Aging Matters Winter/Spring 2015 Love Letters A VERY SWEET PARTNERSHIP Mrs. Davis' kindergarten and Mrs. Govier's 4th grade class at Bayless Elementary School with the help of other students across the Bayless School District - created hundreds of hand-made valentines that were delivered to seniors via the Mid-East Area Agency on Aging's "Meals on Wheels" program in Franklin, Jefferson, St. Charles and St. Louis Counties. " We were thrilled to have been able to deliver more than By Joan Lee Berkman 800 cards to our clients last year and were delighted with over 3000+ cards we shared this year," said Mary E. Schaefer, executive director, Mid-East Area Agency on Aging (MEAAA). "As many connected to MEAAA know, we deliver so much more than a meal. These adorable cards have warmed the hearts of thousands of homebound seniors, and we extend our gratitude to the Bayless School District and DoSomething. org's thoughtful volunteers.” Maddy Fanning of Lake St. Louis and some of her hand-made Valentines. A special shout out to Maddy Fanning of Lake St. Louis for her hundreds of hand-made Valentines for the St. Peters MEAAA Senior Center.The popular campaign, now in its second year, encourages young people to create handmade Valentine's Day cards to lift the spirits of older adults." We received over 3,000 valentines of which 875 came from Bayless School District. NEWS and NOTES G r a n t Aw a r d s MEAAA has been awarded $120,000 from the Jefferson Memorial Foundation for providing hot meals on wheels for Jefferson County. The costs of providing hot meals on wheels have steadily increased over the years. MEAAA’s funding for meals has not kept pace with the increased cost and three areas of Jefferson County have been receiving frozen meals delivered once per week instead of a daily hot meal. Mary Schaefer estimates the grant will provide hot meals for one year if all expenses remained the same. MEAAA is developing a plan to sustain the hot meals beyond one year using the grant funds. Almost 200 persons gathered at the four MEAAA public hearing locations, one in each of Franklin, St. Louis, St. Charles and Jefferson counties, to hear information about MEAAA services and funding for fiscal year 2016. Hearings were held at St. Peters Senior Center, Quad-Cities Senior Center, Bridgeton Senior Center, and Washington Senior Center MEAAA 2016 Public Hearings Guarding Your Pension Nest Egg Many persons have questions about their pension benefits or accuracy of their benefits amounts. The South Central Pen- South Central Pension Rights Project Providing Individual Pension Counseling & Assistance Page 2 Aging Matters Aging Matters is a publication of Mid-East Area Agency on Aging, a non-profit organization providing services and information to people 60 and over and their caregivers. Mary Schaefer Executive Director MEAAA 14535 Manchester Road Manchester, MO 63011-3960 (636)207-0847 MEAAA Information and Assistance (636)207-1323 1(800)AGE-6060 Email: Our Mission Assisting Adults Through the Journey of Aging MEAAA does not endorse any company or guarantee any of the businesses, products , or services advertised herein. National Healthcare Decisions Day sion Rights Project has answers. This free program answers your pension questions regardless of age for residents who lived or worked in Missouri as well as Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma or Texas or whose pension plan is located in any of those states. Call toll free: 1-800-443-2528 or visit the website Across the nation, attorneys will be at multiple locations on April 16 to encourage and assist citizens over age 18 years to make their healthcare wishes known to their families. National Health Care Decisions Day is a day to inspire, educate & empower the public & providers about the importance of advance care planning.You can visit for a link to Missouri’s “Advance Directive” form. Scamboree! Join us on Wednesday, May 6 at 6:00 p.m. at St. Louis County Library Headquarters (1640 S Lindbergh, 63131) for the 2nd Annual Scamboree from 4:00-6:00 p.m. in the auditorium. Fraudsters are slick and persistent, but you can learn how to bet- ter protect yourself and your loved ones from Medicare fraud, identity theft and other scams. Art Maines, author of “Scammed: 3 Steps to Help Your Elder Parents & Yourself ” and Rona McNally of the Missouri Senior Medicare Patrol (SMP) will provide useful tips on how to protect per- sonal information, detect fraudulent activities, and report them. Trained representatives from Mid-East Area Agency on Aging and Senior Medicare Patrol will be available to provide information on additional resources. Free document shredding will be available on-site prior to the event. Renewed Hip Mobility Restored Daily Activities Featuring Robert H. Sigmund, M.D., Orthopedic Surgeon Susie B. is constantly on her feet. The severe hip pain she began experiencing got in the way of her daily activities. “Getting out of bed was a big issue,” recalled Susie. “Walking was even a bigger issue. I could maybe take two or three