April 2015 - Advisement - University of New Mexico

Office of University Advisement
Dear Advisors,
Welcome to the Advising Newsletter! The purpose of this newsletter is
to serve as the central source in which information regarding advisement is shared
with the UNM community. This newsletter will provide general information,
highlight advisor accomplishments, showcase advisors, and ultimately be the
advisement community’s way to tell their story of advising at UNM.
The Advisement Communications Committee has been working hard to
create and collect relevant and meaningful content for this quarterly newsletter.
In addition to this newsletter, the committee will also be establishing other
communication channels to help build and strengthen relationships within the
advisement community.
Our goal is to make sure that advisement is well-represented. This
newsletter belongs to each of you, so if there is something you want to see in it,
please let the Advisement Communications Committee know! Also, feel free to
send them interesting articles, advising tips, best practices, and anything that you
feel is appropriate to be included in the newsletter. We want you to be proud of
the information that is in the newsletter and encourage you to share it with your
colleagues outside of advisement.
Vanessa Harris
Director of University Advisement
Issue 1, Volume 1, April 2015
Quick Links
UNM Advisement
GPA Calculator
Spring Deadline Dates
Summer & Fall Registration Dates
In This Issue:
Advising Policies
Advisor Assessment
Advisor Training
Welcome, New Advisors!
Student Affairs
Math Boost
Advisor Awards
Advisor Institute
Advisement Center Spotlight
Upcoming Events
Graduation Project
Graduation Express
LoboAchieve Tip
APRIL 2015
Advising Policies
As a result the Cross College Advisor Director’s Meeting, it was established that coversheets should now be sent
directly to the college of the student’s intended major. In the past, the coversheets were sent to University
College Advisement Center if the student was not yet accepted into a college. With the change in how students
are advised, any student with an intended major is now being advised in that particular college. Therefore, all
coversheets should be sent to the intended major college. The only exception is for students with a health
science intended major or undecided. Their coversheets should be sent to University Advisement Center.
Sharing of your UNM accounts and passwords is PROHIBITED by the governing regulations in the
Administrative Policies and Procedures Manual - Policy 2500: Acceptable Computer Use, among others. Your
UNM accounts give you the ability to view and add notes to students’ FERPA protected information. As
professional advisors, it is that we understand and respect student privacy and to protect your rights and access
to all the advising tools.
Over the past year, we have noticed the sharing of advisor login and password when it comes to access to various
advising system. This is a violation of UNM Computer Security. In addition, especially for entering advisor
comments, it is a problem because the ownership of those notes is on the advisor that has logged into the system
(Banner or LoboAchieve). Not sharing access protects your rights as well as the authenticity of the notes.
Advisors should not leave notes on a student in the LoboAchieve or Banner until you have:
1) Completed New Advisor Training
2) Completed LoboAchieve Training
3) Submitted all other appropriate trainings for your position
4) Submitted and been approved of all BARS needed for your position
5) Worked with your Supervisor and the Office of University Advisement to be connected to your student
population in the system.
Under ABSOLOUETLY NO CIRCUMSTANCES should an advisor leave notes for a student under another
advisors account.
In the future, if we find that users continue to share their accounts and/or passwords, your advising access can
be revoked.
APRIL 2015
Advising Policies
The purpose of this diagram is to show the new process of how students should be referred to another college or to the
Office of University Advisement.
Cross-College Diagram
Email the
Original DGC
Anderson School of Management
College of Arts & Sciences
College of Education
College of Fine Arts
College of Nursing
College of Pharmacy
Liberal Arts & Integrative Studies
School of Architecture and Planning
School of Engineering
University College
APRIL 2015
Advisor Assessment
2014 came with many changes to Academic Advisement and the BAR roles associated with advisement. One of those changes
was the creation and implementation of the Advisor Assessment. In an effort to ensure that Academic Affairs advisors all have
the same competency level, we will continue to require a new exam each year. The changes for this year’s assessment are:
 Advisors will be required to take the exam in UAEC Room 263
 If they do not pass, they will be required to take the refresher course: (Offered June 25-26 or July 9-10)/ retake
the exam/pass.
