ORGANIZER TOOLKIT Welcome to THINKfast! 2 Planning Guide 3 Sample Schedules 6 Fasting Guide 8 Solidarity Celebration 9 Paperwork Guide for Organizers 10 Donation Submission Form 12 Pledge Forms 13 Participant Feedback Form 15 Regional Animator Contact Form 16 Please consider the environment before printing this document. Welcome to THINKfast Dear Organizers, Thank you for participating in the THINKfast program. We hope that this becomes a go-to resource for you in your work with youth and young adults to explore issues of injustice, poverty and what we can all do to build a more just world. As with any Development and Peace activity or program, we encourage you to reach out to staff should you need any inspiration, guidance or support in the planning of your event. While we may not be able to attend each event personally, we can often assist with: • • • • finding guest speakers in your area answering questions about our online fundraising platform helping to adjust your THINKfast to suit your group size and age range telling you more about Development and Peace and how to stay involved! On the last page of this kit you will find a Regional Animator Contact List that will show you the Animator (regional staff-person) for your region. At any time, you can also contact us in the national office for assistance. Our goal is to help you have a successful THINKfast! We hope you have as much fun planning the THINKfast as your participants will have during the event! In solidarity, The THINKfast Coordination Team 1-800-494-1401 ext. 230 2 PLANNING GUIDE PLANNING CHECK-LIST It’s your THINKfast and you can organize it any way you like! To lend a helping hand, we’ve set out planning steps to support you in preparing for your THINKfast event. SIX TO EIGHT WEEKS BEFORE THE FAST Organize your THINKfast committee, and get the support of your school or parish. Set a date and the location. Register your THINKfast online. Set your fundraising goal. *T-shirts and posters must be ordered (through the online registration) 4-6 weeks prior to the date of your fast to ensure on-time delivery THREE TO FOUR WEEKS BEFORE THE FAST Promote your THINKfast - try putting up posters! Sign up participants and distribute pledge sheets. Join us online: encourage participants to create their own personal online fundraising pages at Fundraise! TWO WEEKS BEFORE THE FAST Decide on the games and activities from our online database you’ll use for your THINKfast. Plan your Solidarity Meal to break the fast! Consider inviting other members of the community to join you in the celebration. ONE WEEK BEFORE THE FAST Send out invites and media releases to the local radio stations, TV stations or newspapers. DURING THE FAST Fast for 25 hours! Learn about social justice with the games, activities and reflections. Break the fast with a Solidarity Meal! WITHIN FOUR WEEKS OF YOUR FAST Collect pledges and complete paperwork and submit to Development and Peace. Stay connected with Development and Peace. Complete the e-survey, which you will receive by email after your fast Thank your participants and fellow organizers for a great event! Remember, we can support you when you register your THINKfast event with us. 3 PLANNING GUIDE GATHER A THINKFAST COMMITTEE Some organizers tackle a THINKfast all by themselves, but it’s easier to have help! Plus, you provide a great chance for other youth to get involved and share the responsibility and the fun of planning the event! Here’s a sample team structure: ROLE NUMBER OF VOLUNTEERS RESPONSIBILITIES 1 The main contact person for the Committee and the liaison to Development and Peace Promotion Team 1-3 Responsible for inviting participants to join, reaching out to the community, and promoting your event. Fundraising and Admin Team 1-2 Distributes pledge forms, shares fundraising ideas with participants and then gathers all the funds at the end and assists the Lead Organizer in preparing the report and submission to Development and Peace. Event Volunteers 1-5 Depending on the size of your event, you may wish to have several Event Volunteers to assist with activities, setup and cleanup and to help the day run smoothly. Lead Organizer 4 PLANNING GUIDE SELECTING ACTIVITIES There are plenty of activities to help you learn about social justice and