LODGE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING (LEC MTG.) Saturday, April 11 @ 2 pm Flint Scout Office I. OPENING A. Obligation - Introductions - Welcome ALL!! B. Our Purpose . . . Revised and approved at NOAC 2009 C. Youth / Adult Procedures (See attachment.) II. REPORTS A. Roll Call / Quorum B. Approval of Minutes C. Lodge Officer and Chapter Chief Reports III. OLD BUSINESS A. Lodge and Chapter Contact Information: See NEW updates B. Dues: ALL lodge and chapter officers, chairs, and adviser SHOULD be paid. ALL NOAC & Conclave attendees SHOULD be paid. C. Unit Elections: Send Completed results to Barry Jensen ASAP! Chapters – can you provide an election report? D. Section Conclave Continue Promotions: ALL CALL FIVE PEOPLE!! Review Officer Responsibility Assignments Pay and Order and Purchase Loon Call Makers E. Centennial Plans Update History Book and Print Cover Crate Lid & Legacy Lodge Rocks Camp Projects: Rotary; Northwoods; Silver Trails F. Council / District Wide Program Meetings: May RoundTables with OA Presentations IV. NEW BUSINESS A. Spring Induction: May 15 – 17th at Rotary; Promote; See attachment B. BIG EVENT: June 5 – 7th at Northwoods; Promote; See attachment C. Other V. CLOSING A. Reminders May: Program Kickoff at Roundtables – Chapters promote the OA! May 1 – 3: C-2 Section Conclave at Camp Gerber! Let’s win the coup! May 15 – 17: Spring Induction and Service Weekend at Camp Rotary! May 17: Lodge Executive Committee Meeting at Rotary at the end of the Induction Weekend June 5 – 7: The BIG EVENT at Northwoods Scout Reservation: Let’s Invite troops! June 6: NOAC Contingent AND Staff Meetings at Northwoods during the BIG EVENT! B. Advisers’ Minute C. Song of the Order Purpose of the Order (revised and approved at the NCOC - August 2009) 1) To recognize those who best exemplify the Scout Oath and Law in their daily lives, and by such recognition cause other campers to conduct themselves in such manner as to warrant recognition. 2) To promote camping, responsible outdoor adventure and environmental stewardship as essential components of the Scout’s experience 3) To develop leaders with willingness, character, spirit and the ability to advance programs 4) To crystallize the Scout habit of helpfulness into a life purpose of leadership in cheerful service Mission of the Lodge: The mission of the Order is to fulfill its purposes as an integral part of the Boy Scouts of America through positive youth leadership under the guidance of selected capable adults. Youth / Adult Procedures at the LEC Meetings: 1) Prepare the youth for their role in the meeting. If possible, review the agenda and the issues with the youth prior to the meeting. 2) Youth members sit around the table with the advisers behind or next to them (depending on meeting area). 3) Keep side conversations to a minimum. 4) Adult comments are limited to one minute after all the youth have spoken. (Please ensure all information is handed out early so that prior youth / adult discussions occur.) 5) If a major issues arises, a break can be called for youth / adults to confer. 2 AGAMING MAANGOGWAN LODGE AND CHAPTER CONTACTS Updated March 30, 2015 Lodge Chief Lodge Adviser Associate Adviser Staff Adviser Nathan Snow Tom Stoppa Rick Todd Tom Olenaicz (989) 494-8590 (989) 354-8054 (517) 256-7276 (989) 405-1177 snowy1736@yahoo.com stoppat@hotmail.com rick@agaming804.org tom.oleniacz@scouting.org Executive VC Adviser David Clegg Bev Chapman (810) 953-1665 (810) 638-5239 davidjclegg453@gmail.com raybev47@gmail.com Program VC Adviser External Affairs Chair Ceremonies Chair Ceremonies Adviser Ceremonies Adviser Matthew Painter TBD Adam Pelletier Ian Boden Elizabeth Kiihr Darol Dangler (989) 573-1941 (989) 354-8054 (989) 893-3291 ( 586)4534010 (810) 