steps at a time and have to stop. For two years, it was very difficult. With all of our special events, I was pretty much stuck in a golf cart which is not the way I usually perform my job.” Susie sought help from Robert Sigmund, M.D., orthopedic surgeon for Premier Care Orthopedics and Sports Medicine, a division of Signature Medical Group. Dr. Sigmund specializes in joint replacement and minimally invasive hip and knee surgery. “Susie was dealing with arthritis,” said Dr. Sigmund. “She’s a very active lady. We first tried steroid injections and activity modification and she persisted with pain.” Since alternative treatment options weren’t working for Susie, Dr. Sigmund discussed a total hip replacement with her. And, together, they decided that was the best solution. He explained that while everyone is different, within two to three weeks following most total hip replacements, patients are back on their feet without any assistance. Susie’s speedy recovery after surgery helped to get her back to her daily activities quickly. She sums up her experience with gratitude. “Dr. Sigmund, along with To learn more about Dr. Sigmund of his staff, have given me my life Premier Care Orthopedics and Sports Medicine, or to schedule an back,” Susie said. “I can walk appointment regarding an orthopedic again. I play golf again. I swim concern, visit SignatureMedicalGroup. again. The pain is basically zero. com or call 314-849-0311. The follow-up that he and I have had has been extremely professional, but very personal. I wish This article is sponsored by Signature Medical Group and the opinions and now I wouldn’t have waited two information are not those of MEAAA. years to have it done.” Page 3 Donors from 9/19/14 through 2/24/15 Mr. Faiz Ali Ms. Christine Alsop Mr. and Mrs. Nash Anwar Mr. Rodney Bahr Ms. Linda Baker Oberst Ms. Henriette A. Barken Mr. David Becker Mr. and Mrs. Walter Becker Bellerive Gardens Cemetery Ms. Joan Berkman Mr. and Mrs. Gary Bieg Mr. and Mrs. Irving Boime Mr. and Mrs. Farrell Boudinier Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bryner Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Burstein Mr. and Mrs. Edward Burwell Ms. Carolyn Cafazza Dr. and Mrs. Harvey Cantor Mr. and Mrs. David Carr Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cawns Central County Community Outreach City of St. Charles City Of St. Peters Ms. Mary Cook Mr. Dennis Cooper Mr. and Mrs. Gary Cronin Mr. Nathaniel Crump Ms. Marilyn Crumpton Mrs. Elise Daniels Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Davis Ms. Cinda Delaney Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Duenke Mr. and Mrs. Norman Eaker Ms. Julia Eckardt Edward Jones Mrs. Lora Lee Euler Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fenner Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Ferrari Mr. and Mrs. Sam Fox Page 4 Franklin County Area United Way Mr. Barry Friedman Dr. and Mrs. Sidney Goldring Gotsch Intermediate School Dr. and Mrs. Ernest Graypel Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Greenstein Ms. Sharon Greenstein Ms. Emilie Greubel Mr. and Mrs. Harold Guese Mr. and Mrs. Howard Handelman Mary P. Hennecke Revocable Living Trust Mr. and Mrs. Charles Heisler Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Hershman Ms. Rachel Hickman Ms. Holly Hildebrand Ms. Agnes Hoffman Ms. Allene M. Jackson JCA Charitable Foundation Jefferson Memorial Community Foundation Ms. Jeanne Jennings Ms. Alice L. Juenger Mrs. Mary Kerr Mr. and Mrs. Densil Kille Mrs. Joyce R. Kleban Mr. and Mrs. Edna Kleekamp Mr. James Kluempers Knights Of Columbus Council 1185 Mr. James S. Kramer Mr. and Mrs. Roger Krasnicki Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Krout Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lanza Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lazare Mrs. Sarah Levinson Dr. Hedva Barenholtz Levy Mr. and Mrs. Willie A. Little Mr. and Mrs. Richard Loeser Ms. Carol Lowe Ms. Alyssa Martin Mrs. Carina Maurer-Batjer McAlister’s Deli Ms. Eva McGee Mr. and Mrs. John McHenry Ms. Donna Miller Mr. and Mrs. Yale Miller Mr. Edwin Nelson II NIDEC Motor Corp. Mr. Doug O’Brien Ms. Mary Lou O’Connell Mr. Tim Parks Parkside Meadows Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Rabushka Mr. Carl Ripp Ms. Grace Robertson Mr. Guy Roos Mr. and Mrs. Alan Rosenberg Mr. Colin Schaedler Mr. and Mrs. James E. Schaefer Mr. and Mrs. Allen Serfas Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sher Mrs. Philomena Skrob Mr. Smith Rev. Donna Smith-Pupillo Mr. and Mrs. Robert Snyder Mr. and Mrs. Norman Solomon Mr. William I. Solomon Mr. Sanford Spitzer Mr. Jerry Steiner and Ms. Denise Bertrand Mr. and Mrs. Steve Dickinson Mr. and Mrs. Charles Swoboda Ms. Barbara Tesno The Mildred, Herbert and Julian Simon Foundation The Milford and Lee Bohm Charitable Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Edward Theby Mr. John Thompson and Ms. Alethea Boey Mr. Benjamin Tutschulte Twin Oaks At Heritage Pointe & Twin Oaks Estate Valentine Artist Mr. Robert Vickers Wal-Mart Foundation