2015 Aggie Days Art Challenge Design Guidelines and Rules For 30 years, Bayer CropScience and the Agriculture Education Committee of the Calgary Stampede has promoted and educated Calgary and district youth on the value and importance of agriculture in everyday life. Agriculture is a multi-faceted industry that touches our daily lives in the form of food, agri-food products, clothing and pharmaceuticals. We believe that agriculture is the foundation of Alberta, and that youth are the foundation of Alberta’s future. Once again, we are pleased to be hosting a fun, creative and interactive art based classroom project. This year we will be hosting an Art Challenge and the Grand Prize will be awarded in two divisions: Grades 1 to 3 and Grades 4 to 6. The winning class in each division will receive a $2,500.00 Technology Spending Spree and VIP treatment at Aggie Days 2015. The guidelines and rules are as follows: This contest is open to all full-time elementary classes in Grades 1 to 6 (including home school) who are residents of Alberta, and are enrolled in a Calgary or surrounding area school division for the 2014/2015 school year. The final image must be completed on bristol board 22” x 28” or 30” maximum and must depict “Show how to go from Farm to Table” (Bristol board available at local dollar and/or craft store) Each entry must be accompanied by a signed 2015 Aggie Days Art Challenge Form – see below. Please make sure artwork is also labeled on the back only with teacher/student first names, grade, school name, phone number and email. Artwork must be entirely the classroom’s original work and completed as a team work collaborated classroom effort – not independently. Individual entries will not be considered. No photo artwork will be accepted. Each classroom has a choice of materials to create their artwork on the bristol board for their submission. When creating your design, make sure that all lines and colours are well defined. Students can use a range of shades and tones, keep in mind that very light drawings and pale colours do not reproduce well in print and display. If your students choose to use lighter colours, such as yellow or pale shades of pink, green, blue, etc. it is suggested to outline them with bold and strong lines to create definition. The submission deadline is Friday, March 20, 2015. The original artwork should be mailed or dropped off to: Aggie Days, Bayer CropScience, #200, 160 Quarry Park Blvd. SE, Calgary, AB T2C 3G3 c/o Beverley Bell. The Calgary Stampede and Bayer CropScience exercise the right to exhibit or publish the works of art and the names of students, in print, voice or visual media. Submitted artwork will be displayed April 8-12, 2015 during Aggie Days and will become the property of Bayer CropScience. No artwork will be returned. Art submissions will potentially be reprinted in materials such as but not limited to slide show, coloring book, media and other materials. Decisions of the contest judges are final and no substitutions will be available. The prize is not redeemable in cash and must be accepted as awarded. The winning school will be awarded the prize for their school and the prize will become property of that school. Bayer CropScience and the Calgary Stampede reserves the right to withdraw or terminate this contest at any time without prior notice. 2015 Aggie Days Art Challenge Entry Form Grade: _________________________________________________________________________ School Name:____________________________________________________________________ School Address: _________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ City: ______________________________________ Postal Code: ________________________ School Phone Number: ____________________________________________________________ Teacher(s) Name: ________________________________________________________________ Teacher(s) Email: ________________________________________________________________ Principal(s)Name:_________________________________________________________________ TEACHERS(S) SIGNATURE _______________________________________________ (Signature of Teacher(s)) Date: _________________________ For good and valuable consideration, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, authorize Bayer CropScience and the Calgary Stampede (and its committees and affiliates) to publish, display and showcase the artwork and the name and school of the above named school and teachers(s) in any manner in print, voice or visual media and reproduction. Bayer CropScience and the Calgary Stampede its committees, affiliates, administrators and volunteers and their respective families are hereby released for any and all claims for damages of any kind whatsoever or any other claim based on the above use. Please deliver completed entry form with artwork on or before Friday, March 20, 2015 to: Aggie Days Art Challenge Bayer CropScience Inc. #200, 160 Quarry Park Blvd. S.E. Calgary, AB T2C 3G3 Email: beverley.bell@bayer.com Phone: 403-723-7440
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