NG TI FO RETIREMENT PLANS E DG AS C RE HEALTHCARE BENEFITS BU G TIN FRAUD CASH MANAGEMENT APPLICATIONS BENCH MARKING TAXES BANKING & CAPITAL MARKETS IT VALUE RISK & COMPLIANCE MEDIA KIT -2015- RN CASH FLOW VE AUDITING GO NT SK ME E AG RI AN AN M CE REGULATION CFO Helps You Achieve Your Marketing Goals F or 30 years, CFO has been the most established authority on matters of importance to senior finance executives, and is recognized as a must-have source that provides high-quality, relevant content related to their ever-changing role. We have leveraged the power of technology to deliver content to our readers in the way they want to consume it. This includes digital, print, mobile and on-demand events. We’re not just a magazine or a website. We also provide and host thought leadership materials on topics including healthcare, tax laws, government regulations, technology, business applications, foreign security risks, employee benefits, and more. We offer products ranging from brand awareness to lead generation, or a combination of both, with a great ROI. Awareness Lead Generation Microsites Magazine Mini Survey Native Ads Email Rental Conferences EBooks Webcasts Newsletters MEDIA KIT 2015 Whitepapers Digital Digest p2 Why Target The Office of Finance? The CFO’s Role As Business Decision Maker Two different studies were conducted by Gartner/FEI and The CFO Alliance examining the role of the CFO. Both studies showed the increasing influence in purchasing decisions by CFOs across the enterprise. ® Roles Authorizing Technology Investments: How will you allocate your spending in 2015 in comparison to 2014: CFO 29% Data Security CEO 23% Employee Wages and Benefits Steering committee of IT and business area executives 16% Legal Services CIO and CFO together 12% Technology Spending CIO 5% Overall Spending Steering committee of IT and business area operational managers 5% Higher than 2014 COO 3% About the same Less than 2014 Other 7% CFO Reaches the Office of Finance IT Professional MEDIA KIT 2015 Financial Analyst Controller Director of Finance VP of Finance CFO p3 Market Coverage: Five Key Segments Senior Finance Executives Affluents: The core audience of CFO consists of senior level financial executives including CFOs, VPs, Controllers and General Managers C-Suite Breakdown 27% 37% 9% 5% 2% CEO CFO CIO CTO COO Fortune 500 98% 100% 95.6% CFO’s subscriber base includes reach into more than 98% of Fortune 500 companies We reach 100% of the 75 largest U.S. companies CFO’s subscribers include reach into more than 95.6% of Fortune 250 companies The SMB market generates an estimated $31 trillion in annual sales in the U.S. Value of primary home Less than $100,000 5.8% $100,000-$250,000 21.4% $250,000-$400,000 23.8% $400,000-$650,00020.4% $650,000-$1million 15% Over $1 million 13.6% Value of investment portfolio Less than $100,000 21.8% $100,000-$500,000 37.4% $500,000-$1 million 22.3% $1 million-$2 million 10.7% Over $2million 8.3% Personal credit card American Express Platinum Card 28% American Express Gold Card 27.4% MasterCard Gold 26.3% MasterCard Platinum23.4% Visa Gold 32% Visa Platinum 32% Own or lease car Own 87.1% Lease 15.8% Small & Medium Business Over 67% of our audience reach is small & midsize companies Annual household income Less than 50,000 6.3% $50,000-$100,000 11.2% $100,000-$200,00039.8% $200,000-$300,000 22.8% $300,000-$500,000 13.6% More than $500,000 6.8% 67% Hotel nights/year typically used for non-business travel 1-5 29.1% 6-1444.2% 15-25 19.4% More than 25 7.3% Publishers Own Data MEDIA KIT 2015 p4 $ 1 Billion+ Audience Reach: $ 500 - 999.99 Million $ 100 - 499.99 Million $ 50 - 99.99 Million The Largest, Most Established Community of Senior Finance Executives $ 10 - 49.99 Million $ 1 - 9.99 Million Less than $1 Million 0% 10% Employee 20% 30% Size* 40% 24% 10,000+ Company Revenue* 8% $ 500 - 999.99 Million 1000 - 4999 12% $ 100 - 499.99 Million 7% 500 - 999 11% 7% $ 10 - 49.99 Million 9.9% 8.5% 14% Less than 25 21% Less than $1 Million 16% 18% 24% 0% 30% 10% Healthcare/Pharmaceuticals 7.9% Transportation/Printing/Publishing 7.5% Government/Education 40% 7.1% Insurance/Real Estate 6.1% Energy/Utilities 3.4% Communications/Media 3.2% Telecommunications 2.6% Accounting/Auditing 1.3% Other* 2.9% 20% 30% Job Title* 10,000+ CFO/Controller/VP Finance/Director