Ms. Margaret Walters Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Weber Dr. and Mrs. Alan Weiss Ms. Gabrielle Williams Ms. Ellen Green Wood Thank you for making a difference for older adults in our community. Memorials and Tributes Mr. David Becker In Memory of Maureen Smallwood Ms. Joan Berkman In Memory of Eleanor Berkman Mr. and Mrs. Farrell Boudinier In Memory of Elsie Daniel Mr. and Mrs. Edward Burwell In Memory of Marie Cargill Ms. Carolyn Cafazza In Honor of Rose Cafazza Ms. Marilyn Crumpton In Memory of Darryl Crumpton Mrs. Elise Daniels In Memory of James W. Hoover In Honor of Joan Quicksilver In Honor of Cynthia Frohlichstein In Honor of Ivan Shenberg In Memory of Hortense Molasky Morgan In Memory of Sharon Greenstein’s Father In Honor of Jerry Raskas In Memory of Joyce Weltman In Memory of Lillian Arky In Memory of Bernard Weitzman In Memory of Harold Mosinger Ms. Holly Hildebrand In Memory of Florence Elizabeth Hildebrand In Honor of Florence and Lee Hildebrand In Memory of Albert A. Winner Ms. Mary Lou O’Connell In Memory of John and Bud O’Connell Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Rabushka In Honor of Marv Finkelstein’ s Recovery Mr. Carl Ripp In Memory of Marie Ripp Mr. and Mrs. James E. Schaefer In Honor of Lisa Knoll celebrating 10 years with MEAAA Mr. and Mrs. Allen Serfas In Memory of Geraldean Walker Mrs. Mary Kerr In Honor of Mary Schaefer in Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sher celebration of MEAAA’s new In Honor of a healthy new year for Susan and Tom on-line system Csengody Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Krout Ms. Sharon Greenstein Mrs. Philomena Skrob In Honor of Radine In Memory of Mr. Burman In Memory of Stephen Skrob Borowsky’s birthday In Memory of Russell Ohlson Ms. Julia Eckardt In Honor of James and Jacqueline Krafft Mr. and Mrs. Howard Handelman In Memory of Hal Melman In Memory of Merle Silverstein In Memory of Ron Unell In Honor of Helane and Warner Isaacs In Honor of Bob Saltzman In Memory of Mr. and Mrs. Max Blinder In Honor of David & Barbara Smith Mr. Jerry Steiner and Ms. Denise Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lanza Bertrand In Memory of Gladys Dinello In Memory of Elsie Daniel Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lazare In Honor of The Robert and Ms. Barbara Tesno In Honor of Gertrude Weise Frances Barrett Family Mr. and Mrs. John McHenry In Honor of Mary Schaefer Mr. Benjamin Tutschulte In Honor of Ella Tutschulte Mr. Robert Vickers Mr. Doug O’Brien In Memory of Douglas James In Memory of Claire L. Vickers O’Brien Page 5 ? MAKING Health Insurance MAKE SENSE Answers to Some of the Most Commonly Asked Questions Q I’ve heard that consumers who had to pay the Shared Responsibility Fee, for not having health insurance in 2014, when they filed their taxes this year, are getting a Special Enrollment Period to enroll in health insurance through the Federally Facilitated Marketplaces this year so they can reduce the fee they pay next year; what does all of this mean? The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, CMS, will provide an exceptional circumstances special enrollment period (SEP) from March 15, 2015 through April 30, 2015 for consumers who were subject to the fee or “Shared Responsibility Payment” ($95 or 1% of income, whichever is greater) for 2014, and did not enroll in 2015 coverage through the Federally-facilitated Marketplaces (FFMs) before the end of the open enrollment period this year, because they were unaware of the requirement to maintain Minimum Essential health Coverage (MEC). This SEP allows the consumer to obtain health coverage for 2015 and reduce their fee (“Shared Responsibility Payment”) for 2015. recognizes that CMS the 2014 tax year was the first time Americans who did not have Minimum Essential health Coverage, (MEC), would be subject to the fee (“Shared Responsibility A Page 6 Payment.”) Consequently, CMS wishes to provide those who did not enroll in a Qualified Health Plan (QHP) during annual Open Enrollment an opportunity to obtain MEC during 2015. This special enrollment period (SEP) is only for consumers who are not enrolled in 2015 coverage through the Federally Facilitated Marketplaces,(FFMs), (not including consumers who have been terminated from coverage purchased through the FFMs during the 2015 Open Enrollment period), who can claim they first became aware of, or understood the implications of, the Shared Responsibility Payment after the end of this year’s open enrollment period (February 15, 2015) in connection with preparing their 2014 taxes, and attest to being subject to the fee (“Shared Responsibility Payment”) for 2014. Consumers need to verify, either by phone or through, that they were subject to the fee (“Shared Responsibility Payment”) for 2014 and that they were unaware of the requirement to maintain Minimum Essential health Coverage (MEC). This special enrollment period, (SEP) will provide normal, prospective effective dates for coverage. If a consumer enrolls in coverage on or before