NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS CIVIL AIR PATROL UNITED STATES AIR FORCE AUXILIARY MAXWELL AIR FORCE BASE, ALABAMA 36112-6332 DON ROWLAND CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER 2 June 2015 Scott Van Cleef, Brig Gen, USAF (Ret) AFA Chairman of the Board Mark Barrett, Maj Gen, USAF (Ret) Acting President, Air Force Association 1501 Lee Highway Arlington VA 22209-1198 Dear Generals Van Cleef and Barrett On behalf of the Civil Air Patrol National Headquarters staff and the 60,000 volunteers of CAP, I want to extend our sincere appreciation for the outstanding financial and award support the Air Force Association continues to provide to CAP each year. The funds the AFA provides for CAP’s aerospace/STEM education grants, both to CAP units and educator members, are vital in helping us accomplish our aerospace mission. These annual grants provide our members with wonderful opportunities to inspire and motivate thousands of cadets and students toward an interest in STEM subjects and careers. This year, the $22,500 in grant funding the AFA contributed to CAP was utilized to directly support unit, educator, school-wide, and youth organization STEM-related programs. The awards the AFA provide to each CAP squadron’s Outstanding Cadet and to the AFA National CAP AE Cadet of the Year are representative of the AFA’s respect for the work CAP is doing to provide quality youth development programs for our country. CAP shares a mutual respect for the AFA’s broad initiatives to develop the next generation into technologically-prepared citizenry that will maintain economic viability and national security for the future. The AFA’s CyberPatriot program specifically demonstrates a commitment to achieve that goal. We applaud your efforts and appreciate the opportunity for CAP cadets to participate in this innovative program. This past calendar year, the AFA made another commitment to CAP by providing an additional $20,000 to become the “Presenting Sponsor” of CAP’s K-6 Aerospace Connections in Education (ACE) program. The AFA’s support of this unique early education effort to inspire youth toward STEM careers allowed CAP to impact an additional 6,500 youth in this grade-level specific, national academic standards aligned, interdisciplinary program. The K-6 grade ACE program complements the AFA’s 6-12 grade CyberPatriot program and provides AFA chapters with a full spectrum of K-12 aerospace/STEM education programs. CAP is proud to be able to offer AFA chapters this program, in addition to several other free CAP K-12 programs for AFA chapters to utilize in the AFA’s aerospace/STEM education outreach mission. As noted on the attached 2014 AFA Program Report prepared by CAP’s AFA programs coordinator, Susan Mallett, the benefits of the AFA’s support of CAP’s aerospace/STEM education and cadet programs are far reaching. The efforts of the CAP staff to promote and support the AFA’s grassroots aerospace/STEM education programs is a sincere reciprocal gesture of admiration and appreciation to the AFA. Again, thank you for your generous support of CAP’s AE mission. It is indeed our pleasure to be associated with the AFA and to share in the quest to promote aerospace/STEM education across America. We pledge to continue to be good stewards of the grants, the ACE program sponsorship, and award opportunities provided to our members. Very Respectfully DON ROWLAND Chief Operating Officer cc: Jerry E. White, Maj Gen, USAF (Ret) AFA Vice Chairman of the Board, Aerospace Education David Dietsch. Colonel, USAF (Ret) AFA Vice Chairman of the Board, Field Operations Marvin L. “Marv” Tooman, Colonel, USAF (Ret) AFA National Secretary Nora Ruebrook AFA National Treasurer James Hannam, Colonel, USAF (Ret) AFA National Vice Chairman of the Aerospace Education Council Bernie Skoch, Brig Gen, USAF (Ret) AFA Senior Vice President for Education, Development and Innovation Kari Hahn AFA Vice President, Member and Field Relations Shannon Aud AFA Senior Manager, Field Operations Jill Westeyn AFA Manager, Aerospace Awards and Scholarships Maj Gen Joseph R. Vazquez, CAP National Commander Brig Gen Larry F. Myrick, CAP National Vice Commander Col Larry J. Ragland, CAP National Executive Officer Lt Col Mike McArdle, CAP National Aerospace Education Officer Col Michael D. Tyynismaa, USAF CAP-USAF Commander Col Sammy T. Pierce, USAF CAP-USAF Vice Commander John Salvador CAP Senior Director Susan Easter CAP Chief Financial Officer John Swain CAP Government Relations Consultant Dr. Jeff