If advisors are unable to do this they will lose their ability to lift holds and update majors . The exam is “open book” just like
it was last year. We found that many advisors were taking the exam with other advisors, and that was not the intention of the
exam. The purpose of the exam is not to ensure you know everything off of the top of your head, but that you know where
to find the information in a timely manner.
The advisor assessment for 2015 will be available from: May 25th-July 1st. The study materials for the exam will be
available starting April 2015.
*Remember you always have access to the Learn course, there are lots of valuable resources that you can find there
as well as webinars that provide useful information for advisors*
Advisor Training
Tuesday, May 5th
Tuesday, May 5th
June 25th and 26th
9:30 AM
1:30 PM
UNM Business Center, Room 1019
UNM Business Center, Room 1019
Travelstead Hall, Room 125
Tuesday, June 2nd
Tuesday, June 2nd
July 9th and 10th
9:30 AM
1:30 PM
UNM Business Center, Room 1019
UNM Business Center, Room 1019
Travelstead Hall, Room 125
Tuesday, July 7th
Tuesday, July 7th
9:30 AM
1:30 PM
UNM Business Center, Room 1019
UNM Business Center, Room 1019
APRIL 2015
New Advisors
We are pleased to introduce several new staff
members to the UNM advisement community.
Please take a moment to welcome our new
Crystle Collier
Andres Rigg
Anslem Bitsoi
Senior Academic Advisor
Senior Academic Advisor
TriO/Student Support Services
College of Arts & Sciences
Anderson School of Management
Gallup Branch
Megan Eding
Jennifer Serrano
Davette De La O-Sandoval
Senior Academic Advisor
Senior Academic Advisor
Academic Advisor
College of Arts & Sciences
College of Arts & Sciences
EMS Academy
Russell Friedman
Megan Speck
Senior Academic Advisor
Grad Recruitment & Admissions Advisor
College of Arts & Sciences
College of Pharmacy
Simone-Felice Guambana
Ashley Taylor
Senior Academic Advisor
Senior Academic Advisor
College of Arts & Sciences
Anderson School of Management
Yolanda Moreno
Stevee McIntyre
Stephen Weinkauf
Program Coordinator
Program Coordinator
Program Coordinator
African American Student Services
Radiologic Sciences
Veterans Resource Center
Yvone’ Nelson
Kelsey Molo
Maureen Johnson
Academic Advisor
Senior Academic Advisor
Senior Academic Advisor
Electrical Computer Engineering
College of Education
Monica Nunez-Fletcher
Martina Rivera
Transfer Articulation Analyst
Senior Academic Advisor
College of Education
Maria Stutsman Marquez
Office of University Advisement
Krista Navarrette
Senior Academic Advisor
College of Arts & Sciences
Christal Garcia
Student Program Advisor
Taos Branch
Derek Johnson
Sr. Student Success Specialist
Athletics Academic Advising
Student Success Specialist
Farah Nousheen
Office of Student Success
Senior Academic Advisor
Brandi Wells
College of Arts & Sciences
Professional Support Intern
Ragina Pena
African American Student Services
Academic Advisor
College of Arts & Sciences
APRIL 2015
Student Affairs
The McNair and Research Opportunity Program is currently looking for qualified individuals to join our program. We are a TRIO program designed to guide
students who are interested in attending graduate school. Our goal is to have
all of our students matriculate into Masters and Doctoral programs. Members
of our program have attended graduate schools all across the country.
1 generation, low-income and/or underrepresented students with 3 to 4
semesters left until graduation
Hands on research experience through summer internship, $2,800 summer
stipend, travel assistance to academic conferences, monthly seminars
At the moment we have room for several students in STEM fields to begin immediate involvement in the program. We would greatly appreciate referral of interested STEM students to our
program as early as possible, although we welcome inquiries from any interested parties.
