Optimized Ship Design Using HEEDS & STAR-CCM+ Damian Tatum – Downey Engineering Darren Preston - Downey Engineering Timothy Yen – CD-adapco Nate Chase – Red Cedar Technology Abstract Cargo ship design requires a challenging balancing act between construction costs and operational efficiency. Naval architects strive to minimize hull drag while maximizing propulsive efficiency with limits on cavitation, erosion, and up-front material costs. In this current study, we leveraged recent advances in simulation-based design, multidisciplinary design exploration, and scalable computation to automate the identification of new and efficient cargo ship designs. The commercial HEEDS multidisciplinary design exploration software was used to automatically drive hull form geometry changes and hydrostatic performance evaluation in the MultiSurf software followed by a drag and propulsive power assessment in the STAR-CCM+ computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software. Design variables included basic hull parameters such as length and width, bulb geometry, skeg geometry, and propeller design features. Hybrid, adaptive design search techniques were utilized to identify designs that yielded considerable reductions in drag along with increases in propulsive power, directly translating into reduced fuel and operational costs. This study demonstrates considerable advantages over traditional ship design methodologies and opens up new avenues to leverage inexpensive high-performance computing resources to wring out higher performance and lower cost designs. Background This project utilized the same methodology and framework as a proprietary project performed for a similar vessel with a more diverse operational profile. The vessel design considered was an alternative single-skeg, twin screw design for aforementioned project. The process deployed throughout this project is applicable to any design. The vessel chosen here is for demonstration purposes only. Motivation Ship efficiency and emissions regulations (EEDI) are gradually increasing the need for more holistic design approaches – Fuel efficiency devices provide marginal improvements to existing designs – De-rating of engines and simply reducing speed can only take owners/operators so far Vessels with varied operational profiles require trade-off analyses that make a test regime exponentially more difficult. It’s very hard to know how subtle changes in hull form can effect overall performance, operational expenses and acquisition costs – Any wisdom is very general Overall Objective Bulbous bow, and twin screw, skeg stern configurations are used to improve efficiencies Advantages: – Reduces wave-making resistance (bulbous bow) – Provides propeller and maneuverability redundancy – Improves flow into the propellers and directional stability Disadvantages: – Traditional classical rules and standard practices do not lend themselves alone to determine tradeoffs and balancing of configurations for these types of designs – Advanced methodologies will be required to effectively improve efficiencies Specific Objective To explore the fuel-consumption performance of a parametrically variable hull design running as a self-propelled vessel in calm water with realistic operational constraints – The design geometry is constrained in maximum global dimensions to legacy PANAMAX – Mass displacement (Δ) is a function of dimensions and cargo deadweight – Minimum intact stability (GM) requirements and hydrostatic trim allowances Implicitly Explored Design Features: – Wave-making resistance attenuation with bulbous bows, entry angle, stern shaping, shoulder shaping. – Propeller design exploration (B-Series) – Propeller, hull, shafting, and rudder interactions Problem Particulars The goal is to find a family of optimal hull designs and propeller parameters that minimize fuel consumption rates for the following mission: – – – – – – 28,000 DWT Medium Range bulk carrier Twin screws Single skeg Constrained to legacy PANAMAX dimensions Installed two medium speed diesels In the follow operating conditions: • Full Load: 28,000 DWT • Ballast Load: 70% Heavy Condition (19,600 MT) Performance considerations: – Trim requirements – Intact initial stability requirements (GMT) – Available installed power and reduction gearing efficiencies Solution: Drive Product Innovation with CAE Design Exploration Studies leveraging modern simulation tools: – – – – – Hull Modeling Software – MultiSurf by AeroHydro Hydrostatic Calculations – MultiSurf by AeroHydro Computational Fluid Dynamics – STAR-CCM+ by CD-adapco Pareto Optimization – HEEDS by CD-adapco Scalable Computation – High Performance Computing Cluster Solution: Drive Product Innovation with CAE MultiSurf STAR-CCM+ n nodes Hull Modeling & Hydrostatics CFD Analysis 2. Process Automation m cores per node 1. Validated CAE Models 5. Sensitivity & Robustness 3. Scalable Computation 4. Efficient Exploration 1 - Validated CAE Models – MultiSurf A parameterized hull model was developed in MultiSurf/Hydro 8.7, developed by AeroHydro – MultiSurf is a software suite used for the parametric design of 3D complex objects involving freeform curves and surfaces, specializing in ship hull design – Entire model is updated whenever underlying points, lines, or surfaces are updated, and fairing tools allow surfaces to be faired and refined with geometry updates – Surfaces composing the hull body are durably joined, allowing subsequent analysis packages to treat the generated hull as a “meshable” solid 1 - Validated CAE Models – MultiSurf MultiSurf Hydro outputs of interest: – Trim Overall (must be between -0.15 m and 1 m at Heavy load for a valid design) – GMT (must be greater than 0.3 m under both load conditions for a valid design) – Maximum Draft (must be less than 12 m under Heavy load to meet PANAMAX requirements) MultiSurf Hull Parametric Model outputs of interest: – – – – – – – LCG (from both load conditions) VCG (from both load conditions) (constant) Center of flotation (ZCF) Hull Length Propeller outside diameter Propeller location (coordinates) Displacement weight 1 - Validated CAE Models – STAR-CCM+ For this study, full scale design simulations were conducted on a longitudinally-symmetric half-domain using CFD analysis performed using STAR-CCM+ v9.06.11 Roll and yaw variations were not considered, consistent with an assumption that the hull should be optimized for even-keel, straightahead navigation Water conditions were assumed to be seawater (1025 kg/m3) 1 - Validated CAE Models – STAR-CCM+ Wrapper was used to seal co-planar hull surfaces and dynamically positioned and sized appendages (skeg, rudder, shafting) Surface meshing was accomplished using a local surface resolution size of 0.75 m globally with refinement around curvature and appendages Volumetric meshing involved an orthogonal 3D mesh that subdivides elements in the bow wave and wake regions as well as the free surface, using the Trimmer mesher Boundary layer was captured using the STAR-CCM+ prism layer mesher with an initial skin cell thickness of 0.6 mm to properly capture near-wall viscous effects. Model mesh sizes ranged between 2.5-3 million cells 1 - Validated CAE Models – STAR-CCM+ Two load cases considered: – Heavy load (28,000 ton deadweight): 16.5 knots – Ballast condition (19,600 ton deadweight): 12.5 knots Heavy Load: 16.5 knots at 28,000 ton deadweight Ballast Load: 12.5 knots at 19,600 ton deadweight 1 - Validated CAE Models Each design was evaluated by a self-propulsion simulation at the specified displacement and speed. The propeller was free to turn at any RPM to produce the thrust to counteract the overall drag. 2nd order segregated flow implicit unsteady solver was utilized with a fixed time step size tailored to the length of the ship and it’s speed to provide a suitable Courant number Turbulence was treated with the Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) realizable K-epsilon turbulence model with two-layer all-y+ wall treatment Free surface of the water was treated using the volume of fluid (VoF) model The vessel was treated as a dynamic fluid body interaction entity (DFBI) and placed in a global reference frame, initialized at the desired run speed. The ship was free to trim and heave. The propeller effects, pressure gradient and swirl, were accomplished using the Virtual Propeller model based on open-water curves computed by published polynomials for B-Series (Bernitsas, 1981, U. of Michigan) 1 - Validated CAE Models – STAR-CCM+ Self-propelled tests were conducted using a propulsion element using the Star CCM+ virtual disk model – Marks all cells in a volume of space occupied by the propeller. – Imparts torque and axial force to the fluid in those cells as if the propeller were acting on them, accounting for the upstream and downstream flow conditions as a propeller would. – Requires the input of a propeller open water