Montgomery CAP Deputy Director, Aerospace Education Civil Air Patrol’s 2014 Air Force Association Comprehensive Annual Program Report AFA Grants for CAP Units and Educator Members: Civil Air Patrol continues to recognize the Air Force Association as a treasured organizational aerospace/STEM education partner. Since the 1996 inception of the AFA/CAP partnership, the AFA has contributed over $380,000 in grant funding to enable CAP units and educator members the opportunity to complete special aerospace/STEM education projects and programs with young people across the country. In 19 years, about 290,000 students have been impacted by the AFA Grants for CAP Units and Educator Members, averaging about $1.31 per student. Via the use of the aerospace theme, CAP adult and cadet members are promoting STEM-related subjects and career options to young people, serving to aid in the development of the future aerospace/STEM workforce to maintain U.S. economic competitiveness and national security. The application process for the AFA Grant for CAP Members ensures that quality STEM-related programs and projects are the foundation of each grant. After-action reports from grant recipients reveal the deep appreciation and benefits resulting from the acquisition of AFA funding. Many of the programs and projects can be replicated numerous times after being funded, thus, there are perpetual benefits of the funding. The AFA annually provides $22,500 to fund $250 CAP unit and K-12 educator grants that reach all geographical areas of the country, as well as Puerto Rico. Grant applicants are encouraged to collaborate with other groups to increase program impact. A portion of the funding is allotted to perpetuate STEM Outreach programs focusing on outstanding school-wide initiatives associated with CAP’s K-6 Aerospace Connections in Education (ACE) program and educator professional development opportunities. 2014 return on investment information for the AFA Grant Program for CAP Members is delineated below, but, to repeat, many programs are replicated for several out years and with numerous other youth groups, thus immeasurably increasing program impact. 2014 $22,500 grant funds expenditures and program impact: CAP Unit Grants Summer Cycle- 20 grants @ $250 each-----Total youth directly impacted- 2,300 Winter Cycle- 20 grants @ $250 each-------Total youth directly impacted- 3,987 CAP Educator Classroom Grants Spring Cycle- 20 grants @ $250 each-------Total students directly impacted- 2,720 Fall Cycle- 19 grants @ $250 each-----------Total students directly impacted- 2,451 STEM Outreach Grants for Aerospace Connections in Education (ACE) –related Programs & Educator STEM Professional Development STEM Outreach Grants ------------------------Total students directly impacted- 7,100 ~ Awards for National ACE School, Educator, Coordinator, and Students of the Year- $1,450 ~ School-wide ACE program lift-off events & professional development programs- $1,300 2014 total youth directly impacted by the AFA Grants for CAP Members Program – 18,558 2014 per capita AFA contribution - $1.21 From field trips, to rocketry and robotics, to astronomy, high altitude balloon experiments and joint endeavors between organizations, the AFA Grant program for CAP units and educator members gives struggling STEM programs a chance to launch and inspire the youth in wonderful ways! Capt Jose Acosta of the Cabo Rojo, PR, Cadet Squadron took his cadets to interact in The Arecibo Observatory (William E. Gordon Telescope), part of the National Astronomy and Ionosphere Center. Capt Robert Montgomery of Horsham Air Guard Station, PA, took his cadets on a weekend field trip to the National Museum of the U.S. Air Force and the Huffmann Prairie Flying Field where the cadets learned about the development of controlled, powered flight and expereinced basic aerodynamics, as well as the role of aviation in history through static displays in the museum. 