and are subject to change without notice. Neither Synergy, Co. nor any other person undertakes, nor do they have any obligation, to provide updates or to revise any forward-looking statements except as may be required by applicable law and regulation. Page 7 of 12 APPENDIX SYNERGY GROUP Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2014 (All amounts in Russian Rubles million, unless stated otherwise) CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME 2014 Sales 2013 46 814 44 594 Excise duties (18 651) (18 216) Net revenue 28 163 26 378 Cost of sales (16 135) (15 098) Gross profit 12 028 11 280 General and administrative expenses (2 411) (2 053) Distribution expenses (7 389) (5 871) 46 (229) Operating profit 2 274 3 127 Net finance costs (945) (1 202) Profit before tax 1 329 1 925 Income tax (239) (384) Total comprehensive income for the period 1 090 1 541 1 065 1 486 25 55 61.73 82.32 Other income/(expense) Attributable to Equity holders of the Company Non-controlling interest Basic earnings per share (expressed in Russian Rubles per share) Page 8 of 12 APPENDIX SYNERGY GROUP Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2014 (All amounts in Russian Rubles million, unless stated otherwise) CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION 31 December 2014 31 December 2013 ASSETS Non-current assets Property, plant and equipment Goodwill Intangible assets Other long-term assets Deferred tax assets Total non-current assets 7 021 6 327 235 213 7 002 6 693 122 254 456 506 14 836 13 993 5 355 7 096 290 163 13 153 12 162 571 383 Current assets Inventories Biological assets Trade and other receivables Prepayments Income tax overpaid 32 18 482 467 Total current assets 19 883 20 289 TOTAL ASSETS 34 719 34 282 Share capital 2 495 2 495 Treasury Shares (785) (733) 11 127 10 062 Cash and cash equivalents SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Equity and reserves Retained earnings Other reserves Total equity attributable to shareholders of OAO Synergy Non-controlling interest Total equity and reserves 5 572 5 829 18 409 17 653 735 716 19 144 18 369 5 544 5 804 Non-current liabilities Loans and borrowings Deferred tax liabilities Total non-current liabilities 532 543 6 076 6 347 Current liabilities Loans and borrowings 3 164 875 Trade and other payables 6 153 8 377 Income tax payable Total current liabilities TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY AND LIABILITIES 182 314 9 499 9 566 34 719 34 282 Page 9 of 12 APPENDIX SYNERGY GROUP Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2014 (All amounts in Russian Rubles million, unless stated otherwise) CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY Treasury Shares Retained earnings Other reserves Total shareholder s' equity Non– controlli ng interest 2 567 (704) 8 576 6 263 16 702 669 17 371 – – – – – 1 1 – – – – – (9) (9) Share capital Balance at 31 December 2012 Other changes in non–controlling interest Dividends accrued to non– controlling interest Repurchase of own shares Total – (101) – (434) (535) – (535) Cancellation of shares (72) 72 – – – – – Total changes, not recorded into net profit (72) (29) – (434) (535) (8) (543) Total comprehensive income for the period – – 1 486 – 1 486 55 1 541 Balance at 31 December 2013 2 495 (733) 10 062 5 829 17 653 716 18 369 Other changes in non–controlling interest – – – – – 1 1 Dividends accrued to non– controlling interest – – – – – (7) (7) Share based benefits – 20 – 89 109 – 109 Repurchase of own shares – (72) – (346) (418) – (418) Total changes, not recorded into net profit – (52) – (257) (309) (6) (315) Total comprehensive income for the period – – 1 065 – 1 065 25 1 090 Balance at 31 December 2014 2 495 (785) 11 127 5 572 18 409 735 19 144 Page 10 of 12 APPENDIX SYNERGY GROUP Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2014 (All amounts in Russian Rubles million, unless stated otherwise) CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT 2014 2013 Cash flows from operating activities Profit before income tax and finance costs 2 274 3 127 Depreciation and amortisation 699 547 (Gain)/loss on disposal of property, plant and equipment (10) 66 Share based benefits 109 – (Gain) on change in fair value of biological assets (87) (12) 78 (47) 1 826 (288) (Increase)/decrease in accounts receivable (1 288) (2 553) Increase/(decrease) in accounts payable (2 854) 1 765 747 2 605 Adjustments to reconcile profit to cash generated from operations Other non-cash transactions Changes in working capital: (Increase)/decrease in inventories and biological assets Cash flows from operating activities Interest paid (1 265) (1 276) Income tax paid (360) (319) Net cash flow from operating activities (878) 1 010 11 44 (790) (1 147) Cash flows from investing activities Acquisition of subsidiaries Acquisition of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets Disposal of property, plant and equipment Net cash flow from investing activities 96 450 (683) (653) (418) (535) Cash flows from financing activities Repurchase of own shares Dividends paid to non-controlling interest Loans received Loans repaid Net cash flow from financing activities Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents (16) – 30 926 22 813 (28 916) (22 875) 1 576 (597) 15 (240) Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of the year 467 707 Cash and cash equivalents at end of the year 482 467 Page 11 of 12 APPENDIX SYNERGY GROUP Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2014 (All amounts in Russian Rubles million, unless stated otherwise) EBITDA CALCULATION (UNAUDITED) 2014 Profit for the period 2013 1 090 1 541 Income tax 239 384 Net finance costs 945 1 202 Depreciation and amortisation EBITDA 699 547 2 973 3 674 *- EBITDA represents net income before interest, income taxes and depreciation and amortization, adjusted for interest income, and other financial expenses. EBITDA margin is EBITDA expressed as a percentage of sales. The Company presents EBITDA because it considers it an important supplemental measure of the operating performance. EBITDA has limitations as an analytical tool, and it should not be considered in isolation, or as substitute for analysis of our operating results as reported under IFRS. Moreover, other companies may calculate EBITDA differently or may use it for different purposes than Synergy, Co. does, limiting its usefulness as a comparative measure. EBITDA also should not be considered as an alternative to cash flow from operating activities or as a measure of our liquidity. Page 12 of 12
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