have lots of fun together. You might even forget you are fasting! We have collected popular activities from the 25+ years of THINKfasts and put them online at New activities are added to the online database to coordinate with Development and Peace’s campaigns. If your favourite activity or prayer isn’t there, let us know and we might add it to the list! Liturgies and Prayers The THINKfast is one way we respond to our call as Christians to be a light to the world and to each other. The suggested prayers and reflections can be used throughout the THINKfast to give participants time to absorb and reflect on the experience and to situate their response to what they are learning in our faith context. “Christ has no body on earth but ours, no hands but ours, no feet but ours. Ours are the feet with which He is to go about doing good. Ours are the hands with which He is to bless people now.” - Teresa of Avila Mix & Match Games and Activities With the online database, you can select activities that best suit the selected theme, your group size, and the personality of your group. Feel free to add activities from other sources (or think up and design your own). Most of all, the focus should be on education and action through HAVING FUN! E IEW TH IME TO V E R D N FT READ A IES AHEAD O S FOR E T ACTIVI THE BEST ON UP. E RO CHOOS RTICULAR G A or YOUR P egories cat to three gether as a in t fi s o activitie come t All our ies that HINKfast! it iv t c a f ssful T types o a succe r o f e ip es and rec the issu o t p u Warm kers // Icebrea r. he bout each ot more a n r a e L ction // ive into ss and A issues then d e n e r a Aw ice mes. cial just re specific the o s l a b glo xplo s that e activitie ies and // Liturg s n io t c fle and Re Prayers activities. e reflectiv 5 SAMPLE SCHEDULE 1 THINKfast SCHEDULE Use or modify the following schedue for your THINKfast so that it best fits the needs and interests of your group. You will find all of these Activities and Prayers and Reflections online! TIME DAY 1 12:00pm 3:30pm 4:30pm 5:15pm 5:45pm 6:45pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 9:00pm 9:30pm 11:00pm DAY 2 8:00am 8:30am 9:00am 10:15am 10:30am 11:20am 12:15pm 1:00pm ACTIVIY Fast BEGINS!! Arrival and Welcome Icebreaker // A Divided World Reflection & Prayer // Opening Liturgy Activity // The Orange Trading Game Juice Break Activity // Banana Split Activity // Breaking the Cycle of Hunger Reflection & Prayer // Come Holy Spirit and Show us what is true Movie Journal time and lights out Juice Break Reflection & Prayer // Apology to my brothers and sisters of the South Activity // Food or Fuel Juice Break Activity // Jeopardy Activity // Activism Dodgeball Reflection & Prayer// Closing Liturgy and Commissioning Solidarity Meal 6 SAMPLE SCHEDULE 2 THINKfast SCHEDULE Use or modify the following schedue for your THINKfast so that it best fits the needs and interests of your group. You will find all of these Activities and Prayers and Reflections online! SCHOOL DAY Before School Reflection & Prayer // Opening Liturgy Activity // A Divided World Morning Announcements Reflection & Prayer// Announce THINKfast and PRAYER Lunch Activity // The Orange Trading Game After School Activity // Breaking the Cycle of Hunger Juice Break Activity // Banana Split Activity // Actvism Dodgeball Reflection & Prayer // Closing Liturgy and Commissioning Solidarity meal 7 FASTING GUIDE Share these guidelines with the whole group. It’s best that they know what to expect. Feeling tired? Sit down and rest for a bit. This is a great time to write in your journal, have some personal reflection time or pray. Drinking natural fruit juices will bring your energy level back up again. Steer clear of popsicles and other items that contain large amounts of refined sugar; they’ll only make you feel more tired later! Feeling energetic? A great time to play another game. Be sure to drink lots of water! Feeling hungry? This is bound to happen, but drink some juice and the feeling will pass. This is a great time to reflect on how lucky we are not to feel this way for extended periods of time. Feeling distracted? Near the end of the fast it’s common to have difficulty focusing on the task at hand. Leaders take note that it’s best to organize the activities that require more