CAPS is thrilled to announce the opening of its new Writing & Language Center in Education classrooms 208 & 210. The CAPS Writing & Language
Center is where UNM undergraduate students can go for support in writing and language learning across the disciplines. This multicultural,
multilingual space is dedicated to helping students to succeed in their courses and to find their voices as writers and communicators. Students can find
support through a variety of formats customized to meet individual student needs, including the collaborative space of the writing and language dropin labs, the one-on-one attention promoted through individual appointments, and hands-on experience practicing a language in language conversation
groups. CAPS is funded through student fees, so students never have to pay to access CAPS services. The most up-to-date information on Writing &
Language Center hours, as well as information on all CAPS services, can be found at the CAPS website, caps.unm.edu.
The following are examples of student populations who are likely to benefit from knowing about the new CAPS Writing & Language Center:
Students registering for writing-intensive undergraduate courses
Students who struggle with the writing process or worry about writing at the
college level
Students seeking someone to help them get started on a writing assignment
Students looking for someone to take a look at a final draft of a paper before
turning it in
Native English speakers who want practice writing or speaking in another
English Language Learners who want practice writing or speaking in English
Students who want a dedicated place to academically write or converse
Students who need a computer to write at
We could not be more excited about the launch of the new CAPS Writing & Language Center. Thank you for your help in spreading the word about
the center, referring students to it, and including it when you mention CAPS. We would love for you to see the space for yourself. Visit us in
Education Classrooms 208 & 210 when you have a moment!
APRIL 2015
Math Boost
Starting this summer, UNM will offer a MathBoost program to support selected four- and eight-week math
sections, including MATH 101, 102, 103, 121, 123, 150 and 153. MathBoost sections will offer students the
following benefits:
* Optional Review Workshops to help them prepare (held the week before the first day of instruction)
* Assistance forming peer study groups
* Math tutors placed in each classroom
* For MATH 121, 150 and 153, on-site tutoring before and after class each day
* For MATH 101, 102, 103 and 121, easy switching between sections if students place higher than
they originally anticipated, or if they advance quickly
For more information, visit stem.unm.edu/mathboost, or contact Tim Schroeder at
timschroeder@unm.edu (505-277-1761).
Advisor Awards
Advisor Institute
Each year the Provost’s Committee for Advising will honor
professionals for their impressive contributions to students in their
role as academic advisors. Great advising must be
recognized. UNM students, staff, and faculty are encouraged to
nominate advisors for consideration each spring
semester. Recipients will receive a cash award and a plaque. Any
current and full-time UNM staff or faculty advisors may be
nominated. Below are the two advisor award:
This award is presented to seasoned advisors who demonstrate
commitment to students’ success by encouraging them to
overcome challenges, hurdles, transitions, and maximize
opportunities relative to the students’ educational plans,
career, and life goals.
The Outstanding New Advisor Awards are presented to
individuals who have demonstrated qualities associated with
outstanding academic advising of students and reflect
achievement, involvement, and potential of emerging
academic advisement professionals.
Centennial Engineering Center Auditorium
The Spring Advisor Institute is to update advisors of
NSO and new policies that will be impacting
freshmen students. All advisors working with
freshmen students should attend. Colleges advisors
that are new to working with freshmen students are
REQUIRED to attend.
More information on the nomination process and access to the
easy online form, can be found here.
The deadline is next Wednesday, April 22, 2015
APRIL 2015
Advisement Center Spotlight
The Advisement Quarterly Connection will feature a UNM Advisement Center in each issue. This will hopefully
allow everyone to get to know their colleagues (and UNM colleges) a little bit better !
My name is Leyna Aragon and as an
alumnus of UNM and AXΩ, I am
pleased to be a part of the College of
Education Sr. Academic Advisement
team. I am about to complete my first
M.S. in Community Health and will
then begin pursing my second M.S. in
Sports Administration which are both
house degrees under the College of
Education. My experience as a college
student, as well as an employee of the
University gives me special insight
into the needs of students and will
serve me well as I guide learners
through the academic requirements
for graduation. It is my hope that as an
advisor, I will enrich the education of
students, making their college
experience as pleasant, memorable,
and rewarding as mine was.
