ICHPSD-2015 PROSPECTS OF DEVELOPING PUMPED STORAGE PROJECTS UTILISING THE RESERVOIR OF EXISTING HYROPOWER PROJECT IN THE STATE OF UTTARAKHAND Rajendra Chalisgaonkar1 and Mukesh Mohan2 Chief Engineer, Projects/Garhwal, Irrigation Department, Uttarakhand, Dehradun. 2 Superintending Engineer, Irrigation Department, Uttarakhand, Dehradun. 1 ABSTRACT The growing economy with corresponding increase in power demand causes more challenges in power sector of developing countries. In India, the increase in peak power demand necessitates energy storage schemes over and above the storage—hydro, oil and gas based peak power plants to ensure power system stability. This growing energy demand has proved to be one of the biggest challenges in ensuring a healthy economic growth rate of the country and needs to exploit all its available natural resources to the fullest in order to bridge the widening demand-supply gap in the power sector. Pumped storage hydroelectricity is a method of storing and producing electricity to supply high peak demands by moving water between reservoirs at different elevations. At times of low electrical demand, excess electrical capacity is used to pump water into the higher reservoir. A pre-feasibility study conducted on the Construction of Additional Pumped Storage Project on Ichari Dam Project has been described in detail in the paper. The study clearly indicates that the Project is technoeconomically viable. 1.0 DEVELOPMENT OF PUMPED STORAGE PLANTS The first known conceptual demonstration of pumped storage was seen in Zurich, Switzerland in 1882 in which a reciprocating pump was proposed for energy storage. The first official facility was opened in 1909 in Schlaffhausen, Switzerland with a capacity of 1500 kW and a separate pump and turbine. Additional installations followed throughout Europe over the next few decades. The extent of its development was largely increased by two particular installations: The first plant over 20MW near Dresden, Germany in 1928, and the first largescale North American installation in Connecticut in 1929 which featured a reversible pumpgenerator. Early arrangements typically included a horizontal arrangement of a separate pump/turbine assembly aligned with the generator/motor. Eventually, in the 1930s, reversible pump turbines were introduced, the first installation occurring in Baldeney, Germany. This advancement typically saved the cost approximately 30% while compromising on complicated starting modes, efficiency, and long changeover times. Although this resulted in an efficiency loss through compromise, the capital savings and system simplification were significant. This particular technology underwent major development in the 1960-70s and is often used to date. Since then, number of Pumped Storage Schemes have been constructed and are running successfully all over the world. 520 International Conference on Hydropower for Sustainable Development Feb 05-07, 2015, Dehradun In India to fulfill the peak hour demand of electricity and due to increasing imbalance of thermal: hydel mix, need for developing pumped storage schemes was realized as early in 1960. In India first pumped storage plant was built at Nagarjunasagar in Andhra Pradesh in the year 1970 with an installed capacity of 700 MW. Since then, 11 pumped storage plants having 3604 MW total capacity have been successfully constructed in India, which includes Srisailam(900 MW), Purulia(900 MW), Kadampani(400 MW), Ghatghar (250 MW), Kadana(240 MW), Bhira(150 MW) Pumped Storage Projects and 1200 MW Sardar Sarovar and 1000 MW Tehri Pumped Storage Plants are under construction. 56 major Pumped Storage Schemes with total installed capacity of 96000 MW have been identified in the different part of India. 