THE ADVANCED SCIENCE JOURNAL EDUCATION RECEIVED 25.03.2015 ACCEPTED 25.04.2015 PUBLISHED 01.06.2015 DOI: 10.15550/ASJ.2015.03.017 A NEW PARADIGM OF EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES V. Lesovik Belgorod State Technological University Kostyukov Str., 46, Belgorod 308012 Russia Abstract. The paper regards methodological approaches and grounds for transdisciplinary approach in educational activities as a consequence of new area of research - geonics (geomimetics). Implementation of the new transdisciplinary research trend is aimed at enhancing the system "a human-material-habitat" and a set of cognitive processes. Keywords: interdisciplinary, transdisciplinary research geonics, geomimetics, educational activities. Introduction Homo Sapiens species (intelligent creatures) has sought to explore the world, objects, phenomena etc., from the very beginning of its evolutionary path. In the VI-V century BC philosophy appeared. The first philosophers (Pythagoras, Heraclitus, Plato, Aristotle, and others) directed their minds to address the relationship of the world and a human being, a reasonable arrangement and purpose of human life, the value of wisdom is to balance the complex relationship between the man and the world, to bring knowledge and action into harmony (Ilichev, 1983; Nikiforov, 1998). With the time, the sources of cognition and research methods have differentiated. From the philosophy the matter of Sciences, physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics, etc have appeared. The research trends have narrowed and became more specific. Although differentiation contributes to a significant increase in the accuracy and depth of knowledge of a narrow range of phenomena and processes, it also weakens the bonds between individual disciplines. It even happens that experts in narrow areas of the same science are often unable to understand each other’s theory or research methods. If we regard the evolution of science and education of pre-industrial society to the present day, we will see a well known factor that pre-industrial society was characterized by pre-classical science, monodisciplinary character of research and education. In a primitive society, one teacher taught just one pupil and there was a common science - philosophy. Then sciences like mathematics, physics, biology, chemistry, and a number of other sciences appeared out of it and already in the industrial society, classical science assumed a disciplinary character of basic science and education. Thus, for example, training of engineers required lecturing in 50 subjects, which were often not related between each other. And only in the industrial society at the end of 30-40-ies of the 20th there began combining trends in century in science. Interdisciplinary studies started. And it is the objective reality. At the junction of scientific research there appeared new knowledge through synergy effect. Nowadays, the trend of development of science requires solving highly complicated problems which can be solved through transdisciplinary approaches to teaching. Classical approaches which existed before, cannot lead to new breakthrough results. Method Transdisciplinary approach to education is based on a large-scale use and transfer of knowledge, laws, cognitive schemes from one discipline to another, with receiving emergent properties, i.e. properties, which individual parts of the system or discipline do not posses, however they are a consequence of the effect of system integrity. This approach involves the formation of complex of disciplines to address global transdisciplinary tasks. A new transdisciplinary scientific field - geonics (geomimetics) makes it possible to solve such problems due to the use of its foundations (Lesovik, 1994, 2012a, 2012b, 2014a; Wiener, 1948). Geonics (geomimetics) VOLUME 2015 ISSUE 3 17 ISSN 2219-746X EISSN 2219-7478 is a transdisciplinary science which solves engineering problems with the account of knowledge gained in the study of geological and cosmochemical processes in order to optimize the system "a human being-materialhabitat", the development of new production technologies and materials, etc.. Fig. 1. Trends of cybernetics Results Implementation of theoretical foundations and a systematic approach to solving the objectives set was settled in the new scientific trend geonics (geomimetics) which allowed the development of methodological basis for the creation of efficient obtaining a new generation of composites. Taking into account the foundations of geonics (geomimetics) the "Law of affinity structures" was proposed. It involves designing layered composites and repair systems at the nano-, micro- and macro-level, similar to the basic matrix, resulting in a significant increase in adhesion and durability of materials (Lesovik, 2011, 2013). Creating construction materials, we are not still unable to achieve the quality and properties of their natural analogues. For example, foamed glass with a density of 250-300 kg / m3, has a compressive strength of 1.5-3 MPa and porous basalts and others, porous volcanic rock of the same density are 5-6 times greater in strength. The same is true for cellular concrete of hydration hardening, or masonry is such an anisotropic system, which resembles banded rocks. However, if masonry structures have tensile strength of 0.7-1.5 MPa, banded rocks have tensile strength up to 70 MPa. It is the study of the microstructure of rocks, which allowed us to significantly improve the quality of similar materials. The highly heat-insulating fiberglass-construction of new generation have been developed on the basis of technogenic raw materials, having protective and decorative properties and high thermal insulation, strength and performance. By their structure and properties they are close to natural analogue - volcanic glass. Geonics (geomimetics) as a transdisciplinary field of research pays great attention to the development of new high-strength, intelligent materials. They must have an ordered adjustable structure, the new formations obtained must have high strength and low thermal conductivity, capable of self healing of structural defects and eliminate softening