My name is Cree Myers. I'm the
Coordinator for Graduate Academic
Advisement here at the College of
Education Center for Student Success. I
also see undergraduate students for
general advisement. I am pursuing my
Master’s Degree in Art Education and I
am passionate about supporting those
who wish to become educators because
I believe education is the best way to
bring about the most positive future
My name is Maureen Johnson and I am
originally from Chicago, Illinois. After
visiting Albuquerque and the University
of New Mexico, I knew I wanted to
transfer to UNM because of its
demonstrated commitment to quality
education. I am a firm believer that
education is an investment in oneself,
having completed my Bachelor of Arts in
Secondary Education at the University of
New Mexico. Currently, I am a 5th
semester Master of Arts student in the
Counseling program, with a dual
concentration in clinical mental health
counseling and education counseling. I am
exceptionally honored to be a part of the
College of Education’s Academic
Advisement team as a Senior Academic
Advisor. My role as a Senior Academic
Advisor is to advocate for students success
and work together collaboratively to help
ensure their educational goals.
I am Brittany Padilla and I graduated
with a degree in Business Administration
from the University of New Mexico in
May of 2011. I continue to learn as I
pursue my MBA from Anderson School
of Management. I have worked in
various positions within the College of
Education, including Senior Academic
Advisor and currently as the Student
Success Specialist. I strive to make sure
that our advisement practices are up to
date and our students are served in a way
that is effective and positive.
My name is Martina Rivera and I am a Sr.
Academic Advisor at the Center for Student
Success in the College of Education. I
received my B.A. in Spanish from UNM
in 2010, and look to pursue a M.A.
in Language, Literacy & Socio-cultural
studies. My previous experience comes
from working as a bilingual testing
specialist in the Dept. of Language &
Cultural Equity at APS, as well as having
the opportunity to work with two of
UNM's amazing outreach programs. I
worked in the ENLACE program as a
Mentor/Tutor to senior students at
WMHS and assisted them in achieving their
goals of pursuing a higher education. I later
had the opportunity to work with the
College Enrichment Program as an
Orientation Leader, which brought in some
of those same students transitioning from
high school into UNM. Education is the
most important asset a person can acquire
to ensure success and I’m here to help
guide those that aspire to reach their
educational goals.
I am Natalie Becenti and I am from the
Pueblo of Acoma. I graduated from UNM
with a dual degree. My first BA is in English
with a pre-law concentration with a minor
in Native American Studies. My second BA
is in Family Studies with a minor in
Psychology. I am currently working on my
MA degree in Language, Literacy and
Sociocultural studies with an emphasis in
American Indian Education. I am currently
a Sr. academic advisor with the College of
Education. As an alumni and now an
academic advisor it is my goal to give back
to the UNM community as my mentors and
advisors have given to me.
I am Maxine Padilla and I am a Sr.
Academic Advisor with the College of
Education. I attended New Mexico
Highlands University and received a B.A.
in Leisure Services and a Minor in
Marketing. I am currently pursuing a M.
S. in Physical Education with a
concentration in Sports
Administration. Being an advisor for the
College of Education, I have the
opportunity to work one on one with
students. Being able to assist them with
their educational goals has been both
rewarding and fulfilling.
College of Education
The Advisement Center for
COE is located in Travelstead
Hall which is named after
Chester Travelstead.
Travelstead was hired by Tom
Popejoy, then UNM
President, who upon being
questioned for hiring
Travelstead, (who was fired by
the University of South Carolina
for giving a speech condemning
racial segregation in the schools)
said he looked at that as a
APRIL 2015
APRIL 2015
Upcoming Events
April 2015
8 Staff as Students 11:30
10 AEON: Science of
A—1:00 P SUB Ballrooms
20 Summer
14 Ask An Advisor
- Part II (ASUNM)
15 Student Job &
16 Advise-L Meeting
17 STEM Break:
Internship Fair
10:00 A—2:00 P
SUB Ballrooms
1:15—3:30 P
Ortega Reading Room
Scavenger Hunt
5:00 P
Duck Pond
22 Educators Career Fair
12:00—5:00 P
30 Operation Registration, 10:00 A, SUB
Registration opens!