2.0 FEASIBILITY OF CONSTRUCTING PUMPED STORAGE PROJECTS IN THE STATE OF UTTARAKHAND Being a very young and fortunate state, with rich biodiversity and natural resources, Uttarakhand has the golden opportunity to adopt a sustainable development model of Pumped Storage Projects for the comprehensive progress of all sections of the society, and to set an example to other states of the union. In the context of the State of Uttarakhand, it is observed that hydropower projects can run at their full potential only in the months of monsoon, when water is available in plenty. For rest of the year, the water in the rivers is scanty and the power generation varies accordingly and it is insufficient to cater the peak hour demands of the state. The topography of the State provides an opportunity to build a number of Pumped Storage Projects in different valleys of the State. As Pumped Storage Projects do not require a large Reservoir as compared to the Conventional Hydropower Projects, the suitable sites can be identified at various locations where a reasonably Small Reservoirs can be constructed at different elevations. Pumped Storage Projects shall require Small Storage for 6 to 8 hrs. to generate power during peak demand period and the water can be recirculated to the upper reservoir by pumping from the lower reservoir during off peak hours. Also, due to small reservoirs, such Projects will not have much Rehabilitation and Resettlement problems, which is a big and problematic issue in conventional hydropower projects. Considering the variation in power tariffs during peak and off peak hours, the Pumped Storage Projects can prove to be techno-economically feasible alternative as the number of such Projects are running successfully all over the world. Having realized the great important role to be played by pumped storage plants as a means of meeting peak hour electricity demand, a pre-feasibility study conducted on the Construction of Additional Pumped Storage Project on Ichari Dam Project utilizing the existing reservoir has been described in detail in the paper and has been discussed in detail in succeeding paragraphs. 3.0 ICHARI DAM PROJECT Ichari reservoir is located on river Tons in the lower Shiwalik region of the Himalaya. The river u/s of the dam flows forming loops. Tons valley is very narrow and the intervening hills between the two main loops of the river between 3 km to 9 km upstream of the dam axis are high and steep rising from about 900 m to 1500 m above the river bed level, the average river 521 ICHPSD-2015 bed slope being of the order of 1/160. Under Yamuna Hydel Scheme Stage - II, a 155m long and 59.25m high concrete dam was constructed at Ichari about 60 km from Dehradun across river Tons, a tributary of river Yamuna, for diverting river water into a 7.0m DIA and 6287m long concrete lined tunnel to feed the underground power station at Chhibro. Different views of Ichari Dam Project have been depicted in Fig. 1. The main tributaries of Tons river are Hate, Bamber, Rupin and Paber. The Tons river at Ichari has a catchment area of 4913 km2. The catchment comprised the mountainous region, partly covered with vegetations and varying in elevation from 608.000m to about 549.000m. The annual rainfall in the catchment varies from 1200 mm to 1900 mm. D/S View of Ichari Dam 3.1 U/S View of Ichari Dam Fig. 1 : Ichari Dam Project Ichari Dam Reservoir Water Availability for Generating Power through PSP The total storage capacity of the Ichari Dam at El. 644.75m is estimated to be about 5.59Mm3. It is proposed to use Ichari Dam as Lower Reservoir and 380200m3 of water(about 9.20 % of total storage capacity) of Ichari Dam has been proposed to be used for recycling for generation of hydropower during eight peak hours. The water availability details and lowering of water levels in the Ichari Dam are given in Table-1. Table 1: Details of Lower Reservoir(Ichari Dam) Operation Assuming Inflow Discharge to Upper Reservoir a) Reservoir at Full Capacity Storage Capacity of Ichari Dam at 644.75m Volume required for 8-hour generation(peaking hours) at 12 cumec Total volume including 10% volume of water as evaporation, and other losses Dead Storage of Ichari Reservoir(Elevation 640.00m) Live storage of Ichari Reservoir % volume of water used for generation Lowering in lower reservoir level (in 8 hours) Lowering in lower reservoir level per hour 522 12.0 cumec 5.59 Mm3 345600 m3 0.3802 Mm3 1.460 4.130 9.20 0.36 0.05 Mm3 Mm3 % m m International Conference on Hydropower for Sustainable Development Feb 05-07, 2015, Dehradun Since only small fraction of the total storage capacity of the Ichari Dam shall be used for generating hydropower, it has been assumed that almost for a year, the water shall be available for generating hydropower during peak hours. 