Presents the Anglo European German International Miniature Horse Show st On 1 August 2015 Venue: Reitsportanlage Heidemann Hauptstrasse 10 16845 Michaelisbruch Germany ********************************************************************************** This show is OPEN to ALL Miniature Horses of The World, regardless of Society registration. Owners and Handlers must be current paid up AEMHS members - 10 Euro membership per year. Horses do NOT have to be AEMHS Registered BUT if you register your horse you can enter the additional AEMHS registered horse classes if wished. (ALL horses up to 97 cms eligble) Open to horses up to 38 inches (Pferde unter 97cms) ********************************************************************* This affiliated AEMHS show is a QUALIFIER for: AEMHS G rand Cham pionships Show on 13 th Septem ber 2015 held at: M oulton College, Northants, UK. (1st to 3rd in ALL classes qualify) ********************************************************************* We would like to thank all our generous sponsors for their on going support. Sponsorship sought There are many different sponsorship packages available, please contact us for further information and sponsors benefits. ********************************************************************************** A.E.M.H.S. HEAD OFFICE, 196 High Road, Wood Green, LONDON, N22 8HH Show enquiries to: + 44 (0) 7745 325079 or email: German Representative: Katy Hoffmann (Email: ******************************************************************************************** Entries close: 14th July 2015 10 euros per class Entries emailed to: and payment made via PayPal (Enter ten classes and get the eleventh free!) Late entries and entries on the day: 15.00 euros per class . Judge: Mr Francis McAllen Ring One – commencing at 9:30 am YEARLINGS - open to horses born in 2014 Class 1: Thoroughbred / Lightweight Type not exceeding 86.5 cms (34 inches) at maturity Class 2: Middleweight Type not exceeding 97 cms (38 inches) at maturity (can include Part Shetland) Class 3: American Bloodline not exceeding 86.5 cms (34 inches) at maturity Class 4: Native type / Shetland not exceeding 97 cms (38 inches) at maturity Class 5: German Born not exceeding 97 cms (38 inches) at maturity (any type born in Germany & not imported) Class 6: European Bloodline (neither parent to be registered American or Falabella) not exc 97 cms (38”) at maturity Youngstock (1 & 2 year olds) - open to horses born in 2013 & 2014 Class 7: Heavyweight Type (including Shetland) not exceeding 97 cms (38 inches) at maturity Class 8: Argentinean Bloodline (minimum of 25% Falabella) not exceeding 97 cms (38 inches) at maturity Class 9: AEMHS registered, not exceeding 97 cms (38 inches) at maturity Class 10: Category B Lightweight Type measuring over 86.5 cms up to 97 cms (34 ins to 38 ins) at maturity 2 & 3 year olds - open to horses born in 2012 & 2013 Class 11: Thoroughbred / Lightweight Type not exceeding 86.5 cms (34 inches) at maturity Class 12: Middleweight Type not exceeding 97 cms (38 inches) at maturity (can include Part Shetland) Class 13: American Bloodline not exceeding 86.5 cms (34 inches) at maturity Class 14: Native type / Shetland not exceeding 97 cms (38 inches) at maturity Class 15: German Born not exceeding 97 cms (38 inches) at maturity (any type born in Germany & not imported) Class 16: European Bloodline (neither parent to be registered American or Falabella) not exc 97 cms (38”) at maturity 3 years old & over - open to qualified horses born in or before 2012 Class 17: Heavyweight Type (including Shetland) not exceeding 97 cms (38 inches) at maturity Class 18: Argentinean Bloodline (minimum of 25% Falabella) not exceeding 97 cms (38 inches) at maturity Class 19: AEMHS registered, not exceeding 97 cms (38 inches) at maturity Class 20: Category B Lightweight Type measuring over 86.5 cms up to 97 cms (34 ins to 38 ins) at maturity 4 years old & over - open to qualified horses born in or before 2011 Class 21: Thoroughbred / Lightweight Type not exceeding 86.5 cms (34 inches) Class 