mental energy near the beginning of the fast when everyone is more alert. Drinking lots of water will help. Why a Fast? It’s part of our faith tradition; it challenges us, and teaches us to be thankful for all that we have. Fasting is a spiritual practice and is a way to choose to join in solidarity with those who are hungry, poor, or oppressed and to involve our whole bodies in prayer. In our busyness and our culture of abundance, it is good to fast and remember to be grateful for all our blessings. What to Expect As you fast, your body will go through different stages. It is important to pay attention to what your body is telling you and to respond accordingly. For group leaders, it’s especially important to pay attention to your group’s energy levels and to choose activities most appropriate to your group’s current state (e.g. tired, hyper or hungry). Always encourage the group to drink fluids. As long as you make sure to keep the group, and yourself, hydrated and occupied, these feelings will be a great learning experience. FASTING GUIDELINES Anyone older than 11 in good health can safely go without food for 25 hours. They must drink fluids to fast properly. Anyone with a cold or flu, liver or kidney problems, or a serious illness should not take part in the full fast. If in doubt, check with a doctor. Feel free to adapt and modify your fast as needed. Make your THINKfast eco-friendly • • • • • • Use tap water in jugs or coolers rather than bottled water Use beeswax candles instead of oil-based candles Use potted plants instead of fresh-cut flowers Use reusable plates, cups, cutlery, etc Purchase fair trade, organic and local snacks to break the fast Reduce your power consumption by turning off the lights when not needed and even having an hour away from your electronics 8 SOLIDARITY CELEBRATION SOLIDARITY MEAL IDEAS! 100-MILE MEAL // This is a great time to encourage healthy and local eating! Why a 100-Mile Meal ? So often, the food we eat comes from the far reaches of our planet, passing through many hands, travelling long roads and waterways. Make connections to local food producers and farmers and/or find out about communityshared agricultural projects in your area. Consuming locally grown foods requires 17 times less oil and gas than a typical diet. Let`s support our local Canadian farmers and try to make a difference by enjoying a meal that did not travel more than 100 miles (or 160 km) from farm to table! RECIPES FOR HUNGER // Have community members prepare meal items with foods called for in their favorite recipes, like a traditional pot-luck where everyone gets to sample each other’s favorite recipe! COAST-TO-COAST // Have groups or teams prepare/provide meals from the traditional recipes of specific countries or cuisines of their choice. A great way to learn about another country is to learn how they eat! VERY VEGGIE // Since growing vegtetables is easier on the land and our environment than raising cattle and other livestock, encourage plenty of vegetarian dishes as main courses and sides. COUNTRY THEME // Create a meal that represents a country where small scale farmers are struggling or a country where Development and Peace has partner organizations! SOLIDARITY CELEBRATION Break the fast with a solidarity meal! Consider combining the Solidarity Celebration with the Closing Liturgy. A communal liturgy and meal is a great way to celebrate all you have done over the 25 hours. Invite family, friends, school, parish or community representatives, people living/working in a alternative housing shelters, people living homeless, Development and Peace Youth Reps or Animators, and sponsors! Find out how to invite your regional Development and Peace Animator (listed on the inside back cover) by going to A FEW THINGS TO KEEP IN MIND: • • • • Being mindful of the work that Development and Peace has done in previous campaigns on water, encourage all participants and guests to agree to a Bottled Water Free Zone for their THINKfast and the final celebration. Have the meal prepared as much as possible beforehand as participants won’t have the patience for long cooking sessions. Lead or invite a volunteer to lead grace before meals. After abstaining from food for 25 hours, it’s best to ease back into eating to give your system a chance to adjust. Savour each bite and take the time to be thankful for the food on the table. MAKE YOUR SOLIDARITY MEAL ECO-FRIENDLY * Tap into it! Use tap water in jugs or coolers rather than bottled water * Use reusable plates, cups, cutlery, etc * Purchase fair trade and organic and local snacks to break the fast * Reduce power consumption, perhaps by eating your meal by candle-light! 