of Finance 31%5000 - 9999 CEO/President/Owner/Partner 23%1000 - 4999 Business/General Management 19% VP/SVP/EVP 6% Treasurer 3% Other (Finance included) 11.7% Technology $ 1 - 9.99 Million 12% 12.3% Service Organization 13% 13% 6% 15.7% Wholesale/Retail Trade 25 - 99 0% Manufacturing Finance/Banking 8% $ 50 - 99.99 Million 15% 100 - 499 30% $ 1 Billion+ 5000 - 9999 Industry Breakdown for Print/Digital Edition* 500 - 999 100 - 499 *Other industries include: Construction, Food/Tobacco/Drink, Mechanical/Chemical/Engineering, Oil & Gas, Textile/Clothing, and Travel 25 - 99 Less than 25 0% 19% 0% 0% 10% 6% 20% 12% 30% 18% 24% 5% 10% 15% 30% 40% *Publisher’s Survey Data* CFO eNewsletters Tablet Average page views per month: Delivered to: • Launched late 2013 • Available at the Apple store • Opt-in subscribers 578,882 Average unique page visitors per month: 300,000 Readers average time spent on 0:04:58 Total annual page views (October 2013-October 2014): 6,267,586 Total annual unique visitors (October 2013-October 2014): 2,638,142 150,000 subscribers Mobile Delivered to: 30,000 subscribers Magazine/Digital Edition Subscribers Delivered to: 400,000 subscribers *Google Analytics MEDIA KIT 2015 p5 2 Editorial CFO Magazine and its associated products provide corporate finance content unparalleled in its depth, practicality, comprehensiveness and focus on the world of senior finance executives. CFO writers, editors, and designers have received numerous awards for journalistic and visual excellence, including those presented by: American Society of Business Press Editors (ASBPE): Magazine of the Year (twice), Multi-Platform Presentation of the Year and Lifetime Achievement Award Folio: Year’s Best Business-And-Finance Publication Notable Technologies for 2014: Audience Tracking Tool New York Society of Certified Public Accountants: Excellence in Online Journalism CFO’s major areas of coverage are Accounting, Tax, Banking, Capital Markets, Risk Management, Compliance, Human Capital, CFO Careers, Growth Companies, Technology, and Strategy. Print/Digital Calendar Feature: January (Digital only) February Special Report: Special Anniversary Feature: 30 Years of CFO Duke/CFO Business Outlook Survey Technology: Costing the Cloud Close Dates Bonus Distribution: Ad close - 12.31.14 Materials due - 1.2.15 Corporate Performance Management Summit Ad close - 1.14.15 Materials due - 1.15.15 Deep Dive Ad close - 2.11.15 Materials due - 2.12.15 CFO Rising East; CFO Innovation Summit; Corporate Finance Tech Summit Managing Cyber Risk Duke/CFO Business Outlook Survey Ad close - 3.11.15 Materials due - 3.12.15 RIMS; CFO Rising Australia The Payments Revolution Deep Dive Ad close - 4.15.15 Materials due - 4.16.15 A New Climate April Euro Pain May Guide to Business Perormance Management Software June CFO/REL Working Capital Scorecard Cash Management July What CFOs Earn Dodd Frank at 5 Years August (Digital only) Survey: CFO Outlook 2015 Tax Reform March Special Section: CFO Rankings: IT/Systems Integration CFO Rankings: Audit/Accounting Ad close - 5.12.15 Materials due - 5.13.15 Duke/CFO Business Outlook Survey Small-business Lending: Drought or new normal? Corporate Performance Management West; Payments Innovation Summit Ad close - 6.10.15 Materials due - 6.11.15 Ad close - 7.30.15 Materials due - 7.31.15 September Corporate Venturing Budgeting & Planning October Tuning Up the 401(k) Big Data November Finance in 2020 Banking December Deals of the Year Supply Chain MEDIA KIT 2015 CFOs to Watch CFO Rankings: Banking Deep Dive Ad close - 8.12.15 Materials due - 8.13.15 CFO Rising Europe; Compliance & Regulation Summit Duke/CFO Business Outlook Survey Ad close - 9.9.15 Materials due - 9.10.15 CFO Rising West; Corporate Venturing Summit Deep Dive Ad close - 10.14.15 Materials due - 10.15.15 Big Data for Finance Summit; CFO Playbook Ad close - 11.11.15 Materials due - 11.12.15 Controller Summit p6 CFO ADVERTISING SOLUTIONS Get Your Message Seen By The CFO Community With Advertising & Sponsorship Opportunities PRINT CFO MAGAZINE For 30 years, our magazine has been delivering award winning content exclusively for senior finance executives. Each month, CFO Magazine consists of a timely cover story, feature articles and reporting on topics of importance to the finance world. Our principle areas of coverage