INS'ITW D=flAUTES ,{ ETUD€s tNTEnNATToNAL€s tr Du olvEloppEHrNr GRADUAE INSTITU}E OF IflTEiNAIIOilAL OryELOFMEN} FondJtionPiere du Bois ANO SDIES ffi&ffi pourl'histoire du temps pr6sent SUrss Hrrrou*r. SEiEHEE FouHD{T.ori Conference States and Terrorism: An Ambivalent Relationship Programme Conference Venue, Graduate lnstitute, Room A2 Thursday, T 9:30 May 2015 Welcome and lntroductions Jussi Hanhimdki/Bernhard Blumenau 10:00 - 11 :30 Panel ! - The Cold War & Terrorism: Mvths and Misinterpretations Chair: Jussi Hanhimdki, Graduate lnstitute Thomas Riegler, Vienna -'Gladio- yrh and Reality" Tobias Hof, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, US - 'Sfafe lnvolvement in RighlWing Terrorism in ltaly and West Germany: Myth or Reality?" Adrian Hdnni, University of Zurich, CH - "The JackalDrssecfed Carlos and the Myth of a Sovr'ef Terrorist Conspiracy" 11:30 - '12:00 Coffee break 12:00 - 13:00 Panel ll - The US and State (Sponsored) Terror Chair: Andrea Chiampan, Graduate lnstitute Barbara Zanchetta, Graduate lnstitute, CH, - "The lJnited Sfafes and 'Operation Condor': Cold War or staLte sponsored terrorism?" imperatives Silke Zoller, Temple University, US, -'S/afes and A/on-Sfafe Actors in Counteftefforism" 13:00 - 14:30 Lunch break 14:30 - 16:30 Panel lll - Europe and Terrorism Chair: Barbara Zanchetta, Graduate Institute Felix Jimenez, Boston College, US - "Ihe Potitics of South American State Terrorism in 197as West Germany" Bernhard Blumenau, Graduate lnstitute, CH - "lJnholy Alliance. The Stasi-Hepp Connection and East German Support for Western Right-Wing Terrorists." Andrea Chiampan, Graduate lnstitute, CH - "Encountering Violence: State and Terror in ltaly's anni di piombo" Przemyslaw Gasztold-Se6, lnstitute of National Remembrance, Warsaw, PL, - "The Arms Trade, Espionage and Embargoed Goods: Polish Military lntelligence and lnternationalTerrorism in the 1970s and 1980s" 16:30 -17:0O 17:00 Kevnote address oh amedou, G radu ate I n stitute/ GCSP At Qaeda to the lstamic State: The Evolution of Contemporary Traitsnational Terrorism" M o h am m "From Coffee break ad-M ah m o ud O utd M Gonference dinner - Location tbd Friday, 9:00 I May 2015 - 10:30 Panel IV - Tra.Irsnational Terrorism and 'Natignal Liberation? Chair: Bernhard Blumenau, Graduate lnstitute Felicitas Fischer von Weikersthal, University of Heidelberg, D, - "Terrorists and Statesmen. Terrorism and the Polish Fight for lndependence lsabella Ginor/ Gideon Remez, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, lsrael, - "The KGB's Abduction Program and the PFLP: New Evidence" Daniel Rickenbacher, ETH Zurich, CH, - "The lslamicsfafe's Ambivalence: From Hybnd Warfare to Transnationalism" 10:30 - 11 :00 Coffee break ' :: trl i = UIF- '\" 11:00 -12:00 M o derati o n : Roundtable discussion: State (Sponsored) Terrorism: Former Trends and New Tendencies M o h amm ad- M ah m o u d O uId M o h am e d o u. G rad u ate I n stitute,' GCSP Yonah Alexander, lnter-University Center for Terrorism Studies, Washington, DC USA Jussi Hanhimdki,.Graduate lnstitute Frangois-Bernard Huyghe, lnstitut de Relations lnternationales et Strat6giques Paris, France 12:00 - 13:30 Lunch
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