Grand Canyon Council B.S.A. Salt River District JUNE ADV AN CEMENT DAYS June 6, 2015 And June 27, 2015 7:15 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. L.D.S. Tempe Stake Center 2707 S. College Avenue Tempe, Arizona (S.E. corner of College and Alameda) Registration Deadline Tuesday, May 26, 2015 E-mail: Website: Salt River District Merit Badge Advancement Days Summer 2015 Instructions for Scouts 1. 2. Select one or two merit badges per day that you would like to prepare for. Obtain an "Application for Merit Badge" (blue card) form No. 634124 for each merit badge you choose, and fill in the required information. 3. Return the cards to your unit leader for approval. There is a $1.00 fee per advancement day to cover expenses of the event. Depending on your unit's bylaws, the fee will either be paid by yourself or by your unit. 4. Obtain and study the merit badge books. Complete all of the requirements listed in the prerequisites section of this advancement day packet for the merit badges you have chosen. 5. On Advancement Day, bring your merit badge books, notepad, pen, completed prerequisites, merit badge applications (blue cards), and any additional materials you have prepared. Counselors will not sign off prerequisite requirements that have not been completed or brought with you on Advancement Day. 6. Wear you scout uniform - clean, buttoned up and neatly tucked in. 7. Hot dogs, candy and soft drinks will be sold during the break. General Information • • • At least one responsible adult representing your unit must be in attendance on Advancement Day. The Scout Oath and Law are the conduct guidelines at all scout activities. If a scout's behavior becomes disruptive or inappropriate, he will be asked to call his parents and be picked up. He will not be able to continue with remaining merit badge sessions for that day. There is a $1.00 fee per Scout per Advancement Day to cover printing, postage and miscellaneous expenses. fees are not refundable, but are transferable. Registration Information • • • Registration deadline for guaranteed space is May 26. 2015. Registrations received thereafter will be processed on a space available basis. Registration is considered received when both the registration form and corresponding payment have been received. Scouts can register for a maximum of two merit badges per Advancement Day. Note that some merit badges require both sessions (7:30-11 :45) during an Advancement Day. "Trail to First Class" is not a merit badge but goes over requirements and is helpful to have leader attend with their scout(s). I. Fill out Salt River District Advancement Day Registration form. Electronic registration is greatly preferred. You can obtain an electronic form (excel spreadsheet) at or ask for a copy by emailing Please try to sign up as a troop, instead of each scout signing up on their own. 2. Send printed copy of registration forms, with check payable to Grand Canyon Council BSA, to the address listed below. Please do NOT send any blue cards with your registration. Please do not wait to pay until the day of the event. Salt River District Advancement Day Tommy Barrett 5306 W. Jupiter Way. Chandler, AZ 85226 3. lfyou have any questions please call Tommy Barrett at 602-750-9187 or send an email to Location and Schedule Location LOS Tempe Stake Center 2707 S. College Avenue (S.E. corner, College & Alameda) Advancement Day Dates Saturday, June 6, 2015 Saturday, June 27, 2015 Schedule 7:00 a.m. Doors Open 7: 15 a.m. Opening Ceremony 7:30 - 9:30 Session One 9:30 - 9:45 Break 9:45 - 11 :45 Session Two Registration Fonn Salt River Advancement Day June 6, 2015 and June 27, 2015 Unit Number Unit L eader Phone First Name Last Name Unit# Email 616115 or 6127115 Session 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 . . ."'. Fee Calculation !"~ ,~,, I , "·""· I Mail To: Checks Payable To Grand Canyon Council Salt River Dtstnct 5306 W. Jupiter Way Chandler, AZ 85226 Address City, State, Zip Session 2 Unit Leader Name Merit Badge Schedule June 6, 2015 and June 27, 2015 Merit6adge Required Four Hour Classes for Eagle Class Chess - - June 6, 2015 - 7:30 AM to 9:30 AM 9:45 AM to 11 :45 AM -- J une 27, 2015 - - 7:30 AM to 9:30 AM Prerequisite Requireme nts 9:45 AM to 11 :45 AM Ple ase come prepared with the below completed Room 10 & 11 Room 10 & 11 NIA NIA Cit in the Communitv Reouired Hiah Council Room Hiah Council Room Hi<>h Council Room Hiah Council Room # 2. 3. 4, 5. 7 and 8 Cit in the Nation Recufred Relief Societv Room Relief Societv Room Relief Socielv Room Relief Society Room #2 3.6and8 Cil in lhe WOlld Reauired Communications Rem ired Room 1S Room 1S Rooms Rooms Cookina ReQuired NIA NIA Room 10 and 11 Room 10and11 4hours Diaital T echnoloav IDoo Care Eaale Packet Worl<shoo Not a merit badae Erner Preoaredness Reouired Familv Life Reauired ReQuired lnventino Law Music #7 Room3 Room3 Room3 NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA Room6 Room6 Room 16 Room 16 Room 16 Room 16 # 3. 4. s. 6. Room 12 and 13 Room 12 and 13 Room 13 Room 13 #3. Staae Room8 and9 Room2 Room Overflow Room Overflow NIA NIA Room 4 Room 4 NIA NIA NIA #2. 3. 4. s. 6. 7. NIA NIA #6, 7and8 Room 12 Room 12 Reouired Room 18 Room 18 Room 18 Room 18 Personal Manaoement Reauired Room 19 Room 19 Room 19 Room 19 NIA Room 17 NIA NIA Photooraohv Public Soeakina SalesmanshiD Search and Rescue Scace Exoloration Soorts Trail to First Class Not a merit badoe Truck Transoortation Leaders Training #1 # 4,5 and 8 TraininQ for Scouts and Leaders · will oo over Eaale Packet and Eaale Proiects # 1 & 38 Cbrina nole from vour leader) • 20 lbrina ~ ~ first aid kill. Room 8 and9 NIA NIA #1,S,6and9. # 1,28. 2C. 7. 8. 9. Brina emeroencv """.k to class. Slaae Personal Fitness Pets # 3, S.6. 7.8 # 3, 4. 5 6 and 7. Room3 4 hours Genealoov Chikiren's Room Room 17 4 h ours Finaerorintina Fll'S!Aid Chikfren's Room #6 # 4 # 1 3,4. Brina vour instrument. # 1,7,8,9. # 1. 2. s. 6. 8. 9. 10 #1 , 3and 4 NIA NIA Room Overflow Room Overflow Room2 NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA Room4 Room 4 #S 7 Roome Room 6 NIA NIA #5, 7 NIA NIA NIA Room 15 Room S Room s NI A NIA NIA NIA Room 15 NIA NIA NIA Room 17 Room 17 4 hours NIA NIA Leaders Training #2 NIA Room14 NIA Room 14 NIA Leaders Training #3 NIA NIA NIA Room 14 #4 Preoare talk for 1. 2 and 4 # 3. S - brin e vour rocket #4and 5 No Prereouisites,Will review:Jnna #6 Tndft 4A. 48, 1st C: 7A, 76, SA. Suo leader attend w;lh scout(s\ #4A. 46 Scoutmaster Specific Training Board of Review Training Merit BadRe Counselor TraininR Web Sites - to get requirements Location - 2707 S. College Avenue, Tempe (S.E. Corner of College and Alameda) Doors Open at 7:00 AM Opening Ceremony 7:15 AM 1st Class 7:30 AM to 9:30 AM 2nd Class 9:45 AM to 11 :45 AM
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