22: Middleweight Type not exceeding 97 cms (38 inches) Class 23: American Bloodline not exceeding 86.5 cms (34 inches) Class 24: Native type / Shetland not exceeding 97 cms (38 inches) Class 25: German Born not exceeding 97 cms (38 inches) (any type born in Germany & not imported) Class 26: European Bloodline (neither parent to be registered American or Falabella) not exceeding 97cms (38 inches) Class 27: ANY AGE Exclusive Registered Hyperion Thoroughbred not exceeding 97cms (38 inches) at maturity. (See website re how to grade your TB onto the exclusive Hyperion TB Register). (Short break here) Jumping Section (horses must be 2 years old or over to compete in the Jumping) Class 28: Puissance high Jump in-hand - not exceeding 86.5 cms (34 inches) Class 29: Puissance high jump in-hand – exceeding 86.5 cms (34 inches) but not ex 97 cms (38 inches) Class 30: Hunter-Jumper not ex 97 cms (38”) – judged on conformation, style & performance over a small course Driving Classes – not exceeding 97 cms (38 inches) Class 31: Novice Miniature Horse Driven to any carriage. (Not to have won 1st or 2nd in an Open Driven class). Class 32: Open Miniature Horse Driven to any carriage. Alternative Classes – not exceeding 97 cms (38 inches) Class 33: Best Young Handler – Child must be under 16 years Class 34: Veteran – 14 years old or over Class 35: Best Gelding – any age or type Colour & Markings Classes – any age not ex 97 cms (38”) - (Judged 50% on conformation & 50% on markings) Class 36: Broken Colour Class 37: Appaloosa / Pintaloosa Class 38: Solid Colour Class 39: Other Colour (Inc: Palomino, Dun, Silver, Roan, Cremello) st nd Thoroughbred/Lightweight Type Championship (1 & 2 from classes: 1, 10, 11, 19, 21) st nd Middleweight Type Championship (1 & 2 from classes: 2, 12, 22) st nd American Bloodline Championship (1 & 2 from classes: 3, 13, 23) st nd Native Type Championship (1 & 2 from classes: 4, 14, 24) st nd German Born Championship (1 & 2 from classes: 5, 15, 25) st nd European Bloodline Championship (1 & 2 from classes: 6, 16, 26) Heavyweight Type Championship (1st & 2nd from classes: 7, 17) st nd Argentinean Bloodline (Falabella) Championship (1 & 2 from classes: 8, 18) st nd AEMHS Registered Championship (1 & 2 from classes: 9, 19) st nd Colour & Markings Championship (1 & 2 from classes: 36, 37, 38, 39) GUIDELINES: In all Non-Native classes horses are presented freshly fully clipped (body and limbs) or recently clipped. Extended bridle path but untrimmed natural mane (as per an Arabian) & long natural un-banged tail (tapered/uncut end). These are guidelines to correct turnout, NOT rules. GUIDELINES: In all Native type classes horses are presented un-clipped with full natural coat and un-trimmed feathering on the legs and a full mane and tail with no bridle path & a full natural un-pulled tail. (These are guidelines to correct turnout, NOT rules). A.E.M.H.S. RULES ALL PERSONS COMPETEING OR ATTENDING ANY A.E.M.H.S. AFFILIATED SHOW, WHETHER OR NOT A MEMBER OF THE SOCIETY, ARE SUBJECT TO THE RULES OF THE SOCIETY WHICH MUST BE OBEYED BY ALL PERSONS ATTENDING THE SHOW AND THIS IS A CONDITION OF ENTRY. RULE 1: RULE 2: RULE 3: RULE 4: RULE 5: RULE 6: RULE 7: RULE 8: RULE 9: RULE 10: RULE 11: RULE 12: RULE 13: THE GOVERNING MEMBERS OF THE SOCIETY / SHOW (THE DIRECTORS) RESERVE THE RIGHT TO REFUSE ENTRY TO ANY PERSON WITHOUT ANY EXPLANATION. THE JUDGES DECISION IS FINAL. THE SOCIETY, THE GOVERNING MEMBERS AND SHOW COMMITTEE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY LOSS, INJURY OR DEATH TO ANY PERSONS OR THEIR ANIMALS AT ANY TIME WHILST ON THE SHOWGROUND WHETHER COMPETING OR NOT. THE SHOW COMMITTEE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO CANCEL, ALTER, AMEND, SPLIT OR AMALGAMATE ANY CLASSES AT ANY TIME. ANY ANIMAL SHOWING SIGNS OF DISEASE OR ILLNESS WILL BE ASKED TO LEAVE THE SHOW. ANY ANIMALS THAT ARE UNRULY / DEEMED TO BE UNSAFE WILL BE ASKED TO LEAVE. NO SUBSTITUTION ENTRIES, NO FEES WILL BE REFUNDED. LUNGING MAYBE PERMITTED BUT NOT IN COLLECTING AREAS. NO HORSES UNDER 