240-4757 (517) 224-0006 mathewpainter1307@gmail.com stoppat@hotmail.com kp320@charter.net spiritsinger8@gmail.com bsafox.emk@comcast.net darolgd@yahoo.com Service VC Adviser Rotary Adviser Northwoods Adviser Silver Trails Zack Smith Andrew Wright Scott Thomas Jerry Deeg (810) 689-7633 (989) 225-7586 (989) 578-7911 (810) 394-1185 zacks2014@yahoo.com camprotary@charter.net nrranger@yahoo.com jedeeg@bsamail.org Administrative VC Adviser Records Adviser Trading Post Adviser Recognitions Chair Fundraising Chair Finance Adviser Joel Holland Rick Todd Barry Jensen Kirk Sheren Sean Greania TBD TBD (517) 648-6645 (517) 256-7276 (810) 659-1259 (517) 321-6230 (989) 714-1194 joel.holland201@gmail.com rick@agaming804.org barry150@sbcglobal.net sherenki@gmail.com sean111195@yahoo.com Communication VC Adviser Newsletter Chair Website Chair Website Adviser Facebook Chair Facebook Adviser Paul Hassen TBD TBD Paul Hassen Jeremy Hassen TBD Ron Sohn (989) 698-6689 paul.hassen2013@gmail.com (989) 631-5878 (989) 631-5878 paul.hassen2013@gmail.com jjh.bsa@gmail.com (989) 754-2541 rsohn@live.com Chapter Officers 1- Negwegon- Thunderhead District Chief Josh Jagielo Adviser Jeri Jagielo (989) 422-4726 (989) 422-4726 jags@voyager.net jags@voyager.net 2- Japeechen- Shoreline District Chief Bradley McCaffrey Executive VC Michael Wright Adviser Sharyn Massung (989)646-0504 (989) 895-8174 (989) 751-8477 kkbnm3@aol.com mwright2496@gmail.com massungs@hotmail.com 3- Anishinabek- Heartland District Chief James Tonge Administrative VC Matthew Painter Adviser Kirk Hassen (989) 687-5091 (989) 573-1941 (989) 631-5878 usajst@gmail.com matthewpainter1307@gmail.com kirk.hassen@dowcorning.com 3 Chapter Officers – Continued 4- NisingOjibway-OjibwayDisrtict Chief Cameron Suchocki Executive VC Jared Williams Program VC Alex Kleinfeld Program VC Michael Nielson Service VC Joshua Galer Administrative VC Sam Nagy Communication VC Jacob Pearsall Adviser Michael Smith Associate Adviser David Tessin (989)798-5554 (989)980-8483 (989)790-3330 (989)797-3335 (989) 860-4741 (989) 714-3987 (989) 332-5385 (989)-792-7691 (989) 792-1969 iamsportsjunky@gmail.com bobdebjared@att.net ank7ank8@gmail.com robinkacz@charter.net mrgalar@aol.com mizoocrew@yahoo.com bonetia456@yahoo.com michaells1@aol.com dmtessin@yahoo.com 5- Midechinij- Thumb District Chief James Grannell Co-Adviser Connie Bunke Co- Adviser Verna Kay Murawski (989) 963-9277 (989) 883-2539 (989) 874-4765 labamba4305@gmail.com cjbunke@yahoo.com v_murawski@yahoo.com (517) 899-1376 (517) 622-4895 12razar@gmail.com mjfellows82@comcast.net (517) 886-1506 (517) 204-2413 (517) 627-9430 (517) 648-7728 (517)8999012 hookandi@att.net czmcq@me.com koschay@comcast.net tim@troop2el.org belliott374@gmail.com Washetauni.OA@gmail.com 7- Toppi-Kittan- Rivers North District Chief Daniel Wood Executive VC Jon-Claude Howd Program VC Jacob Porrett Service VC Mark Wood Administrative VC William Poster Communications VC Nigel Tate Adviser Brian Clegg Adviser Ray Chapman Adviser Pam Howd (810) 636-3456 (810) 254-3884 (810) 618-4093 (810) 636-3456 (810) 771-7081 (810) 695-5251 (810) 953-1665 (810) 638 5239 (810) 869-3426 barrielynnwood@gmail.com jchowd@charter.net jakeporrett@gmail.com barrielynnwood@gmail.com Buds_mom2000@yahoo.com colorado8@gmail.com brian.g.clegg@gm.com raybev47@yahoo.com howd401@charter.net 8 – Muxul Xitwek Mpi - Blue Star District Chief Chris Little Adviser Chuck Wade (810) 869-9930 810-250-2549 little20bud@gmail.com charles.anthony.wade@gmail.com 9- Ma'iingan- Blue Water District Chief Samual Birkett Program VC Jeff Manning Service VC Ed Birkett Administrative VC Jared Wisniewski Adviser Robert Lester (810) 531-5429 (810) 679-0168 (810) 392-2534 (810) 327-8048 (810) 841-3140 sbirkett68@gmail.com jcmanning@croslex.org kbbirkett@comcast.net fluffyjiggles@yahoo.com rlester1967@sbcglobal.net 6- Washetauni-Chief Okemos District Chief Zach Richardson Executive VC Nat Fellows Program VC Cody Van Eip Service VC Patrick Hooker Administrative VC Robert McQuaid Communication VC Ryan Koschey Adviser Tim Musson Co-Adviser Brian Elliot General Chapter Email 4 Lodge Conclave Responsibilities 1. Promotion Chapters promote at meetings and events Promoted via MCC website, OA Website, Mailings, Loon Call, other Let’s ALL CALL at lest FIVE arrowmen . . . NOW . . . 