3.2 Artificial Upper Reservoir It is proposed that an Artificial Upper Reservoir of size 200m x 200m x 15.5m shall be constructed at an altitude of about El.1200.00m, nearly 500.00m above the Ichari Dam. The artificial upper reservoir shall store about 380200 m3 of water for generating hydropower and shall be connected to the lower reservoir by 1.00km long 1.75m diameter penstocks to generate 50 MW of hydropower with gross head of 500m. It is assumed that total quantity of water for 8-hours (both peaking) will be pumped in single pumping to the upper reservoir, however, generation will be done twice. The location of the upper reservoir and water conveyance system for the proposed Additional Pumped Storage Scheme for Ichari Dam has been marked on the Satellite image obtained from Google Earth Software and the site photograph in Fig. 2 and the design details of the Upper Reservoir are given in Table-2. Artificial Upper Reservoir Power House Power House Google Image Site Location Fig. 2: Location of Additional Pumped Storage Project for Ichari Dam Table 2: Design of Upper Reservoir Total Volume of water required for 8-hour generation including 10% volume of water as evaporation, and other losses Diameter of Penstock (D) Minimum water cover over centre line of pipe = 1.5D Minimum clearance of pipe from reservoir bed Minimum drawdown height from reservoir bed = 2 + 1.75/2 +2.625 = 5.50 Assuming size of reservoir as 200m x 200m, area = Depth of water required Taking operation margin & free board, provide Overall Depth of Artificial Upper Reservoir Thus, Overall size of Artificial Upper Reservoir : 200m x 200m x 15.5m 523 0.3802 Mm3 1.75 m 2.625 m 2 m 5.50 m 40000 m2 9.50 m 15.50 m ICHPSD-2015 3.3 Head Available for Power Generation and Installed Capacity The gross head available for generating hydropower during peak hours shall be about 500m and 12.0 cumec discharge shall be used for generating the hydropower through 1.0km long 1.75m diametre penstock. The head losses in penstock shall be of the order of 6.40m, thus net head available for generating hydropower during peak hours shall be about 493.60m. Details of Power generation are given in Table-3. Table 3: Power Generation Gross Head Discharge Diametre of Conveyance pipe Velocity in conveyance pipe Head Loss in Pipe Length of pipe Friction Factor Head loss in pipe Taking 10% minor losses, total head loss Net Head for power generation Combined efficiency of turbine and generator Power Generation 500 12 1.75 4.99 m cumec M m/s 1000 m 0.008 5.79 m 6.40 m 493.60 m 0.90 say 52.30 MW 50.00 MW Based on the design discharge of 12.0 cumec, net head of 493.60 m and the combined efficiency of machines as 90% for Turbine and Generator, the power potential is worked out to be 50.0 MW. Machine availability has been assumed as 90%. Thus, two units of 25.00MW are proposed for installation to utilize full available potential. The energy generation during 8peak hours from 50.0 MW Plant will be 138.7 million units per year. 4.0 TECHNO-ECONOMIC AND FINANCIAL VIABILITY 4.1 Civil Works Proposed for Additional PSP For the proposed Additional Pumped Storage Project for Ichari Dam, the layout of scheme shall comprise of Construction of Artificial Upper Reservoir connected to the Ichari Dam by 1.00km long penstock with surface power house located near Ichari Dam with two reversible turbines of 25.00 MW each. Intake structures at Upper and lower reservoirs shall also have to be constructed. 524 International Conference on Hydropower for Sustainable Development Feb 05-07, 2015, Dehradun 4.1.1 Upper reservoir An artificial upper reservoir of size 200mx200mx15.5m shall be constructed at El. 1200.00m. The sides and bed of the upper reservoir has been proposed to be suitably lined to prevent seepage and leakage. An intake with vertical gate shall also be provided at the upper reservoir with trash rack to prevent any debris into the penstock. 4.1.2 Lower reservoir (Ichari Dam) An intake arrangement shall have to be constructed at the Ichari Dam so that sufficient suction head is available during pumping. 