porosity (Lesovik, 2014b). We propose a system of internal care through the use of composite binders obtained by joint grinding of cement and tuff. This heteroporous rocks due to macro, micro, nanoporosity accumulate a part of water in hydrated concrete mix. 18 ADVANCEDSCIENCE.ORG THE ADVANCED SCIENCE JOURNAL During service, especially in hot climates where there is a shortage of liquid phase in the concrete particles, tuff, a part of the binder, give out capillary retained water, which leads to activation of structure formation, healing microdefects and hardening of the composite as a whole. Implementation of the concept design of building composites of the future has allowed to create a highstrength concrete with compressive strength of up to 170-200 MPa. The system of internal care in a hot climate will improve the effectiveness of building composites in hot climates In view of the above, the concept of "technogenic metasomatism in building materials" was suggested. Following Korzhinsky who formulated the idea of metasomatism for natural objects, we have formulated the concept of "technogenic metasomatism in building materials" for man-made objects (Lesovik, 2015). In the course of the whole activity of the objects of the inorganic world a huge amount of material is constantly transferred, the durability of building materials depends on it. Technogenic metasomatism is a stage in the evolution of building materials, characterized by adaptation of a composite to changing conditions occurring during the service of buildings and structures. The problem of optimizing the system "a human being - material - habitat" is the most important in the XXI century. And I think that the main goal of scientists all around the world is to ensure a comfortable existence of the human being in the system. If you count how much we - the Homo Sapiens species (thinking creatures) are spending to destroy the humans all over the world – for the weapons, this amount will a hundred times exceed the amount of funds spent for the maintenance of the system "a human - material habitat", i.e. on the development and the prosperity of people. Discussion Transition to transdisciplinary research in science must be accompanied by the development of a new paradigm of educational activities. Today, such approaches are associated with the introduction of new technologies in education, increasing student mobility, such as the use of remote access laboratory, conducting webinars and using other information technologies. It seems that the students in the near future, will choose the educational program, discipline, not as part of a university, and even the country, but throughout the world. Preference will be given to transdisciplinary systems, which will be conducted by leading scientists all around the world. Final graduation thesis will be made on the basis of leading scientific schools, engaged in transdisciplinary research. Transdisciplinarity character in education puts forward the objectives of developing a new paradigm of relations between the state-to-person, person-to-person, person-to-the organic world, a person to the inorganic world, and is based on a new paradigm in education. Transdisciplinary complexes should cover a number of issues - not only improvement of the existing technologies, but also the development and creation of new fields of knowledge. This algorithm is partially tested in Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov, which is one of the leading technical universities of the Russian Federation. Department of building materials, products and structures of the university is the leader among the departments of similar profile in the Russian Federation. Realization of the ideas of transdisciplinary approaches to the learning process has allowed us to make significant progress. The graduates of the department have won top awards at conferences, competitions, contests, etc. By the structure of students trained on undergraduate and graduate programs, we are approaching the performance level of the best universities in the world. The Department is actively cooperating with the leading universities in Russia: the Northern (Arctic) Federal University, Lomonosov Moscow State University, North-Eastern Federal University named after M.K. Ammosov, East Siberian State Technological University, Penza State University of Architecture and Construction, Saratov State Technical University, Ukrainian State Academy of Railway Transport and others, including the universities in Europe, the Arab countries and countries in Latin America. The department holds monthly webinars, lectures are given by professors from leading world universities. Conclusion Introduction of transdiscilpinary approaches in training engineers has increased the level of training. Students are constantly engaged in research work, make presentations at international forums, take part in contests for the best final qualifying thesis (diploma). VOLUME 2015 ISSUE 3 19 ISSN 2219-746X EISSN 2219-7478 Students, enrolled within the framework of the new paradigm, as a rule, proceed their studies as master degree students, postgraduate and doctoral students. Training students for the investigation of complex systems, developing and implementing future technologies adapted to rapidly changing information flows should be based on a transdisciplinary approach in educational activities. Department of building materials, products and structures at BSTU is ready for cooperation and implementation of a new paradigm of educational activities. References Ilichev, L.(1983). Philosophy encyclopedic dictionary. Sov. Encyclopedia, p. 840. Lesovik, V. (2011). Controlling the structure formation of building composites. Omsk Lesovik, V. (2012a). Geonics. Subject and objectives. Belgorod. Lesovik, V. (2012b). Reducing energy consumption of construction materials production of due to the use of energy of geological and technogenic processes. In: 18. Ibaus. Internationale Baustofftagung. Weimar. Lesovik, V. (2013). Creating effective insulation solutions, taking into account the law of affinity structures in construction materials. 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