performance curves – The propeller properties, such as diameter, blade count, and pitch ratio were input into the STAR-CCM+ model and appropriate propeller curves generated for each load condition – STAR-CCM+ was able to choose the operating point based on the necessary thrust and the measured velocity of advance of the propeller. The thrust of the propeller was feathered to maintain the speed being investigated, and the program automatically adjusted the propeller RPM on the fly. 1 - Validated CAE Models 3,200 timesteps performed Resistance computed as the sum of the viscous and pressure forces acting on all elements in the –x direction. Forces were averaged over the time history once it stabilized Heave: Trim: 2 – Process Automation MultiSurf MultiSurfSTAR-CCM+ Hull Design Parameters Hull Modeling & Hydrostatics CFD Analysis Hull Modeling & Hydrostatics 2 – Process Automation An MS Excel interface is used by HEEDS to drive the parameterized MultiSurf model using the VBA API available within MultiSurf The Excel file specifies variable values for a given design and calculates the applied weight based upon the load case and beam and length characteristics The VBA script is contained within a Macro in Excel which does the following steps: – – – – – – – – – Initiates MultiSurf in the background Opens the baseline MultiSurf model Modifies the applied weight Reads in from the Excel worksheet the variable values and updates the hull shape accordingly Saves a new MultiSurf database for reference Exports an IGES file for STAR-CCM+ usage Executes Hydro Writes Hydro calculation results to a text file Writes outputs to text file for STAR-CCM+ usage • • • • • • Propeller coordinates Propeller outside diameter LCG VCG Length Displacement Weight 2 – Process Automation MultiSurf MultiSurfSTAR-CCM+ Hull Design Parameters Hull Modeling & Hydrostatics CFD Analysis Geometry IGES file Hydrostatics Results File Hull Modeling & Hydrostatics 2 – Process Automation MultiSurf MultiSurf Geometry IGES file Hull Design Parameters Hull Design Parameters Hull Modeling & Hydrostatics Hydrostatics Results File STAR-CCM+ Geometry CFD Analysis IGES file Hydrostatics Results File Hull Modeling & Hydrostatics 2 – Process Automation MultiSurf STAR-CCM+ Geometry IGES file Hull Design Parameters Hull Modeling & Hydrostatics Hydrostatics Results File CFD Analysis STAR-CCM+ CFD Analysis 2 – Process Automation STAR-CCM+ is driven through a java script that reads in design conditions from a text file along with the given hull geometry – The hull geometry is passed by HEDS from MultiSurf in the form of an IGES file – The values for propeller coordinates, propeller outside diameter, LCG, VCG, ZCF, Displacement Weight, and Length are passed from MultiSurf to STARCCM+ by HEEDS for both load conditions through the design condition file – Values for other variables dictating propulsion characteristics are supplied by HEEDS to STAR-CCM+ through the design condition file • • • • Propeller number of blades Propeller pitch ratio Propeller blade area ratio Propeller handedness (left or right) 2 – Process Automation After the conditions and geometry are read-into STAR-CCM+ the propeller performance curves are extrapolated and the simulations conducted : – Heavy load (28,000 MT deadweight) @ 16.5 knots – Ballast condition (19,600 MT deadweight) @ 12.5 knots At the conclusion of the simulations, relevant outputs are written to a results text file and the data stored by HEEDS for the design for both load cases – – – – – – – – – Draft Displacement Speed Drag Effective Power Delivered Power Trim Heave RPM Fuel rate is calculated for each load case by HEEDS utilizing the delivered power in its calculations 2 – Process Automation Propulsive Design Parameters STAR-CCM+ Geometry IGES file Hydrodynamic Results Hydrostatics Results File CFD Analysis 2 – Process Automation Propulsive Design Parameters Propulsive Design Parameters Hull Design Parameters Geometry IGES file MultiSurf STAR-CCM+ Geometry IGES file Hull Modeling & Hydrostatics Hydrostatics Results File Hydrostatics Results File CFD Analysis STAR-CCM+ Hydrodynamic Results Hydrodynamic CFD Analysis Results 2 – Process Automation Propulsive Design Parameters MultiSurf Hull Design Parameters Hull Modeling & Hydrostatics Geometry IGES file STAR-CCM+ Hydrostatics Results File CFD Analysis Hydrodynamic Results 3 – Scalable Computation HEEDS and Multi-Surf were performed using a single core of a 64-bit