9 PAPERWORK GUIDE FOR ORGANIZERS 1. REGISTER ONLINE AND DISTRIBUTE PLEDGE FORMS Fundraising can be done online individually and in teams! Register your THINKfast online as an Organizer and invite participants to join your team. Everyone can collect secure online donations and you can watch your progress in real time! Go to Fundraising online is convenient and environmentally friendly. With no cheques to keep track of and less to ship, it’s a simple way to reach your goal. Encourage your group to fundraise online! The Pledge Forms are used by participants to collect cash or cheque donations for their fast. Photocopy them as a double-sided sheet so your participants have a single piece of paper to use to collect donations. Form A is for cheque donations and Form B is for cash donations. 2. COLLECT PLEDGE FORMS AND DONATIONS At your THINKfast, collect the Pledge Forms from your participants. Photocopy each form separating Forms A from B. Keep the original pledge forms for your records. FORM A - CHEQUES Staple all the donor cheques to their corresponding pledge forms. FORM B - CASH Tally the total amount pledged and received in cash. Write a personal cheque or money order for the total amount. Please do not send cash by mail! Staple the cheque or money order to the stack of Pledge Form B’s. Address your cheque or money order to Development and Peace and indicate that the funds were raised through THINKfast. Important: Full names, complete addresses and the amount of the donation are required in order to provide tax receipts to those who donated more than $10. Those who donate online will receive a tax receipt automatically. . S D N U F R U O Y N I D N E S K O O L . E T CELEBRA INVOLVED! Y A T S . D A E H A 10 PAPERWORK GUIDE FOR ORGANIZERS 3. SPECIAL NOTES AND TAX RECEIPTING INSTRUCTIONS • Tax receipts from Development and Peace can only be issued if cheques and money orders from individual donors are made out to Development and Peace. All donor information needs to be indicated clearly on Pledge Forms. • If the funds that you raised will be sent to Development and Peace through your parish or diocese, then your parish must issue tax receipts to the donors. Development receipts for cheque donations made out to a parish or school. and Peace cannot issue tax • Cheques cannot be deposited if they are stale-dated (i.e., dated more than six months earlier), so please make sure that you send in your Pledge Forms and cheques to us as soon as possible after the completion of your THINKfast. Please note: reporting and receipting to be submitted within 4 weeks after your THINKfast 4. EVALUATIONS After your THINKfast, we will send you an e-survey so you can tell us what made your THINKfast special. You can use the enclosed Participant Evaluation Form to learn what worked and what you can change for next year and keep them for your reference. If you have pictures of your event that you would like to share, please send them to or tag @DevPeace in your tweet and we may re-tweet or feature your group in future materials or online posts! 5. SEND OR SUBMIT ONLINE BY WITHIN 4 WEEKS OF YOUR THINKFAST Include all Pledge Forms and cheques/money orders in one envelope and send to: THINKfast c/o Development and Peace 1425 René-Lévesque Blvd. West, 3rd Floor Montréal, Québec H3G 1T7 6. THANK YOU’S Don’t forget to send out a thank you to those who participated and helped plan the THINKfast. STAY CONNECTED & CONTINUE YOUR ENGAGEMENT Youth are better able to understand the work of Development and Peace after they have completed the THINKfast. Encourage them to continue their involvement in the movement even after the fast is completed. Contact your local animator for ideas on how to stay involved as a group or as individuals (contact information on the last page of this guide). 