Members at the April 2015 Meeting Looking Ahead: May 5—East Fort Worth 4-H Club meeting with: Project "Show and Tell”, Project record sheets, Community Service Hours, Members will display projects and awards earned during the year. >>>Thank-You Notes Due<<< May 16—Graffiti Abatement Community Service May 16—Movie Night for East Fort Worth 4-H—MUMC May 26—County Senior Graduation May 28— Club Awards/Achievement Night/potluck supper August 8 or 15—Pancake Breakfast—Club Fundraiser Looking ahead to May, please be aware that all projects will be completed, and project leaders will collect finished project record sheets at the last project meeting. Each member is expected to write a thank-you letter to the project leader showing gratitude for their time and generosity in sharing their skills. These may be brought to the May meeting. Paint a Mural! Graffiti Abatement Program: May 16th This is another community service opportunity is the painting a mural over graffiti on the bridge near Lancaster and Beach. We will discuss this at the meeting, and see how we can schedule a couple of hours for this fun project during the day. Next Club Meeting May 5th,6:45 PM Healthy Snack: Rebecca Norris Sweet Snack: The Colorados Drink: The Hoovers Election of Officers New Bylaws Project Show and Tell Thank You Cards for Project Leaders Community Service Reports, Project Record Sheets Also Fun, Games, Prizes, Clover Kids. REMINDER! Please bring your Green Folder! Please write and bring Thank You notes for your project leaders! Please bring your Service Records for the past year! Movie Night May 16th Our Club’s Second Annual Movie Night will feature the movie, WALL-E, at MUMC. Members will bring snacks Awards/Achievement Night—May 28th RED NOSE Have you heard of “Red Nose Day”? Buy a red nose for $1.00, and that goes into a program sponsored by Walgreen Stores to help children who are in poverty. We plan to have 50 red noses at our meeting, and we’ll pose for our group picture wearing the red noses that we can purchase that night. If you can, please bring a $1.00 for your red nose, or if you already have one, bring it. This is our night to shine. We’ll bring a pot luck supper and display awards/achievements accomplished during the year. These can include awards earned at school or in other areas. Can We Count on You?? Our club is looking ahead to next year with lots of new leadership possibilities. We will elect new officers, name committees, and involve EVERY MEMBER in the ongoing success of our club. Also, whole families will be working together to assure that we become the best that we can be. There are many untapped opportunities at the club level, but also in county events and competitions, and then district and state events. As we increase our involvement, we become better leaders for the future. Officer Elections We will be electing our 2015/16 officers at the May meeting so that they have plenty of time to prepare for the upcoming year. The slate of nominated officers are: Tarrant Co. Commissioners Court with AgriLife Director Joan Jacobsen President-Cloe Whiddon 1st Vice President-Faith Dugdale 2nd Vice President-Rachael Hermanski 3rd Vice President-Bailey Sands Council Delegates- Lauren Antwine, Faith Dugdale Secretary-Savanah Antwine Treasurer-Cole Whiddon Reporter-Audrey DeCardenas Historian- Project Photos Community Outreach East Fort Worth 4-H was present at Prairie Fest and Helped the Lions Club at their Chili Dinner! Musical Performances At our April Meeting we had more performances from club members Arin Dominguez, Audrey DeCardenas, Savanah Antwine and Laure Antwine. Great job ladies! Projects and Awards from TCJLS!
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