2. Spirit Plans & Assignments: What is the progress? Does everyone know what to do? Spy Gear – Mascot – Flags: Nathan Snow and Josh Jagielo and Cameron Suchocki and James Grannell Cheer Booklet – Matthew Painter and James Tonge (copy to Rick Todd by ??) Noise Makers – David Clegg and Zack Smith and Daniel Wood and Sam Birkette and Chris Little Table Totems – Paul Hassen and Brad McCaffrey Presentations: Cheers – Songs – Poems – Skits - Lodge Brags: Joel Holland & Zach Richardson Spirit Leaders: ALL 3. On-Site Plans: Does this make sense? Questions? Friday Night Gather the members of the lodge Review Weekend Plans / Agenda / Attendance at AM Training Review Lodge Spirit Plans / Assistance at Lodge PM Activities Rehearse cheers, songs, skits, etc. Move to Friday Night Show as a lodge cheering, etc. Show Spirit at Cracker-barrel (cheers, noise makers, table top totems) Saturday Morning Gather the members and walk to Flag Raising (full Class A Uniforms) OA Member for the Lodge Flap, Flag, Mascot (trade this around with many different youth) OA Member leading the cheers to and at Flag Raising Spirit during breakfast (cheers, noise makers and table top totems) Training / Prep and Set-up / Ensure Members attend training Saturday Afternoon Gather for lunch / Wear . . . . lodge conclave t-shirt OA Member for the Lodge Flap, Flag, Mascot Lodge POEM & Cheers by _________________________ Spirit at lunch (cheers and new noise makers ??) Saturday Evening Gather for dinner and walk to Flag Lowering (full Class A uniform) OA Member for the Lodge Flap, Flag, Mascot Lodge SONG and Cheers by _________________________________ Spirit during dinner (cheers, noise makers, etc.) Represent lodge during elections / note bragging items Sunday Gather the members and walk to Flag Raising (full Class A Uniforms) OA Member for the Lodge Flap, Flag, Masco Lodge SKIT and Cheers by _________________________________ 5 The SUPER SECRET SECTION Conclave!! Agaming Maangogwan Lodge 804 - Order of the Arrow - Scouting’s National Honor Society Here are the details: May 1-3, 2015: Camp Gerber – Twin Lakes, MI Arrowmen from around the state will be present! Registration begins at 6:30 pm on Friday Night at the Camp Office Conclave Opening around 9 pm on Friday Night Saturday morning Workshops & Activities Saturday Afternoon: the Super Secret Spy Games . . . sssshhhh . . . . . Saturday Patch Auction! Bring your memorabilia to auction off! Fee includes: all meals PLUS a conclave activity patch, workshop and activity materials, evening cracker-barrels, a lodge t-shirt, & a lodge trading flap! Banquet and Section Elections are held on Saturday night! Weekend ends at 10am on Sunday morning after Scouts Own Service COST: EARLY BIRD FEE of $35.00 / Weekend if paid by Sunday April 12th . . . OR . . . Pay the REGULAR FEE of $40.00 / Weekend by Sunday, April 26th . (Our lodge fee is $5 more to include the cost of a SUPER SECRET flap patch AND t-shirt.) Remember to bring: Tent & Ground Cloth and Gear for a regular weekend and BSA Uniform, Health Form, and OA sash. Plus: Super Secret Clothing & Spy Gear; Auction Memorabilia; & Lodge Spirit! For more details, contact Nathan Snow at snowy1736@yahoo.com / 989-494-8590 or Tom Stoppa at stoppat@hotmail.com / 