include: Accounting & Tax, Human Capital & Careers, Risk and Compliance, Technology, Growth Companies, Banking & Capital Markets, and Strategy. CFO Magazine also includes monthly special reports and surveys. FACT: The 2014 Magazine Media Factbook reports that more than 60% of print magazine readers took action as a result of a magazine ad. Digital magazines also drive response, with 70% taking action after reading a digital issue. CFOCFOCFOCFO november 2014 | December 2014 JANUARY 2015 | outlook Ready 15 20Fo r Yield Companies want better returns in: What to expect on their surplus cash The Economy • Tax • Insurance • accounting & Financial Reporting • Mergers & acquisitions | Re bo oti ng DE LL How a $25 billion LBO sped up the tech giant’s transformation Distribution: Big DAtA, LittLe tALeNt RevisiNg RegULAtioN A wiLL the iPo RevivAL coNtiNUe? JANUARY 2014 | Freelance Finance Part-time CFOs are giving growing companies the expertise they need Holding managing HealtH risk Care political aCCountable taCkling revisiting the cash-Flow disClos ure t overloadstatemen keeping 2014 CommerCial hackers at bay banking survey Thomas Sweet, SVP & CFO, Dell Call your sales representative for pricing & packages. Print (10x/yr) Digital (12x/yr) Tablet 100,000 300,000 5,0o0 Print Opportunities Include: • Display Advertising • Survey Sponsorships • Special Report Sponsorship • Polybag Ride Alongs • Bellybands • Advertorials & Native Advertising • Inserts POLYBAG Polybags are an effective branding opportunity for your message to be displayed independently. We encase CFO magazine in a clear polybag mailer for high visibility. Call your sales representative for pricing. MARKETPLACE SECTION ADVERTISING Introducing CFO’s display section designed for companies on a limited budget or those simply interested in company listings. Display ads will be run in a non editorial environment and appear in our back of book section. Rates also include online exposure. Business Profiles •Available sizes are 1/4, 1/2 and full pages •All ads are 4 color •CFO will provide production services. Simply provide a logo and text up to maxium word count Marketplace Ads •Also available in 1/4, 1/2 and full pages •All ads are 4 color •Provide artwork according to specs Call your sales representative for pricing MEDIA KIT 2015 p7 CFO ADVERTISING SOLUTIONS DIGITAL CFO.COM is a powerful portal for brand building and connecting to the senior finance community. includes the following channels: Accounting & Tax, Human Capital & Careers, Risk and Compliance, Technology, Growth Companies, Banking & Capital Markets, and Strategy. FACT: Each Month, attracts 300,000 unique visitors. As a result of visiting, our audience has:* 55.8% Investigated a product or service 50.6% Passed along information about a product or service 55.8% Filed information for the future *Publishers Own Survey 2013 Ad Units Leaderboard 728x90 Banner 300x250 Banner 970x90 Skyscraper 160x600 Skyscraper 300x600 Home Page Road Block Homepage Takeover $75 CPM $85 CPM $100 CPM $100 CPM $200 CPM Custom Quote Custom Quote High impact units include: • Interstitials 800x400 $200 CPM • Welcome Page 800x400 $200 CPM Rising Stars • Billboard 970x250 $175 CPM • Filmstrip 300x600 $175 CPM • Portrait 300x1050 $175 CPM • Pushdown 970x90 $175 CPM • Sidekick 300x250, 300x600, 970x250 $175 CPM ENEWSLETTERS Readers stay on top of the market through CFO’s weekly enewsletter, The Weekly Briefing. Content includes coverage of all channels on Each section is sponsorable. The Weekly Briefing is supplemented with breaking news Daily Alerts which will be included with your sponsorship. Topic Sponsorships include: Accounting & Tax, Human Capital & Careers, Risk and Compliance, Technology, Growth Companies/SMB, Banking & Capital Markets, and Strategy. CFO enewsletter distribution: Weekly distribution date: Ad Units: Price: MEDIA KIT 2015 150,000 subscribers Daily Alert: Monday Ad Units: 728x90 (leaderboard & anchor) $1000/weekly sponsorship/6 emails $3000/one month sponsorship/24 emails $5000/two months/48 emails Total distribution per email is 150,000. Monday - Friday 728x90 (leaderboard & anchor), sponsored content p8 CFO ADVERTISING SOLUTIONS AUDIENCE EXTENSION THE “CFO Extend” PROGRAM Grow your advertising reach through CFO Extend By leveraging Big Data and artificial