Books in Brief CSIRO Handbook of Australian Insect Names, Common and Scientific Names for Insects and Allied Organisms of Economic and Enviromental Importance. Sixth Edition Ian Naumann CSIRO, Melbourne, Australis, 1993 200 pp., $50 ISBN 0-643-05520-X This book provides access to the correct scientific and accepted common name for every insect for which a common name exists in Australia. Indices allow one to search by common or scientific name. There is also a systematic listing with scientific and common names placed in an hierarchical system (superclass, class, order, and family). Common names are not only listed for species but also for higher taxa (e.g., families). The book includes insects, crustaceans, arachnids, millipedes, centipedes, snails, and slugs. It also lists author names with commonly used abbreviations. The book is well done and will be of value to those with an interest in the Australian fauna, to international workers, and to those that I,lsethe text The b,sects of Australia in their research and teaching. Insects-Peterson Coloring Book Pro bit and Logit Analysis on a PC This IBM compatible software performs the probit and logit analyses needed in dose-response studies for pesticide bioassays. It includes tests of parallelism and equality of probit lines; provides for control groups; computes LD-50s, LD-90s, etc.; and conducts a question and answer session to obtain its control parameters. The software comes with a clearly written user's manual that includes a fully-annotated printout for a typical data set. POLO-PC is used extensively by Robertson and Preisler in their recent book, Pesticide Bioassays with Arthropods. POLOPC is for IBM-PC, XT, AT and compatibles, with at least 256K memory, running under DOS. PRICES 1 copy 2-4 copies 5 or more copies $90 u.s. each $60 u.s. each $40 u.s. each Clip this ad, indicating number of copies -' diskette size 5.25 0 or 3.5 0, and send check or purchase order with your name and address to LeOra Software 1119 Shattuck Avenue Berkeley, CA 94707 USA Field Guide Robert M. Pyle Kristing Kest, Illustrator Houghton Mifflin, Boston, 1993 66 pp., $5.95 ISBN 0-395-67088-8 This is one in a series of coloring books. Almost 250 line drawings suitable for coloring (preferably with pencils or fine point crayons are included. The drawings are preceded by a short section that discusses general entomological principles including insect parts, life history and metamorphosis, finding and watching insects, making a collection, and insect diversity and conservation. Although short, these sections are informative. The insect drawings are grouped into sections based on taxonomic affinities or shared habitats (e.g., aquatic insects). Each drawing is accompanied by a short discussion of the insect. Many drawings include background items such as plants, flowers, nests, and balls of dung. The book contains four colored plates that correspond to the line drawings and show the true color pattern of the insects. Insects is an inexpensive way to introduce younger entomologists to the science. AMF.RICAN POLO-PC ENTOMOIJJGIST • Fa//1994 THE GENERAL PURPOSE "BLACK LIGHT" TRAP • Scientifically designed lor the best possible catches 01nocturnal and crepuscular insects. • Developed under the direction of scientists in plant pest control lor use in the lield by entomologists, and researchers in insect monitoring. THE GENERAL PURPOSE "BLACK LIGHT' TRAP ••. ... is built trom top 10boftom with the field user in mind. II is ruggedly made yet not overweight It knocks down for compact transport from one IocatPn to another, yet sets up easily and quickly with pliers ana screw driver. The collection container is ample even for a big catch of relatively large insects. To help in segregating the catch by size, interior baskets with screen boftoms may be added. Collection container unhooks easily for removing cafch, locks firmly in place when reselling trap. • Electrtcal BOI: Wired for hook-up to 110 V., 60 cycle AC current, or power pack • Day/Night Photocell Option: 15 waft trap is now available for ballery operation with an automatic switch that cuts off current in lull daylight. This switch is actuated by photocell and is adjustable. Write or phone for additional MANUFACTURED details. AND DISTRIBUTED BY O.B. ENTERPRISES, INC. 4585 Schneider Drive. Oregon, WI 53575 Phone: (608) 835-9416 189
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