1Lt Randall Brown, of Palm Springs Composite Squadron, provides a Rocketry Program for his cadets to earn their Rocketry Badge. Maj Franklin Porath, of Raritan Valley Composite Squadron in NJ, worked with his cadets to form a competitive robotics program and added a cadet-produced video to show their pride in their AFAgrant supported program. Double click on video below: Link to Video Levar Patterson, of Building Dreams Youth Programs in Phoenix, AZ, used his AFA grant to help fund the FIRST Robotics competition and ended up at the AZ State Lego Championship. Connect to the newscast on following link (click to skip the ad): Matt Maisano, of Conestoga Valley High School in Lancaster, PA, took his students to the airport and Air Traffic Control Tower for a mini airshow, aviation lessons, hangar tours, and career exploration. “The students truly enjoyed the trip as it would not have been posible without the funds provided by the AFA educatior grant. Thank you for helping with this important educational experence.” Jory Vandenburg, the 388 Fighter Wing Historian at Hill AFB, and a CAP educator member, used the funds to purchase historical aviation books to read and distribute in 21 school presentations- even bringing Col Halverson, the Candy Bomber, as a speaker for the students. AFA Becomes 2014 CAP K-6 Aerospace Connections in Education (ACE) Program Presenting Sponsor: The Air Force Association’s Aerospace Education Council (AEC) obtained AFA National approval to include an additional budget line to be added for CAP AE programs for calendar year 2014. This additional funding allowed the AFA to become the Presenting Sponsor of CAP’s unique K-6 Aerospace Connections in Education (ACE) program. This first-time additional $20,000 in funding provided to CAP allowed an additional 6,500 students to be fully supported in the ACE program. At a per capita cost of $3.07, the AFA, as the ACE Presenting Sponsor, was prominently recognized on curriculum, teacher and school plaques, student certificates, and ACE t-shirts. Providing these additional program components enhanced program interest and promoted enduring public awareness of the AFA by school staff, students’ families and community members. Almost 17,000 students with about 700 teachers in 28 states participated in the 2014 ACE program and were introduced to the AFA through AFA chapter speakers, school visitors, award presenters, and field trip organizers. The impact of this new partnership was highlighted in the September 2014 Wingman magazine article, Come Fly with Me! CAP & AFA Join Hands to Support ACE Students. AFA chapters supported ACE schools in AL, AZ, CA, FL, MN, SC, TX, UT, (37 out of 98 schools- 37%). Plans for the 2015-2016 academic year include connecting ACE schools with an AFA chapter around the country to continue to build on this early STEM education outreach program for AFA chapters. Engaged, Enthusiastic Future Aviators in the ACE Program… Science thinking test scores increase up to 27% and 46% increase in program knowledge from post tests. 93% of ACE teachers intend to participate the following year. Most of those not doing so are retiring. Average score of ACE lessons is 4.5 out of 5. Inspired ACE Participants with ACE Program Products and AFA Visitors… 97%: I would recommend the ACE program to other educators. 98%: ACE lessons, particularly the academic lessons, support STEM education. 95%: ACE lessons positively affected and reinforced good behavior in the classroom. 97%: Teaching ACE lessons was a valuable use of my time. 95%: The ACE program helped create/foster an interest in/appreciation for aerospace. 94%: ACE lessons fit well with the skills, concepts, and/or standards we are required to teach. 2014 National ACE Teacher of the Year, Laura Pink, Crestview, FL “Thank you for this opportunity at our school. As the Magnet Coordinator for our STEM Aerospace elementary school, these lessons, resources, and materials are WONDERFUL! We use them with all 600 K-5th graders and our teachers LOVE participating and teaching them!” ~Kate Watson, 2014 National ACE Coordinator of the Year- Blaine, MN See ACE Magnet Day Video HERE. “I use the ACE program with my regular education students while the gifted students are pulled from the classroom. It makes them feel special and encourages them to pursue a STEM careers by increasing interest in aerospace and showing them they can be successful.” ~Kathy Perkins, Tuscaloosa, AL “The ACE program is very beneficial to my inclusion classroom. It opens the minds of my learning disabled students to possibilities of future careers in the fields of science.” ~Candace Gallmeyer, Minneola, FL THANK YOU, AFA! Other AFA Initiatives to Support CAP AFA’s Annual Recognition: National CAP Aerospace Education Cadet of the Year Award Nominations received at CAP NHQ and selection forwarded to AFA Award presented at AFA National Awards Program in September to recipient: 2014 AFA’s National CAP AE Cadet of the Year Cadet 2nd Lt. James Gardner Jr. at the Air Force Association's 2014 Air & Space Conference in National Harbor, Maryland, with U.S. Air Force