Registration Fee About Cosmic Group 'Cosmic Journals' is the leading gateway to a family of journals that offer an international platform to exhibit the skills of researchers, scientists, engineers, doctors, managers, professionals, academicians and professors. Through these peer-reviewed open access online journals worldwide research community gets the chance to communicate and synchronize their research activities leading to growth and application of research and technology. Cosmic journals are the medium to discover the basic blocks of the latest research. The journals publish original theoretical research work and applicationbased studies, either as full length articles or short communications, technical articles, review articles, special reports and letters to the editor, which contribute to a better understanding of engineering, science and technological challenges and their respective solutions. By gaining the knowledge of present findings, the students and researchers can make significant contributions to their areas of research. Impact Factors Academician Reviewers/Members Research Scholars/Students Regular Registration Fee $300 $250 $200 Early Birds (4th June-2015)-Discounted $250 $200 $150 In Absentia Presenter* $200 $150 $100 * In case any participant is unable to attend the conference for any reason whatsoever, he can register as In-absentia Presenter. The participant will receive the Hard copy of the Journal along with certificate by post after the conference. (Hard Copy) of the Special Issue of IJCST / IJECT • One Print / Hardcopy of Certificate of Participation in the Conference • One Print/ Hard Copy of Certificate of Publication from Cosmic Journals • Conference Stationary Material (I Card, Writing Pad, Pen etc..) • Executive Lunch & Refreshments AETM 2015 - Attendee Only Participant from Industry Academician Category I * $125 $100 $75 $75 Category II * $150 $125 $100 $100 ISI ISI I 1.012 IJCST EVALUTION-2014 IJCST Bangkok, Thailand Advancements in Registration Fee Includes : • Admission to Scientific Sessions • Online Publications of the Paper • One Print Copy ISI IS ISI I SI Participant from Industry Reviewer Member (Cosmic Journals) Research Scholars/Students Engineering, Technology & Management * Registration Fee Includes (Category-I) ISI IS Scientific Journal I ISI ISI ISI I SI IJECT EVALUTION SCORE - 2013 28.61 Impact Factor 1.319 2.652 SJIF 4 - 2 01 • Admission to Scientific Sessions • Certificate of Participation in the Conference EVALUATION Global • Executive Lunch & Refreshments by 3 Evaluation 2012 IJECT ISI IS EVALUATION I SCORE - 2012 ISI ISI ISI 0.742 I SI Universal Impact Factor 23 July (Thursday) 2015 Bangkok | Thailand IJCST / IJECT / IJMBS / IJRMET / IJEAR • Certificate of Participation in the Conference • Executive Lunch & Refreshments For details log on to by IJMBS * Registration Fee Includes (Category-II) • Admission to Scientific Sessions • One Print Copy (Hard Copy) of the Special Issue of 2 EVALUTION-2014 Important Dates IJMBS ISI IS I ISI ISI ISI 0.857 I SI IJRMET EVALUTION-2014 EVALUATION Scientific Journal SCORE - 2013 34.04 Impact Factor 3.907 by IJRMET SJIF Universal Impact Factor U IF Evaluation 2012 Paper Submission Window Closes : 20th May 2015 Acceptance Notification : 27th May 2015 | Early Bird Registration : 4th June 2015 th rd Registration Deadline : 15 June 2015 | Conference Date : 23 July 2015 3 201 EVAL UATION- IJRMET ISI IS w w w. c o s m i c j o u r n a l s . c o m I ISI ISI ISI Submit your manuscript at : 0 . 75 5 I SI IJEAR EVALUTION-2014 Organised by IJEAR Awards Nominations are Invited for Exclusive Awards for Researchers during AETM 2015 For more info visit: Ph : +91-1762-665963 | +91 9779 322 522 (INDIA) Our Sponsors : National Intelligence Test & Green ThinkerZ Society, India All the accepted papers will be published in the special issues of IJCST, IJECT, IJMBS, IJRMET & IJEAR Indexed, Peer Reviewed and Impact Factor International Journals AETM 2015 Organizing Committee Members The Second International Conference on Advancements in Engineering, Technology and Management (AETM 2015), which will be held on 23rd July 2015 at Bangkok, Thailand. The conference will provide an effective platform for researchers, academicians, technocrats and entrepreneurs to join together and share their findings, ideas, scientific knowledge and new techniques/Applications about latest developments in fields of Science, Engineering, Technology and Management. All submitted papers will be peer reviewed and the accepted papers will be published in the Journal of relevant domain Viz. International Journal of Computer Science and Technology (IJCST) and International Journal of Electronics and Communication technology (IJECT), International Journal of Management and Business Studies (IJMBS), International Journal of Research in Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJRMET) and International Journal of Education and Applied Research (IJEAR), which have been indexed by DOAJ, Index Copernicus International, Electronic Journals Library, Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory, ProQuest, Computer Science Directory, Scirus, iSeek, citeseer, citefactor and Google Scholar. The Cosmic Journals have high impact from reputed research databases/agencies viz. GIF, SJIF, ICV, UIF. Previous Conference Tulika Mehta Entrepreneur/Researcher, Panjab University, Chandigarh, UT, India 25 Jan, 2014 Bangkok Thailand Zoltan Horvath University of Pecs, Faculty of Sciences, Hungary Samudaya Nanyankara University of Moratuwa, Moratuwa, Sri Lanka Prasad Perera Lecturer, University of Moratuwa, Moratuwa, Sri Lanka AETM 2014 26 July, 2014 Bangkok Thailand Dr Anubhav Kumar Head CSE/ECE Dept., Lingaya's GVKS IMT, Faridabad Conference Committee 2014 Conference Patron Dr S Negi | Nanjing Forestry University, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China Panjab University, Chandigarh (India)1st Nov, 2014 Conference Secretary Dr Yunfei Liu | Director, College of Information Sci & Tech., Nanjing Forestry Univ., Nanjing, China Organizing Chair Dr S S Khurmi | Punjabi University Patiala, Punjab, India Technical Chair Dr. K.K Saini | Director-General, CCLS Group of Institutes Hassangarh, Rohtak, Haryana, India Technical Co-chair Dr. Anupinder Singh | Assistant Professor, Dept. of Physics G.N.D.U., Amritsar, Punjab, India Dr. I. S. Hudiara | Director (Research), Chitkara University, Punjab, India Dr. Arvind K Sharma | Dept. of Computer Science and Informatics, Univ. of Kota, Rajasthan, India Organizing Co-chair Prof. (Dr.) S.N.Panda | Director Research, Centre of Excellence, Chitkara Univ., Punjab Campus, Rajpura, India Dr Dhiraj Sharma | Asst. Prof., School of Management Studies, Punjabi Univ., Patiala, Punjab, India Dr Vinod Kumar | Department of Mechanical Engineering, Punjabi University, Patiala, Punjab, India Conference Convener Dr A Kumar | College of Information Science & Tech., Nanjing Forestry Univ., Nanjing, China Conference Co-convener Tanvir Singh | Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (CDAC), Mohali, Punjab, India Conference Co-ordinator Anupam Verma | Cosmic Journals, India Ashwani Verma | Cosmic Journals, India 17th Jan, 2015
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