2 YEARS OF AGE MAY BE LUNGED. DOGS MUST BE KEPT UNDER CONTROL AND ON A LEAD AT ALL TIMES. EXHIBITORS MUST PARK WHERE DIRECTED BY SHOW OFFICIALS. ALL EXHIBITORS ARE ADVISED TO HOLD PUBLIC LIABILITY INSURANCE. HORSES MUST BE 2 YEARS OLD OR OVER TO COMPETE IN ANY JUMPING. HORSES MUST BE 3 YEARS OLD OR OVER TO COMPETE DRIVEN. IF THERE IS ANY DISPUTE OVER A HORSES HEIGHT DEEMED TO HAVE REASONABLE GROUNDS BY THE JUDGE OR/AND COMMITTEE / DIRECTORS, THE PRIZE AWARDED TO THAT HORSE WILL BE SUSPENDED UNTIL A JMB CERTIFICATE IS OBTAINED. ENTRIES ON THE DAY MUST BE PAID IN CASH. YOU MAY ALSO JOIN AND BECOME A MEMBER ON THE DAY, BUT THIS MUST ALSO BE PAID IN CASH. Anglo European Miniature Horse Society German International Miniature Horse Show SPONSORSHIP PACKAGES / FORM Bronze Sponsorship – one class 25 euros, Name appears in schedule and catalogue. Silver Sponsorship – one Championship 50 euros, Name appears in schedule & catalogue. Sponsors banner on ringside. Gold Sponsorship - Whole section 75 euros, Section & Championship in sponsors name which will appear in the schedule and catalogue, Sponsors banner on ringside and one half page black and white advert in catalogue. Platinum Sponsorship – whole section and Ring 150 euros, Section and Ring in sponsors name. Your name or company name will appear in the schedule, catalogue and website. Sponsors banner on ringside and one half-page colour advert in the catalogue. (PLUS for trade sponsors Flyer/Leaflet given out with Catalogues). Diamond Sponsorship – whole section, Main Ring 1 and Overall Supreme in Show 300 euros, benefits of the Platinum package plus the outstanding Supreme rosettes with the sponsor’s name printed on the tails. Also one full page colour advert in the catalogue. If you or your company / business would like to sponsor any other amount or have a suggestion to personalise your own package, please let us know. ****************************************************************************** Please write here the name & amount of the package you would like to sponsor: ______________ euros: __ ___________________ Name of sponsor (as you would like it to appear): ______________________________________ Contact name: _________________________________________ Tel: ____________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________________ Post code: _________________ Email: ______________________________________________ Class number (s) or section / Championship you would prefer to sponsor if still available: I have sent my payment for sponsorship of the above mentioned show via PayPal to: Signed: ___________________________________________________ Dated: _______________________ Please scan and email to: (If you wish to pay for sponsorship by other means please contact us, thank you) Entry fees and closing dates: Class HORSE & AEMHS Reg number (if applicable) HEIGHT AGE OWNER & AEMHS MEMBERSHIP NUMBER I agree to abide by all AEMHS Rules. SIGNED _____________________________________ DATE __________ TEL: ___________________________ EMAIL: ____________________________________________________ FEE Wenn Sie Informationen in deutscher Sprache verlangen Sie bitte eine E-Mail: Contact Tel: + 44 (0) 7745 325079 ___________________________________________________________________________________________ TOTAL EUROS SIRE & DAM Please scan and email to: Send payment via PayPal to: HANDLER & AEMHS MEMB NO ADDRESS __________________________________________________________________________________ NAME ______________________________________________________________________________________ Office Use (Entries on the day and membership fees paid on the day MUST be paid in cash, thank you) SPECIAL: For every ten classes entered you can enter one extra class for FREE! Please enter via email, either scan and email this completed form or place all information required in an email to: Entries close 14th July – Entry fee: 10:00 euros per class. Late entries and entries on the day will be 15:00 euros per class
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