11 DONATION SUBMISSION FORM Please complete this form and include it with your submission of donations. CONTACT PERSON: YOUR EMAIL: DATE OF YOUR THINKFAST EVENT : SCHOOL/UNIVERSITY/PARISH NAME AND ADDRESS: CITY/TOWN:PROVINCE: POSTAL CODE:DIOCESE: FORM A: Total number of cheques: ______________ Total of all donor cheques: $ ______________ FORM B: Organizer cheque or money order number: __________________ Total of all cash donations: $ ______________ TOTAL FUNDS RAISED: $ ______________ THANK YOU! 12 PLEDGE FORM A CHEQUE DONATIONS Participant’s name School/Parish LAST NAME LAST NAME LAST NAME LAST NAME LAST NAME LAST NAME Tax receipts will be issued for donations of $10 or more when info is complete and legible. PLEASE WRITE IN CAPITAL LETTERS FIRST NAME MAILING ADDRESS FIRST NAME MAILING ADDRESS FIRST NAME MAILING ADDRESS FIRST NAME MAILING ADDRESS FIRST NAME MAILING ADDRESS FIRST NAME MAILING ADDRESS THINKfast is a program of the Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace PROVINCE PROVINCE PROVINCE PROVINCE PROVINCE PROVINCE POSTAL CODE POSTAL CODE POSTAL CODE POSTAL CODE POSTAL CODE POSTAL CODE $ $ $ $ $ $ AMOUNT AMOUNT AMOUNT AMOUNT AMOUNT AMOUNT Tel: 1-800-494-1401 Please make cheques payable to: DEVELOPMENT AND PEACE CITY CITY CITY CITY CITY CITY TO DONATE USING A CREDIT CARD, PLEASE DONATE ONLINE AT WWW.DEVP.ORG/THINKFAST MAILING ADDRESS FIRST NAME MAILING ADDRESS FIRST NAME MAILING ADDRESS FIRST NAME MAILING ADDRESS FIRST NAME MAILING ADDRESS FIRST NAME MAILING ADDRESS FIRST NAME MAILING ADDRESS FIRST NAME PLEASE WRITE IN CAPITAL LETTERS LAST NAME LAST NAME LAST NAME LAST NAME LAST NAME LAST NAME LAST NAME CITY CITY CITY CITY CITY CITY CITY PROVINCE PROVINCE PROVINCE PROVINCE PROVINCE PROVINCE PROVINCE POSTAL CODE POSTAL CODE POSTAL CODE POSTAL CODE POSTAL CODE POSTAL CODE POSTAL CODE $ $ $ $ $ $ $ AMOUNT AMOUNT AMOUNT AMOUNT AMOUNT AMOUNT AMOUNT DO NOT MAIL CASH PLEDGE FORM B CASH DONATIONS FEEDBACK AND EVALUATION PARTICIPANT’S FEEDBACK My favourite part of THINKfast.. I really liked learning about… Next time I would like to… 15 REGIONAL ANIMATORS ALBERTA ONTARIO Calgary/Edmonton/GrouardMcLennan/Mackenzie-Fort Smith/ St. Paul Sara Farid 8421-101st Avenue Edmonton AB T6A 0L1 Phone : 587 224-9017 Fax : 780 465-3003 (CENTRAL) Kingston/ Peterborough/Toronto Luke Stocking 400-80 Hayden Street Toronto ON M4Y 3G2 Phone: 416-922-1592 ext 233 Fax: 416-922-0957 ATLANTIC Antigonish/Charlottetown/Corner Brook and Labrador/Grand Falls/ Halifax/Saint John/St. John’s/ Yarmouth Danny Gillis The Coady International Institute PO Box 5000 Antigonish NS B2G 2W5 Phone : 902 867-4951 Fax: 902 867-3907 BRITISH COLUMBIA AND YUKON Kamloops/Nelson/Prince George/ Vancouver/Victoria/Whitehorse John Gabor 101D 33140 Mill Lake Road Abbotsford, BC, V2S 2A5 Phone : 604 864-6383 MANITOBA St. Boniface /Winnipeg Brenda Chaput-Saltel 622 Tache Avenue St-Boniface, MB R2H 2B4 Phone : 204 231-2848 Fax : 204 237-7471 NEW BRUNSWICK (French) Bathurst/Edmundston/Moncton Tina Ruest 986, rue Pré-d’en-Haut Memramcook NB E4K 1L1 Phone: 506 334-0717 (EAST) Alexandria-Cornwall/ Ottawa/ Pembroke Genevieve Gallant 1247 Kilborn Place Ottawa ON K1H 6K9 Phone: 613-738-9644 Fax: 613-738-0130 (SOUTH-WEST)Hamilton/London/ St.Catharines/Thunder Bay Nana Kojo Damptey 698 King St West Hamilton ON L8P 1C7 Phone: 905-528-0770 SASKATCHEWAN Keewatin-Le Pas/Prince Albert/ Regina/Saskatoon Armella Sonntag Box 1838 Battleford SK S0M 0E0 Phone : 306 937-7675 (QUÉBEC REGIONS) Baie-Comeau / Chicoutimi / Gaspé / Nicolet / Québec / Rimouski / Sainte-Anne-de-la-Pocatière Elisabeth Desgranges, Pascal André Charlebois 1073 René-Lévesque Blvd West Québec QC G1S 4R5 Tel: 418 683-9901 Fax: 418 683-9331 E-mail:, Gatineau/Ottawa (French) Gaël SanRyu 180, Mont-Bleu Blvd Gatineau QC J8Z 3J5 Phone : 819 771-8391 ext 240 Fax : 819 778-8969 NATIONAL TERRITORY Amos/Churchill/Gaspé/Hearst/ Joliette/Mont-Laurier/RouynNoranda/Sault Ste-Marie/Thunder Bay/Timmins/Valleyfield/Whitehorse Isabelle Kim 400-80 Hayden Street Toronto ON M4Y 3G2 Phone: 416-922-1592 ext 238 Fax : 416-922-0957 QUEBEC (MONTREAL REGIONS) Montréal / Saint-Jean-Longueuil Lore Bolliet Sherbrooke / Saint-Hyacinthe / SaintJérôme / Trois-Rivières Jean-Paul St-Germain 1425 René-Lévesque Blvd West, 3rd floor Montréal QC H3G 1T7 Tel: 514 257-8711 Fax: 514 257-8497 E-mail:, 16
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