training of existing businessmen in the south of the russian far east

ISSN 2219-746X EISSN 2219-7478
RECEIVED 13.03.2015 ACCEPTED 25.04.2015 PUBLISHED 01.06.2015
DOI: 10.15550/ASJ.2015.03.024
E. Pililyan
Far-Eastern Federal University
8, Sukhanova Str., Vladivostok 690091 Russia
Abstract. The article covers the forms and methods of training the business league of the contemporary
Russia in solving the matters of country’s innovation development at the modernization stage. That fact that
among the strategic tasks for the country the Far-Eastern direction is the priority for strengthening the
positions in the Asia Pacific and co-development with the business world of that world’s region developing
most dynamically, is constitutive for the activation of Far East’s business experiencing some problems with
qualified staff capable to implement the strategic tasks set forth. The actuality of the problems considered
makes feasible the study of establishment and training of business league in constituent entities of the Russian
Far East, capable to ensure the realization of scheduled changes in country’s social and economic
development to bring competitive products into Asia Pacific market.
Keywords: business, investments resource, strategic tasks, innovations, modernization, motivation,
competitiveness, education.
Formidable tasks in connection with restructuring the economy of the Far East’s regions determined by
state “Program for social and economic development of Far East and Transbaikal till 2025” call for not only
significant investments, but human resources capable to conceive and aim at the realization of the challenges
The restoration of entrepreneurs as important business entities in the Russian social structure is a
complex event in the recent Russian history. That process called for not only the establishment of regulations
and initial capital for commercial activities but also certain theoretical and practical skills and surely a
psychological turning point in the course of public change of values while adapting for the market. For the
historical science those matters are essential as the relatively short period of restructuring processes in
Russian history determined that new direction of historical studies. The historiography of restoration of
entrepreneurs in Russian social structure is a rather new vector of the studies of transformation and
contemporary modernization period in Russia of ХХI century, while for the present development stage of the
Russian Far-Eastern regions it has special importance determined by the specifics of its historical
development, geographical position and social and economic conditions.
Since the beginning of Perestroika about 30 years have passed but it may be stated that the national
business stratum has been established to solve the tasks challenged by the region and the country.
In the course of Russian community’s transformation the relations of government and business were
changing, as well as the methods for stimulation of people’s business initiative by government. If the initial
stage of the transformation period was characterized by government’s refusal to support the Far-Eastern
regions and granting independence which proved catastrophic as they were beneficiary regions and the
entrepreneurs were respectively put into survival condition, further stabilization and modernization periods
demonstrate strong attention and support to businessmen in the Russian Far East of the RF. Great contribution
to the development of the Russian Far East was the APEC Summit held in September 2012 in Vladivostok,
before which great infrastructure objects were built making Vladivostok a modern cultural and political center
of the Far East.
Along with that, business training issue is rather reasonable due to the following:
- the first wave of entrepreneurs (1985-1995) was represented by the people raised in socialist times
when business was illegal, independence and competition were a complex problem, so they did not
understand market relations and were not ready for them;
the orientation towards the Asia Pacific business and joint ventures in the south of the Russian Far
East which had exclusively individual business experience due to differences in national cultures was
a certain problem because of the differentiation of the Asia Pacific markets and relations.
Mentality or mental structure (French: mentalite — thinking, psychology)— is a certain spiritual attitude
of people of some country or region, fundamental stable structures of consciousness, number of sociopsychological paradigms and beliefs of a personality or community. Those paradigms determine the world
perception of a person, the nature of values and ideals, forming subjective world of a personality. Guided by
those paradigms, a man acts in each sphere of activities. Meantime, mentality determines the culture which is
widely an image of society’s life.
Business culture may be considered in three aspects: culture of personality, organizational culture and
culture of interaction with external environment – social responsibility of business.
Business culture as we opine is a factor of creative placement and a source of public innovations while its
assignment is connected with the solution of the core problem – internal integration for survival in certain
political and social environment. Therefore ensuring high cultural and moral level of business life in any
historical period of Russia has always been dependent not only on business but on the level of public culture
and morality in general.
The contemporary business established in the society which survived a number of unprepared and
contradictive reforms within a short historical period. In such conditions the cultural traditions and ethical
norms of the tsarist Russia’s business could not become the basis for the culture of the contemporary Russian
business. By 2001, before joining the business elite by corporate directors, 25% of them were commercial
heads of state enterprises, 20% were civil servants, 6% - staff members of state banks. Small enterprises were
opened by physicists, mathematicians, engineers who left colleges, research institutions and state enterprises
being 30-40 years of age. Being a socially organizing and world-transforming activity business was becoming
as the world experience showed the basis for social and political stability of society, and, recognizing that, the
government is taking serious steps in connection with its state support. Meantime, the condition, rates and
trend of business development in Russia do not meet the market economy needs and do not comply with
business potential of people. The concept of small business support and development in the Russian
Federation since 2001 has been aimed to get federal and regional authorities and municipalities involved into
that field.
Therefore, together with the training system for future businessmen in high and higher educational
institutions there were established continuously operating consulting points of Departments for small and
medium business and competition of administrations of Russia’s constituent entities aimed to inform the
existing businessman and startupers about the commercial conditions on given market, borrowing
opportunities or other business facilities available. Administration’s site is open for communication with
consultants and advises business community of plans for seminars, conferences and other training activities.
Also, autonomous non-commercial organization “Far-Eastern center for development of civil initiatives
and social partnership” was established and is implementing the project “Support and development of young
business in Primorskiy krai”, i.e., field business teaching for young people.
Municipal public institution “Center for development of entrepreneurship” is engaged in business
training both online and via seminars on the programs being of concern for businessmen: effective staff
motivation, basic schemes of profit increase, legal aspects of civil rights protection in the course of business
and many other matters practically important for the implementation of business.
The definition of entrepreneurship itself still has no univalent sense while defined in the Russian legal
field only in 1990 in the RSFSR Act dated December 25, 1990 “On enterprises and entrepreneurship” valid
since 01.01.1991. It was further adjusted ten years after in the third part of the Civil Code of the RF adopted
by the Federal Act №147-ФЗ dated 26.11.2001, valid since 01.03.2002. The wording offered by legislators
was not rather definite allowing for various interpretations and needed the meaning clarification. Also
connection of entrepreneurship and society and business responsibility to society were not reflected, as well as
the innovation sense of entrepreneurship. Thus it may be stated that the legal basis fell behind and did not
timely regulate the process of entrepreneurship establishment by the beginning of ХХI century.
This paper has been presented at the International Conference
“SCIREPS EDUCATION FORUM” in Paris (April 25-30, 2015).