FROM THE EAST Notice to all Past Masters of Adoniram Lodge # 288 !!! You are Invited to Attend the Past Masters Night on Thursday May 28, 2015 at 6:30 p.m. We will be honoring all Past Masters that attend !! Eddie Carlan Worship Master FROM THE WEST OFFICERS FOR 2015 Worshipful Master Eddie Carlan Senior Warden Thomas Ezell If you had three wishes, what would you wish for? Most people would wish to: Jerrell Wade Treasurer Stan Fisher 2. Win the lottery; Senior Deacon 3. Have peace on earth. Christopher Smith Living forever, although it seems immortal, is one of the most mortal parts of mankind’s abilities. We all live Junior Deacon you will remember you - and that remembrance will keep you living forever. Winning the lottery is much more difficult. First you have to play in order to win, and then be one out of twenty million. But, all of this does not matter, because we have enough for ourselves and our families. We have enough to live on and to survive; we may not have it as easy as others, but we have enough. Peace on earth is a matter of cooperation and understanding. The more we understand each other, the less Cell---570-8460 Home-847-4851 Cell----257-0744 Secretary 1. Live forever; forever, for as long as you do live, that is forever. When your body expires, your spirit lives on and people who know Cell---912-1989 Junior Warden W.J. Partington-P.M. Brethren : Cell----413-7069 John Cook III Cell---231-5545 1-870-565-5559 Home-590-5715 Sr. M. Ceremony Stacy Garrett Cell---920-041 Jr. M. Ceremony JayP. Massiet Cell---993-3353 Chaplain difficult it will be to cooperate and achieve peace. We can be sure that some have other wants or needs - noble and selfish - but what about an alternative? D’Arthur Ridens Cell---231-0331 Tyler How about ABILITY, STRENGTH, and WISDOM? With ability, TEMPERANCE would be easy. If you have the ability to accomplish what you wish, temperance David Byrns Home-565-1454 would be the first accomplishment. To be able to control one’s desires is the goal of every good man. This would make it easy for you to help others through your example and your knowledge. With strength, FORTITUDE is a part. To be strong of character, you must have fortitude. Fortitude is the driving force in strength of character. This would give you the skill to deal with those who would subvert the good that you are trying to do. With wisdom, PRUDENCE would be found, and JUSTICE could be served. Prudence is a part of wisdom. To be wise is to be prudent. Justice is known to a wise person. Thus, to be wise is to have the know-how to administer justice. Having the knowledge to use prudence and dispense justice can only come from wisdom. Thus, we would be able to tell who is in need, and who is causing the pain of need. So if given three wishes, maybe we should wish for: Adoniram Phone # 501-455-1725 NOTICE TO ALL FAMILY MEMBERS OF ADONIRAM LODGE # 288 If a lodge member passes away and the family wants a Masonic Service. Please Notify Bill Partington to request the services @ Cell 501-257-0744 or Home 501-847-4851 1. The ability to help those in need. 2. The strength to forgive those who cause pain. 3. The wisdom to know the difference. If we all did this, we would still live forever; we would all be richer, and peace on earth would last for an eternity. Trestle Board Deadline 12 Noon The Saturday after The Stated Meeting!! E:MAIL ARTICLES TO Travel Safely, Brethren… Thomas Ezell Senior Warden for the TRESTLE BOARD Adoniram Lodge # 288 Family Night & Past Masters Night Thursday May 28,2015 6:30 P.M. May 2015 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 1 Saturday 2 Adoniram 7 til 9 am Instructions We need to have a good turnout to Honor all the Masons that have served as the Master of Adoniram Lodge in the past years!! CELL PHONE FOUND !!!!! Contact Jerry Wilkerson @ 680-0143 to identify brand & service to reclaim!!! 3 4 IORG #99 10 17 OES #604 Adoniram Instructions 11 13 12 7:00 p.m. 7 Adoniram 14 IORG #99 IORG #99 Adoniram Adoniram Brady Mtg. 6:00 p.m. Instructions Instructions 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 20 Adoniram 21 Adoniram IORG #99 19 Sisterhood 6:00 p.m. A Free Mason forged out of the materials of his Lodge in 1754. 25 8 9 Adoniram Breakfast Stated Mtg. Dinner 6 pm Meeting 7 pm Stated Mtg. 6:30 p.m. 18 24 6 Board Mtg & Stated Mtg. Sisterhood Dinner 6 pm 6:00 p.m. Initiation 7 pm A FREE MASON Behold a Master Mason rare; Whose mystic Portrait does declare; The secrets of Free Masonry. Fair for all to read and see; But few there are to whom they’re known; Tho’ they so plainly here are shown. 5 7 til 9 am 15 7 til 9 am Instructions IORG # 99 Installation 5 pm 22 26 IORG #99 IORG #99 Stated Mtg. 6:30 p.m. Brady Mtg. 6:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 27 Adoniram 28 Adoniram Instructions 7:00 p.m. 31 23 Adoniram Instructions Instructions 7:00 p.m. 16 Adoniram 7 til 9 am Instructions 29 30 Adoniram Family Night & Past Masters 6:30 pm 7 til 9 am Instructions June 2015 Sunday There are at least 10 Masonic symbols in the image . How many can you find? answer is below. Monday 1 IORG #99 Tuesday 2 OES #60 Wednesday 3 Adoniram Thursday 4 Adoniram Friday 5 Board Mtg & Stated Mtg. Instructions Stated Mtg. Dinner 6 pm Sisterhood Dinner 6 pm 7:00 p.m. Meeting 7 pm 6:00 p.m. Meeting 7 pm 7 8 9 10 Adoniram 11 Adoniram Instructions Instructions 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Saturday 6 Adoniram 7 til 9 am Instructions 12 13 Adoniram Breakfast 7 til 9 am
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