989-354-8054. Use the mail-in form below OR register on-line at: http://www.michiganscouting.org/WaterAndWoods/OA/Events/2015c2sectionconclave *************************************************************************************************************************************** Agaming Maangogwan SECTION CONCLAVE 2015 (office use only 23712658 ) Name _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address ________________________________________________________ City / Zip Code _______________________________ Troop / Crew Number ______________ Youth / Adult: __________ MEMBERSHIP: Ordeal – Brotherhood - Vigil Phone Number ______________________________ Email Address __________________________________ T-SHIRT SIZE: __________ You may pay by check or money order with this mail-in form or use the council website at: http://www.michiganscouting.org/WaterAndWoods/OA/Events/2015c2sectionconclave Regular fee of $40 (weekend) OR . . . an EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT FEE of $35 (weekend) if paid BY Sunday, April 12th. Yes, I am registering for the Section Conclave: _____________________ I would also like to pay by $10.00 YEARLY DUES: ____________________ TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED: ____________________ Mail to: Water and Woods FS Council / 5001 Eleven Mile Road / Auburn, MI 48611-8512 6 CENTENNIAL HISTORY BOOK Include an article, photo, patch, newsletter, favorite OA memory, cool OA legend, or a story about a service project, a good Scouter, a fellowship or conclave of years past. Send in your historical item via: Email ASAP to: 804history@gmail.com . . . OR . . . Mail ASAP to: Mr. Tom Oleniacz, C/o OA History Book, 5001 Eleven Mile Road, Auburn, MI 48611-8512. Include a self-addresses stamped envelope for returns. Tentative Dates: Rough Draft @ Section Conclave, May 1st Version One / Orders @ Big Event, June 5th Hardbound / Soft Cover Preview @ NOAC, August 3rd Final Copy / Orders @ Fall Induction, September 11th Distribution @ Fall Fellowship, October 16th Purchase a PRINT of the HISTORY BOOK COVER from lodge artist Ken Kueffner. Print available at Spring Induction and Big Event CENTENNIAL CRATE and ROCK(S) Historical Book Cover design (by Mr. Ken Kueffner) will be used on the Lodge Crate Centennial Rocks: MCC Scout Executive Matt Thorton has asked all Michigan lodges to order legacy rocks. If necessary, he / MCC will pay for these expenses. Cost (one has already been ordered) = $75/ Rock; Total = $525.00 (taken from Centennial Funds). Chickagami #180 Port Huron, Michigan 1940 - 2012 Kepayshowink #89 Saginaw, Michigan 1936-1971 Cuwe #218 Flint, Michigan 1942 - 2012 Mischigonong #89 Auburn, Michigan 1971 - 2012 Gabe-Shi-Win-Gi-Ji-Kens #374 Lansing, Michigan 1948 - 2012 Tittabawasink #469 Midland, Michigan 1951-1971 Gimogash- #214 Bay City, Michigan 1942-1959 Tom-Tom #214 ** Bay City, Michigan 1947 - 1949 CENTENNIAL SERVICE PROJECTS Camp Rotary: Chapel to lake staircase & Adirondack Shelters Northwoods: 2 Potential Projects Silver Trails: Campfire Bowl and/or Entrance Gate 7 SPRING INDUCTION INFORMATION General Information: May 15 - 17 @ Camp Rotary. Cost = $20 / member OR $48 / Ordeal Candidate IF registered early Pre-paid Brotherhood: Same member cost for Brotherhood Candidates as all members Promotional: o Register on-line at: http://www.michiganscouting.org/WaterAndWoods/OA o Text, call, email your chapter members and / or pass out registration flyer o Lodge Mailing to be received within the next two weeks o See attached flyer Remember to Bring: BSA Health Form Parts A & B Tent and ground cloth Work clothes and gloves BSA uniform and sash Work Projects: Summer Camp Tent Set-Up Centennial Projects Other Lodge Trading Post: Lodge Decade Series Continues On Site Arrival: Arrive Early for set-up: Meet at 3 pm in Dining Hall Check in between 6:30 – 8:30 pm on Friday, May 15th Training Section Conclave AM Meeting Lodge Induction Weekend Manual 8 SPRING INDUCTION RESPONSIBILITIES A. Weekend Chair: Mathew Painter and Responsible for all aspects of the weekend including agenda, Friday and Saturday nights fellowship and cracker-barrel, flag ceremonies, meal arrangements and announcements, Sunday’s Scouts Own Service, etc. Responsible for coordination of a weekend and Ordeal menu at least 3 weeks prior to the event Food, cooks, and clean-up crew Responsible for overseeing the various other chairs and committees. B. Service Chair: Zack Smith and Responsible for coordinating camp work projects including: pre-planning of projects, acquiring materials, assigning project leaders, prepping and laying out materials, assigning Ordeal / Brotherhood / Member clans to projects, managing projects during the work day , clean-up, and project report. C. Ceremony Chair: Ian Boden and Responsible for the Pre-Ordeal, Ordeal, and Brotherhood Ceremonies including: set-up & clean-up of the ceremony bowl(s) / area regalia, props and equipment, ceremony practice ceremony performance. D. Elangomat Chair: David Clegg and Responsible for the Ordeal Candidate Induction sequence including: Meeting and Training Elangomats Spirit of the Arrow Booklets Welcome and Registration and assigning Ordeal Clans. Friday Night Ordeal Meeting Successful Completion of the Four tests of the Ordeal Coordination of the Ordeal Clan projects with the Taskmaster & Service Chair. Coordination of the Ordeal with the Ceremony’s Chair: Pre-Ordeal and Ordeal. Coordination of the Ordeal with the trading post: sashes, flaps, books, patches, etc. Attending the New Member / Jump Start meeting. 9 E. Taskmaster: Zack Smith and Responsible for working with the Service Chair to coordinate Ordeal Clan projects. Responsible for working with Elangomats to ensure success of Ordeal projects. F. Brotherhood Chair: Paul Hassen and Responsible for the Brotherhood Candidate Induction sequence including: Spirit of the Arrow booklets Welcome and Registration and promotion of Brotherhood & Friday Night Brotherhood Meeting Successful Completion of the “understanding of the Ordeal” Coordination of the Brotherhood Service project with the Service Chair Coordination of the Brotherhood Ceremony with the Ceremony’s Chair Coordination of the Brotherhood with the trading post: sashes, etc. G. Registration / Dues Chair: Joel Holland and Responsible for managing registration including: Check-in for members & Brotherhood / Ordeal Candidates Updating lodge records of registered members and checking “dues paid” Adding new Ordeal and Brotherhood members Providing chapter & membership numbers to lodge leadership Providing new chapter rosters to chapter leadership H. Trading Post Chair: Joel Holland and Responsible fro the set-up, management, and take-down of the trading post Responsible for coordinating merchandise with Elangomat and Brotherhood chairs. J. Chapter Chiefs Responsible for Conducting Unit Elections & turning in forms in a timely manner Passing out Ordeal Candidate Letters to Ordeal Candidates Promoting Brotherhood Conversions Finding Elangomats Promoting the Induction weekends Following the agenda and bringing members to flag, meals, ceremonies, etc. Leading / Assisting with work projects Contacting new Ordeal Members within two weeks AFTER the Induction Weekend Inviting new Ordeal Members to Chapter / Lodge function 10 OA SPRING INDUCTION & SERVICE WORK WEEKEND MAY 15 – 17th; CAMP ROTARY!! Come and join your BROTHERS of AGAMING MAANGOGWAN at this year’s CENTENNIAL Spring Induction. During the Induction weekend, the lodge will be inducting new Ordeal Candidates, sealing