intelligence, we are able to extend our audience, and in turn serve your ads at greater scale. This works in two ways: through retargeting and through look-alike viewers. Call your sales representative for pricing LEAD GENERATION Microsite The CFO Microsites are a fully developed, editorial environment. Each microsite is created with the sponsor’s guidance and feedback on the editorial perspective. They feature new articles each week, content exclusive to the microsite, and additional gated content for lead generation, including ebooks, webcasts, podcasts and/or other deliverables. Call your sales representative for pricing MEDIA KIT 2015 p9 CFO ADVERTISING SOLUTIONS Why Are CFO’s Leads Superior? CFO’s Superior Lead Quality CFO Publishing • Brand Affinity •Opt In •Triple Verified •Warmed •Proven Engagement Information Services • Old Data •Not Warmed •Unknown Sources •No Brand Affinity Cold Leads MEDIA KIT 2015 Media Publications • Brand Affinity •Opt In •“Other” Media Publications List Brokers• Old Data •Not Warmed •Unknown Sources •No Brand Affinity Warm Leads p10 CFO ADVERTISING SOLUTIONS LEAD GENERATION WHITE PAPERS CFO will host and market your white paper to our audience of financial decision makers. White Paper Library sponsorship packages: New Business Starter Package: $2,250 Posting of up to two of your white papers for three months, including: •25 qualified leads—full contact info (name, email, phone, address, job title, industry, and company size) Gold Standard Package: $6,500 Posting of up to three of your white papers for one year, including: •75 qualified leads—full contact info Platinum Premier Package: $10,000 Posting up to five of your white papers for one year, including: •100 qualified leads—full contact info FACT: A recent study shows that 69% of enterprise respondents consumed a white paper to evaluate a technology purchase. 50% ranked white papers as “very” to “extremely influential” during purchasing decisions (Eccolo Media 2014 B2B Technology Content Survey Report). EBOOKS Each month, CFO creates a limited number of eBooks available for sponsorship. Advertisers generate leads and position themselves as solutions providers within the topic area. eBooks are promoted through email blasts to drive traffic and produce leads. eBooks focus on topics currently affecting the finance community and are pertinent to the CFO role. Custom eBooks are also available. Editorial eBook Topics Three eBook Sponsorship Opportunities January 1) Editorial ($15,000): February Turnkey sponsorship of CFO created content. March The CFO as HR Leader • How to Hold Your Bank’s Attention Finding Accounting Talent • Benchmarking Risk Management • Finance’s Role in Sales Performance 2) Custom ($25,000): April Employee Benefits • Retirement Plan Offerings CFO editors collaborate with advertisers to create an eBook. May Growth with Technology • Cloud, Big Data, and Analytics June (T&E) Management • Cyber Security July Budgeting • Supply Chain 3) Vendor ($10,000): August Advertisers provide their own eBook and CFO delivers the content through our channels. September October Hiring Strategies • Tax Developments Performance Management • Skills for Success Financial Reporting • Employee Training November Partnering with IT for Success • Boards in 2016 December Working Better with Lenders • Big Data MEDIA KIT 2015 p11 CFO ADVERTISING SOLUTIONS WEBCASTS Sponsor a live webcast and align your brand with one of our turnkey presentations on topics of interest. By sponsoring a webcast, advertisers generate leads and secure a platform for thought leadership. Our webcasts include a 6-week promotion schedule to drive traffic and produce leads that includes 6 email blasts and banners on the CFO website as well as enewsletters and social media. Five Webcast Sponsorship Opportunities Editorial The CFO edit team will create all the content for advertisers to sponsor. This webcast has a lead guarantee of 150 and will stay on demand for 60 days after it airs. For additional leads, CFO will rebroadcast this webcast for $2,500. Soft leads and Marketplace ads are available at a 30% discount. Price - $15,000 Custom The CFO edit team will collaborate with advertisers on content. This webcast has a lead guarentee of 175 and will run as an on demand webcast for 90 days. Receive a 50% discount on soft leads