Windows HP PC with an Intel Xeon 2.8GHz processor with 12 GB of RAM – Average MultiSurf Simulation Time for Heavy Load case: 3 mins – Average MultiSurf Simulation Time for Ballast Load case: 2 mins STAR-CCM+ was run on 84-cores of a High Performance Compute Cluster (HPC) – Average STAR-CCM+ Simulation Time: 5.5 hours 7 nodes 12 cores per node 4 – Efficient Exploration HEEDS MDO has a robust, efficient, easy to use optimization search technology called SHERPA – One input parameter • Number of Evaluations (budget) • No tuning required – Hybrid • Blend of search strategies used simultaneously • Global and local search performed together • Leverages the best of all methods – Adaptive • Adapts itself to the design space • Efficiently searches simple and very complicated spaces • Very cost effective for complex problems 4 – Efficient Exploration A dual stage approach was taken to optimize the bulk carrier (and proprietary vessel for which this project was based) Design Exploration Study 1: Optimization for Hydrostatics Only MultiSurf Geometry IGES file Hull Modeling & Hydrostatics Hydrostatics Results File Hull Design Parameters 4 – Efficient Exploration A dual stage approach was taken to optimize the bulk carrier (and proprietary vessel for which this project was based) Design Exploration Study 2: Optimization for Hydrostatics and Hydrodynamics – Start with good hydrostatic design concepts from Design Exploration Study 1 to speed up the search process High Performing Design Concepts from Hydrostatics Design Exploration Study 1: Optimization for Hydrostatics Only Design Exploration Study 2: Optimization for Hydrostatics and Hydrodynamics Design Exploration Study 1: Optimization for Hydrostatics Only Variables: BEAM 14.75 m 16.155 m Design Exploration Study 1: Optimization for Hydrostatics Only Variables: STATION_10_X 210.85 m 294.13 m Design Exploration Study 1: Optimization for Hydrostatics Only Variables: STATION_5_X 20 m 172m NOTE: Here STATION_4_X is set to 20 m Design Exploration Study 1: Optimization for Hydrostatics Only Variables: STATION_4_X 20 m 131.58m NOTE: Here STATION_5_X is set to 172 m NOTE: STATION_4_X is designed semi-independently such that it is always < STATION_5_X Design Exploration Study 1: Optimization for Hydrostatics Only Variables: BULB_WIDTH 2.5 m 5m Design Exploration Study 1: Optimization for Hydrostatics Only Variables: BULB_HEIGHT BULB_0_Z (m) 8.5 m Design Exploration Study 1: Optimization for Hydrostatics Only 23 High Performing Hydrostatic Design Concepts Identified Design Exploration Study 2: Optimization for Hydrostatics & Hydrodynamics Objectives (Pareto Optimization/Trade-off Study): – Minimize: Fuel Rate (kg/hr) for Heavy Condition – Minimize: Fuel Rate (kg/hr) for Ballast Condition Constraints: – – – – – – Maximum Draft (Full load case) < 12 m -0.15 m < Trim Overall (Full load case) < 1 m GMT (Full load case) > 0.3 GMT (Ballast condition) > 0.3 Propeller RPM (Heavy load case) <110 Propeller RPM (Ballast condition) <110 By Varying: – – – – – Same 19 geometric variables as with previous optimization PROPELLER_#_OF_BLADES= 4 or 5 0.5 < PROPELLER_PITCH_RATIO < 1.4 0.3 <PROPELLER_BLADE_AREA_RATIO < 0.77 PROPELLER_HANDEDNESS = RIGHT OR LEFT (+1 or -1) Design Exploration Study 2: Optimization for Hydrostatics & Hydrodynamics Baseline Design: – – – – – – – – Fuel Rate (1) Heavy Condition = 1377.8 Fuel Rate (2) Ballast Condition = 830.42 Maximum Draft (Heavy load case) = 11.44 m (meets design criteria) Trim Overall (Heavy load case) = -1.37 m (DOES NOT MEET DESIGN CRITERIA) GMT (Heavy load case) = 3.397 m (meets design criteria) GMT (Ballast condition) = 4.063 m (meets design criteria) RPM (1) Heavy Condition = 110.88 (DOES NOT MEET DESIGN CRITERIA) RPM (2) Ballast Condition = 90.64 (meets design criteria) Design Exploration Study 2: Optimization for Hydrostatics and Hydrodynamics 23 good hydrostatic concepts identified from Design Exploration Study 1 are used to “kick start” Design Exploration Study 2 120 Pareto optimization evaluations performed using SHERPA High Performing Design Concepts from Hydrostatics Design Exploration Study 1: Optimization for Hydrostatics Only Design Exploration Study 2: Optimization for Hydrostatics and Hydrodynamics Design Exploration Study 2 Propulsive Design Parameters STAR-CCM+ MultiSurf Hull Design Parameters Geometry IGES file Hydrostatics Results File Hydrodynamic Results SHERPA Feasible Infeasible Design Exploration Study 2: