PROGRAM LOGIC MODEL Program Activities Context Outputs Short-Term Outcomes Mid-Term Long-Term Program Goals State requests 100k more STEM degrees awarded by 2023 UVA pledges to increase STEM enrollment by 500 in 2015 Baseline data shows sex ratio not balanced in STEM Female STEM faculty report isolated, place of male privilege Gender-based violence & gender equity topic of discussion year 3 Theory of Change Change happens at 5 levels Male participation as change agents Adaptive Self-Discovery Process Goal 1: To strengthen departmental efforts to create a positive environment for women faculty (Initiative 1) Goal 2: To increase gender diversity of STEM departments (Initiative 4) Goal 3: To generate & implement creative, grassroots solutions to problems preventing hiring & retention of STEM women faculty (Initiative 3) Goal 4: To provide departments and women STEM faculty with resources to support hiring, retention & professional development (Initiative 5) Goal 5: To increase the sense of belonging of STEM women faculty among their schools & depts. (Initiative 2) 1. Structured Dialogues 2. Academic Search Portal 1. Equity Consultants 2. Faculty Search Seminar 3. Tournament of Ideas 4. Enhancement Grants Faculty 5. Oral Histories & Photo Exhibit 5. Symposium 4. Recruitment Grants Hiring 5. Social Science Research 1 & 2. # of departments working with Equity Consultants, participating in Structured Dialogues, # of faculty attending seminar, using portal 1 & 2 Depts. map their dept. culture; faculty more aware of issues women faculty face in recruitment, hiring, retention & promotion; search committees using best practices in hiring process ; search committees using the Portal; 3. # of proposals submitted; # of coalitions 3. Barriers to accepting positions, leaving UVa identified; ideas from the Tournament shared with Provost & others 4. # of grants awarded 5. # of oral histories & photos completed; # of barriers identified 4. Depts. increase diversity of interview pool; women faculty produce work integral to career advancement 5. Identify barriers to women's sense of belonging, empowerment & participation on grounds; raise awareness of women STEM faculty 1 & 2 Depts. can map change in their dept. culture given a scenario; Depts. increase diversity of applicant & candidate pools; search committees increase bias literacy; 3. Change in perception of faculty & staff that this problem is solvable; 2 ideas adopted and implemented 4. more offers made to female candidates; faculty receiving grants receive tenure; work produced under grant has impact on their field 5. women STEM faculty report feeling recognized & empowered after participating; university takes action to address barriers to sense of belonging 1& 2 Women describe dept. as equitable; new hires describe dept. as welcoming; depts. increase diversity of interview pool & offers made to women candidates 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Greater retention of women STEM faculty 3 & 4 Increased number of female STEM candidates accept positions; increased hiring of women; 5. female STEM faculty feel a greater sense of belonging; increased use of labs etc. after improved physical environment
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