THANK YOU FOR YOUR MEMBERSHIP! To be eligible, institutions must be accredited (or be candidates for accreditation) by a regional agency recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation. AGB’s institutional members are primarily the governing boards of degree-granting universities and colleges, professional schools, and seminaries and theological schools. Membership with AGB provides benefits to all voting board members and nine staff members. INSTITUTION OR SYSTEM BOARD Institution or Organization Name Mailing Address Zip/Postal Code Country/Region TelephoneWebsite Please indicate the best month for AGB to request an updated board list FULL-TIME STUDENTS Institution FTE FTE equals (full-time students for the most recent fall semester/quarter) plus (one-third part-time students) MEMBERSHIP CATEGORY ■ Governing Board of College, University, or University System ■ Governing Board of Education Association ■ Nongoverning / Institution Advisory Board ■ Statewide Planning or Coordinating Board ■ Education Association or other Nonprofit Organization CHECK ONE IN EACH GROUP AS APPROPRIATE ■ 2-Year ■ 4-Year ■ 2-Year and 4-Year ■ ■ ■ ■ Public Private Proprietary K-12 School ■ ■ ■ ■ Single Campus Institution Multi-campus Institution State System Single Campus of State System WITH THIS FORM, PLEASE SEND • A list of your board members, including their mailing addresses, email addresses, and committee assignments, with chairs noted. AGB provides additional services for individuals who serve as chairs or members for the following committees: academic or educational affairs, development or fundraising, finance or budget, student services or student life, and trusteeship or nominating or governance. • A list of the seven additional institution staff members not included on the application form, including mailing and email addresses. AGB recommends including legal counsels, chief academic officers, chief development officers, chief enrollment officers, chief financial officers, chief of institutional research, and chiefs of student services. • If your board governors or coordinates a multi-campus or state system, a list of campuses and their chief executives. • A check for annual dues. Annual dues invoices for membership renewal will be sent to the president’s office unless otherwise instructed. 1133 20th Street N.W. Suite 300 Washington, D.C. 20036 202.296.8400 AGB MEMBERSHIP CityState/Province To deliver AGB membership benefits to board members and staff, please provide mailing address, committee assignments, and email addresses for the board and staff. Mailing addresses will be used for the direct mailing of AGB’s magazine, Trusteeship. Email addresses will be used to provide member discounts through CHIEF EXECUTIVE NameTitle Mailing Address City StateZip TelephoneEmail Took office as of NameTitle Mailing Address City StateZip TelephoneEmail Beginning of Term End of Term BOARD PROFESSIONAL / STAFF LIAISON TO THE BOARD NameTitle Mailing Address City StateZip TelephoneEmail PLEASE SUBMIT RENEWAL INVOICE TO NameTitle Mailing Address City StateZip TelephoneEmail AGB respects your privacy. Information shared will be used to fulfill member benefits only and is not sold or rented to any outside organization. AGB MEMBERSHIP PRESIDING OFFICER OF THE BOARD
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