Cognition & Learning
12:00 P
EDUC 212
Shared Knowledge Conference
9:00 A
25 Mock Finals
details TBD
1) AEON: STEM Mixer, 12:00 PM. TBD
2) S3 Presentation: So You Want To Go To
Graduate School, 4:00 PM, EDUC 212
M ay 2 0 1 5
19 Advisor Institute
Centennial Engineering
Center Auditorium
21 Advise-L Meeting
1:15—3:30 P
Reading Room
*Red: STEM events at UNM (for more information please visit here.
APRIL 2015
Graduation Project
The Graduation Project is a program designed to help students who have left the university return and finish their
bachelor's degree. To qualify for the Graduation Project, students must have:
 Stopped out for at least one semester (excluding Summer).
 At least a 2.0 GPA.
 Earned 98 credit hours, with at least 30 hours completed at UNM.
 Left in good standing.
 Have no outstanding financial commitments to the university.
If a returning student feels they have met these requirements, they should fill out an “Interested Student” form on the
Benefits for Graduation Project students:
Admissions: We have a special, short re-admit application designed specifically for our students.
Degree Summary: A PROGRESS report to help determine which classes are still needed to graduate.
Priority Enrollment: We can assist you with over-enrollment in classes you need to complete your degree.
Restrictions apply.
Catalog Stability: Dependent on a student’s program, it is possible through our program to graduate under
the student’s original program requirements and not move to the university’s current catalog. Restrictions apply.
Tuition Payments: No fee tuition payment plan available from the Bursar's Office.
Tuition Assistance: Students with a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or above automatically qualify for the Regents
Tuition Assistance Program (TAP), which awards a tuition credit of up to 50% of your tuition, not to exceed
$1500.00 per academic year for two years.
For more information contact JJ Conn at jconn@unm.edu, TheGrad@unm.edu, or call 277-7000.
APRIL 2015
Graduation Express
Grad Express is a program that works with students who began with University of New Mexico as first time/
fulltime freshmen and help them overcome possible obstacles to graduation.
To be part of the Grad Express Cohort a student must:
 Have started UNM as a first time/fulltime freshman (dual credit or concurrent enrollment in high school
does not affect this designation).
 Be in their seventh semester with UNM.
 Have approximately 60 earned hours toward their degree.
Benefits for Graduation Express Students:
 Advisement: Grad Express has supplemental advising if a student feels they need further support in reaching
their academic goals. Grad Express will also help students create a semester by semester plan of courses to reach
their graduation goal.
 Cohort Tracking: Grad Express closely monitors students in the cohorts and contacts students if they notice
problems with the student’s audit or current schedule.
 Summer Incentive: Grad Express subsidizes tuition for sixth year cohort students that take summer class so
they can complete over the summer (Current cohort this is available for is first time/fulltime freshmen from fall
 Graduation Project: In cooperation with grad project we reach out to students in the cohorts that have
stopped out to hopefully bring them back and graduate from UNM in a timely manner.
For more information contact JJ Conn at jconn@unm.edu or call 277-7000.
APRIL 2015
You can now filter for students with whom you have met! Remember, it will be important
to have the correct Connection chosen before following these steps.
1) Enter the Additional Filters area of your Students tab.
2) Click on the Meetings tab.
3) Click the Students button. Choose to filter by students with whom you either have or have not
met with.
4) Choose the Appointment reasons from which you wish to pull. And Voila! List done.
Please visit loboachieveinfo.unm.edu for additional LoboAchieve resources!
TRIVIA QUESTION: What are the eligibility requirements for the
New Mexico Legislative Lottery Scholarship?
The Lobo Advisement Quarterly Connection will be published each quarter.
The next issue will be distributed July 2015. If you would like to have
information included in the newsletter please send the information to any
Advisement Communications Committee member, copy ready by Friday, June
19, 2015. We would like to have information regarding advising success
stories, new hires, retirements, announcement of events, or anything that you
feel is relevant to the advising and UNM community.
Tiffini Porter: tjp0217@unm.edu
Tracy Skipp: tjskipp@unm.edu
Olla Ibrahim: ollaibrahim@unm.edu
Brittany Padilla: coeac@unm.edu
Beth Rowe: erowe@unm.edu
Kelsey Molo: molok@unm.edu
APRIL 2015