The AgriMarine Group of Companies 2015 The AgriMarine Group of Companies Fin Fish Farming Specialists AgriMarine Holdings Inc. is a Canadian-based producer of sustainable fin fish and a developer of proprietary fish farming Clean Technology, managed by an experienced team of aquaculture technology pioneers. AgriMarine is a portfolio company of Dundee Agriculture, a subsidiary of Dundee Corporation. AgriMarine is a producer of salmonids in British Columbia and China, and is positioning itself as a leading innovator of sustainable aquaculture systems worldwide. We bring the most advanced aquaculture technologies and fish farming practices into our farms. • Growth in farming will require higher technological requirements and use of Best Aquaculture Practices to be cost efficient and to manage the challenges inherent in fish farming. AgriMarine Holdings Inc. Technology • The global market for aquaculture is $137 billion and still growing to meet consumer demand. The industry is expected to reach USD $202.96 billion by 2020. Farming AgriMarine Technologies Inc. AgriMarine Industries Inc. Technology developer, consultancy services and equipment provider Oversees farming operations West Coast Fishculture (Lois Lake) Ltd. Producer of Lois Lake Steelhead Benxi AgriMarine Industries Inc. Producer of Pacific Salmon in China • Our ‘Clean Tech’ patented farm model enables us to undertake large expansion in the industry as use of traditional farming methods become increasingly restricted. • AgriMarine is poised to capitalize on this opportunity by offering its technological solutions on a tank sale and licensing/royalty basis, targeting the Norwegian market. West Coast Fishculture (Lois Lake) Ltd. Farming Healthy, Nutritious, Great-tasting and Sustainable Steelhead Since 1973 AgriMarine’s flagship farm is West Coast Fishculture, the premier producer of Steelhead salmon in British Columbia. Our premium brand of OceanWise™ recommended Lois Lake Steelhead is one of the leading brands of fin fish featured in top restaurants across the province. Since acquiring West Coast Fishculture in December, 2013, AgriMarine is rapidly developing its domestic farming business by increasing its fish production from our current 600 tonnes to an expanded license of 3,000 tonnes. Our highly nutritional and flavourful Steelhead are the result of the ideal combination of healthy broodstock, clean waters and carefully selected feed that meets the nutritional needs of our fish. Reared in a stress-free environment with no antibiotics, our Lois Lake Steelhead are harvested, processed in-house and immediately chilled to ensure maximum quality and freshness. West Coast Fishculture has a market-ready product, a sizable work in progress inventory and well established sales and distribution channels. Its Lois Lake Steelhead brand is sold to the Harmony Group (Cactus Club Café Restaurants, Earls Restaurants, Joey’s), Glowbal Group of Restaurants (Glowbal, Italian Kitchen), Milestones Restaurants, and Costco stores and is also featured in top Vancouver restaurants such as Four Seasons, Hawksworth, and Black & Blue. The fish is recommended by the Vancouver Aquarium’s esteemed certification program, Ocean Wise™, as oceanfriendly. Four AgriMarine System™ tanks are operating at West Coast, with two more under construction. Our expansion plans will build on our existing base at WCFC, with accretive acquisitions or joint venture partnerships of existing sites in British Columbia to achieve a four-farm target. Simple Fish Soil Amendment For the Production of Organic Crops The waste cuttings from Ocean Wise™ recommended Lois Lake Steelhead, are utilized and converted into high nutrient soil amendment and sold to wholesalers and retailers, mainly in Western Canada. Our soil amendment is approved for the production of organic products in compliance with the requirements of the Canadian Organic Standards (COS) as well as the USDA National Organic Program. Simply Fish has been successfully used to treat seeds prior to planting, works exceptionally well as a foliar spray, has natural fungicidal properties protecting roots, raises sugar content in plants, and produces thick root vegetables, as the amino acids provide stimulus for root growth hormones. Simply Fish is an earth-friendly product, where the fish waste from our farm is being converted into a secondary revenue stream. Simply Fish is sold in containers in varying sizing, from 250 mls -1L, 4L, 20 L to and 1000 litres barrels. CANADIAN ORGANIC STANDARDS USDA NATIONAL ORGANIC PROGRAM Benxi AgriMarine Inc. China’s Premier Commercial Pacific Salmon Farm AgriMarine has been in the business of producing and selling fish in China through its wholly-owned subsidiary since 2010, utilizing its proprietary AgriMarine System™ tanks. Situated in Northern China, Benxi AgriMarine is the only commercial producer of Coho and Chinook salmon in the domestic market and is considered a Pioneer. Benxi AgriMarine has the advantages of local production which translates into reduced transportation costs, duties and import taxes over imported salmon. There are currently six AgriMarine System™ tanks in operation at the Guanmenshan Reservoir site, with crops of Chinook and Coho salmon, which are sold to franchise restaurants, seafood distributors, supermarkets and smoked salmon outfits with a combination of