4.1.3 Penstock 1.0km long Steel pipes shall be provided to connect the upper reservoir and lower reservoir to generate hydropower and pumping operations. The economical diametre of the Steel Penstock was worked out to be 1.75m. The thickness of the pipe for different heads have been presented in Table 4. Table 4: Thickness of Penstock Pipes for Different Heads Section 0 to 250m 250 to 500m 500 to 750m 750 to 1000m 4.1.4 Thickness Required, mm 23.6 17.7 11.8 5.9 Actual Thickness, mm 25.0 20.0 16.0 8.0 Power house & other E & M works A surface power house and other E&M works as per the requirement and specifications of reversible turbines shall be constructed to generate 50.0 MW hydropower. 4.2 Cost Estimate The cost of various items have been taken on the basis of prevailing rates for similar items and our experience. The details are as follows: 525 ICHPSD-2015 Table 5: Tentative Cost of Project S. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Item Quantity Unit Rate Upper Reservoir Excavation Water Proofing Treatment Intake Pipe - supplying, fabrication and laying etc. complete Power House including all electrical installations @Rs 1.5 crore/MW Costs of Project roads including construction of breast wall, retaining wall where ever necessary Other Items including Cost of Project buildings, Land, Survey, Instrumentation, Contingency etc. 620000 m3 790.00 M.T. 400 L.S. 12500 0 50.00 MW 150 7500.00 5 Km 100 500.00 L.S. 1458.70 Total 13226.20 Crore Rs. 133.0 Say 4.3 Amount, lac Rs. 2480.00 300.00 987.50 Generation Cost The levellised tariff for the 35 year period for 50.0MW Project will be about Rs. 4.70 per unit. The details of financial viability are given in Table 6. Table 6: Financial Viability Rate of interest on loan Cost of Project without IDC Cost of Project with IDC Electricity Generation from Project Loan Repayment Period Useful Life of the Project Rate of electricity for pumping Annual electricity required for pumping 5.0 12% 133.00 Crore 162.53 Crore 138.7 MUnits 15 Yr 35 Yr Rs. 2.5 per unit 177.5 MUnits CONCLUSION The future belongs to hydropower as it conserves our fossil fuel reserves, is in abundance, a self-renewing supply, is non-polluting and produces no waste streams. Pumped storage from hydropower is the environmentally most acceptable form of storing energy during base-load phases while making this energy available to the grid for peaking supply needs and system regulation. The whole country is suffering from shortages in peaking power. The conventional power plants or gas turbines when operated for low load factor are not economical from the view of investment and energy cost, though they can meet the demand for peaking power. 526 International Conference on Hydropower for Sustainable Development Feb 05-07, 2015, Dehradun The case presented here has highlighted the necessity of utilizing existing hydropower projects with an example of Ichari Dam in district Dehradun, State of Uttarakhand to generate hydropower during peak hours using pump storage plant. The scheme has been so designed that it does not affect the original purpose of the Ichari Dam for generating electricity and only 10 percent of the water storage shall be used for generating the hydropower during peak hours through Additional Pumped Storage Project. The following inferences can be drawn from the study: 1. 2. 3. The site at El. 1200m for Artificial Upper Reservoir and Surface Power House has to be suitably investigated and selected for geological and geotechnical parameters. The proposed Additional Pumped Storage Project for Ichari Dam with an installed capacity of 50MW is recommended for detailed investigation and preparation of Detailed Project Report. The levellised tariff for the 35 year period for 50.0MW Project of about Rs. 4.70 per unit appears to be on higher side. But considering that energy becoming dearer day by day, the installation of 2 x 25.00 MW is worth for consideration, as during peak hours the per unit charges are very high. 6.0 REFERENCES 1. Chalisgaonkar R. and Mukesh Mohan(2010) Pre Feasibility Report-Additional Pumped Storage Scheme for Ichari Dam Project(2X25MW), Irrigation Department, Dehradun, January(Unpublished). 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