and/or a Marketplace ad. Co-Produced The vendor provides content in a presentation-ready format, but will work with CFO on scheduling the live date. This webcast has a lead guarantee of 135 leads. Price - $12,000 base Advertiser Hosted The vendor provides all content and is responsible for hosting the live webcast. CFO will market the webcast and drive traffic to the vendor’s registration page. This webcast has a lead guarantee of 100 leads. Price - $10,000 base Webcast Topics Price - $25,000 January (includes edit consulting services) February Vendor March The advertiser provides CFO with all content in a presentation ready format. Any consulting by CFO is limited to the topic only. Vendor webcasts have a 135 lead guarentee and will stay on demand for 30 days. A rebroadcast is available for an extra $2,500 with all leads generated going to the vendor. Soft leads and a Marketplace ad are available at 20% off. Price - $10,000 base The CFO as HR Leader The Latest on Revenue Recognition How Finance Can Lead Sales Performance Improvements April Developments in Employee Benefits and Compensation May Enabling Growth with Technology June How CFOs Can Improve Expense Management July How to Keep Budgets Effective and Everyday August September October The Tax Developments Finance Needs to Know Realizing ROI with EPM Investments The Latest Developments in Reporting November Partnering with IT for Success December Working Better with Lenders MINI SURVEY What do you want to know about the CFO audience? Now you can have your questions answered by sponsoring a CFO Mini Survey. 10 substantive questions + 3 demographic questions Additional questions: $1,000 No collaboration from the CFO editorial department No filters 100 Leads Price: $15,000 MEDIA KIT 2015 p12 CFO ADVERTISING SOLUTIONS LEAD GENERATION LEAD SCORING/MARKETING QUALIFIED LEADS Find buyers at each stage of the purchasing cycle Lead Scoring Marketing Qualified Leads • Identify customers • Rate leads based upon behavioral data • Obtain lead score reports for potential buyers • $15 CPL* • Identify those in the evaluation or decision making phase • Focus sales tactics appropriate for each stage of the buying journey • Complete reports provided with contact info and more • $20 CPL* *Add on pricing DIGITAL DIGEST The Digital Digest is an in-depth, downloadable feature story that covers topics that are top-of-mind for finance today. The feature will be laid out in an attractive, CFO-branded PDF. It is promoted for download to our audience via email, and sponsors will receive 150 guaranteed leads. DIGEST Why Hiring is Heating Up Skills in Shortage Solutions for CFOs 2 4 6 THE NEW WAR FOR TALENT Price - $15,000 SOCIAL MEDIA CFO will amplify your brand and drive traffic to your content through the use of Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. Contact your sales representative for more information on pricing and social media opportunities. Price - $2,500/month for all three channels or $1000 per feed MEDIA KIT 2015 p13 CFO ADVERTISING SOLUTIONS LIST RENTAL Access our list of CFO magazine subscribers by: postal, email and telemarketing contact information. Email: •$325/m (2 filters only) •$15/m for additional filters •$175/flat for set up •Minimum order: 5,000 Postal: •Base: $170/m •Demographic filters (title, employee size, annual sales, business industry): $15/m for each •Geography/region: $10/m •Shipping: $150/flat Telemarketing: •Base: $170/m+ $75/m = $245/m •Demographic (title, employee size, annual sales, business industry): $15/m for each •Geography/region: $10/m •Shipping: $150/flat Note: ALL OFFERS MUST BE APPROVED BY CFO Contact your sales representative for more information. THE LEAD BANK Every month, CFO accumulates a surplus of leads from our various products. We are offering these warm leads for your use. Our surplus provides you a continuous and constant flow of prospects for marketing your products and services. Pricing for Leads: Cost $50 per lead Contact your sales representative for more information. MEDIA KIT 2015 p14 CFO ADVERTISING SOLUTIONS CONFERENCES By integrating with the Innovation Enterprise (IE), CFO now offers additional branded solutions to help you achieve your marketing goals. Our combined database offers over 2 million finance records, and we now have an extended reach into the