Lt. Gen. Samuel D. Cox, deputy chief of staff for Manpower, Personnel and Services at Air Force Headquarters in Washington, D.C. AFA’s Annual Recognition : CAP Outstanding Squadron Cadet of the Year AFA National provided each requesting CAP squadron a ribbon, medal, and certificate to be presented by an AFA chapter representative to one outstanding cadet in each CAP cadet and composite squadron AFA’s Annual CyberPatriot Program for Schools and JROTC/CAP/Naval Sea Cadets As with each year since the inception of the AFA’s CyberPatriot National Youth Cyber Education program, CAP Cadet units were given the opportunity to compete in the CyberPatriot VI program at no cost to units CAP team participation again increased and CAP was the top organizational group in the All Service Division of the competition (38% increase in CAP teams from CPV to CPVI) The AFA’s CyberPatriot National Youth Cyber Education program’s Inaugural Middle School Division champion was CAP’s Beach Cities, CA, Cadet Squadron 107 team -- (from left) Cadet Airmen Roberto Munoz and Steve Velasco, Cadet Airman 1st Class Amy Ross, Cadet Tech. Sgt. Harmont Grenier and Cadet Airmen Alejandro Munoz and Alredo Corrales. CAP’s Volunteer Now article: Calif. cadets capture first CyberPatriot Middle School Division championship held in National Harbor, MD, March 2014 CAP promotes all AFA-sponsored programs above via CAP’s AE’s AFA website; AE’s CyberPatriot page ; and CAP’s AFA Announcements page, to include Grant Recipients; mass e-mails to all members; and CAP’s Volunteer Now online news. CAP’s Reciprocal Support of the AFA: Special AFA link embedded in the CAP AE webpage ( ) and the AFA Educational webpage to promote and give guidance for all CAP reciprocal, no-cost programs provided for AFA chapter use : * AFA and CAP members joining and working with both organizations: Join AFA! * AFA AE grants for CAP units and educator members * AFA awards for outstanding CAP cadets (squadron and national levels) * CyberPatriot Program * CAP’s complimentary AE membership for AFA TOYs, and teachers working with the AFA or attending AFA teacher workshops and/or museum programs (about 1,210 teachers have received the complimentary memberships worth $42,000) The CAP AZ Wing continue to participate in AFA’s Southwest Region Conference and work with teacher workshops and outreach programs * CAP’s no-cost AE programs for chapter usage: K-12 Aerospace Education Excellence (AEX) Program and K-6 Aerospace Connections in Education (ACE) Program * CAP’s support of resources and Teacher Orientation Program (TOP) Flights for AFA sponsored teacher workshops * CAP’s support for AFA’s Museum Initiative * CAP’s support for AF-supported Arnold Air Society and Silver Wings STEM Outreach Program Auburn AAS/SW Students Help with Maxwell AFB Aerospace/STEM Day for Area Students Continued- CAP’s Reciprocal Support of the AFA: The AFA logo is placed on CAP brochures and curriculum products, denoted as: “CAP and AFA: Partners in Aerospace and STEM Education” AFA sponsorship info printed on almost 100,000 CAP K-6 ACE program t-shirts and program plaques and certificates nationwide since the ACE program began in 2007 Continued- CAP’s Reciprocal Support of the AFA: National AFA HQ’s annual AE Educator Grant Program promoted to CAP educator members with annual assistance in selection of National AFA’s Educator Grants provided by CAP Coordinates CAP cadet units participating in CyberPatriot Program; and promotes the program to units and schools nationwide CAP Sends Appreciation to AFA National Headquarters Staff: One of Kari Hahn’s divisions, AFA National Aerospace Awards and Grants, with Jill Westeyn, Manager, has continued to provide prompt and professional leadership and service in the AFA/CAP grant and award program partnership The CyberPatriot team has provided excellent support for CPVI & VII CAP Cadet Teams The AFA has included AFA/CAP partnership initiative stories in the AFA National Report in the AFA magazine, as well as the Wingman magazine Information about CAP Unit and Educator Grant Winners and National CAP AE Cadet of the Year is posted on the AFA Website The AFA IT staff, alongside Chet Curtis and Shannon Aud, ensured that CAP’s no-cost Aerospace/STEM Ed program offerings are now posted on the AFA website for chapter use Respectfully Submitted with Sincere Appreciation, Susan Mallett Youth Development and AFA Programs Coordinator National Headquarters, Civil Air Patrol 2 June 2015
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