Optimization for Hydrostatics and Hydrodynamics Baseline Injected Feasible Infeasible Baseline Injected Design Exploration Study 2: Optimization for Hydrostatics and Hydrodynamics Feasible Infeasible Baseline Injected Pareto Optimal Solutions (Family of Ship Designs) Design Exploration Study 2: Optimization for Hydrostatics and Hydrodynamics Pareto Optimal Solutions (Family of Ship Designs) Design Exploration Study 2: Optimization for Hydrostatics and Hydrodynamics 21 % reduction in Heavy load case fuel consumption 7% reduction in Ballast load case fuel consumption Pareto Optimal Solutions (Family of Ship Designs) Design Exploration Study 2: Optimization for Hydrostatics and Hydrodynamics 17 % reduction in Heavy load case fuel consumption 9% reduction in Ballast load case fuel consumption Pareto Optimal Solutions (Family of Ship Designs) Design Exploration Study 2: Optimization for Hydrostatics and Hydrodynamics 10 % reduction in Heavy load case fuel consumption 11% reduction in Ballast load case fuel consumption Pareto Optimal Solutions (Family of Ship Designs) Design Exploration Study 2: Optimization for Hydrostatics and Hydrodynamics 1 % increase in Heavy load case fuel consumption 13% reduction in Ballast load case fuel consumption Pareto Optimal Solutions (Family of Ship Designs) Design Exploration Study 2: Optimization for Hydrostatics and Hydrodynamics 2 % increase in Heavy load case fuel consumption 18% reduction in Ballast load case fuel consumption Pareto Optimal Solutions (Family of Ship Designs) Design Exploration Study 2: Optimization for Hydrostatics and Hydrodynamics Feasible Responses: Variables: Variables: Infeasible Pareto Set Design Exploration Study 2: Optimization for Hydrostatics and Hydrodynamics Feasible Responses: Variables: Variables: Infeasible Pareto Set Design Exploration Study 2: Optimization for Hydrostatics and Hydrodynamics Feasible Responses: Variables: Variables: Infeasible Pareto Set Design Exploration Study 2: Optimization for Hydrostatics and Hydrodynamics Design Exploration Study 2: Optimization for Hydrostatics and Hydrodynamics Design Exploration Study 2: Optimization for Hydrostatics and Hydrodynamics Design Exploration Study 2: Optimization for Hydrostatics and Hydrodynamics Design Exploration Study 2: Optimization for Hydrostatics and Hydrodynamics The Effect of Drag Band in fuel rates for a given drag observed Family of designs are on lower fuel rates of ballast condition band but not necessarily on the heavy condition band due to the tradeoffs between the two Feasible Pareto The Effect of Propulsive Efficiency Propulsion also affects drag Feasible Pareto The Effect of Propulsive Efficiency Propulsion also affects drag Feasible Pareto The Effect of Propulsive Efficiency Propulsion also affects drag Feasible Pareto The Effect of Propulsive Efficiency Propulsion also affects drag Feasible Pareto Case Study The Pareto front identifies high performing design candidates applicable for a trade-off analysis. Specific operating conditions determine the actual best design. The case study will make the following operating conditions and fuel situations. – 60% of the time at sea (219 days) – 60% at Full Displacement & 40% at Ballast Displacement when at sea • 30% of operating time in Sulphur Emissions Control Areas (ECA) – 0.1% Suphur, Marine Gas Oil (LSMGO) @ $550USD/MT • Operations in ECA – 3.8% Sulphur, 180 cSt, Intermediate Fuel Oil (IFO180) @ $350USD/MT Case Study Ratio Total Annual Consumption [MT] Annual Bunkering Cost Savings Fuel Consumption [kg/hr] Design Full Load Ballast Baseline 1377.8 830.4 1.7 6090.9 $2,497,265 --- 101 1087.9 773.4 1.4 5056.8 $2,073,290 $423,975 46 1147.8 756.7 1.5 5210.7 $2,136,373 $360,892 118 1237.6 739.1 1.7 5456.8 $2,237,273 $259,992 117 1391.3 721.2 1.9 5903.9 $2,420,583 $76,682 86 1409.3 681.5 2.1 5877.0 $2,409,573 $87,692 Minimizing Full Load consumption rate appears to have the greatest effect on the annual bunkering cost – Best design reduces consumption by 1e6 kg of fuel oil Summary Fully automated design optimization of a medium range bulk carrier was done to find Pareto front to allow for trade-off studies for various operating conditions – Optimization implicitly balanced hull particulars, bow & stern shaping and propeller matching. – HEEDS efficiently explored design concepts that may have been overlooked in a manually specified parametric sweep Acknowledgements
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