live, fresh and frozen filleted product under Benxi AgriMarine’s Eco-Salmon brand label. Future expansion plans include land-based recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) in order to expand production beyond 1,200 metric tons. AgriMarine Technologies Inc. Since 2000, AgriMarine has been a leading innovator in the development of aquaculture systems. From designing advanced land-based rearing environments and hatcheries to pioneering the design and engineering of floating closed containment tanks, AgriMarine has been leading the industry in sustainability. AgriMarine launched AgriMarine Technologies Inc. (ATI) as its technology division, aimed at generating business in the development and sales of goods and services in the aquaculture and Cleantech space in order to capitalize on the growing market for sustainable aquaculture systems in North America and around the world. ATI provides tank procurement and installation services to the farming division internally and support external tank sales and leasing or royalty agreements as may be developed. ATI also undertakes fish-farming related equipment sales and engineering consultancy services. We customize our designs to meet the specific needs of our clients, for a variety of designs and rearing environment, anywhere in the world AgriMarine’s proprietary commercialscale technology for aquaculture has established a new model and standard for sustainable fish farming. The AgriMarine System™ is a flow-through, floating, solid-walled tank that creates a more secure, reliable and efficient fish rearing environment. Designing Innovative Aquaculture Solutions Our Services Our Technologies • Feasibility studies • Complete design and build services • AgriMarine System™ Floating Semi-Closed Containment Tanks • Design and construction of Recirculating • Floating semi-closed raceways designs • Aquaculture Systems (RAS) • Deep Injection O2 system (DIOS) • Design and construction of aquaponics systems • Dissolved Oxygen Sensor (DOS) and • Site specific farm management system development • Dissolved gas management systems • After-sales service, training, maintenance and support • Autonomous Control of Aquaculture Systems (ACAS) • Offshore mooring system design • Aquaculture bio-product conversion to fertilizer • Computational Fluid Dynamics • Nutrient recovery and dewatering • Low Head High Volume Pumps Our team of engineers works with each client to design and build optimized rearing facilities with tailor-made solutions for a wide range of aquaculture species. From feasibility studies, to site selection reports, project and construction management and installation, ATI works with clients who want to improve their sustainability and profitability through the application of innovative technology. AgriMarine System™ Floating Semi-Closed Containment Tanks AgriMarine Recirculating Aquaculture Systems (RAS) The AgriMarine System™ are floating semi-closed containment tanks that combine the environmental and husbandry benefits of land-based fish farming with the low operational costs of open net pen aquaculture. ATI is developing RAS technologies for applications where water access is restricted or where limited water resources are available for land-based farm production. Our proprietary aquatic farm management technology provides optimized conditions for the rearing of finfish in fresh or sea water conditions. Controlled dissolved oxygen content, nutrient recovery, low energy footprint, temperature modulation, and instant mortality recovery are just some of the benefits of this floating, semi-closed system. Key Features of the AgriMarine System : TM • Energy efficiency with low head, high flow pump • Semi-Closed system for effective management of rearing environment • Able to operate in fresh and salt water environments in any temperature • Risk mitigation from algae and low dissolved oxygen events Recirculating Aquaculture Systems (RAS) are land-based, closed containment rearing systems with full water treatment and recycling technologies employed, that offer economic and fish husbandry benefits to the farmer. RAS allows water quality of the rearing environment to be controlled, thus accelerating fish growth and crop turnover, while the entry of pathogens is minimized, as only small make up water flows need be treated. • Adjustable intake depth for source water temperature control • Integrated oxygen supplementation and control systems • Demonstrated sea lice reduction • Improved feed utilization • Ideally suited for post-smolt production • Technology tested and proven for salmon and trout; also suitable for sea bream, sea bass, barramundi, sable fish, sturgeon and other species A better way to farm: • Controls oxygen levels • Moderates in-tank temperature • Captures nutrients • Mitigates sea lice • Outfitted with our proprietary Nutrient Recovery System which turns potentially deleterious waste into feedstock for the production of high value organic fertilizers Drawing courtesy of JLH Consulting Key Features of RAS: • Fish products can command premium pricing • Improves feed conversion ratios • Optimizes growth rates • Provides a consistent biomass once steady-state is reached • Increases bio security • Controls water temperature and salinity levels ATI Floating Semi-Closed Raceway Technology Deepwater Injection Oxygenation System (DIOS) ATI is developing a commercial scale floating raceway system along the same principles of our semi-closed containment technology for fish production. ATI’s floating raceway technology provides the same control over water quality as circular containment systems but can be deployed in smaller water bodies such as man-made ponds and rehabilitated gravel pits. High transfer efficiency oxygenation at low power is a challenge for farmers. The DIOS was developed to oxygenate water at a lower power consumption. Initially developed for fresh water applications, this system may be used in either fresh or ocean water. Key Features of the Floating Raceway Technology: Key Features of the DIOS: • Temperature modulation • Provides a high transfer efficiency for oxygen supplementation. • Efficient removal of settleable solids • Outfitted with adjustable ports that allow users to draw water from surface down to 30 metres depth, which provides temperature modulation and avoidance of deleterious biota at certain depths. • Control of dissolved oxygen levels • Control of water velocity • Water quality control modules such as biofiltration and oxygen enhancement can be added • May be adaptable for a variety of applications to achieve the oxygenation needs of an individual site and species farmed. Oxygen Cone Prototype Gas Diffusion Systems (GDS) Autonomous Control of Aquaculture Systems (ACAS) Typical aluminum oxygen stones corrode in ocean waters and are difficult to clean. Our serviceable stones can be taken apart during cleaning cycles and offer a full range of replacement parts. Our diffusers are designed for many oxygen and gas transfer applications, from waste water to fish farming and everything in-between. This monitoring and control system provides remote user access for both monitoring and adjustment of rearing environment control systems. Key Features of the GDS: • Ceramic diffusers are interchangeable and may be refurbished multiple times before replacement is necessary, which makes them easily serviceable. • Housings are stainless steel, and while more expensive than the aluminum housings from other manufacturers, will last indefinitely in both salt and fresh water applications. • Diffusers have a 60 square inch surface area, and operate at maximum 50 psi. • Offer lower pressure differential in order to save power. ATI developed the ACAS to provide autonomous control of computer and machinery equipment. The ACAS ensures that computers can make rapid adjustments without the need for someone present at a farm site 24-7. Local data is uploaded to a Cloud which allows for remote access to data in real time, letting the farmer monitor a farm remotely, anytime of the day. Cloud servers send out text messages to farmers to alert them of any issues. Key Features of the ACAS: • Wireless communication between devices makes this system unique. • Modular set up allows easy incorporation into existing systems. • Monitors variables, sensors and pumps for instruments, and provides automated controls based on variables and parameters set. • Currently developing new wireless sensors that can be battery-powered and are easily connected without the need for power. • Data hosting is also available. Alumina Membrane Fine Bubble Diffuser The Vacuum Air Lift (VAL) Water Recycling for Aquaculture The patented Vacuum AirLift (VAL) is a new, sustainable and efficient water treatment system that delivers state of the art efficiency in gas stripping and fine particle removal in a RAS water treatment system for use in fish and shrimp farms. The VAL provides water circulation, aeration, gas stripping, and micro particle extraction with one single device. Key Features: • Versatile and simple technology platform with three basic functions: Micro particle extraction, water circulation, and gas exchange Water Circulation – GAS EXCHANGE – Particle Extraction Safe for the Environment Safe for the Production Process • No chemicals or additives • Spill safe (system under vacuum) • Fluid is not in contact with any electrical/ mechanical element Safe for the Operators • Robust and stable materials (non-electrostatic and resistant to most chemical products) • Low pressure (15 psi) = low risk • Under vacuum = can hold hazardous gasses • The system can function in rough environments Low energy tool for water recycling in low head RAS: • Water circulation for 2-3 Wh/m3 of water circulated •CO2 stripping for 3-10 Wh/m3 of water treated 3 • Particulate removal for 10-30 Wh/m of water treated • Tolerates stoppages and restarts without human intervention • Electrical motors can be positioned safely away from operations Operating requirements/specifications • Freshwater flow rates from 100 to 150 m3/h per unit • Saltwater flow rates from 75 to 100 m3/h per unit • Degassing capacity – CO2 stripping down to 5 mg/L • Easy and economical to set up and use, improves energy efficiency AgriMarine Technologies is the exclusive distributor of this innovative water treatment system for aquaculture applications in Canada and the United States Head Office 1401-1130 West Pender Street Vancouver, B.C. Canada, V6E 4A4 T: 604-568-4672 F: 604-568-4673 AgriMarine Technologies Inc. 240-1829 Beaufort Avenue Comox, B.C. Canada, V9M 1R9 T: 250-941-3099 F: 250-941-3081 1-844-941-3099 (North America) •
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