areas of Big Data, Finance, and Analytics. In addition, you can put your brand message into a greater range of C-Suite titles through both CFO and IE media. CFO and IE’s combined event portfolio offers software & solutions providers, consultancies, advertisers & agencies the opportunity to connect with senior finance executives across multiple industries and company sizes. For more detailed information, visit our full summit calendar at: CFO FLAGSHIP EVENTS CFO SUMMITS Corporate Performance Management East January 28 & 29, New York Treasury Management Summit September 9 & 10, Boston CFO Rising East March 11 & 12, Miami Risk Management Summit September 9 & 10, Boston Corporate Performance Management West June 17 & 18, San Diego Compliance & Regulation Summit September 9 & 10, Boston CFO Rising Europe September 17 & 18, London Controller Summit November 12 & 13, Boston CFO Rising West October 21 & 22, San Francisco CFO Playbook for Private Companies November 18 & 19, Miami Contact Abigail Fletcher at MEDIA KIT 2015 p15 CFO ADVERTISING SOLUTIONS RESEARCH STUDIES Engage senior finance executives through highly credible, objective, co-branded research, conducted by our team of expert researchers, analysts, and editors. Global study Full research study •Survey of 200+ senior finance executives around the world •Interviews with 12+ senior finance executives around the world •Deep analysis of regional and country-level research results •Extraordinarily rich data, information, and analysis to inform global thought-lead ership, PR, and marketing efforts •Survey of 150+ senior finance executives based in the United States •Interviews with 8 to 10 senior finance executives in the United States •Rich data, information, and analysis to inform thought-leadership, PR, and marketing efforts Published deliverables A wide range of final deliverables is available, suitable for publication across a variety of CFO Publishing and other channels--from substantial PDF reports (from eight to 20+ pages in length) to articles for online distribution to streaming video to infographics to in-person presentations. Qualitative (interview-based) study Quantitative (survey-based) study •Interviews with 12+ senior finance executives and other highly credible sources •Particularly well suited for reporting on best practices and cutting-edge process, technology, and organizational innovations •Survey of 150+ senior finance executives •Rich data to inform thought-leadership, PR, and marketing efforts Sponsors’ statements Research sponsors have the opportunity to include a one- to two-page sponsors’ statement with research Demographic reach CFO Publishing is able to reach executives holding a wide variety of titles and a wide range of company sizes. Our reach among senior finance executives at large companies is unparalleled. Please contact us for more information about our services and reach. Contact John Weber at for more information. CUSTOM CONTENT According to the Custom Content Council, content marketing not only creates branding, but drives leads and traffic. Let CFO’s expert team assist you in the creation of high quality content and delivery through our distribution channels. CFO has myriad solutions for our advertisers in custom content : •Editorial Consulting •Advertorials •Whitepapers •eBooks •Webcasts • Native Advertising Contact your sales representative for more information. MEDIA KIT 2015 FACTS: •61% of people are more likely to buy from a company that delivers custom content (Custom Content Council) •90% of consumers find custom content useful and 78% believe that organizations providing custom content are interested in building good relationships with them. (TMG Custom Media) p16 Contact Information Senior Vice President, Sales: Katie Brennan 646.277.6476 Northeast Haley Moore 646.277.6478 MidAtlantic/Southeast Jesse Casselberry 646-237-4105 Midwest & Pacific Northwest Shelly Schmeling 312.932.9392 West Coast Judy Hayes 925.736.7617 Canada, Central/Central MidAtlantic Barbara Devaney 212-488-4717 Advertising Sales Contacts: Account Executive, Eastern US Brian Kleve Associate Account Executive, Western US Laura Weig 646-556-7653 646-277-6472 Conferences: Abigail Fletcher 415.692.5426 203.747.0626 Research: John Weber MEDIA KIT 2015 p17
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