Europeon Communities zo Kcnsington Poloce Gardens London WS 4LQ_ Telephone: ot-727 8o9o Commission Press Releose January 5 L977 GRANT-AID FOR 56 NET'I FISHÏNG ScotLandrs farmlng and flsherles lndustrles quallfy for more than 83.6m of the [8 289 Bfe whlch has been allocated to ZB proJects 1n the Unlted Klngdom under the second batch of J-976 grants for maJor new investment 1n the agrlcultural and flshlng lndustrles. A flrst tranche of §2.8m for 26 proJects was announced 1n August. These dlscretlonary grants are payable from the Communltyr s agrlcultural fund (fnOCl) to lmprove lnfrastructure, processlng and marketlng 1n agrlculture and flsherles under regulatlon 17/6\. of proJects lncludes 56 new flshlng vessels, of whlch 39 w111 be based at Scottlsh ports and seven at Fleetwood 1n Lancashlre. A flsh lrocesslng and storage factory at Grlmsby qua11f1es for grant, and more than 8200 000 1s allocated to the modernlsatlon and expanslon of a flsh proeesslng faetory at Stornoway on the fsle of Lew1s. Thelve poultry plants w111 quallfy for flnance to lnprove thelr processlng standards, 1n aceordance wlth the tlghter condltlons of lnspectlon and hyglene requlred by the EEC poultrymeat dlrectlve. A grant of s305 000 w111 be made avallable for constructlon of a duck processlng factory near calstor, Llncs and 887 000 for a new poultry processlng plant ln counf,y Antnlm. The reglonal breakdown of proJects 1s as follows: The Latest batch Number of proJ ec ts Reglons North Yorkshlre and Humberslde North tües t East Mldlands tüest Mldlands East Ang1la South East South West 3 Northern Ireland Mu1t1 -reglonal Total 7 I 1 ÿJaIe s Scotland 2 4 proJ ects Grant reconunended 851 ,5 91 t292,352 8r,453,061 83 02 ,229 828,500 §511, 009 ui 8435r70I 888,783 8931,746 9,3 ,604, 05 o r.g gt .289.812 4 3 6 85 83 ,T g0 .../... rsBc I t /77 .2 Llst of proJects A1d recommended of an anlmal feeds m111 near 0swestry, Salop Expanslon of a flsh processlng and storage Expanslon factory at Grlmsby, Humberslde Constructlon of two flshlng vesseLs to based at t'lhltehaven, Cumbrla r.26 Constructlon of flve flshlng vessels to be based at Buckle, Banffshlre Constructlon of nine flshlng vessels to be based at Fraserburgh, Aberdeenshlre Constructlon of a duck poultry processlng factory near Calstor, Llncolnshlre Constructlon of a flshlng vessel to be based at Palgnton, Devon Constructlon of a flshlng vessel- to be based at Plttenweem, Flfe Constructlon of a flsh processlng plant and cold store at Annalong, Co. Down Constructlon of an anlrnal feed m111 at Aberdeen Expanslon of a meat processlng plant at Whlteabbey, Belfast ïmprovement of two poultry processlng plants Ballymena and Ballymoney, Co. Antrlm at Constructlon of a poultry processlng plant near Cullybackey, Co. Antrlm Constructlon of a flshlng vessel to be based Hopeman, Morayshlre Constructlon of vegetable processlng and storage facllltles at Cupar, Flfe Improvement of hyglene standards at a poÈltry processlng plant at Armagh, Northern Ireland ïmprovement of a poultry processlng plant at Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk Constructlon of 12 flshlng vessels to be based at Aberdeen 3\5 be Expanslon of a cheese factory at West Marton, Yorkshlre Expanslon and modernlsatlon of a dalry at Edlnburgh Improvement of a turkqr processlng factory near Northallerton, North Yorkshlre at 828,5 00 851,591 f 211 ,27L t22,698 828,540 t26t,7To t646,642 §306,229 il6,62L tZT ,576 853 ,214 s157 ,ZLg s347 ,947 f159,575 887,5t0 86 0,5 89 §108 ,67 O 818,850 î.24 ,L75 8994,131 .../. r. 3 Improvement of a poultry processlng factory at Coupar Angus, Perthshlre Expanslon of fac1l1t1es for maklng and storlng cheese at a factory at Davldstow, Cornwall Constructlon of a slaughterlng and meat processlng factory at Brldge of AIIan, St1rl1ngsh1re Modernlsatlon and expanslon of a 11qu1d m11k dalry at Hyde, Cheshlre ïmprovement of a poultry processlng factory near Southport, Merseyslde Constructlon of a flshlng vessel to be based at Scarborough, North Yorkshlre Constructlon of a flshlng vessel to be based at Fleetwood, Lancashlre Expanslon of a processed meat produets faetory at Llverpool, Merseyslde Modernlsatlon and expanslon of a flsh processlng factory at Stornoway, Isle of Lew1s, Scotland Improvement §40,706 [108 ,7 44 r277,4r4 î.59,772 s141, 009 î,26,tg5 t23,072 86o,93o §2 09, 4 33 of hyglene standards at a poultry processlng plant at Eye, Suffolk tzLT ,622 Expanslon of a cheese factory at Haverf,ordwest, Dyfed Expanslon of a 11quld m11k Lancashlre 823,777 dalry at Accrlngton, Installatlon of bulk m11k receptlon faclLltles butter and cheese pack equlpment 1n a dalry at Caerphllly Modernlsatlon of an anlmal feed and flour m111 at Belfast, Northern lreland Improvement and expanslon of slaughterlng and meat processlng fac111t1es at Gloucester Improvement of flve poultry processlng plants and 1n England and one 1n Scotland Modernlsatlon of a 1lquld m11k dalry 1n l,Iest Glamorgan Modernlsation and expansion of an abattolr at Peterborough, Cambrldgeshlre Replacement of an anlmal feed m111 on the Severn and reconstructlon of another at Llverpool Constructlon of three stern trawlers to be based at Lowestoft, Suffolk, and North Shlelds, Northumberland 8257,441 815,006 r,267 ,750 î.237, 896 9L62,083 85 0, 000 t269,2L2 t602,437 t222 rggl 4Constructlon of a mu1t1-purpose flshlng boat to be based at Grlmsby, Humberslde and North Shlelds, Northumberland Constructlon of a flshlng vessel to be based at Maeduff, Banffshlre Constructlon of four stern trawlers to be based at Fleetwood, Lancs Constructlon of flve new flshlng vessels to be based at Peterhead, Aberdeenshlre Constructlon of a flshlng vessel to be based at Losslemouth, Morayshlre Construetlon of a flshlng vessel to be based at Ma11a1g, Invernessshlre Constructlon of two flshlng vessels to be based at Grlmsby, Humberslde and Fleetwood, Lancashlre Constructlon of a flshlng vessel to be based at Whalsâÿr Shetland Constructlon of two flshlng vessels to be based at Granton, Edlnburgh Constructlon of a flshlng vessel to be based at Hopernan, Morayshlre Modernlslng of a flshlng vessel based at Peterhead, Aberdeenshlre Constructlon of a flshlng vessel to be based 1n CornwallI[odernlsatlon and adaptatlon for mu1t1purpose flshlng of an exlstlng fishlng vessel ++++ ++++++ ++ +++++++ §54,600 î,79,606 83 08,4oo r,223,7t2 î,46,690 8111,483 tI44,115 858,170 sI91 ,L62 §57,408 816 ,14 0 872 ,4 40 81 8,971
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