the 15th of the month, coverage will be effective on the first of the following month. If it is after the 15th coverage will begin the first day of the second month. For example, if a consumer enrolls on March 15, the first day of this SEP, their coverage will begin April 1, but if they enroll on March 16, through April 15, their coverage will begin on May 1. If they enroll between April 16, through the last day of this SEP, April 30, their coverage will begin June 1. Also, consumers who take advantage of this special enrollment period, (SEP), to gain health insurance coverage this year, will still be subject to pay a portion of the Shared Responsibility Fee in 2015 for the months they were without Minimum Essential health Coverage, (MEC). An estimated 2 to 4 percent of Americans will pay a fee this year when they file their income taxes, because they made a choice to not obtain health insurance coverage for 2014 and are not eligible for an exemption. So, they may qualify for this special enrollment period, (SEP). We are encouraging consumers who would like health insurance coverage and want to avoid paying the fee for the remainder of 2015 to visit or call the Marketplace Call Center at 1-800318-2596, (TTY users should call 1-855-889-4325), and review the Continued on Page 7 your taxes, need Form 8962, or shopping for coverage through Continued from Page 6 options available in their area, the Marketplaces. want to learn more about the from March 15, 2015 to April fee for not having health cov30, 2015. Eligible consumers erage, visit Help is available. wishing to enroll during this special enrollment period, (SEP) • Many people who signed up • For more information about must complete the full enrollment how your Marketplace coverfor Marketplace coverage can process, including plan selection, age will affect your taxes, visit get free assistance with fillby 11:59 pm E.S.T. on April 30, or call ing out their taxes. This may 2015. the Marketplace Call Center include free access to tax soft Many consumers will at 1-800-318-2596 (TTY: 1-855ware programs, or free in-perqualify for financial assistance, 889-4325. son assistance. For more inforincluding help paying their mation, visit monthly premiums, when • For local assistance with enor rollment contact MEAAA at 1(800)AGE-6060. • If you have questions about Support MEAAA and Area Older Adults On Tuesday, May 5, be part of Give STL Day and make a difference for MEAAA! Give STL Day is a 24-hour giving event with local impact. More than 500 nonprofits have signed up to participate and will be raising much needed dollars with your help. We hope that you will participate and choose Mid-East Area Agency on Aging Foundation and area older adults as the beneficiary of your donation! Through your gift you will be supporting programs and services such as Meals on Wheels, 22 Senior Centers and their activities, caregiver assistance, information, transportation and much more. Throughout the day there will be prizes that YOU can win and incentives awarded to help make your donation dollars go even further. Visit www.agingmissouri. org on May 5 (starting at midnight) and be linked to the Greater St. Louis Community Foundation’s website, where you can choose Mid-East Area Agency on Aging Foundation to receive your gift. Let’s see what we can do in a day! Remember MEAAA in Your Will Leaving a gift to Mid-East Area Agency on Aging in your will is a way of ensuring that we will be able to go on helping the increasing number of older adults who need our services in years to come. Though it may be challenging for some individuals or families to make the outright gift they’d like to make today, some may be interested in establishing a deferred gift that will provide future benefits to MEAAA and those it serves. If you have already made the decision to provide for MEAAA in your will or trust, and you’d like to let us know, please complete the form below and send it to us. ___________________________________ _____ I have remembered MEAAA in my will or trust. Name ___________________________________________________ Street ___________________________________________________ City ________________________ State _______ Zip ___________ Please mail to: Development Office MEAAA 14535 Manchester Road Manchester, MO 63011 Or Email: Page 7 March for Meals March is the month to support the MEAAA meals on wheels program! Area businesses, city, county, state and federal officials were invited to participate in the March for Meals activities at MEAAA’s senior centers. Many will participate by State Rep. Sue Allen, Fern Sterner, and Janice Surti, volunteer delivering meals during the Champions for Meals tions are tax deductible and can week of March 16-20. Others do- be accepted at any time during nated funding or helpful items the year. For information, call to the senior centers. Such dona- 636-207-0847. MEAAA 14535 Manchester Road Manchester, MO 63011-3960 Nonprofit Org. US Postage PAID St. Louis, MO Permit NO. 815
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