the membership of Brotherhood candidates with the NEW CENTENNIAL CEREMONY, completing much needed camp service projects and working on our very own CENTENNIAL CAMP PROJECT! The regular cost for the weekend is $30.00 for members (Ordeal, Brotherhood, and Vigil) AND Brotherhood Candidates - those members choosing to seal their membership in our Order through the Brotherhood. That’s right, the fee IS THE SAME for members as well as BROTHERHOOD CANDIDATES. This may be a change for some. However, if you pay at least ONE WEEK in advance (i.e. Thursday, May 7th for Camp Rotary) the EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT rate is $20.00. Save some cash and pay early!! Registration is cut-off by Monday, May 11th. Gold Plan members are ALREADY paid at the early bird rate for this weekend. Bring regular gear for a scout outing: tent, ground cloth, sleeping bag, toilet kit, towel, etc. AND scout uniform, OA Sash and work clothes / gloves , too, as we are providing service to our camp. REMEMBER – WE ARE SLEEPING IN TENTS!! PLEASE BRING YOURS!!! Meals, activities, & ceremonies are provided as a part of the fee. Remember your BSA Health Form Parts A & B ! Bring some extra cash to purchase NEW items at the lodge trading post!! Some Centennial Items will be available!! For questions, please contact: contact Tom Stoppa at stoppat@hotmail.com or 989-354-8054 or contact Rick Todd at rickt@agaming804.org or 517-256-7276. If you have not Paid your 2015 OA DUES, please do so by using the link below. THANK YOU!! DUES LINK: http://www.michiganscouting.org/WaterAndWoods/Events/agaming2015dues To REGISTER see the OA / MCC site at: http://www.michiganscouting.org/WaterandWoods/OA/ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Agaming Maangogwan 2015 SPRING INDUCTION WEEKEND (office use only 2371655 ) Name _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address ________________________________________________________ City / Zip Code _______________________________ Troop / Crew Number ______________ Youth / Adult: __________ MEMBERSHIP: Ordeal – Brotherhood - Vigil Phone Number _____________________________________ Email Address _____________________________________________ You may pay by check or money order or use the council website at: http://www.michiganscouting.org/WaterandWoods/OA/ Regular fee of $30 . . . OR . . . an EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT FEE of $20 if paid BY THURSDAY, MAY 7th, 2015. Registration CLOSES on Monday, May 11th TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED: ___________________ MAIL TO: Water and Woods Council / 5001 Eleven Mile Road / Auburn, MI 48611-8512 11 PLEASE REMEMBER . . . Please bring regular gear for a scout outing: sleeping bag, toilet kit, full scout uniform, sash, etc. For work projects; work clothes, boots, work gloves, etc. Sleeping is in YOUR OWN TENT!! REMEMBER TO BRING ONE!! Meals, activities, and ceremonies are provided as a part of the weekend fee. Remember your BSA Health Form Parts A & B - due at registration. Please fill out and bring a NEW, 2015, Health Form (events of 72 hours or less). Download one at the link: http://www.scouting.org/filestore/HealthSafety/pdf/680-001_AB.pdf Bring some extra cash to purchase NEW items at the lodge trading post Remember to pay your $10.00 / 2015 Dues IF you have not already done so! See the link: http://www.michiganscouting.org/WaterAndWoods/OA/Events/agaming2015dues For directions to Camp Rotary, see: ROTARY: http://www.michiganscouting.org/pubs/MI_Map_to_Rotary2.pdf Register NOW to receive the EARLY BIRD fee that is $10 LESS!! Mail-in this form with payment to: Water and Woods Council / 5001 Eleven Mile Road / Auburn, MI 48611-8512 or Register ON-LINE at: http://www.michiganscouting.org/WaterandWoods/OA/ For questions, please contact Matthew Painter at 989-573-1941 or matthewpainter1307@gmail.com OR . . . contact Tom Stoppa at stoppat@hotmail.com or 989-354-8054. CENTURIES OF SERVICE 12 Join Scouts and Arrowmen from Around the Water and Woods Council! THE BIG EVENT Centuries of Service June 5 - 7, 2015 Northwoods Scout Reservation Cost: $20.00 / Scout; ALL 4 Meals included!! WHO: ALL TROOPS and BOY SCOUTS and OA MEMBERS WHAT: SPRING BOY SCOUT EVENT WHEN: FRIDAY, JUNE 5 – SUNDAY, JUNE 7 WHERE: NORTHWOODS SCOUT RESERVATION – LUPTON, MI WHY: WHY NOT? . . . It’s BIG . . . it’s the BIG EVENT . . . and it’s to . . . CELEBRATE THE OA’s 100th YEAR Registration: Use the On-line Water and Woods Site to Pre-register: http://www.michiganscouting.org/WaterAndWoods Early Bird Fee of $20 / person includes all four weekend meals Regular Fee of $30 if paid AFTER Thursday May 29th Registration Closes (due to activity plans & meal count): Monday, June 1st What’s Included in the Fee: Four cooked meals served in the Meijer Dining Hall Afternoon & Evening Program Activities Saturday Night Luau & Fellowship Silk Screening – BRING a T-SHIRT or other item to Screen Special Unit Token Great working spirit towards Northwoods to help in Saturday morning projects! Fellowship for all Scouts and Scouters around the council! What’s NOT included in the Fee: Activity Patch (we are screening t-shirts and passing out tokens instead) Dirty faces and hands (though this may happen) Adult assistance AFTER you win the Hawaiian Limbo contest! Check-in: Friday Night, June 5th, Starting at 6:30 pm at the Camp WELCOME CENTER Check-out is on Sunday morning 13 Health Forms: Required, as usual. Please keep with you in your unit. Arrowmen registering ALONE will need to turn one in upon check-in at the WELCOME Center. Boy Scout Troop Camping Information: Troops will be camping in the traditional Northwoods Campsites. Some troops may have to share sites. Arrowmen arriving alone will be assigned campsites, too. Troop Equipment: Regular gear for a camporee weekend MINUS the cooking equipment. Remember – three meals on Saturday AND Sunday Breakfast are included in the fee. Ground Fires: Allowed in the campsite fireplace containers. Please follow BSA policies. Water – Available at campsite latrines Personal Gear: Work Clothes & Gloves are needed for Saturday Morning projects. All will be assigned a task. Play Clothes (i.e. scout shorts & activity shirt) are needed for Saturday Afternoon activities. BSA Uniform is needed for Friday & Saturday Night. OA Sash IF you are an Arrowman Extra T-Shirts can be brought to silk screen. Luau Outfits such as Hawaiian Shirts and Grass Skirts are STONGLY encouraged! Friday Night Plans: General Gathering (for all) & Vigil Ceremony (for Vigils ONLY!) Saturday Morning Plans: Camp Service Projects. All will be assigned a task. Saturday Afternoon Plans: Games, Silk Screening, Loon Ball, Etc. Saturday Evening Plans: Luau, Campfire and OA Ceremonies. Have your troop skit ready! Sunday Plans: Breakfast, Scouts’ Own Religious Service, Closing, Departure OA Involvement: Vigil Ceremony, NEW Brotherhood Ceremony, NOAC Meetings Trading Post / OA Memorabilia: You may purchase most of the OA memorabilia items available for sale in the Trading Post. OA profits are returned to Scouting. Over $9,000.00 was given back to Scouts, Camps, Camperships, NYLT & the Council in ‘14! For More Information, Contact: Matthew Painter @ 989-573-1941 or matthewpainter1307@gmail.com Tom Stoppa @ 989-354-8054 or stoppat@hotmail.com Rick Todd @ 517-256-7276 or rickt@agaming804.org Jake Straub @ 989-600-0790 or jakestraub@rocketmail.com Let us CELEBRATE the OA’s 100th Year 2015 . . . at . . . the BIG EVENT! 14
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