the full guide - Age UK Training

Using online assessments to evidence competence
What could be more important than making sure your staff are
competent and meeting the needs of the individuals they support?
Learning through training courses, eLearning and assessments alone does not provide
sufficient evidence that a worker is competent. The first step to competence is having the
right knowledge. Assessments quickly measure and evidence a worker’s knowledge.
Combine assessments with discussion, workplace observations and feedback from the
people you support to make sure your staff are working competently, confidently and safely,
complying with legislation, agreed outcomes and ways of working.
Benefits of Using Online Assessments for Managers
Meet CQC regulation 18 and 19 – “system to assess competence”
The results facilitate structured or themed supervisions
Meet the Care Certificate guidance – “assessment of what has been learnt”
Save time and money by focussing training on identified knowledge gaps
Set workers learning objectives based on their identified development needs
Meet the Care Certificate guidance – “auditable assessment decision record”
Robust evidence for inspections and qualifications (CQC and QCF)
Identify if your learning activities are achieving results
Evidence for appraisals and for employee performance management
Support your recruitment and selection process
Plan training and development, inductions and CPD
Convert the training matrix into a safety to practice matrix
How to Support Workers with Assessments
Don’t put too much emphasis on the score. The assessments are not tests but are
essential evidence of workers knowledge and practice
Make sure workers take their time, read the instructions and set up their accessibility
options to suit their personal requirements
Support workers to re-use their evidence portfolio as part of their Diploma so they
don’t repeat learning unnecessarily
Ask workers to use the “practice module” so they get used to, and feel more
confident using the system
Make sure workers do not repeatedly take assessments to try to achieve a 100% score.
The discussion during supervision forms an essential part of the evidence.
Ensure that workers use the “not sure” and “it depends” buttons
Support workers to use the assessments to build evidence of on-going safety to
practice, rather than repeating training courses unnecessarily
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Online Assessment & Competence Flowchart
This flowchart aims to guide you through the process of collecting evidence to measure
workers’ competence and to ensure the assessments are used appropriately.
Organise access to using the “Add new user” button or through the
Support Team:
Enable workers to take each assessment once
Discuss the assessment “Results” and the “Learning Needs Overview” in supervision.
Update the assessment results – adding supporting evidence.
Discuss identified knowledge gaps and plan learning activities. Consider how best to support
the individual i.e. their learning style as well as the resources available to you.
5 Worker undertakes the learning, which could be eLearning, mentoring,
coaching, shadowing or anything the supports knowledge transfer.
This is where our bite sized
eLearning and learning
links can be used
Discuss the worker’s learning in supervision. Check the learning activity was successful i.e. value
for money and impact on practice. Update the assessment results by adding this evidence and
wherever possible include feedback from the people you support.
Undertake observations of the worker to check they are putting their knowledge into practice
and you are meeting the Care Certificate requirements.
PRACTICE – real work activity
Continue to add evidence to the assessment results until you are satisfied you have evidence
against all of the outcomes. Add your evidence from observations and spot checks, so you can
verify the assessments.
Enable workers to re-do and review their assessments as part of Continuous Professional
Development, for refreshers, on-going safety to practice and to support appraisals.
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